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Pizzalawyer ago

I am ready to make a donation ASAP but I don't know how, you would be surprised at the number of folks who are computer illiterate but nevertheless participate from a cell phone. I'm one of those and I would need very explicit instructions on how to make an anonymous donation. And don't use any computer jargon, I don't understand half the terminology you guys use. I'm heading towards my 7th decade and there are other grandparents and retirees on pizzagate.voat who are dedicated, I know because I have communicated with some. And they would be happy to donate I'm sure. There was a demographic survey re Pizzagaters not too long ago that revealed a $70,000 average annual household income as I recall. Please make it easy for us to donate and you'll be surprised at the results, I promise!

LostandFound ago

On a mobile simply go to front or all then click the three lines to open the side menu. Once you have that open scroll down to the very bottom its a big red donation button hopefully you will see it :)