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234234242 ago

why the fuck would I add funds just to get brigades after me.

you have failed voat.

just open to advertising. you will not get one dime from me.

PuttItOut ago

I should deed Voat over to you. How does $1 sound? Good luck with Sane, FakeSane et al.

234234242 ago

I should deed Voat over to you. How does $1 sound? Good luck with Sane, FakeSane et al.


9138956? ago


The fact that this is your attitude towards the platform you've spent so much time criticizing is very, very telling.

234234242 ago

retards who cant understand sarcasm is a cancer onto voat.

im the iron fist


Jimbonez_Jonez ago

You pretty much spit in his face and then when people say 'what the fuck' you claim it was just a joke. But we all saw it wasn't a joke. IF that really was a joke from the get-go, you need to learn better jokes. Because you fucking stink at them.

234234242 ago

You pretty much spit in his face and then when people say 'what the fuck' you claim it was just a joke. But we all saw it wasn't a joke. IF that really was a joke from the get-go, you need to learn better jokes. Because you fucking stink at them.

no, you are trying to demonize me. im simply speak the truth. You see im alpha. you are retarded. im the iron fist. simply follow this link if you'd like converse further.https://

im sure voat has well over 20k dollars by now

Jimbonez_Jonez ago

Demons are cool. I wouldn't demonize you because that would make you cool in my mind. I'm just calling you out for shit, non-jokes. I don't know who you are and I definitely don't have any opinion on you other than I believe you talk a much bigger game on your keyboard than you ever would with your mouth. I know for a fact I'm taller than you so you now know that I'm actually the alpha. It works like that.

I'm also not clicking your malware infested link. I'm right here. And I hope Voat has over 40K by now. I love this place and get along with most people of the people on here. It's all of you paranoid fuckers that ruin this place with your bizarre sides/factions/I-don't-know-what-to-call-them-they're-fucking-ridiuclous-and-cringy.

234234242 ago

fake news


im the iron fist

Jimbonez_Jonez ago

I think you mean you take the iron fist you fag.