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middle_path ago

Could you reach out to very free speech celebrities? Joe Rogan, hell.... Donald Trump? Surely some celebrity or millionaire would love to invest in a free speech platform.

Stavon ago

Being financially dependent on a celebrity is the opposite of free speech.

middle_path ago

Well, no it's not if they support free speech. And if we don't get money, we perish and there is no platform.

Stavon ago

They why do you mention a politician in power. One who said he wanted to limit freedom of press.

A platform dependent on a government is a propaganda outlet not a free speech platform.

middle_path ago

The donation could come from Trump's businesses and not the government.

I'm just brainstorming, all you're doing is bitching. What's your solution?

Stavon ago

The donation could come from Trump's businesses and not the government.

The effect would be the same.

What's your solution?

I admit I haven't come up with a good one yet. Shill accounts which can vote without CCP? It seems Voat has reach the hard point where it's go or fall; most fall, some quicker, some try to fight it, but there needs to be cash and integrity through some way. And with the current content of Voat, I don't think many VCs are interested.