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LostandFound ago

I suggest an immediate shutdown of all cpu and bandwith intensive activities. Pic/vid widgets scale back custom css, kill even thumbnails.

Are you using a safe CDN to assist with the heavy lifting?

Temporarily suspend stale subs

TELL us whats eating bandwith and cpu so we can modify our behaviour.

Please put a widget on all pages showing expected cost this month and donations this month. We will ensure this stays live.

Your number 1 goal needs to move from azure I have seen it sink businesses. We will accept closing voat for periods to save for dev time if it takes it.

Finally please think of an exit strategy dont just let this go bang, others can carry the torch if it comes to it. Thank you we will help you.

pangaea ago

I think it's a great idea to kill off inactive subs to save resources. If there hasn't been one submission or comment in the last 6 months, just delete the whole sub. If the admin wishes to keep their sub, they just have to make a submission before this happens.

I don't think custom CSS is a huge deal because the heavy lifting is done client side, making it no more intensive than hosting a long text post. For thumbnails it might also be possible to do them with client side code e.g. javascript to avoid putting load on the server.

lbruiser ago

Temporarily suspend stale subs

Any sub that hasn't has a post in 6 months should get this treatment. Hell a delete. That way when someone sees a sub doesn't "exist" they maybe able to revive it. I'd go as far as say user account that haven't been logged into over a year should also get deleted. That should at-least reduce database size.

LostandFound ago

I would love to know how much is cpu spend and how much is bandwith. Id say a site like this is pretty cpu intensive without massivly optimised DB structures.