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9138763? ago

Ok people hold on I get this, operation outjewjews hope

You make a shit video, like fucking shit no time spent for a start (you can do quality eventually but then it's longer and chances are it will be shit nobody gives a fuck about anyway), as in, idk, a freaking chiptune with a crappy gif for 10 mins, and you upload it on youtube, and you run a fucking ad revenue program shit like pewdiepiped does

And you put that gaddamn shit vid on the front page so we can't forget to watch that stupid shit at least once in a day per user


We don't hand you money, we hand you views for your shit youtube channel so youtube hands you money in return through the ads revenue program


9138835? ago

YouTube has seen an AdPocalypse. Trying to go through YouTube to get funding, especially where Voat has the views on freedom and having your say that it does, is just foolish at this point, unfortunately.

9138929? ago

What about asking pewdiepew for sponsorhsip ?

He's a millionaire for fuck sakes, 6000 bucks is a fart in the wind for him

Operation nazi shield

He gets featured on voat's front page

9139052? ago

What about asking pewdiepew for sponsorship ?

1) I doubt he'd care to support us, 2) he spends all his time nowadays complaining about how his videos were demonetizied and he isn't making any money. He may have millions but he wants more, for himself not obscure websites.