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GuyRomaine ago

Voat needs a manager. You're doing a top notch job, but If even you have admitted that you lack the business experience to be able to develop a sustainability strategy for core operations the wisest thing you could do is find someone(s) to augment your weaknesses. I wouldn't be trading partnership in your investment quite yet though, so maybe be looking at a sales staff on commission. As far as adds go you need to be pumping that hard. You have a readership that easily outnumbers any of your local print media and they sell adds no problem. Adds are also a two way street. You sell adds, but the people who buy the adds are back home selling you to their customers. Just my ten cents, and since my two cents is free I'm going to need about eight cents. Not right now, but you know, after you get this all sorted out. ;)

Thanks for your hard work man, sincerely.

PuttItOut ago

There is no doubt that I fall short on many things a business like Voat needs to make it, no question about it.

If Voat gets funded, my weaknesses will be filled immediately.

Michael_Obama ago

begging for donations. Nice bullshit story

0011011000111001 ago

Fuck off.

If this was any other community you'd be banned in a heartbeat.

Michael_Obama ago

i;ve been banned for countering SBBH brigades. The admins pick sides and despite what it looks like, it ain't the genuine users side. This site is basically an experiment.

But i like that you immediately think of censorship. Fitting with how voat is nowadays.