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neogag ago

  • What kind of product licensing? Please tell me you aren't paying for Microsoft SQL Server. Replace all those licensed products with open source equivalents.

  • Maybe silly suggestion, as I haven't seen your codebase: benchmark and optimize so you can use cheaper hardware to host this thing.

PuttItOut ago

The code has just recently gotten to a place where we can optimize it. It is on our list but we need staff, it's simply too much for me to continue doing alone. So, if funding does happen, this will be one of the first things done.

We have been working our data access code to be able to port to pg, but to answer your question, sql is not a significant cost for us right now. This will not always be the case.

0011011000111001 ago

There are a lot of really smart people on Voat. Would you be willing to allow help the community? Make a post asking for coders/developers to optimize the code?

SeptemberVirgin ago

There are a lot of really smart people on Voat.

I've yet to find them.

RiverWind ago

This is a great suggestion.

Enough people have seen Voat in action now for users to have great ideas for Voat 2.0. Also, there are likely to be sufficiently technical people here to know how best to implement such suggestions.

I think the thing to do would be to recruit brains from the right places. Define the skeleton around which discussion could take place. Characterise the types of topics that need attention and set some goals accordingly.