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Grifter42 ago

Hey, Putt, why didn't you respond to my PM? I sent you a PM about how Beatle was conspiring to get Hecho to flood my inbox with CP.

You did nothing.

Is it because you're part of SBBH yourself? You sure tend to ignore what they do. They're basically the exact same as SRS, and Spez was in on that. I wonder if there is a similar situation going on here.

Judging by the posts that have been brigaded to the bottom of this thread, I'm inclined to think you are.

In B4 being accused of being Sane by you.

PuttItOut ago

I'm not in on any collusion, and deep down inside you know it.

I talk to only a few people on Voat regularly and all my conversations are centered around Voat technically or these peoples' personal lives because they have become my friends.

When you say SBBH I think of @Mick, whom was with me from the beginning, and then I think of @Mick being SRS and I cry from laughing so hard.

Grifter42 ago

Why didn't you answer the question?

What Beatle is suggesting is conspiracy to distribute child pornography, and he implies that he and Hecho have done it before.

Beatle is also Fake Sane, and you refuse to cut the head off the body in that regards. You know it's ban evasion, and you do jack shit.

Mick is your friend, then you're compromised. That really explains a lot about the whole situation.

And it explains why you have left the brigade squads to their devices.