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pangaea ago

Would switching to open source software be a possibility to cut costs?

lbruiser ago

It's not the license, it's the host. No matter where they go they will still need some powerful servers to host this site. At most it would reduce the cost some, but not enough.

pangaea ago

The hosting alone costs nowhere near $6500/month I'm sure.

0011011000111001 ago

It is most likely software licenses kicking in.

lbruiser ago

I can only go off of what PuttItOut says. However we do have a ton of traffic so I could see it. However my information comes from AWS and not Azure.

pangaea ago

My personal server costs ~$12/month for hosting + ~$12/year for domain renewal and no other expenses since I use only open source software but that is for a small personal server that is used to share images on Voat (specs: dual core CPU, 2 GB RAM, 500 GB storage, unmetered bandwidth). I've seen some good size websites run on ~$100/month servers though, using all open source software. This gets you terabytes of storage and like 32GB of RAM. This might be able to run Voat but I don't know the exact requirements.

WhiteRonin ago

Bandwidth? I wonder how much data this site pushes out each month.

pangaea ago

My server is unmetered and I'm sure you could get bigger unmetered servers too

WhiteRonin ago

This is a good to hear.

thrus ago

That requires re writing things and takes development resources, long term it may save money but upfront it is a cost sink for staff time and something that putt may not have working alone. It is good to think reducing long term but with something like this I get the impression short term is going to have to happen first like the server reduction putt mentioned.