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NeedleStack ago

(Sets) will allow Voat to introduce unique concepts in the near future

I have no idea what this means. Would someone please explain?

Will the "more dynamic and flexible infrastructure" allow for us to be able to see posts that go back past 19 pages any time soon? All/New still only goes back to page 19

Edit: I think the last time this was addressed it had to do with a server bandwidth issue. If I'm wrong, someone please correct me. If things have been thus enhanced, surely now there is increased bandwidth?


CrudOMatic ago

You could do a DDoS on the database server by having multiple people set the page number to a ridiculously high number and then keep refreshing. That would make the DB dish out all records for what you were requesting, no matter how many. Again, and again, and again... and I'm imagining that these requested records are kept on the webserver in memory as a view as well? So then that would chew up server memory as well.

I don't understand why, instead of capping it, you do a rough count, and if the number*20 is too big, then go with the count instead? You could even cache the count so it doesn't have to be done every single time.

thrus ago

I am assuming and I copied this from another spot here that I posted it:

It paves the way for you to have groups of subs that you set up, so you could have a work set that is all safe for viewing at work and a NSFW set for when you get home, one of politics so you can get that fix when you want it without other things in it, and jokes for jokes and dinofacts and funny. Basically the end result allows for far more breakdown for you then just subscribed, other, and blocked.

Ina_Pickle ago

It means your account just got gang raped.

smokratez ago

I recently found out you can't see deleted comments older than a month back either. Do those take up that much server space, that they have to be deleted?

NeedleStack ago

I'm not sure what you mean. Comments that users had deleted of theirs a while ago? We wouldn't be able to see them anyway, no?

smokratez ago

As a mod, when you delete users comments. You can't see them after a while.

NeedleStack ago

I see! Yeah that is weird.

Owlchemy ago

Agree. I'm not grasping this 'sets' thing, either. Not sure what I'm supposed to be looking at, or how this helps me. Maybe it's because I'm subscribed to so many subs.

CrudOMatic ago

You remember multi-reddits from reddit? That's what sets are.

Owlchemy ago

No, was never a Redditor, except for like a two week drive-by. I'm just not seeing how this works ... when I pull up sets in my profile, all I get is a Front list of all my subs ... which does me nothing. And I've seen no way to subscribe to anything different.

HACKhalo2 ago

Because User defined sets are disabled until the code works as expected. So right now, all you have is the Front List (which is your front page) and your Blocked List (which is your blocked subverses). In the future, when the set code is unlocked for User defined Lists, you'll be able to group subverses into personal Lists (like a Weed List for v/trees and v/stoners) and will be able to see different frontpages based on your currently active List

Owlchemy ago

Fantastic, now it makes perfect sense. I guess my practically non-existent experience with Reddit was my problem here - LOL. Seriously appreciate the info. Thanks!

SaneGoatiSwear2 ago

silly ex-batgirlgoat.

you aren't allowed to know if you're not in the secret sjw/srs cabal.

they are now doing stuff to voat.

you don't get to know.

you don't get your say.

at all.

we're lucky if they tell us in advance at all.


conde nast.

i swear.

yes, the issue you bring up is an important one.

the very nature of how users could interact with the content we create was altered.

and we didn't get a say.

it just happened.

now posts are IP logged, afaik, not just votes.

no one got a say.

the list goes on

and does @adolf_puttler respond? of course not.

Adolf_Puttler ago

Hmm? Oh yes, hi, well, no, we dictators dont tell our pleebs anything. This is all smoke and mirrors to cover up major changes the new owners have planned to incorporate for a long time.....

freddymercury ago

Wait, did Condé Nast buy voat , because eve since the whole GNAA extravaganza on slashdot I have not been in their good graces

NeedleStack ago

I'm holding out faith that my question will be answered. The faith being based on that I know people are busy attending to other aspects of the site however this question has been asked by other people a few times before. I am unashamedly being a nudge regarding this.

I think the last time this was addressed it had to do with a server bandwidth issue. If I'm wrong, someone please correct me. If things have been so enhanced as Putt said, surely now there is increased bandwidth?

NeedleStack ago


Would you please update us on the status of seeing posts past page 19? Like I wrote in this earlier comment, we were told that the issue had to do with server bandwidth. Do you have a timeline you could share as to when it's resolved? Thank you.

SaneGoatiSwear2 ago

those questions answered, yet, fucker?

NeedleStack ago

Oh shit, I forgot. Will remind. Fucker.

SaneGoatiSwear2 ago

they haven't been answered. because they won't be.

magic bans.

i fuckign told you, and you pussied out for dogs.

you're part of why these fuckers get away with reking site after site.