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6933373? ago

I wish I was in a position to help. Unfortunately, I'm not. I had thought of opening a couple of the subs I look after to sidebar ads some months ago (see: sidebar of /v/asdf for examples for image ads and sponsored links). The idea was the pitch to private comic book and cosplay-related interests.

I went so far as to retain some help from a friend, go through a couple of mock-ups. I even opened the idea up to initial comment on one of my subs, but only one person took time to give any feedback (though it was still much appreciated feedback).

The money would go through my friend who would be putting his RL info on the line because I'm an anonymous coward. He would take a cut, and then I would take a cut (along with any future moderators). I wanted a portion to go to Voat, no matter what. The only thing I hadn't settled on was whether he would send along Voat's portion on my behalf, or if I would do it myself. Either way, I was leaning toward using my portion of the money to buy proper Voat ads to advertise my subs.

I never moved forward with the idea because I was worried about how it would be perceived.