hotelbrowanda ago

yeah, i have no idea what additional steps could be taken either. you've been fine so far and voat is still fairly small so I don't think there is currently any risk. down the line if things blow up and change? sure, always a risk.

at the end of the day, i don't know how i really feel about anyone getting paid for using voat. obviously each individual experience is going to differ so i think it is hard to make a blanket statement about it, especially when we are still talking in hypotheticals. feel like i am not helping much to say "i'm fine with it until i am not" but i think that's pretty much my stance. i have no problem with it unless it becomes a problem.

hotelbrowanda ago

are individual subverses even allowed to advertise separately from voat's advertisements? i know ads can be purchased and displayed for specific subverses only, i don't know about subs doing their own thing entirely. actually read through the discussions on the links you posted and am realizing the first part of my comment was out dated.

I don't really mind the ads if the are unobtrusive, but that still seems like a potential for a slippery slope into shill country... not saying you would use it for evil, just saying that the potential is there. Dunno how, but I guess if there was some way there could be some accountability checks in place in the event shit goes off the rails and you get too money grubbing, that would put me more at ease.