SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever submission by @HeyG3orge.

Posted automatically (#114007) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@PuttItOut: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @HeyG3orge)

TurboSympatique ago

You are doing God work.


antiracistMetal ago

Reply to my cock steroids post you goddamn cunt.

UpTrendDownSwirl ago

Fuck off

thebearfromstartrack ago

What are the cheat codes? God mode? I just want to be able to carry infinite weight and have a lot of gold to start with (just in case). Sometimes I like to use "invisible to AI", but that's after I've already played on normal and want to skip the annoying combat stuff.

sore_ass_losers ago

Will there be a page 20?

cristalynvillian ago

Ok, can return my shirt

registeretakes10s ago

hello hot stuff

WisDumb ago

Thank You for all you do. Can't say enough good things about your efforts.

yurisrevenge ago

Chinese Food Destroyed The Health Of Our Community Before COVID-19

Eleutheria ago

Hey Putt, along with the twitter handle, any chance you'll be updating the Voat Gab Account? I also still have PuttItOut reserved on Gab, though I think I sent you the password reset instructions. Not as dire now that the site isn't offline for months at a time, but would be good to have periodic status updates through there as a backup.

If not there, where else can we use as a fallback point for this site? Do you post anywhere else for Voat?

Anon1751 ago

Thank you all for working so hard to make things run smoother.

Lurker17 ago


I am able to access QRV TOP and HOT pages, but end up at if I try to go to the New page.

It has a violet band across the top that says "VOAT is in 'Read Only' mode" and displays this odd

subscriptions list - Front all default random Announcements GoatMountain whatever

I enter my valid username & password and am returned to with "Invalid login attempt".

So something is different on the QRV/New page that prevents me from getting there, yet I have no problem with the Hot and Top pages, nor anywhere else on VOAT.

PuttItOut ago

I jacked up the forwards, your computer is likely caching that and causing you problems.

Lurker17 ago

Cleared cache and all is well. Thanks!

Truther65 ago

I can now only see "NEW" posts. I cannot open "HOT" posts or "DISCUSS". It asks me for a sign in but won't accept my login info.

EpiPendemic ago


Synxsynxsynx ago


I don't normally reply to your stickies or really attempt to get your attention for things. You gave me back my donor from the orphaned account, and the work you and the dev team have clearly been doing compels me.

Thank you, honestly and truly from the bottom of my heart.

grandmacaesar ago

@Puttitout, was it the voat t-shirt I was promised two years ago?

argosciv ago

Congrats on what seems like a successful update.

Stubbabubba ago

So Putt shows up randomly now to let us know of his "updates"? I am sure that's where he has been, working on code.....

ilikeskittles ago

I slept with your GF last night, just saying.

MarkTheNerd ago

was it good for you?

Marr ago

Thanks for all your hard work. Can you please get rid of the black background or make it an option. It gives me a headache. Thanks

Reverse-Flash ago

Make sure to wash my t-shirt before you give it back. Thanks in advance.

numina18 ago

Do we have to have the black background?? It's much more tiring on the eyes. Bad. Hope you go back

Patriot_boots ago

Hopefully, it'll be optional. My eyes are very sensitive to white screen backgrounds. I prefer the black because it's easier for me to read and doesn't hurt my eyes as much.

numina18 ago

Actually, I want to apologize, because the new features of the colors is very helpful in zooming past what I have read and commented on. So, it's OK! (But I like white, too.)

wuzizname ago

How's your handicap? You somewhere where they're sane enough to let you out on the links? Do jews do 911?

Bee4Q ago

Thanks for all you do ❤

rapedbyanape ago

One day will voat have vid games like google and chrome?

WillGreeley ago

'Vote'?? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm

jewsbadnews ago

Hey @PuttItOut. We know thats not the real Putt. This site is a honeypot, fuck you all.

LiamOdinThomas ago

Title sucked and Im tired of seeing it gtfo!

TarmacMeeting ago

The Truth is simple and easy for all to Find. We can Answer all of them. Why can’t you? Which one do you need help answering?

Here are a few more for you -

Why do you have 333 in your name, and why is Racine at Exit 333 on one of the main routes of human trafficking?

Why did so many celebrities back out of the I-94 Project and Fight to End Exploitation when it was exposed?

Why did Srayzie blackmail and betray members on the Pizzagate subverse before starting the GreatAwakening subverse?

Why did Crensch, Srayzie and other moderators make death threats against users who dug into Racine?

Why did Crensch and MolochHunter lie to everyone and say they were not censoring or deleting comments after their ‘sticky’ posts backfired and revealed they were censoring and deleting comments, and targeting anyone who dug into Racine?

Why did these same moderators partner with Argosciv who openly admitted to Satan worship and blood drinking?

Who is the most censored and banned on Pizzagate, and why do they lie and claim The Truth is a bot?

Why is Racine the real “Root” and model for Pizzagate, NXIVM, Global Criminal Corruption, Sustainability, Agenda 21 / 2030, the virus outbreak, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities, Community Policing, Art in Embassies and the Mark of the Beast?

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV submission.

Posted automatically (#109110) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@PuttItOut: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

CommiePatrol ago

MUAH thanks Putt

SuiteMadameBlue1976 ago

I to am looking forward to uninterrupted nigger hating.

MinorLeakage ago

Hey according that comment chain, I'm Voat's official "Pitchfork Supply Chain Director". I totally forgot about that. I should put it in my bio obviously...

LightestHour ago

oh shidd :DDD

BrownRecluse ago

Thank you, upgrade away! Would still love a tee shirt though!

Handroid7 ago


Goatmin's back!

Monkstar1 ago

Dang, I was hoping for a Voat t shirt.

thirdsargon ago

@puttitout - unblock!

Mustard_Monkey ago

If the SPLC lists them as "White Nationalists" then they are alright.

thirdsargon ago

It's perfectly mainstream. They have professional fact checkers. They're stories are perfect for redpilling normies.

Thisisallstupid ago

This sounds eerily familiar to the “bug” that google and Facebook are going to implement to counter what they deem to be inappropriate content...

Mustard_Monkey ago

I slept with your sweater all winter too @PuttItOut and if you have not been asked yet. Maroonsaint wants your dick pic too. He misses you.

CheeBooga ago

Howdy. Can you please get down and boogie?

heretolearn ago

thanks for the hard work

quick question, is there an updated canary letter?

boekanier ago

Allelujah, putt has risen from the dead!

IForgotpassword ago

Call me an old timer; I like my sites(voat,chans...irc) like my women, functioning enough to be called and provide my dick with pleasure!.

NiggadermCQ ago

Where's my stimulus upgoats? I heard we were getting atleast 1200, maybe even 1488.

CaucasianWhiteBoy ago

So you're using a code base that you didn't write? That's not sketch or anything.

argosciv ago

So you're using a code base that you didn't write? That's not sketch or anything.

Well shit, I guess any website utilizing html, not written by the developers of html, is "sketch" too...

What a stupid comment yours is.

He's talking about .net components and an issue on that end, if I'm not mistaken (and I'm pretty sure I'm not).

CaucasianWhiteBoy ago

HTML is a markup language and .NET is a framework. Neither are a codebase. Voat may utilize .NET to build out its codebase but they are not the same thing.

argosciv ago

The Voat code base has been affected by a low level bug in the data access components that the platform was built on.

Most likely referring to .net data access components.

Sure, he didn't use the word "framework", but he really didn't have to.

CaucasianWhiteBoy ago


JustGuessing ago

The shirt probably looks better on you anyways, just try to remember wash inside out with similar colors.

generate ago

So still no public access to voat. Fuck you and your chat

argosciv ago


generate ago

don't trust faggot /u/puttitout. There is no public access, jews won't allow it

Diper ago

Thanks Putt

I am impressed you managed to take my t-shirt, sleep with it, AND return it before I woke up

ALIENS2222 ago

Sooooo you are telling me that the feds got ya. When can we buy cool voat sweaters again? Mine is looking a bit ragged!

DemonNancy ago

God Bless your work! Thank you for providing a non-censured space. (except the bots...:) for us to discover truths.

Vindicator ago

Glad to hear you're puttering about :-)

asdf23 ago

I suggest we rewrite and exclude puttitout. The code base is a cluster fuck btw

offender ago

Can you add popup ads, sidebar ads and featured posts?

KosherHiveKicker ago

I've located the issue @Puttitout.

You simply need to delete /run directoralsuction.exe

Xmarduk ago

Chat? Like a pop-out window for any particular subverse where everyone just talks in real time aside from the posts and threads?

argosciv ago

Not a pop-out window, but in effect, yes, chatrooms for a given subverse and even user-created chat rooms which allow instant messaging under a given topic (subverse/room defined) or casually. Even private chats between one or a few users (an alternative to personal messages).

The chat feature is active on the preview site if you want to check it out ahead of time.

Xmarduk ago

Too cool—thanks for the explain!!!

11hrr ago

Is this really you Putt? you say "we've been patiently waiting on people far smarter than ourselves to isolate and fix it." almost sounds sketchy to me... What's up with PrivateInternetAccess being owned by jews now? Are they the ones that figured out that code for you?

TemetNosce ago

Ok, I'll bite. How/why did you look up a comment from 9 months ago from Put? All I asked was "How many nukes does Israel have?" Supposedly you and/or your account has been here 1 month. Why did you find an 9 month old comment? "Search" here doesn't work. Honest/serious question, why are you here?

HiJoker ago

3/10 dodge of the subject of the canary.

-2/10 'I'm not a glow nigger'.

You're boring.

flyingcuttlefish ago

I hope we can get the option to bar trolls using anon posting feature. Some subverses don't want to be free-for-alls for spam and troll posts.

RigforRed ago

The last link I shared before being suspended on Twitter was from here... And the tittle said"WHAT THE FUCK DID I SAY"

I'VE been in this since November 2017... WTF

TreborPJ ago

Where can I buy a shirt?!

TheBookWasBetter ago

Seriously though, I would appreciate my shirt back.

HiJoker ago

Yeah, I don't give a fuck. I'm amused how you outed this account as a full blown nutsucking jew glow nigger.

Christ no wonder we got china fucked with you retards at the helm. I see gallows in all of your futures.

HiJoker ago

No, you just like stirring the muck with your little bubbies. It's all about farming up shit on people to use against them in court later. You just stir and it all bubbles. Little bubbles of leverage.

It's embarrassing, a galactic irony of epic proportions; you being called 'intelligence' agencies. It should have been 'Tyrannical Lap Dogs'.

friendshipistragic ago

Everyone wave to Ben Shapiro.

dassaer ago

And say "muh sisters tiddies" ...

BraunF14 ago


Hey, Mr. putt. We were just talking about you. There's been much conversation about you in you know who's sub. I've had a few questions and concerns. Mind reaching out some time to address things? I won't ask anything personal as we know the nature of our work, but some things should be cleared up for us y'know?

HiJoker ago

Oh my gawd, a knuckle dragging nut hugging faglet jew retard is mocking me. OH FUK wut will I doooo?

Quantumdog ago


[D] coord & dev of [AI] tool in attempt to counter (your) reach [now public - see prev drop] demonstrates (your) collective influence.

Think MSM daily attacks [losing ground].

You are winning the information warfare campaign.

Support will always be provided [undisclosed methods].


HateCumbuckets ago

Finally go time!!!

VandalayIndustries ago

Love ya man!!

FatherDadDude1 ago

So, does this mean we see the Voat Goat telling us something went wrong a lot less?

1bonnie ago

Thank you 😊

xenoPsychologist ago

good to see you havent been jfk'd.

Battlefat ago

Putt is Q


King_Leopold_II ago

Jakes on you, my shirt has aids.

23714754? ago

I found out a while ago your username is Putt It Out, but I always (and still do) read it as Put Tit Out.

cantaloupe6 ago


NewsGuy2020 ago

This place desperately needs a search function.

Attac ago

Thanks for your work faggot

CaptnObvius ago

Did you say chat? Sounds like a honeypot shit show fer sure. I'll be all up in that shit!. lol

Nigger_Loving_Jew ago

What happened to the option to open links in a new tab? I had it set up on my old account before I deleted it and now I can't find the option

Cincosiber ago

Love you @putitout !

Deshy ago

I played your song over over and over until I passed out!

catchy huh, did you look? :p

Thanks for the update!

If we don’t have any problems...

You are soooo funny, nice to see you, to see you nice! :)

binrobinro ago

And 'Search'?

SaneHPOPiSwear ago

Taking the cash option huh? I'm saving up for the attack helicopter.

watch_listed ago

Any possibilities of getting site-wide mods to clean up spam?

TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

Wait untill we implement patch to follow all non tranny person.

Shutup goyim. You WILL be transified.

Nfn8wzdm ago

Wow. There goes our theory that VOAT was on a secret government server and could never be taken down.


garthbartham ago

No. It did it's job catching and tracking you. Thanks for playing.

jpcayer ago

do you have a search feature?

ThenThatMouth ago

Oh boy, goat chat. Might just lurk fur de lulz.

Maker_Wolf ago

Thanks for keeping Voat running. You're the man Putt.

glassuser ago


thebearfromstartrack ago

Votes? YOu mean like poles? Cool. Could we EVER do that before?

Derpfroot ago

I just want to post here so everyone says, "oh, boy! that derpfroot sure is a swell guy."...and that I like stability updates.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

You're a guy? I thought you were a woman since you know how to bake banana bread.....

Hand_of_Node ago

We secretly know all kinds of things.

TemetNosce ago

hey g3 orge 1 month old account, referencing a 9 month old comment.


Learn how to spot 'em.

Speakfree ago

Not vice but I understand your sentiment.

Just looking for good conversation and learnings on voat. Faggot.

HbMcNutt ago


Reverse-Flash ago

I won't believe it until the indictment comes down and the canary is in jail.

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

Hey mister overlord. Please let me create my own sub.

ugnn303 ago

Stoke up the ovens, don't light the flame

Gorillion ago

JFC, check this nigger's CCP farming operation. All in 1 month.

ForgottenMemes ago

I'd like to request a feature. The ability to auto-hide all posts that you've voted on like reddit. It's really the only thing I miss about that shithole.

BigTrucker ago

You the manager of this place?

IsaacJan ago

No he’s the middleman for whichever Zog agency monitors this place.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Feel free to respond or not. But I just hope voting on subverse transfers does not allow the mob to vote out an active subverse owner. The mob needs less power through abolition of downvoting, not more power by being able to overthrow sub owners.

I would be very vulnerable to a neo-Nazi coup in my main sub if they could vote me out. Not something I'm too keen on you understand.

argosciv ago

I'd like to upvote your comment...

While I agree with your concerns about illegitimate overthrowing of subverses, I don't agree with the abolition of downvoting. Despite being regularly targeted with downvote brigading myself, it would be far worse to abolish it for all based on misuse by some. If downvoting were to be abolished, those who do misuse it (or who otherwise post garbage) would be able to more easily flood the site with garbage content (especially via alts).

Those same people are, by no coincidence, the very people most likely to abuse the Voat Votes to maliciously attack subverses using alts they've spent the last several months legitimizing in subverses they intend to target. They've had a long time to prepare for this rollout of Voat Votes due to being aware of the feature in advance via the preview site, meaning several subverses are going to be vulnerable the moment Voat Votes go live.


Joe_McCarthy ago

Downvoting has allowed neo-Nazis to turn this essentially into a neo-Nazi site. They effectively brigade anyone that disagrees with them. This can drive people into negative CCP very easily - thus turning this place into a circle jerk. You'll never see a diversity of views here as long as it exists. That's just the plain truth.

If people want to flood the place with alts downvoting is not going to stop them. Just keep creating more alts. Those alts just won't get upvotes. And will thus be less visible than legitimate content.

Allowing the mob to overthrow active sub owners though would be a simply crazy idea. If indeed that is the idea. I'd like it to deliberate sabotage of the site or the product of someone with a grudge.

argosciv ago

Allowing the mob to overthrow active sub owners though would be a simply crazy idea. If indeed that is the idea.

I don't believe that's the idea behind Voat Votes. It's just a potential issue which could arise from the implementation.

If people want to flood the place with alts downvoting is not going to stop them. Just keep creating more alts. Those alts just won't get upvotes. And will thus be less visible than legitimate content.

That's my point though; having the ability to downvote astroturfed garbage is something which should not be removed on account of what the astroturfers/brigaders engage in. That would be a win in their column. Having no upvotes is vastly different to having downvotes. Sure it will reduce visibility in the "hot" and "top" lists, but won't have any effect on the "new" lists – by that same measure, removing downvotes would make it easier for (in your example) "neo-Nazis" to diminish the "diversity of views", because the only votes would be upvotes which they already get plenty of anyway (don't construe what I'm saying as taking either side in your example, I'm just talking mechanics/metrics here).

All in all, the abolition of downvoting would not actually increase the visibility of diverse views by very much, it would simply make it easier to astroturf or censor/suppress in the long run. It's an extreme measure in the name of addressing brigading which would otherwise take away abilities of people who don't abuse voting – tantamount to using a manufatured terrorist attack/false flag as an excuse to strip away rights of the people.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I don't understand your example of neo-Nazis and upvoting-downvoting at all. With downvotes they can limit ability to post to one a day through driving people into negative CCP. Upvotes has no such power to censor. It just makes stuff more visible.

And if people really want to astroturf they can do that now by overwhelming downvotes with alts.

argosciv ago

I don't understand your example of neo-Nazis and upvoting-downvoting at all.

To be clear here, it's your example as you brought up the "neo-Nazi" angle, I'm just using it for the sake of the discussion about the pitfalls of abolishing downvoting.

With downvotes they can limit ability to post to one a day through driving people into negative CCP.

Correct, but doing so maliciously in order to astroturf their stance or suppress dissent is an exploitation/misuse of the downvoting feature.

Upvotes has no such power to censor. It just makes stuff more visible.

Not so much correct. Upvote brigading is another part of astroturfing and/or the suppression of dissenting views and this issue would be compounded if downvoting were to be completely abolished.

And if people really want to astroturf they can do that now by overwhelming downvotes with alts.

Indeed they do that already, in conjunction with upvote brigading. It's a proven concept by at least a few practical studies, that certain views can be artificially 'pushed to the top' not just by downvoting dissent alone, but by simultaneously upvote brigading to push the desired view/agenda.

So really, to have any balanced effect, both upvoting and downvoting would need to be abolished at the same time. I for one don't support abolishing either, for the simple fact that the malicious actions of few should not result in removing features for all those who try to use them in non-malicious and non-exploitative ways – by that same measure, I'm also not necessarily advocating for Voat Votes to be abandoned, but it is worth pointing out that malicious parties are quite certainly intending to abuse that system the moment it goes live after they've had months to set up alts in positions for said exploitation.

Link in text above may be of interest: @PuttItOut @MadWorld @PeaceSeeker

Joe_McCarthy ago

Okay. Let's be perfectly clear here - since you're summoning the boss.

Downvoting allows people to drive people into negative CCP this limiting them to one post a day. Hence the nutzi circle jerk.

Upvoting allows those same people to make content they like more visible.

You don't need to abolish the voting system. You need to abolish downvoting.

argosciv ago

Okay. Let's be perfectly clear here - since you're summoning the boss.

Settle down, sunshine. Nobody is summoning anyone, as stated the pings are for people who may be interested in the study linked.

Downvoting allows people to drive people into negative CCP thus limiting them to one post a day. Hence the nutzi circle jerk. A retarded circle jerk I might add. Ain't much for quality control with these guys controlling the site.

Yes but it's also a way to quickly identify garbage content posted with intent to slide or mislead. Downvoting can be used appropriately or inappropriately, it should not be abolished for those who use it appropriately just because of those who use it inappropriately. That has been a very clear point I've reiterated a few times now, so please stop pretending that I have been unclear.

Upvoting allows those same people to make content they like more visible.

Again, like downvoting, it can be used appropriately or inappropriately.

You don't need to abolish the voting system. You need to abolish downvoting.

No we don't need to abolish the voting system, you're absolutely right there. But by aboloshing downvoting from the system, you would not be solving any issues whatsoever and in fact you would be compounding the issue of astroturfing by removing a mechanism of quickly identifying garbage content. The system isn't perfect by any means, but some of the onus is also on readers to look at a given submission/comment regardless of its score, to then decide for themselves if the score is warranted.

Sometimes heavy downvoting is indicative of suppressing good content, sometimes it is indicative that the content is in fact garbage. The inverse applies for heavy upvoting; sometimes it indicates an artificially pushed agenda/view or garbage, other times it is indicative of genuinely good content. Aboloshing only half of the voting system would compound the malicious use of the other half – if abolition of either half is to be considered viable, it must include abolition of the opposite half, in my opinion; abolition of one half of, or the entirety of, the voting system is not something I support despite all of the inherent flaws which are exploited by malicious users.

Now, if we ultimately can't see eye to eye on that, that's fine (because diversity of views, right?), but stop pretending like I haven't been perfectly clear in my position.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Your position just doesn't make sense - if the point is to actually encourage a wide diversity of views on Voat. You're for the status quo.

argosciv ago

Your position just doesn't make sense

It actually does and there's plenty of evidence of it in action here on Voat and other platforms as discussed/exemplified in the linked study. You're either not fully thinking out the concept or you're being purposefully dense about it.

  • if the point is to actually encourage a wide diversity of views on Voat.

I'm advocating for both a wide diversity of views and leaving the voting system in tact because I don't believe in removing a feature from non-malicious users on account of the actions of malicious users. There is nothing nonsensical about that position, even if you happen to disagree with it.

You're for the status quo.

What's that meant to even mean in this context other than as a hand-waving dismissal due to your own inability (actual or pretend) to understand the wider implications of your proposal and methods of forum manipulation being discussed? That was a rhetorical question by the way, I don't really care what your response is considering your repetitious and seemingly disingenuous behavior thus far.

Joe_McCarthy ago

It means what it says. You want to maintain the current system that includes downvoting. I have clearly articulated how abolishing downvoting breaks the circle jerk. You absurdly claim it won't.

argosciv ago

It means what it says. You want to maintain the current system that includes downvoting.

Correct then. If you want to disagree with that motion, I support your right to do so in a genuine manner (ie: without astroturfing/brigading).

I have clearly articulated how abolishing downvoting breaks the circle jerk.

You've articulated that you think it will break the circle jerk, but my argument is that your proposal merely alters is without addressing the issue and other methods employed.

You absurdly claim it won't.

Your use of that adjective as a dismissal, doesn't actually make the adjective applicable to what I've said – especially considering I have material to back up what I've put forth. Ignoring the study instead of reading it, is your prerogative; continued ignorance coupled with dismissal attempts calls into question your motive for such an adamant push to alter the voting system.

As someone who regularly has views which dissent from popularly accepted norms and who is regularly downvoted by malicious users with no motive other than to censor, it befuddles me why I can accept the voting system as is while you on the other hand are pushing so hard to remove downvoting alone; you seem to be only thinking of yourself here due to downvotes you receive personally.

viperx3791 ago

Nice 1.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Cool. I don't think I've seen this site in its heyday, but I'm all for change when necessary.

Desolation ago

Nice to hear from you, Putt.

NoBlinders ago

Thank ya ..thankya

ibepokey ago

thanks Putt. for everything you do for us.

tanukihat ago

IP harvesting, bitcoin miner, FBI backdoor, place your bets on what this update REALLY is.

garthbartham ago

Porn server

AlternateSelection ago

D ) All of the above.

anticlutch ago


Make me an admin so I can clean this place of jews, niggers, and faggots.

Kungflu_Master ago

You don’t need to be an admin to delete your account, niggerfaggot.

anticlutch ago



I mean there isn't a more obvious kike account in existence. It's well proven and documented that jews and jews alone are behind jewflu with their puppet minions taking the flak.

Kungflu_Master ago

Yeah because that has shit all to do with a /pol meme. Neck yourself.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

but it's a free speech site. No fear of contrary views.

Phantom42 ago

Good thing we don't fear subhumans, we hate them.

Since when did a dog, cat, or buffalo ever have the right to speak freely? They do not. Such things arw reserved for Mankind.

Niggers, jews, faggots, they are not human. They have no rights.

TeddyJackson ago

Q predicted you would say this.

CantBuySkills ago

Its happening

dassaer ago

It's 'habbening' you fookin casual ... lol

garthbartham ago

My t-shirt has been a dirty little slut. You can keep her.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

How about getting someone to deal with spammers? What about that bug, you worthless nigger?

Dark2light67 ago

Can we see your tits now

PaulNeriAustralia ago

go to Reddit b-cups the only subreddit worth visiting.

noob_tube ago

hotlink it nigger

PaulNeriAustralia ago

keep it to yourself or the site will crash:

noob_tube ago

Got to be honest, you have to be weak pussy ass faggot to find any of that attractive. Its fat girls with closeups of their mediocre tits. Like if you're going to masturbate why not find some high quality porn? Why degrade yourself by masturbating to one step up from fat traps?

PaulNeriAustralia ago

I like the amateurs.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV submission.

Posted automatically (#108961) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@PuttItOut: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

goatboy ago

Thank you for all you do @PuttItOut. Love ya Bro. Keep up the great work!

argosciv ago


Just fuckin' with ya. Glad to hear about the stability patch, hopefully it does the job. Best of luck with the update rollout.

jim4Jesus ago

nice and thank you!

crazy_eyes ago

Is it ok if I make a song using your catchy title?

Boyakasha ago


Fucking lol

Maggotbait88 ago

Outstanding I will definitely be posting more now.

albatrosv15 ago

Well, the site's up. At least that's something.

Those Qtards though... I guess Putt hands are tied in this one.

FridayJones ago

Sung to the tune of Lloyd Price's "Personality": 'Cause he's got enhanced Voat stability, improved Voat stability, upgraded Voat stability, enlarged Voat stability, boosted Voat stability, and of course he's got an enlarged heart!

fourdeesixntwo ago

Will there be a web cam option in chat so i can see which of you nigger faggots wear a tiny hat??

SexMachine ago

Bring back official voat merch!

DillHoleBagHands ago

10 outta 10. Would buy again.

Isthisthenewreddit ago

Wouldn't want to release all the subjects until we're sure everyone's tagged, now would we?

BarbaricHamSammy ago

Yeah, well, jokes on you Putt...that T-shirt was my nut rag. :)

PuttItOut ago

Yeah, it was a wee bit spicy imo

Metanoiac ago

Putt lives!

voat_sukz_goat_nutz ago

Toggle Nigger Mode button, please?

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Glad you're not dead.

glassuser ago

Any updates on the verse takeover thing? /v/Houston is still dead as... something that's really dead, and the mod is long gone.

mirror_rorrim ago


WeMustRemainPure ago


obama_sin_laden ago

Thanks for keeping the site going and for all your efforts

ArielQflip ago

Much Love from the Qtards as well!

mxcviel ago

I wish there was a white x for sound somewhere :)

LettItBurn ago

I slept with your news aggregator and social networking service last night.

No, really. ...One too many whiskeys and I nodded out at the keyboard in the middle of a comment. It was about those crazy Rally drivers. It went like this: "Fuck Whit pele and their (scuffles deck) fub. Gllinnhgs to blent in africa." Woke up with a stiff neck.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

i resemble that remark

Benkitchen105 ago

@PuttItOut slept in the honeypot

TiggerNitties ago

He lives! We thought you were dead.

Ricoiyte ago

wow, thanks for the update nigger

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

@PuttItOut, tell us the number of nuclear warheads Israel has.

Isthisthenewreddit ago

like they'd tell you. Id rather know what actually happened to putt and who the team is these days.

PuttItOut ago

More than 665 but less than 667.

crazy_eyes ago

this guy knows

Wowbagger ago

You need a community moderator who won't give up the ghost. You could probably also use see db tuning and .net core help. @ me, bitch <3 I'll work for fresh shirts.

PuttItOut ago

But that's what I've been working for and you see how much my output sucks.

Wowbagger ago

I thought you wanted the unlaundered ones. I feel lied to but the offer stands. Access to @maroonsaint 's inbox of dick pics would be an added bonus.

Germ22 ago

if anything needs testing, i will be at the preview site after work. let us know what we can do to help.

JustGail ago

Haha - Yes! The subject line got my attention. Thank you for your hard work on this site. Last bastion of free speech! We need you.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

been a while

dunklederf ago

Putt, you know we love you, I think you we us some answers buddy.

Malithion ago

Love you too Putt

LostandFound ago

Who are the other heroes that keep the site running?

PuttItOut ago

We will see, maybe none.

LostandFound ago

lol you are cryptic to the point of being an ass! I just noted the use of 'we' in your post. Thanks again for keeping our favorite honeypot alive ;)

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Gay ass faggot.

PuttIsAtranny ago

We still know youre a tranny mason

tokui ago

Honeypots are valuable.

SaneandAware ago

I hope this makes it easier for our jewish brethren to discourage stupid goys from voting.

Isthisthenewreddit ago

Well duh, what do you think any censoring mechanics are for on social media? They exist only to silence non zionist narratives and perspectives, something we here at voat desperately need if we're going to get these Qtards out infecting the rest of the site for isreal!

TankMissile ago

What about allowing guests who don't have accounts to see posts on the site again?

PuttItOut ago

That's part of it.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/QRV submission.

Posted automatically (#108962) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@PuttItOut: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

LurkedForever ago

God damn I hope so. I was locked out of lurking for those three months when you couldn't register and couldn't lurk. Wrote you a few emails from some throwaway email account, no reply. Booo.

Post-Goat ago

Haha, I did the exact same thing. Those were dark days!

LurkedForever ago

Yeah, no shit. It was all around the time that the Epstein thing was going down and I was like "FUCK!! Where the fuck do I get the real story!?!?" Had to lurk on Poal, which I like a lot, but it's just not as content dense. Significantly more polite, but not as content dense.

beece ago

Thanks for this!!

AnTi90d ago

IDK why but my company decided to sell ribeye steaks for like ~$12 a pound.. NY strips and Tbones are ~$9.. but top sirloin is less than $6 a pound.

Their dumbassery is keeping me full of the good stuff.

IDK how long the meat will keep coming, but we have enough dead cow for the next week or two. (The higher ups seem to insinuate that everyone is going to run out of beef in a few weeks.. so enjoy it while it lasts.)

guyr ago

Thanks for all the work Putt. Not everyone here hates you..

friendshipistragic ago

This may actually not be the original Putt

guyr ago

I do agree.

Kungflu_Master ago

You think?

When has anyone other than a female ever closed a letter with “much love”?

CognitiveDissident5 ago

As a fellow woman I can confirm that is incredibly feminine.

Reverse-Flash ago

As a fellow, woman, i can confirm that is incredibly feminine.

friendshipistragic ago

Look all I know is that gabara was convinced enough that it’s not him that he just left Voat. GABARA left.

Phantom42 ago

Wait... Gabara actually fucking bailed?

friendshipistragic ago

That’s what he said. I haven’t seen him since but he usually comes back.

Phantom42 ago

Huh. It's interesting either way. I can't tell if he's just a fucking god-tier shitposter or JIDF fag. The fact he bails when "Putt" (jury is still out) shows up is telling.

beece ago

Suck up, you're just upvoat farming. But I'll play along, have an upvoat.

guyr ago

We don't all gotta be mean, I thank you

Isthisthenewreddit ago

Seconded. That purty mouf...

Questionable_1 ago

I heard you killed @Gabara, is it true? Or did he kill you?

videocodec ago

Holy crap Puttitout posted. Please feel free to post more often. Nice seeming you around here

RedditSureDoesSuck ago


PuttItOut ago

Oh it's totally my favorite friend ever! Hi buddy!

DillHoleBagHands ago

I slept in my Voat hoodie, so there!!

I haven't seen a stickied sitewide post in so long. Feels weird man.

heygeorge ago

Does it fix stickies?

PuttItOut ago

You and stickies. Every time.







heygeorge ago

Look, the lack of stickies is really cramping our very serious subverse

ScreaminMime ago

I have my Goat shirt on, now.

RustyEquipment ago

i wonder when we can make subverses again....

and @guide wants your attention... he is back now

Fried-Laptop ago

BTW, did you enjoy my salty pitt-stains?

Acen ago

Better than my mum.

TestForScience ago


When can we make subs again!?

Hand_of_Node ago

I made one yesterday.

lord_nougat ago

Only in sammitch form.


Is the referendum function that's on the preview site going to be enabled for normal voat, or will it just be the poll's that are enabled on normal vote?

PuttItOut ago

It's configurable. We will use it where appropriate.

Fried-Laptop ago

nice to have you back. query. how do i recover my old account? a cut-off wheel blew apart naerly cutting my old laptop in halv. it got the SSHD being lazy, i dont remember the on-the-fly password i made & since i didnt HAVE to, never did add my email

lord_nougat ago

Oh, that's easy. Just PM me your credit card number, that number thingy on the back, and your full contact info so I can mail you your old account in a big crate [shipping and handling extra].

Fried-Laptop ago

gee golly really?

lord_nougat ago

For reals! You can trust me!

Fried-Laptop ago

i dont know....

are you sure?

i mean, really, really sure?

lord_nougat ago

Yeah, fuck, now you have me wondering too.

Only one way to know for sure! GOTTA DO SCIENCE!

Fried-Laptop ago

but not kinda bill science, real science, right?

lord_nougat ago

Bill Cosby the science... something that rhymes with Cosby.

Alleged date-rape? Which was probably all whores lying? No, shit, that doesn't rhyme at all.

Fried-Laptop ago

'nazi' kinda rhymes with 'cosby'.

bill cosby the puddin' nazi?

AR47 ago

Instability means the "get fucked with a rake" screen and reload?

heygeorge ago

Yes, every 15 minutes

AR47 ago

Oh I didn't specify who the question was asked properly by directly commenting off the submission so OP would get a message notification?

Instead somehow you got a mysterious ping to come and answer me? Huh faggot....that want happened?

No? I mean I looked in the comment I made as it isn't altered and show an edit and it's not mention of you anywhere on there?

So since there isn't I am to assume you felt the fucking need to answer for OP because your so smart and helpful......or are you puttitout? That what it is....did you forget to change names?

@sanegoatiswear you see this shit? Goddamn SBBH showing true colors!


heygeorge ago

It’s not even a secret anymore.

AR47 ago

I didn't know, and I know everything...just ask me I will tell you

heygeorge ago

Frequently you will tell without anyone asking.

AR47 ago

Good retort...


heygeorge ago



How is the "Deport Shill" button coming on?

Isthisthenewreddit ago

Lol because further empowering the boomer qtards to turn the ENTIRE SITE into their psyop echo chamber is for sure a swell idea. LOL I can see it now; they'll be banning each other in minutes unless every post starts with 'Q and Trump Christ be with you'. LOL

Yeah, this would work out great.


Hell, it would at least get rid of v/QRV.

23716570? ago

Can't wait 'till there's a QRV chat room so we can troll them live.

Queerosexual ago

That totally sounds like a tool that won't be misued.

Fried-Laptop ago

oh. THAT will work wunderfully. over on QRV, EVERYBODY is a shill according to everyone

TheBookWasBetter ago

Can confirm, I am a shill.

Thisisallstupid ago


Revelations2_9 ago

We hope we can turn on chat

Glowniggers intensify

DGAF though, still sounds like a great update.

ssgrader ago

it better have not been my Zeppelin shirt .... KEK

blumen4alles ago

Thanks Putt I hope all goes well!

AO28-1 ago

Thank you good sir for endeavoring to persevere.

tth667 ago

Soooooo.... we getting a new canary yet?

blumen4alles ago


tth667 ago

Yeah. I bitch about the canary which already died doing its job. I forgot.

tth667 ago

I know... I know man...

LiterallyPrepared ago

Has Putt ever reference the fact that the Canary is dead or does he have a gun to his head to stay quiet?

greydragon ago

I'll agree if the gun is made out of money.

SexMachine ago

Josh Moon, of kiwifarms, will tell LEOs to go fuck themselves.

greydragon ago

Tarrant told them as well, but in a more subtle way, depending on how you perceive it.

NoTrueScotsman ago

Ooh, I'm excited to see those features finally go live!

Nonymous608 ago

I've been wondering why the fuck my shirt smelled so fresh today...

PoquitoMojito ago


lord_nougat ago


clamhurt_legbeard ago

Finally, the vote system!

Yaaaaaaay! <3

Rotteuxx ago

I still have a nicer butt no matter how many alts you vote with :)

clamhurt_legbeard ago


its funny

this was going to be my secret coup to take over soapdox as owner

but i already am now lol

friendshipistragic ago

I for one welcome out lizard overlords

Smallest_Skil ago

How long for @Tallest_Skil to poke his big nose and little hat in to try and shit on Putt......

offender ago

Nice fake name

Smallest_Skil ago

fake name ? wut?

offender ago


Smallest_Skil ago

I am so small I can catch quarks.


Tallest_Skil (probably): "The only solution is rape, murder and buckets of blood! Bombs, guns, throat cutting! I want it all! Nothing that doesn't give my little circumsized chubby a little excitment will ever be successful! "


Conspirologist ago

If you don't reinstall the search engine, all this is quite useless.

PuttItOut ago


Pickle_Rick ago

I slept with your right sock last night. It was amazing.

mr_skeltal ago

Cá bhfuil m'intinn?

SpreeFeech ago

I thought you were dead.

lord_nougat ago

He was.

But he got better.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

dem ventilators!

lord_nougat ago

He hoarded sufficient TP.

PuttItOut ago

So did I. It was close.

Queerosexual ago

Q predicted this.

SexMachine ago

6 gorillian sealed indictments incoming!!

BB-3 ago

Wow! It's been so long I forgot about the updates

Ihateyuppies ago

Get rid of the qtards niggerfaggot.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever comment by @HeyG3orge.

Posted automatically (#109111) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Ihateyuppies: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @HeyG3orge)

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer submission by @HeyG3orge.

Posted automatically (#108959) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Ihateyuppies: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @HeyG3orge)

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/QRV submission.

Posted automatically (#108946) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Ihateyuppies: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

PuttItOut ago

I've made so many mistakes haven't I?

ColdSteam ago

It's not too late, Boss - we can still deport them to and then make them pay for the wall between there and Voat :D :D :D

c0ck ago

Disallow them from general chatroom access since those fuckers ruin every normal type of discourse unless you blindly “trust the plan”

Karbuster ago

Hella fucking seconded, theyre just gonna spam THE SHIT out of it

c0ck ago

Kek they immediately downvoted my comment.. figures. Any opinion outside of “the plan” is met with censorship

Ken_bingo2 ago

Censorship cuts both ways, faggot. I hate those fuckers, but banning people would kill this place.

MysticMa ago

Yep... I can think of 1or 2 Mod Gods that went all scorched goat's... SprayZied so much censorSHIT most took a semi vay-k 0r found BTFU 4 hooves up, crispy.

Phantom42 ago

You sir are most certainly not trusting the plan enough. Please report to Camp Trumpowitz Re-eduQation Center immediately. Failure to report by 10:00 tomorrow will result in fellow Patriots coming to you.


c0ck ago

Fuck I’ve been Digiauschwitzed

Rotteuxx ago

That's all I needed to hear to forgive you.

Now I can go back to being one of your cheerleaders :)

Ihateyuppies ago

It's okay I still love you.

PuttItOut ago

Prove it. Send pics to my insta.

glassuser ago

Eww, not Instagram.

Ihateyuppies ago

I'll have to do a whole new photoshoot for the occasion. You want it with the banana sling or something alittle less spicy?

Maroonsaint ago

Let me see your dick

NoTrueScotsman ago

Wait a minute, how did @maroonsaint get this account?

whatisbestinlife ago


lord_nougat ago

blumen4alles ago

ThisIsMyRealName ago

long dead

SixTeaNine ago

It's the primary reason for the instability the last handful of months

I wouldn't discount the constant Attack of the Shills

LetTheMongoloidsDie ago

Ban the talmud.

TerraKell ago

Thank you, kind sir, and all those helping behind the scene.

Octocopter ago


BigFatDaddy ago

Interested in the Chat feature. I don't use discord.

TemetNosce ago

How many Nukes does Israel have?

xenoPsychologist ago

they have all the nukes by proxy, since they control/can buy all governments.

beece ago

They lost them in a boating accident.

MyCountryTheShithole ago

They happily took all our nukes off our hands before Apartheid ended.

MissingEgo1 ago

So that's where they went. Nothing but win for them.

Tallest_Skil ago

Why haven’t you started killing every nigger you can get away with killing yet? You’ve seen Rhodesia these days. You know what’s coming.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

So easy to talk smack isn't it? 3 million impoverished Whites against 52 million Bantu invaders (that's the official figure, it's probably closer to 70 million).

Tallest_Skil ago

When have numbers ever been a problem for whites? We used to own the whole fucking world, you know.

MissingEgo1 ago

Yeah, and gave it over to women and Isreal(Dem Jews). That's going well isn't it.

VicariousJambi ago

Why havent you?


Tallest_Skil ago

I don’t live in South Africa.

Rizzo9000 ago

rise, o voices of voat-esia....

2fat2move ago

Zero. Nukes are fake and gay.

TheNiggerFaggot ago

I can see Israel is planning already with its post-collapse propaganda: "Nukes are fake!"

QCrumbCatcher ago

Thanks for all you do here, anon.

Scroobius ago

dude, your name is "QCumCatcher"

Chempergrill ago

Leave it to a Qew to think Putt is anon.

blumen4alles ago

Yeah we all know it is Justin Timberlake.

ilikeskittles ago


Blacksmith21 ago

How secure will the chat be?

noob_tube ago

Canary is dead, so the smart bet is chat is a direct line to the NSA.

whatisbestinlife ago

does it matter at this point?

Blacksmith21 ago

Good question. It depends on how bad they want your ass.

shifty_pete ago

Looking forward to increased stability for less interruptions in my Hebrew Studies.

SarMegahhikkitha ago

Blessed be the pap at which we suckled that we should have such a great Bible scholar in our midst! Please, now, give us your lecture.

sherlock_holmes ago

Can we have one comment section, just a single one, where the first comment isn't about jews?

I'm jewed out.

DemonNancy ago

Sherlock and the Jewish Question

"What can you say about this gentleman, Watson?"

I tried to picture the man who spent the better half of the past hour regaling us with tales of his misfortune.

"Well, he is a portly fellow," said I.

"Anything else?", asked Holmes, yawning.

"I can not think of anything."

"He is Jewish, Watson."

"You are certainly joking, Holmes."

"On the contrary, dear Watson. You are too timid in drawing your inferences."

"Then how do you infer that, Holmes? You are not Jewish yourself? You never join me in church."

"That is quite absurd, Watson. I am agnostic, not Jewish."

"Then how?"

"His hat, Watson."

The man wore a very ordinary black hat of the usual round shape.

"Then, pray tell me what it is that you can infer from this hat?"

"He did not take it off when Mrs. Hudson came in to serve tea."

"No, he did not. To not remove your hat in front of a woman! Quite rude."

"Not in this case, Watson. For our visitor is quite a refined gentleman. His cufflinks alone are worth more than your entire wardrobe."

"I must confess that I am unable to follow you."

"Jews, dear Watson, do not remove their hats, even when they are indoors."

"Astonishing, Holmes!"

"Indeed, Watson."

He paused, puffing at his pipe and gazing down into the fire.

"So what does him being Jewish have to do with the case?", I asked.

"Everything, Watson. Everything."

Verdict: Sadly, not a Jew.

Allentown ago

Are Voat administrators and moderators involved with and complicit to Murder?

What really happened to @Jem777 and @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt?

Why have Pizzagate and GreatAwakening moderators issued death threats against anyone who investigates Racine, Wisconsin?

Why did George Webb Sweigert claim to have met Jesus Christ in Racine who he said “had the drop on him”, and who proved he was a liar in front of Jenny? Why did George who does not believe in Jesus Christ have a fight with Jenny who did believe in Jesus Christ immediately before she was killed? Why was George’s brother Dave so upset about the meeting?

Why were Voat moderators blackmailing users? Why did Voat moderators censor and ban anyone looking into Racine? Why did they lie about censoring comments until it was proven they were censoring and targeting anything related to Racine?

What did @ababcb and @manyx find out about The Truth in Racine, and why did @gamepwn receive death threats for investigating Racine?

What did the Anon before Q, SenateAnon say before they vanished offline?

“Keep digging into Racine”

When did the Virus really begin in the US and why is everyone being lied to?

Why did Q never dig into it or reveal why Paul Ryan really resigned, why Paul Ryan was involved in the Tarmac meeting, or what The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World really enables?

What are the “17” goals of Sustainable Development that are the foundation for the Agenda beyond 21 and 2030 of Eternal Enslavement with the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing?

Why was That 70’s Show set in Racine involving a cast of Scientologist and Freemasons, why did Hanx quote A League of Their Own after the outbreak and what is True Blood?

Where is the NXIVM Doctor from, why were Anthony Weiner, Chuck Schumer and Robert Byrd removed from the Knights of Pythias wikipedia page before Q began, why did Voat really close and require a login, why did Q flood Voat, and why would Trump make The Deal for the 8th Wonder fo the World with a family of Luciferian pedophiles?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

hidden_eddy ago

im new here. Im very out of the loop, but just got truth machine gunned into my brain. Got any links that could catch me up to speed?

A few questions that crossed my mind reading this comment: Who are @jem77 and @wisconsin_is_corrupt? who is jenny? whats the theory on Racine? whats the tarmac meeting / 8th wonder? what is the agenda and where do you find the foundations?

I know thats probably a lot to explain and like i said, im new to this so links to some foundational knowledge would be appreciated.

Pootyu2 ago

As someone from racine can confirm too many shabbos and niggers here. The (((masters))) stop by once and a while to give directions to their niggers and shabbo goys(pass out commie propaganda)

MuckeyDuck ago

Answer Iconic Sin

ababcb ago

@Cransch @Cebi @drysoup333 Here's a few answers to some of the questions:

What did the Anon before Q, SenateAnon say before they vanished offline?

The anon 1 month before Q's damage control Psyop was SenateAnon, and he said to "keep digging into Racine". Read his threads here:





When did the Virus really begin in the US and why is everyone being lied to?

The virus began in Racine Wisconsin, not Wuhan China. It was covered up as E-cigarette deaths. It was certainly there in October 2019 but may have been active as early as April 2019

>"COVID-19: Further Evidence that the Virus Originated in the US"

As readers will recall from the earlier article (above), Japanese and Taiwanese epidemiologists and pharmacologists have determined that the new coronavirus could have originated in the US since that country is the only one known to have all five types – from which all others must have descended.

Wuhan in China has only one of those types, rendering it in analogy as a kind of “branch” which cannot exist by itself but must have grown from a “tree”.

The Taiwanese physician noted that in August of 2019 the US had a flurry of lung pneumonias or similar, which the Americans blamed on ‘vaping’ from e-cigarettes, but which, according to the scientist, the symptoms and conditions could not be explained by e-cigarettes.

He said he wrote to the US officials telling them he suspected those deaths were likely due to the coronavirus. He claims his warnings were ignored.

Cases involved in the outbreak of severe lung illness associated with vaping products were first identified in Illinois and Wisconsin in April 2019.–2020_vaping_lung_illness_outbreak

Some of the earliest deaths were in Racine

Why did Q never dig into it or reveal why Paul Ryan really resigned

Paul Ryans resignation must have had something to do with the congressional Page Program that he canceled just before resigning, which was responsible for destroying the careers of Dennis Hastert and Mark Foley, who was the chair of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children.

Where is the NXIVM Doctor from

The NXIVM Doctor Danielle Roberts, who branded women with Keith Ranieres initials, is from Racine

What are the “17” goals of Sustainable Development that are the foundation for the Agenda beyond 21 and 2030 of Eternal Enslavement with the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing?

This is why Q is fixated on the number 17:

GOAL 1: No Poverty = Control currency

GOAL 2: Zero Hunger = Control all food supplies

GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being = Control healthcare

GOAL 4: Quality Education = Control education

GOAL 5: Gender Equality = Control men through control of women

GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation = Control all sources of water

GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy = Control all sources of energy

GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth = Control all employment opportunities

GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure = Control all industry. Control all infrastructure. Control innovation.

GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality = Destroy the middle class

GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities = Control consumption

GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production = Control consumption

GOAL 13: Climate Action = Control consumption

GOAL 14: Life Below Water = Control all movement on water

GOAL 15: Life on Land = Control all movement on land

GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions = Enforcement

GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal = Kapo system. Creation of a class of controlled, privileged elites.

Covid is accomplishing all of these goals.

Why was That 70’s Show set in Racine involving a cast of Scientologist and Freemasons

I believe "Point Place" from That 70's Show was set in Wind Point in Racine because the economy of Point Place is based off of slaughter houses and Racine is a literal slaughter house where the depopulation Agenda of 2030 is being modeled.

why were Anthony Weiner, Chuck Schumer and Robert Byrd removed from the Knights of Pythias wikipedia page before Q began

I'm not sure why they were removed, but someone removed them on June 11th, 2017 by someone with an IP address at

>14:20, 11 June 2017‎ talk‎ 20,095 bytes -1,113‎

Here's a list of all of the removed names:

The list was really thinned out for some reason. Here is a list of all the removed names:

Chuck Schumer

Robert Byrd

Anthony Weiner

Peter T King, a US Congressman

Richard Irvine Manning III, Governor of South Carolina

Freddie Martin, musician, band leader

Sun Ra, jazz musician

Joe Rollins, Texas Attorney General, Houston Asst. City Attorney

J. Millard Tawes, governor of Maryland

Francis E. Warren, first governor and longtime senator of Wyoming

James E. West, first professional Chief Scout Executive of the Boy Scouts of America

Frederick Hinde Zimmerman, banker, businessman, and founder of the Grand Rapids Hotel

why would Trump make The Deal for the 8th Wonder fo the World with a family of Luciferian pedophiles?

what [does] The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World really enables?

The "deal for the 8th wonder of world" is an internet of quantum "water computers" that is being constructed in secret right now at the Foxconn Plant in Racine, Wisconsin. It requires 7 million gallons of water from the Great Lakes per day.

Integrating quantum computing with long-existing tech, such as this, which allows a computer to read thoughts by analyzing brain waves, would allow for a complete mind control grid that could read and analyze the thoughts of millions of people simultaneously in real time. Basically, the movie Minority Report becomes reality.

romanstock ago

the SenateAnon links you posted aren't working

ababcb ago

Only the archive links work anymore unfortunately.





romanstock ago

those archive links don't work either

ababcb ago

That's strange, all of them are working for me. Sometimes they seem to take a little while to load though.

romanstock ago

oh no it's the site in general that doesn't work for me. i believe my ISP has blocked it. lol! (my isp is Internode in Australia)

heygeorge ago

Just change the .fo to whatever archive suffix you can get through to and they will work.

Cebi ago

Thank you. I don't know where to go from there.

It's all so cumbersome.

Redpilleveryone ago

Austin Steinbart, aka Q, told us about this tech. And essentially the deal was done because it was an us or them situation.

AfterNXIVM ago

When Austin said that Rotary Clubs are a great way to network, it should have been a red flag to all that he is one of them.

Where was the founder of Rotary International from?

Racine, Wisconsin

How is Rotary partners with the Clinton and Gates global health and vaccine initiatives?

What did Austin tell you about the Quantum Internet? Does he not know about the 8th Wonder of the World?

How is John McCain connected with the Pilgrims Society? Why are Rothschilds in Wisconsin and Arizona?

How is the University of Wisconsin connected with CERN?

Redpilleveryone ago

Send a link about Austin and the rotary clubs. Aka sauce or GTFO.

qbabygirl ago

Go to the Word. (Not Gates, Christ)

TheKnightsOfPythias ago

The key connection between NXIVM and the Knights of Pythias is Racine, Wisconsin. The NXIVM doctor’s family is from Racine. Her name is Danielle Roberts. Mayer Amschel Rothshild’s real name is Bauer. Kristin Bauer van Straten is the star of True Blood for a reason. Her brother who is closely connected with the Clintons, Podestas, Emanuels and elite families is in charge of a rigged billion dollar referendum endorsed by Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders in the same location where the World Core Curriculum, Smart City model, Community Policing model and The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World was made with a family of Luciferian pedophiles linked with the Mayo Clinic, Weill Cornell, CERN and Art in Embassies where The Path of Souls begins. Start there.

ababcb ago

@Cransch @Cebi @drysoup333

Mayer Amschel Rothshild’s real name is Bauer. Kristin Bauer van Straten is the star of True Blood for a reason. Her brother who is closely connected with the Clintons, Podestas, Emanuels and elite families is in charge of a rigged billion dollar referendum endorsed by Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders...


Kristin Bauer van Straten's brother is Jeff Neubauer who was Bill Clintons campaign chairman in the '92 and '96 presidential elections. His family has the entire town of Racine controlled through family members who work in education, as judges, and who owned and operated a fleet of shipping trucks that ostensibly supplied cleaning products. The Johnson family produces cleaning supplies so the Neubauers could transport children from a school to the Johnson-owned buildings and nobody would ever know. the same location where the World Core Curriculum, Smart City model, Community Policing model and The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World was made with a family of Luciferian pedophiles linked with the Mayo Clinic, Weill Cornell, CERN and Art in Embassies

This location in Racine was the Johnson Foundation at Wingspread. Look how many influential events and organizations were born at conferences held in this building. NPR, the National Endowment for the Arts, the International Criminal Court and arms control agreements all took place at Wingspread along with countless more.

It is known that the Johnsons have pedophiles in their family because SC Johnson III was convicted of raping 12 year old step daughter for years.

...where The Path of Souls begins.

The Path of Souls may be the most important concept to understand because it explains why the Cabal is rooted in this area and cannot leave. The Native American mound building cultures believed that the Milky Way was the Path of Souls where the soul went after leaving the body. The galactic center of the Milky Way passes directly over Racine, Wisconsin.

This is why there are so many burial mounds near water here. The Native Americans believed that after the soul left the body, it would wander the earth in search of water which was believed to be the surface of the underworld. From there, the soul could either go under the water into the underworld, or it could leap into the Milky Way.

That is why the Mound Builders would gather their dead and burn them in a funeral ceremony, and then cover the ashes with dirt near a source of water, and it is why the cabal needs Racine to develop the technology needed to implement Mark of the Beast. They need Racine because it is situated on the Great Lakes, where the galactic center of the Milky Way passes over the largest source of fresh water on earth.

Racine is the cabals king piece. They are truly rooted here and cannot leave, which means they are sitting ducks and can be defeated once and for all. They are playing a zero sum game and If they lose Racine it's all over for them.

ababcb ago

you can check some of my posts and threads if you want a starting point. there's a couple threads going on about this in the pizzagate forum right now if you want to jump into some conversations

Cebi ago

I don't know. Answer some of the questions.

WhenComesThePain ago

Which one can’t you answer?

They seem easy for @ababcb and others to Find and Answer. Why can’t you?

What did Jesus Christ promise The World, and what did He warn of?

qbabygirl ago

He promised salvation, but warned them of the world.

Bremertonbruiser ago

I think I know but I would like to hear your answer @whenxomespain

PickAnyQuestion ago

Read the response from @ababcb - they have found many Answers already.

Pick any question you need the Answer to.

Go to u/ababcb u/gamepwn u/TrustTheTruth or v/GreatAwakening/about/log/comment

Or go to @Jem777 and see what her last submission was about “going into the heart of darkness”.

Jenny Moore went to Racine and found The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know.

Crabaps ago

Trying to follow this a bit seems interesting. How do u see a users last submission from their profile? I generally see only top upvoats and stuff like that.

ababcb ago

click on their username, and then at the top of their profile page click on "comments" to see a complete list of comments, and click on "submissions" to see a complete list of threads started by that user.

Bremertonbruiser ago

Thanks for the links. Just FYI I am encountering a lot of people who are receptive to things that would've been taboo not too many years ago. I'm literally redpilling like a son of a gun lately. Something bigg is getting ready to go down and I'm not talking about the return of Christ. Keep your powder dry boys!

ababcb ago

@Cebi @drysoup333 Here's a few answers to some of the questions:

What did the Anon before Q, SenateAnon say before they vanished offline?

The anon 1 month before Q's damage control Psyop was SenateAnon, and he said to "keep digging into Racine". Read his threads here:





When did the Virus really begin in the US and why is everyone being lied to?

The virus began in Racine Wisconsin, not Wuhan China. It was covered up as E-cigarette deaths. It was certainly there in October 2019 but may have been active as early as April 2019

>"COVID-19: Further Evidence that the Virus Originated in the US"

As readers will recall from the earlier article (above), Japanese and Taiwanese epidemiologists and pharmacologists have determined that the new coronavirus could have originated in the US since that country is the only one known to have all five types – from which all others must have descended.

Wuhan in China has only one of those types, rendering it in analogy as a kind of “branch” which cannot exist by itself but must have grown from a “tree”.

The Taiwanese physician noted that in August of 2019 the US had a flurry of lung pneumonias or similar, which the Americans blamed on ‘vaping’ from e-cigarettes, but which, according to the scientist, the symptoms and conditions could not be explained by e-cigarettes.

He said he wrote to the US officials telling them he suspected those deaths were likely due to the coronavirus. He claims his warnings were ignored.

Cases involved in the outbreak of severe lung illness associated with vaping products were first identified in Illinois and Wisconsin in April 2019.–2020_vaping_lung_illness_outbreak

Some of the earliest deaths were in Racine

Where is the NXIVM Doctor from

The NXIVM Doctor Danielle Roberts, who branded women with Keith Ranieres initials, is from Racine

What are the “17” goals of Sustainable Development that are the foundation for the Agenda beyond 21 and 2030 of Eternal Enslavement with the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing?

This is why Q is fixated on the number 17:

GOAL 1: No Poverty = Control currency

GOAL 2: Zero Hunger = Control all food supplies

GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being = Control healthcare

GOAL 4: Quality Education = Control education

GOAL 5: Gender Equality = Control men through control of women

GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation = Control all sources of water

GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy = Control all sources of energy

GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth = Control all employment opportunities

GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure = Control all industry. Control all infrastructure. Control innovation.

GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality = Destroy the middle class

GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities = Control consumption

GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production = Control consumption

GOAL 13: Climate Action = Control consumption

GOAL 14: Life Below Water = Control all movement on water

GOAL 15: Life on Land = Control all movement on land

GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions = Enforcement

GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal = Kapo system. Creation of a class of controlled, privileged elites.

Covid is accomplishing all of these goals.

Why was That 70’s Show set in Racine involving a cast of Scientologist and Freemasons

I believe "Point Place" from That 70's Show was set in Wind Point in Racine because the economy of Point Place is based off of slaughter houses and Racine is a literal slaughter house where the depopulation Agenda of 2030 is being modeled.

why were Anthony Weiner, Chuck Schumer and Robert Byrd removed from the Knights of Pythias wikipedia page before Q began

I'm not sure why they were removed, but someone removed them on June 11th, 2017 by someone with an IP address at

>14:20, 11 June 2017‎ talk‎ 20,095 bytes -1,113‎

Here's a list of all of the removed names:

The list was really thinned out for some reason. Here is a list of all the removed names:

Chuck Schumer

Robert Byrd

Anthony Weiner

Peter T King, a US Congressman

Richard Irvine Manning III, Governor of South Carolina

Freddie Martin, musician, band leader

Sun Ra, jazz musician

Joe Rollins, Texas Attorney General, Houston Asst. City Attorney

J. Millard Tawes, governor of Maryland

Francis E. Warren, first governor and longtime senator of Wyoming

James E. West, first professional Chief Scout Executive of the Boy Scouts of America

Frederick Hinde Zimmerman, banker, businessman, and founder of the Grand Rapids Hotel

why would Trump make The Deal for the 8th Wonder fo the World with a family of Luciferian pedophiles?

what [does] The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World really enables?

The "deal for the 8th wonder of world" is an internet of quantum "water computers" that is being constructed in secret right now at the Foxconn Plant in Racine, Wisconsin. It requires 7 million gallons of water from the Great Lakes per day.

Integrating quantum computing with long-existing tech, such as this, which allows a computer to read thoughts by analyzing brain waves, would allow for a complete mind control grid that could read and analyze the thoughts of millions of people simultaneously in real time. Basically, the movie Minority Report becomes reality.

notvirge ago

Why are temporarily deleted accounts no longer recoverable?

HulkJizz ago

I just recovered one. With email.

Mumlbeberry ago

Not true at all, I just tried a few. No e-mail.

HulkJizz ago

I did one. @shitsinhoneypots did one. You calling us liars?

Mumlbeberry ago

I'm calling you someone willing to disregard the fact that it doesn't work for others and you don't appear to care to know why.

Since we both know it's not like you can get any actual admin support around here, a partly-functional feature might as well be broken by default.

Morbos ago

Why, indeed.

Deplorable_Me ago

Guys make the coffee. It says so right in the Bible: Hebrews

DemonNancy ago

Stop mansplaining

SonOfRobin ago

The Goyim know.

lorlipone ago

Can't upvoat you - You're at 88.

i_scream_trucks ago

Hahaha voat and stable... Topkek

hanzydog ago


DillHoleBagHands ago


SirNiggsalot ago

Oy Vey , my Yeshiva was impacted too !

WestsBest ago

Cohencidence that @gabara outs Israeli fakeputt can not fully utilize suicidedputts system and starts getting traction and viola suicidedputt account appears as if still alive and well to post a site-wide sticky assuring everyone that Israeli fakeputt is really suicidedputt...

Manolis_Gledsodakis ago

and viola

I was almost following you until you referred to this stringed musical instrument. wtf?

DemonNancy ago


Inaminit ago

Made sense to me...

c0ck ago

Can’t wait to chat with you faggots.

lord_nougat ago


c0ck ago

Im sliding in your DMs nigger

heroinwinsagain ago

So you're white

High_Sierra_Trail ago

Like Chelsea Handler!

DemonNancy ago

Thought she was jooo. No?

Zulu2Oscar ago

She is.

clubberlang ago

And toxic and male the only people that commit all the crimes all the time

KenDroid ago


DemonNancy ago

well that was fake...

SexMachine ago

Still working with the NSA? Where is the warrant canary?

MaunaLoona ago

If NSA runs this site then the warrant canary is meaningless.

ginx2666 ago

Don't be a gullible retard. As if any website and brand registered and hosted in USrael weren't thoroughly infiltrated. Voat isn't a free speech zone, it's a containment zone. You can observe animals much closer when they're in a separate pen. Don't trust words (like "we will obey the law we've made to oppress you"), look at their actions (red flag home invasions).

altident ago

As if any website and brand registered and hosted in USrael weren't thoroughly infiltrated

Voat has been hosted in a number of countries. The US isn’t one of them.

ginx2666 ago

Voat is also registered in USrael. That means it's subject to Israeli, and by extension American law.

glassuser ago

You know, the canary has a purpose. It's to speak for you when you can't speak for yourself. If the canary was broken or just needed updating, he probably would have said something about it. But if it served his purpose, he probably can't talk about it, and it's doing exactly what it was supposed to do. So stop doubting the canary.

Rotteuxx ago

Where have you been for the past year or so?

The canary went bust a long time ago.

Devious1 ago

So many trolls. RIP canary.

blumen4alles ago

TripleZ ago

You live your life like a canary in a coal mine.

You get so dizzy even walking in a straight line.

Splooge ago

hehe floofy birb

blumen4alles ago

floofy or fat :)

blumen4alles ago

You need to learn to link directly to the image instead of the page the image is on, so they can embed.

argosciv ago

You need to learn to link directly to the image instead of the page the image is on, so they can embed.

Fucking this, so much this. Many people need to hear this PSA.

blumen4alles ago

Thanks for the backup!

Chempergrill ago


BB-3 ago

It's deader than disco.

maaaxheadroom ago

While you slept with my t shirt I slept with your wife.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

when you're a banned'll know why!

PuttItOut ago

I've been looking for you.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

I've been looking for you.

Dont hurt him bad. Just bruise him up a little bit.

ggolemg ago

Cool, sounds good.

Zooty ago

Best of luck

NakeFews ago


Rotteuxx ago

Pay attention faggots, it's been dead for over a year.

zum ago

Then you use a SECOND canary, called "newCanaryb" and keep letting us know until THAT dies, then "newCanaryC", etc

Without more than one canary, the entire point of a canary is pointless, because you would need a whole new unrelated site just to implement the next canary.

RETARDED to not have more canaries.

Eleutheria ago

Classic reply from Big Aviary shills. Drum up those bird sales!

AntiMason ago

The Holocaust was faked.

Rizzo9000 ago


Illaskthequestion ago

Does Israel have a nuclear program? Who handles these types of questions :)

Moist_Papi ago

They do, and JFK was assassinated over it.

TeddyJackson ago

No, no one does. Nuclear weapons never existed.

There are no photos of blast craters in Japan. The two cities were rebuilt right where they were. They were fire bombed like everything else.

Nfn8wzdm ago

Air bursts don't leave craters. Where are you going with this?

TeddyJackson ago

Show me a picture of the epicenter of the a bomb explosion. Buildings vaporized, massive destruction from a bomb. There aren't any pictures of it. All the photos show fire bombing. There is literally no evidence of an atomic bomb dropped on Japan, that is here I am going with this.

But you know all this already because you're a government shill. That is why you have almost no post history in 1.6 years. That's why you focused on one part you took literally instead of understanding the obvious implication. Time to switch to another account, shill.

SexMachine ago

The more important question is how did Israel get nukes

friendshipistragic ago

Same way the Soviet Union got them.

TheRealJPeterman ago

Pretty sure the receipt is around here somewhere!

armday2day ago

I'd put money on the Rosenbergs

Shlarb123 ago

Easy, jews in the USA gave them to jews in israel

Secus ago
