Crensch ago

If nothing happens to me, I was right.

Enjoy the show.

heygeorge ago

Cronsch has reached Peak Qtard.

Imagine a world where you believe the ‘obvious’ answer is hand-waving make believe. And that it bestowed upon you a higher intelligence

Crensch ago

Explain to me why he chose a post asking for the removal of Q followers as the subject matter to reply to if it wasnt addressed to that?

4) All of the above.

Again, why did he reply to this regarding the removal of Q followers?

4) All of the above.

Crensch ago

1) Dry mockery.

2) Careful wording about non-specific "mistakes" that have nothing to do with the previous comment.

3) You and your shitposting buddies are the mistakes.

Very cleverly done by Putt.


Crensch ago

Yeah, get your eyes checked, IMO.

Crensch ago

Is that why I'm not worried in the slightest?

Maybe you should get your eyes checked.

Busty_Neckbeard ago

Have you reduced the amount of tranny scat sex you are having at all?