23714076? ago

Bring on the normies!

Eat shit and die, normalfag Q-LARPer. We don’t want their poison here.

23715556? ago

Bahahah all your base are belong to us.

VOAT is Q's now, faggot. How does our collective dick taste?

23716211? ago

Like circumcision.

23714026? ago

Brilliant. Show people that the absolute scum of the earth are on the subverse that Q recommended.

Voat's time is short.

23713157? ago

I love being proved wrong, but Qew the Jew has a running list of failed predictions

23713017? ago

Niggers aren't people

23712963? ago

Just call em out. You can tell niggerfagotry vs other “value” that aren’t voat tier

23712871? ago

Odin on the way?