Anonz55z ago

Unfortunately, I am the canary in the coal mine here.

Shills are destroying the site.

Tallest_Skil ago


Why the fuck am I the only human being on the fucking planet who wants whites to have a place where only whites can be. Why is that so fucking hard. Why do whites not deserve this. Holy fuck, there’s just no point anymore.

Tallest_Skil ago

And if they aren’t ALLOWED to post their lies here, we don’t have to waste time countering them and fence-sitters ONLY see the truth.

Death_in_June ago

either it is or is not a honeypot. Putt disappearing is nothing new, you have been around for a long time so i think if you really believed the risk was not worth it you would not still be here.

ikemichigan ago

I'm new on here but i was trying to get on here for months why it was shut down. Reddits turned into such a disappointment

Tallest_Skil ago

I’m all for growing the site userbase. I’m just also for banning everyone who posts lies, because we know who and what those people are and have no obligation to allow them to keep posting here.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Ha, now their hands are too sticky to effectively rub together. Winning.

boekanier ago

Another site? Which one could that be? It's Voat or nothing for me.

Wiserman ago

If it's dying, I will buy the domain How much?

NPCGator ago

...i was a long time lurker before i ever signed up...

So basically you didn't "sign up" until you knew what Voat was about, sadly nobody can do that anymore.

Death_in_June ago

i have a feeling if you find yourself on Voat you have a pretty good idea what it's about to start with. i knew it was a very right wing site before i ever looked at it. plus i'm not too concerned about people who are scared away, Voat is not for everyone.

NPCGator ago

Because normies not being able to see the site without signing up (which many are unwilling to do until they see the content) or see links on other sites (how I got interested in Voat) without an account here has nothing to do with complete echo chamber this place has turned into, sure /s

Gary_Busey ago

Yeah I took a month off but this place is an internet oasis, I could never leave

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/OneTruePutt submission by @PeaceSeeker.

Posted automatically (#84603) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@TeranNotTerran: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @PeaceSeeker)

Jelican2 ago

The admin has been inactive for about half a year now, the canary is dead and feds are abound. This site is going into the shitter and you know it.

Death_in_June ago

why are you here then?

Jelican2 ago

Just taunting the boomer feds at this point.

Fuzzycrumpkin ago

You can only listen to how the Jews are responsible for all the worlds ills before you get bored and have to look for new content. It is fucking boring on voat, and is a giant echo chamber. I would even go so far as too say it is more of an echo chamber than Twitter or tumblr. At least with 4chan you have people larping the otherside, if not really offering a different point of view.

Death_in_June ago

i don't really see this as entertainment, thought it can be very fun at times. i always am learning something new on this site and it keeps me in tune with novel takes on current events

Fuzzycrumpkin ago

I view it as going into a platform dedicated to talking about superman. You can only talk about superman so much where everyone is talking about how bad superman is, before you have to look at what is on say a site dedicated to talking about deadpool or some other superhero.

It is called content stagnation. Like stagnant water it the site eventually starts to stink, and the majority of people stop swimming there. You need new water to come in and keep the community fresh, and offer a wide array of ideas.

Death_in_June ago

i don't know man, this site has a tone of interesting subverses and i really like the core users on here. like i said i seems to learn something here every day. But maybe you are further along with things than i am and need to start branching out. that's on you though

Ouroboros69 ago

VoaT is no more dying than Rock & Roll ever was.

Last Saturday, (((shills))) posted throughout the day & night.

Usually take the Sabbath off.

Go figure.

Tallest_Skil ago

Banning lies ≠ echo chamber. Truth grows from truth. If forced to combat the same lies every day, we can’t progress.

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

still out there and still as rightfully impotent as ever

Fixed that for you. LMAO.

Death_in_June ago

if we were not a threat you would not bother

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

You couldn't threaten a wet toilet paper wrap. LMAO.

Gopherurself ago










Infearmal ago

But why are you sceaming though ?

Gopherurself ago


hankylanky ago

Why shouldn't Voat die? All the ideologies and attitudes shared by you ignorant, racist, angry, fearful dumb fucks are dying. The world has passed you by.

Tallest_Skil ago

Why would we want any of those people, though.

Tallest_Skil ago

The statistics are literally right fucking there for anyone to see. The website is long dead. It’s a honeypot to keep whites from fighting back.

their trolling is a good sign

Where are all the new REAL accounts, then?

Heebro ago

I am real shill


oaf ago

VOAT PARTICIPATION IS DYING! 30% less participation in one year!

I feel very sad at the following numbers :

Month Submissions Comments
January 60,381 631,360
February 56,315 574,126
March 63,072 668,687
April 57,396 588,857
May 60,095 592,558
June 53,702 541,785
July 51,817 486,214
August 45,524 433,146
September 42,619 375,510
October 43,528 370,285
November 46,996 397,677
December 44,530 400,020
Total 625,975 6,060,225

Graph: Posts per month

Graph: Posts per day

source :

Many ideas for making stop shrinking are in

SAVE VOAT! Get more people of quality to try it and stay!

killkillkill ago

maybe it has to do with any single bit of dissension being labeled kike shilling?

oaf ago


Plot Twist : The SPLC and ADL hire people to call everyone a jew shill just to grind down by 30% per year, via disenchantment? If history is any indicator, it is something jews would do. Refer to this video :

How Zionists Divide and Conquer

Divide and Conquer!

GrizzlyDark ago

cuz more of us learn nothing will ever happen. voats a psyop now. stick to keyboards, goyim.


If you want to analyze something year over year, then you compare january to the next january, you don't compare it to december

oaf ago

It includes GRAPHS. I included nice charts showing a 30% smooth drop over a 12 month period, including BEFORE voat had DDOS issues. look at the two charts!

its one YEAR of >30% decline not one month.

tempuser1 ago

And his point was you'd need multiple years of data. Surely that's accessible for you to chart?

GoatDay ago

six gorrilion comments.... hmmmm

oaf ago

Hah! I too thought the same joke, that kikes tried to get the value to exactly 6,000,000 on the nose, but erred. It is interesting that voat dwindled to 6 gorrilion comments per year.

nathanrosegoldberg ago

Voat is not dying, it is being killed; and the people killing it have names and addresses.

Anyways, I've noticed voat has been a lot worse since the borders opened back up.

antiracistMetal ago

physiologic operation by the opposition.

physiology -- the branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organisms and their parts.

psychology -- the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior in a given context.

Death_in_June ago

thanks, i misspelled it initially and just clicked on the first spell check option

observation1 ago

Just to view posts you have to register for an account.

Keep this up and it will eventually die

Niceballsnigga ago

No, but it is now a honey pot. It would be incredibly naive to think this site wasn't highly scrutinized by the enemies.

Death_in_June ago

and yet still you post

Niceballsnigga ago

Im not afraid of fucking kikes

watitdew ago

Hello Boyd Rice fan

Death_in_June ago

Nice! "Get Used to Saying No"

Death_in_June ago

thanks for the share

RaySchism ago

And living comfortably in Israel.

Infearmal ago

Like this time a pedo forum got hijacked by Australian police agents, where they forked it from Europe to Australia and ran it for 10 months under the ex administrator names and regularly posting CP in their place ? That'd be good.

Doglegwarrior ago

im still here and i still see the new being not only named and called out but openly people here still calling for them to be eliminated like the parasite virus they are... when people here start defending or saying jews are not that bad then we know its still alive and well...

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

They are scared. The hivemind is undergoing its seachange. Year of the black sun. SOON

newguyeverytime1 ago

You guys sound like giant faggots. Shut the Fuck Up

AndrewBlazeIt ago


member for a year

Death_in_June ago

were are niggers too

thislionsheart ago

George Soros sponsored the voat is dying meme. Meme is the gayest word written.

deadvoat ago

Voat is DEAD!

deadvoat ago

Ah the luscious sweet smell of downvotes. I sense a butthurt in the force niggerfaggots. Click harder.

FederalShill ago

Im dissapointed in the lack of pro hitler and pro national socialist sentiment and a massive uptick in support for a well know zionist, ZOG Lord Donberg Trumpstein

Death_in_June ago

fight back, those who can be convinced will be. the others might as well be JDF

FederalShill ago

I saved a bunch of stuff from those days, but it got deleted. I dont know where all those brave propaganda warriors went.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

Even if Voat is dying the truth will never die

voat the website, is not synonymous to "truth".

TimMasson1 ago

Voat isn't that important. Sorry to burst all of your bubbles. It's a web forum where people mostly talk shit and say nigger. Go talk to people about the important issues in real life in person.

Death_in_June ago

Voat taught me a lot of things, to me it is a important source of info, i would not have the ammo i need to deal with people IRL if i did not have sources like Voat.

TimMasson1 ago

You can get the same info 1000s of places online or in other forums. The info is out there. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Death_in_June ago

you can go post porn to thousands of other sites TimMasson1 why do you spend so much time and effort posting porn here only to get massive downvoating?

TimMasson1 ago

I never have posted porn. Don't even look at it.

Death_in_June ago

there are many stages to the red pill and many people will never reach the stage you are at. but at least we can move them a bit, as much of a pain the ass as they can be they are still on our side.

madhatter67 ago

and don't forget the Qooooooomers

KLDB ago

astray or passivity.

Trust the plan...

DanielR ago

we need to kill off these boomers and mossad kikes and niggers that got into VOAT

i dont understand the stupid "its free speech" argument, we are at war people !

ShakklezthaKlown ago

you're an Alphabet agent.

NotHereForPizza ago

We're saving Israel for last.

Surely it's a Jewish psyop.

ur-koan ago

I browse sources of information that are anti-progressive in nature using anonymization tools.

Using this site requires me to constantly fulfill a CAPTCHA. Yesterday, it prompted up to ten different recognization questions before I shut down the window and went elsewhere.

In any case for any community or society to thrive, it needs a leader or figurehead. If you vanish that figurehead, it does not go as they say in the fables where 'two will grow in its stead', it means the community shrivels and dies. Even an active, glorified caretaker or any other form of bellwether can play this role, but it must be played. It is in the nature of men.

Having that said, Voat has withstood the pressure exerted by the environment surprisingly well, and, against odds, still hosts a fairly active community. It is not the modern library of Alexandria like fullchan was before it was burned down by the barbarians, and while it may glow in the dark, it still brings light to those lost in darkness.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

Weird, I never get CAPTCHAs. I also don't bother with anonymization tools. Maybe try not looking like a bot?

Death_in_June ago

i've always seen a core of users on Voat that seem to ultimately determine the direction of things, there are many forms of "leadership" and even though Putt is not visible that does not mean that users can't set the tone of things at least a bit.. i think it's a valid issue that spammers are not being purged but i also refuse to let them win.

PygmyGoat ago

Not sure how that can be since Q encourages people to research shit on their own instead of being spoon-fed everything like MSM does.

Rotteuxx ago

What percentage of Qtards have the capacity to do real research ? Less than 5% ?

Does that intelligent 5% feel like hanging out with retards ? Most probably not, chances are they don't follow Q anymore.

What passes for research in that sub is googling & posting articles from media sources or twatter links most of the time, it's as valuable as being spoon fed by the TV.

PygmyGoat ago

It’s not Q’s fault if they get sucked into that crap. Most of his posts are for autists who can do that sort of thing anyway, not the general population. But the potential is there for those that really take the time to vet sources research.

Rotteuxx ago

Yep, if that includes killing people at a certain place & time, it's your personal perogative.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

It's ok to be dying.

Death_in_June ago

when it's time to die. we might disagree but i don;t think that time is here yet.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

Spammers aren't being banned, clickbait is rampant, feelgood fake news flies to the front page, low-effort slide posts everywhere, the same shit being posted six gorillion times. On top of all this, the transparency in site administration is totally gone.

Here I was thinking the Q Boomer wave was bad, it was, but now the site has never been shittier. Shills and trolls are really the tinniest problem, the real problem is people just being lazy and willfully ignorant. This used to a site about hard facts, about the truth.

There are still a few holdouts, maybe a little glimmer of hope, or maybe just something I cling to. However, I'd be lying if I said things weren't bad.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Is Voat just 12 people? kek

Death_in_June ago

12 people 6 million accounts

ThisIsMyRealName ago

You're not supposed to talk about the 6 billion accounts!

Moln0014 ago

I sure hope wont bend over like Reddit and get bought by China. That would be a sad day. I've seen a lot of change the past year.

0011000100100111101 ago

i can't view this shithole on my mobile calls me mister fancy pants.

Death_in_June ago

sometime life is hard

0011000100100111101 ago

like a midget at a urinal you have to stay on your toes. the canary is dead.

ex-redd ago

As far as i'm concerned their trolling is a good sign

ha, you are totally right

I can't stand it when there are the artificial waves of -- simply not entertaining -- normie-style retard shit

but yeah, it was odd when they seemed to take a bit of a break

what dumb fucks anyway. It is one thing when we elbow into the kike censorship online diversity parades, but what reward is there for shifting on Voat?: might as well try and reek chaotic havoc in a mad house; peacefully hand out democrat flyers at the RNC; or be a thot feminist that gets naked in front of straight dudes who all think she is a whore.

or just Shill some edgy faggot like tim poole--get that douche some fucking shekels for him to buy an new amazon wiretap with a manual. (paid shilling for these artificially propped-up alt-right personalities turds looking for twitter followers is probably the most annoying, albeit just that: annoying)

...and then there are the one's I am glad for who doubtless get their wonderful rabble-rousing pro-white and/or anti-kike pro shill skill from ties outside EU/US and aren't looking for shekels they likely live on someone else's tax rubles.

dis-information is the only real detriment to any of this:

Read the comment sections: if it is too good to be true it usually is; Beware quotes without citations, screenshots, and references to known sources without the actual source!

Buff_Awesome ago

Thank you! I've been saying this for days and yet the only response I get is, "Voat is a honeypot.". Anyone that believes this wave of "Voat is dying" posts is organic is retarded.

Death_in_June ago

people can get black pilled from chronic exposure to the things have too deal with. i understand many of those "honeypot" people and feel sorry for them, others are just JDF.

hatecrime ago

I just wish @puttitout would come back. The spammers/farmers/manipulators etc needs to be purged..

crazy_eyes ago


Ok2Bwhite ago

Voat did not kill itself

Morbo ago

Contrary to popular belief, Voat does not have information that will lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton.

Also, Voat does not know what anyone did in 1990.

KLDB ago

Voats not dying... you're dying...

Death_in_June ago

i have about six months

KLDB ago

that's always been your plan for the last 1.5 years?

Death_in_June ago


KLDB ago

you know how?

oaf ago


His large suicide bomber vest is all ready and loaded up with Semtex, except the detonator dead-man switch needs construction.

You really had to ask how he knew the specific month, eh?

KLDB ago

sure did eh.

Rotteuxx ago

As far as i'm concerned this "Voat is Dying" is a sad physiologic operation by the opposition.

The community is dumbed down, polarized & doesn't respect the place anymore. No more archiving of links, super editorialized titles if not plain clickbait. Linking straight from Reddit or 4chan image hosts, OPs not participating in threads (big hint of astroturfing), a lot of intelligent discussions have been replaced by edgy one liners just like on reddit... and so on.

I used to be a big OC contributor but Voat isn't appealing enough anymore for me to want to bother, especially with Putt being MIA and nobody having a clue who's running Voat post investor.

The Voat I grew to love is dead, it has been for a long time.

Once mass immigration was encouraged, the demographics changed overnight & the culture was not respected by the new guests. They shit the place up as if they were owed something.

Growth killed Voat & an absent admin let it rott.

aztlanshark ago

Well let’s be honest with ourselves: users bitched and moaned to putt about how voat was quarantined and how it was preventing its growth and influence on the all-important “internetting marketplace of ideas”.

So Pitt said fuck it, fuck you, and opened the gates and peaced the fuck out.

Glipglup ago

That was his plan from the start. I hope he's rotting in hell.

Rotteuxx ago

That was much later than what I was referencing, I was quite happy being quarantined. I'd be curious to look at a list of usernames that were pushing to reopen.

RiverWind ago

Try Aether:

It is engineered to prevent censorship, power-mods and is distributed, so can't be compromised at a single point like many sites. Also consider:

Death_in_June ago

thanks man, it's always good to know of other sites.

Duchozz ago

Lol gay

WereAllFucked ago

I originally joined in 2015 during the Ellen Pao debacle on reddit.

I used the site regularly for a while and then drifted and came back multiple times. Every time I returned I noticed a decline in content quality. When reddit started banishing certain subs, Voat got the brunt of cringe refugees.

People at the time were concerned with Voat's population and worried the website would sink (Voat was selling sweatshirts and stickers at the time to keep afloat. Have mine somewhere).

While finances were a legitimate concern I knew and warned everyone that the more reddit refugees came, the less authentic Voat would be. And not to toot my own cock or anything but that's exactly what happened.

PutItOut is nowhere to be found, his partner (can't remember his username after all these years) is long gone, and we literally have no idea who runs the site. Literal shit show.

Listening to my gut, I'm 90% sure this site is simply a government honey pot. Consolidate everyone who sees the world for what it is in one place and make it easier to keep tabs. I sincerely hope you guys are all smart enough to be using VPNs at a minimum.

Rotteuxx ago

I originally joined in 2015 during the Ellen Pao debacle on reddit.

Same here.

When reddit started banishing certain subs, Voat got the brunt of cringe refugees.

True, although we did have some enjoyable migrations like MDE.

People at the time were concerned with Voat's population and worried the website would sink (Voat was selling sweatshirts and stickers at the time to keep afloat. Have mine somewhere).

Got a sweatshirt & stickers :)

For a while it's all we'd hear about, we need to grow ! Growth is everything, let the refugees in.

And not to toot my own cock or anything but that's exactly what happened.

Toot it hard bud, I called it too.

Consolidate everyone who sees the world for what it is in one place and make it easier to keep tabs.


I sincerely hope you guys are all smart enough to be using VPNs at a minimum.

VPNs aren't a magic solution, device IDs are stored somewhere, that's one of the methods used to control vote manipulation.

Doglegwarrior ago

i dont agree with this guy and his name doesnt even look familier... hey voat goat what site allows you to name the jew as much as voat? where are you going now that voat is dead as you claim? how did u get so many upvoats you black pilling niggerkike faggot?

in general fuck off and most importantly

circumcision is an evil jewish religious ceremony with absolutly zero medical benefits

Rotteuxx ago

Its first post is 5 months ago and I've only noticed it being active in the past few weeks.

Death_in_June ago

i really feel you, but whether we like it or not change do happen. i understand that with quantity quality will decrease, but it's kinda up to the core users to keep the "real Voat" alive. The truth is infections and people will catch it if you are will to keep spreading it.

Not too many years ago i would have never question things like the Holocaust, but thanks to all you core Voaters out there my life have changed.

chirogonemd ago

The lack of the perception of leadership is killing the reasons it felt meaningful to participate here, it's killing the significance. You can all rattle off any sort of "buck up pussy and be an individual" aphorisms that you want. You cannot deny that the disappearance of leadership has effected the mood and the sense of coherence at this place, and it is weakening it in a major way. A place is always someone's place. People don't share in things collectively, they participate in broad situations where the strongest "self" tends to form the dominant leadership and sets the tone/theme/mood of that situation. It feels like we are all squatting in an abandoned house, and you all know what I mean. The rugged individuality arguments can take a hike; we have been floundering since the person/s who took ownership of the house have disappeared.

Death_in_June ago

You can give up if you feel like it and i wont think the less of you. i'm going to try to be the leadership i want too see. Yes Putt needs to get on the spammers for sure, but i'm not giving up.

i believe in rational and calculated thought, but at some point you can rationalize yourself into a corner and stop trying.

Rotteuxx ago

Even our resident meth head left the squat...

I agree with you 100%, leadership is not optional when it comes to any type of community

tempuser1 ago

Maroonsaint is still kickin around.

ketoll ago

The worst are the "itz da jewz" one-liners.

Ok, we get it, you're so edgy on an uncensored forum, but do you have anything with SUBSTANCE, INFORMATION, RESEARCH, SOURCES, or THOUGHT behind it? Just a bunch of baindread cultists repeating the same line over and over regardless of what the post is even talking about.

I posted about Chinese persecution of Falun Gong and 90% of the replies wanted to talk about "da jewz." Completely incapable of coloring anywhere outside the lines of Voat repetition.

calfahul ago

I've been saying this for years and I'm always glad to hear others saying it. We need deep conversation. We need positivity (how to improve your life, how to opt out of a sick society as much as possible, how to build a coherent political movement rather than just being atomized reactionaries, etc.) more than constant "look at awful clown world happening #3823145839493, what a clown world!" type posts. We need to focus on effectiveness.

ketoll ago

Absolutely agree. People can take personal actions to improve their own lives to counter this upside-down culture. I have seen some great posts about health advice, financial, etc. These posts add value to all of our lives. Maybe they tell people how to avoid paying high-interest loans rather than simply shouting against banks. Its applicable and actionable advice. It produces something. Research and citations provide pathways for everyone to educate themselves. Empty complaints produce nothing. No one is perfect, but it's better to strive to adopt some standards in what is accomplished by sharing information that helps people on here.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

I have been informing my local community about Chinese atrocities against their own... On that note, I do actually think there is a Mao-jewish connection.

AnarchySpeach ago

itz da jewz" one-liner faggots

CIA has to blend in somehow. Not all of them are very good at it.

itssomatic ago

If it's rote repetition, yes, it's tiresome. Challenge them to be creative, if it's novel or a riff on previous things, then I don't think there is anything wrong with short parting-shots. Consider that one of their tactics is to make you engage them over trivialities and waste time.

In the timespan that I've been aware of things, the Jewish castration of Occidental humor has done the most to wake people up (not that they necessarily think of things in those terms).

Always bully faggots!

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

You are on the list. I will set a trap for you soon.

Son of a Jew bitch.

Tallest_Skil ago

implying it’s not the jews

implying the chinks aren’t communist solely because of jewish funding

implying organ harvesting isn’t a quintessentially jewish practice

implying Israel hasn’t sold US military secrets to china in exchange for…

It’s like you’re not trying.

kevf4 ago

Spot on. I've been here for years and the worst posts are the one liner edgy repeatitions. Reminds me of that zyklonb faggot.

Gopherurself ago






Doglegwarrior ago

fuck you.. does this term mean anything to you??? every fucking time?

the reason we blame jews is the fact that practicaly every time you go down an anti white anti american anti captalism rabbit hole guess what is at the bottom guess who started it? every fucking time it is a kike... and you come here and try to say some bullshit.

you faggot kike commentor: The worst are the "itz da jewz" one-liner faggots 

it is the jews because how many times does it have to be the fucking jews before you wake up. and we do provide sources and links and information. ive seen massive information dumps from multiple goats when they explain why its the jews... so fuck off you piece of shit


What's the point of crying about jews to people who already know about this and hate them no less than you? I don't get it. It's useless and annoying. If you hate them so much then instead of crying on the internet about it go out and do something about them yourself you weak fucking trash. And take yourself out as well while you're at it.

Doglegwarrior ago

you got problems.. you shouldnt encourage kys to anyone even your enemy which i am not. im supporting eric clopper in his fight against circumcision and am raising money to get a billboard put up exposing it... dual citizenship billboard would be nice too.. dont kill your self try to have a more rational human out look on life.

Glipglup ago

Hey dogle look it's people from v/SBBH these guys basically SRS from Reddit, they are pathetic faggots don't even bother talking to those losers.

Oy vey it's not da Jews don't pay attention goy

Fuck off kikes.

Charilko ago

I mentioned something similar earlier today on a different post. It’s reddit tier conversation, to automatically go to “blame the Jews” for everything.

It’s the kind of derivative generalization that stops critical thinking. Human beings are complicated little fuckers and nothing in this world of our is ever that simple. There’s usually a lot more going on than just one group or philosophy being involved.

lucabrasi ago

If anything, I'd say this whole "lay off da jooz" idea is subversive at best. When it is proven time and time again that they lie behind every subversive act, you cannot deny it. Just because you get sick of hearing it all the time doesn't mean there isn't truth to it. Of course other groups are involved, who do you think funds them?

Vc83 ago

I wanted to make a big post about the movie industry subverting culture and pushing degenerate content. I wanted to make a thread about the porn industry trying to exploit people. I wanted to make a thread about all the warmongering in our government and why we need to be in the middle east.

Take a guess what all those threads would be about.

oaf ago

Smiling Merchants?

lucabrasi ago


Rotteuxx ago

Smurfs ?

Vc83 ago


drj2 ago

I’d say the worst are the ones that all say black pilled comments that it’s the jews

HateCumbuckets ago

I said something similar to Putt once. We have a place to post uncensored, I wish we could be more intelligent with our free speech.

At a glance normies see nazi, kikes, niggers, with no context and click away real quick. The edgelords are ruining something with great potential.

MrDarkWater ago

normies see nazi, kikes, niggers, with no context and click away real quick.

Thats supposed to happen

HateCumbuckets ago

How then are we supposed to educate people?

MrDarkWater ago

Go outside

i_hate_sodomites ago

Bullshit. Voat's been like this from the very beginning; it's you morons getting your panties shoved up their manginas that are constantly bitching and moaning about 'softening' the message in order to appeal to normies, 'cuz "growth" and "inclusiveness" and whatever liberal jingoisms you happen to vomit up as if they were a good thing. And if I'm not mistaken, you in particular have been doing this for years, along with a few other crybabies, whining because the vast majority of Voaters do hate the fucking jews, niggers, taco niggers, etc.

I'd say "get over it", but given that you've been here for years and have never gotten over it, I think the only thing that'll cure your drive for online multiculturalism is a bullet to the brainpan.

HateCumbuckets ago

I didn't say I wanted anything censored, nor language policed. I just think the spergs who don't have anything thoughtful to say, make voat look bad at a glance.

drj2 ago

We gotta use downvoat more often. Anyone sliding or not contributing and have reddit type responses in voat form. One liner jokes about a serious topic are pointlesss

chirogonemd ago

This is why leadership is critical. People cannot simply participate in something communally and freely come and go as they please without any established leadership, precisely because the majority of people are stupid. Every group needs a brain, and this site lost that. The mods need something to look to as well, an "over mod" if you will who sets the tone for a place. Everyone here can recognize how much this place has changed since it became clear we were marooned.

Rotteuxx ago

I member having conversations about other groups without it turning to foreskin eating & Moloch worshipping all the time.

Jews are bad, I know. They're not the only special interest group with an agenda though, blaming everything on them is just plain retarded.

Some will say it's shills but I think a lot of it are just socially rejected edgelords who aren't getting the message they should be from Voat... Get a life, get fit & move forward to secure the existence of our people and a future for our children.

That doesn't happen online, only irl efforts count at some point.

AphexTim ago

I agree with you

Rotteuxx ago

Whoa ! An elder :)

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Holy shit... There can't be too many of those that are active.

Charilko ago

How about this: they want us bitching in little circlejerks online, because that way, we aren’t doing things in meatspace.

NotHereForPizza ago

Justin got shoved out, likely paid off and signed NDA because noses are afraid of Q.

It's that simple.

Rotteuxx ago

Imo Q has a huge nose so I'm not sure where you're going with this.

Q is CivNat, jews love civnats.

NotHereForPizza ago

You're right. I've never met anyone that isn't too open about their beliefs.

Also, you clearly know very little about Q. None of us know virtually anything about them. Frankly, all of us know homogenous societies are the only way, so assuming Q isn't aware is far beyond irresponsible.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Love Redpilling the Normies

irelandLost ago

Qiggers ruin everything.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

You mean kike shills?

NotHereForPizza ago

Voat was shit prior to the great flood.

We chose this platform because we all knew there wasn't anywhere else to go.

This place got ruined because someone somewhere doesn't like Voat having allowed the movement to come here.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Ok kike.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Yet here voat is still... A bastion of free speech and red pills

NotHereForPizza ago

Owned and operated by noses and their fed lackeys.

Voat isn't "dying". It's dead.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

You sound like a kike

NotHereForPizza ago

Okay, brainlet.

Too bad anyone that's familiar with what I've spoken about here knows full well how I feel about noses.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Except your SCP, CCP, SV and CV All Look Like A KIKES

NotHereForPizza ago

Except I hardly vote on anything and so many disagree with me because I'm willing to say things others aren't.

Me being stalked certainly isn't a secret. My point things got reset quite a bit once those point reset Putt did a few times. I've clearly been brigaded many times.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

You havent been brigaded, Kike

ShakklezthaKlown ago

i wish you were more creative with your insults, guy.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago


ShakklezthaKlown ago

no obligatory "kike"?


Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Hey kike, good to see your alt account @shakklezthaklown @nothereforpizza

ShakklezthaKlown ago

[](#s "jews did 911. may the letters of the shemhamphoresh be burned into ashes for ever.

may yhvh fade into oblivion, as the Light burns his memetic energy away.

may the mark of solomon be broken and dashed into the stones by the Lightning.

may israel fall and be replaced with Gentile peoples.

may the nations of Earth be renewed and freed from the pestilence of abraham's conjuring")

ShakklezthaKlown ago

how many alts do you have? seeing as you are so quick to pin such an accusation on a random user. you have them. which ones are yours?

i'm definitely not @nothereforpizza

and you're not some sort of super sleuth that can justify such accusations out of thin air.

prooooooof matters. faggot.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Hey kike

ShakklezthaKlown ago

what is a kike

Laffey ago

Dying may be dramatic, but there are like six posts on the all front page about a joke told at the fucking Golden Globes.

Some things are questionable right now.

Though I will hold out hope.

Charilko ago

Given enough time, any human enterprise will be dragged down to the lowest common denominator. Of course this place is going to devolve into something like Reddit.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Which makes it no different than it has been for about 4 years now.

Laffey ago

I've been here about two, and this is the most blatantly bad I've seen it. Unless I'm just being nostalgic and misremembering.

Though I do have the Q subs blocked, so maybe that's part of it.

Reapreap ago

the boomers here are just so pathetic that they appear as shills.

NotHereForPizza ago

stop talking about Ricky

Squirm. We love it.

MarauderShields ago

Exactly. I keep watching it again and again, not because he's so funny, but because of their faces. That's something like what their faces will look like as they watch their buddies swinging from lampposts. In a word "disbelief", they believe their own bullshit. It never occurred to them that things could, and have, changed.

european ago

I found the twitter about the Hollywood writer pretty interesting. I got some way through her video

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Kike shills are multi-accounting more because we are over the target and they are desperate

MarauderShields ago

Much as I hate the Q expression. Here it fits.

bb22 ago

That's how it's always been around here sadly.

SearchVoatBot ago

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ThisIsMyRealName ago

To be fair, the jokes were funny and unexpected.

Barfin ago

it is slightly based content from gervais but that is very rare to see on MSM, I bet that caused some based people to look up discussion of it online and saw it censored in places like reddit so they then find out about voat and come here, they may be new but might be learning and newly redpilled on other topics by coming here.

tempuser1 ago

Slightly based? It was the most based 7 and a half minutes I've seen on the msm in the last 10 years or so.

Barfin ago

yeah true it is just not a high bar. I consider it slightly based just cuz all he did was state facts. Super based would be to call out jews and say blacks commit most crimes and that islam is right about women.

tempuser1 ago

Super based would be to call out jews and say blacks commit most crimes and that islam is right about women.

Does clumsily offending everyone help accomplish a worthwhile goal? Look on reddit today and you'll see stories of blacks and hassidic jews protesting and clashing in public - and many more people acknowledging that having diverse cultures in close proximity results in problems.

Step away from the heavy shilling on this site, and really look.

Barfin ago

lol, step away from heavy shilling on this site but go to reddit? I'm good.

tempuser1 ago

Unironically, yeah.

Take a stroll through the comments, sort by controversial, behold how blatant the censorship is getting - yet still failing.

Or continue concern trolling, idgaf.

Barfin ago

haha. blocked for being a shill

ThisIsMyRealName ago

You're both faggots.

Barfin ago

🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 = you right now

Drunkenst ago

You underestimate the balls that it took and the shockwaves it generated, guarantee that was not the dress rehearsal bit he delivered.

That bit was nothing less than heroic (and foolhardy). God bless R.G. - an atheist - for raining down that shitstorm.

Barfin ago

no doubt it took balls. I guess I am just used to being totlaly based and I don't pay attention to MSM that much so I forgot how soft it usually is.

Drunkenst ago

Best wishes andHappy New Year. There’s a meme floating around something something Ricky G. didn’t kill hisself. Risky business fucking with the likes of those scum.

tempuser1 ago

I was so glad he mentioned Epstein, not just for perpetuating the meme, but to capture that visceral reaction from the Hollywood crowd.

Sure, those in the know saw it all throughout pizzagate - the perverted inside jokes on social media,the food euphamisms and symbols, Polanski being a sick fuck or Shneiders blatant kiddie foot fetish.

There are so many blatant examples that get chalked up to coincidence, but holy shit, there can be no doubt to the ties of hollywood and harboring pedophiles.

Death_in_June ago

i feel you there, Voat defiantly has changed (it feels way more mainstream). i think the red pill comes in many stages and the longer you are exposed to information on Voat the more likely you are to see though stage event such as the Golden Globes. i noticed many people in the comment on those submissions were very skeptical

bb22 ago

Right wing is becoming more mainstream. Everybody knows Hollywood is left-wing as fuck. It used to be "cool." Now they're getting roasted and portrayed as the scum of the earth and they can't stand it.

Society is changing in a positive direction for once.

drj2 ago

I wouldn’t say one actor making jokes means the direction is changing. There’s still tons of left wing propaganda shows in all the cable and streaming

bb22 ago

You don't get it. It's not that one guy did it. It's that this was NOT TOLERATED in Hollywood before without serious repercussions. The conditioning is breaking.

You people who demand everything be solved at once are really just spoiled brats at heart, who will never do shit.

drj2 ago

Honestly I can't trust anything anyone in hollywood does. If it's what he thinks or he's just a pawn in some plan.

You probably have a better grasp on tv and hollywood than I do, since I literally don't know what new show or movie is out.

bb22 ago

I wouldn't be surprised if somebody in the Trump admin put him up to it. Nobody had to arrest Weinstein or Epstein, after all.

tempuser1 ago

Exactly. Not just right wing opinions, but fringe opinions. The overton window is blowing wide open.

The opinions I used to only see on voat or 8chan are frequently brought up in reddit, youtube, and other comment sections now.

BeesEverywhere ago

You Q faggots are ones to talk about psyops

ALIENS2222 ago


ridleychozo ago

Q is for newniggers. We didn't have to deal that parasite until their subreddit was banned last year.

Death_in_June ago

go through my comment history, look at my profile. am i a Q faggot?

BeesEverywhere ago

over the target

You definitely are.

Death_in_June ago

come and get me

Death_in_June ago

you can't stop us. the truth is already out and well beyond your control.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

you went from "am i a Q faggot"

to "you can't stop us"

simply because guy said "you definitely are"

something fishy about this conversation

Death_in_June ago

i'm not into Q, by "us" i meant the good old Nigger Faggot Voater

BeesEverywhere ago

There we go


VicariousJambi ago


You Q faggots are ones to talk about psyops

Member for 2 hours

ShakklezthaKlown ago

you realize dissenting accounts are throttled? people sometimes have to make new accounts to have their word. to gloat over this is extremely ironic as the repeated "bastion of free speech" line gets mentioned.

throttled speech is not free. period.

VicariousJambi ago

I've always been in favor of 4chans style of anonymity. Since we don't have that new accounts are pretty suspect imo.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

most of the problems here would be mitigated or completely nullified if votes were tied to users.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Blame Q and not the paid Kike-Shills

BeesEverywhere ago

It only takes 2 hours to realize half this site is LARPing???

VicariousJambi ago

Nice try, there.

Sosacms ago

Well there is some logic to it. Voat doesn't seem to have as much issues when Anti-Trump news breaks and we get flooded with argumentative larpers/shills.

Voat is getting more and more like Reddit. I used to get excited by my inbox leading to decent conversations. Now it's mostly just having a pointless argument about two separate topics.

VicariousJambi ago

Now it's mostly just having a pointless argument about two separate topics.

The shills here are pretty good at pilpul, yes. Makes arguments pointless. To the utter horror of most voaters I've actually gone back to reddit mostly. More fun trying to redpill the normies there than have pointless "debates" that aren't even in good faith anymore.

Sosacms ago

Ya, I'm probably just going to start deleting all my comments and leave all forms of social media. These days it's impossible to find anything new/exciting because everything is just a narrative wrapped in ads.

I miss the days when the challenge was finding the common ground, not dogmatically holding to one side.

Maybe I'll lurk Reddit for a bit. Find some new music and maybe find out what cool tech nerds have been creating. Can't remember the last time I thought "damn, that's cool." And that saddens me...

VicariousJambi ago

Can't remember the last time I thought "damn, that's cool." And that saddens me...

I had to switch to some pretty "out there" stuff to find anything that interested me anymore.

Sosacms ago

I just miss getting excited about the human race. I know that spirit still exists, it's just not being shown. People are doing some truly amazing things we should be wet dreaming over. Stuff that would be considered a miracle just a decade ago.... it's either being squashed or doesn't sell tickets....

VicariousJambi ago

I think we're not even close to our technological output yet. Imagine what science could achieve without being held back by the kikes? With our understanding of a holofractal universe we should have zero point energy by now.

Rotteuxx ago

I had to switch to some pretty "out there" stuff to find anything that interested me anymore.

So I'm not the only bored out of his mind with what's posted here. I used to learn something new every day on here but in the past year I've found myself thinking "This crap again ?!" so many times that I'm not sure if I'm just jaded or if people are using to repost content.

VicariousJambi ago

"This crap again ?!"

Exactly. I probably visit a few times a day just to keep up on the news but it's usually just overblown bullshit that will blow over in a week anyways. Voats now just a bathroom break glance for me.

I've had to supplement my path of learning myself. It used to be so easy. I could come here to voat and just learn new things. Well I'm pretty much all learned up on "based" stuff, and thats all voat really has ever really had to offer.

MayorMcBullshit ago

it’s showing the glowing

BeesEverywhere ago

Lol your entire living room is glowing goat in case you haven't noticed

MayorMcBullshit ago

my living room is empty. i live on a farm. ur literally dripping with jew cum, be it ur own or ur overlords. glow on, nigfag

ShakklezthaKlown ago

let me get this straight, you two are shitting on the guy and calling him a jew because

1 his account is new

2 he shit on Q


Glipglup ago

Don't ask questions just follow the narrative given to you.