13JFO ago

(was a lurker, decided to hop in) This is a good summary man, there should also be a guide that lists some of the jigs, drill presses, and mini-mills available for cutting and drilling. Tooling can get expensive.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

13JFO ago

Nice man. I've finished an 80% before for a pistol build, used a jig. I tried using a drill press with a milling jig one time and did plunge cuts. But the floor turned out a little gross in the receiver's main cavity. I'm debating investing in a mini-mill for doing it again and might try to do a form 1 supressor build.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

you can see my results there

mostly pretty smooth

and i was very methodical with a new bit and new router

so its about as good as can be expected

im very happy with the results

13JFO ago

You do good work. I just picked up four of these lol https://www.80-lower.com/products/blemished-forged-80-lower/

In my quarantine boredom I'm going to practice milling with a mini-mill, and might see about rigging up the chuck in my drill press to see if I can side-load it lightly and try milling that way, too.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

heck yes dude not bad at all

good luck with your work

post it here

robot7247 ago

Ammo Is The Choke Point and expect that to be exploited further (see CA and ammo background check upheld).

The DIY gun community has begun to look at surrogate ammo and will likely come up with solutions; eventually.

There was even one for blackpowder, .314 Atlas and look at the immediate media shit fit -


In the interim though -

Pick your caliber(s) and stock it as deep as you can, make sure .22LR is one of them (easy to fabricate quick DIY gun for). Consider reloading so you can replenish your centerfire supply (you need to add primers, powder & shot). Cases for low pressure loads like .38SPL can be reloaded up to 10X w/o annealling and if you anneal them, many more times. So if you have 100 cases reloaded 10 or more times -

1 lb. powder = 1,200-1500 rounds .38SPL (easy to store)

1200-1500 primers (easy to store)

1200-1500 projectiles (heavy but easy to store)

(.38SPL revolver keeps the cases inside gun until you eject them, easy to retain them after firing.)

All of the above fits it a 10" x 6" x 4" box!

Oh, and those .22LR? They can be reloaded too -


Interesting times kids, let's keep that DIY gun horse out of the barn.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

ammo ban was struck down and the 9th circuit granted the states emergency stay request

they havent upheld it yet and it hasnt fine to supreme court

robot7247 ago

So in essence, still in effect.

CA is the prototype for the rest of the country regarding guns.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

still in effect and upheld are very different

upheld means its over

in reality this is the beginning of the fight

each side only made one move so far

looking at california there is much to feel hopeful over

aks and ars used to be utterly banned but that was overturned

their assault weapons ban keeps getting circumvented to the point they have to keep adding specific definitions

a number of countries are shall issue

and the entire state is a castle doctrine state

dont be fooled by anti gun blackpill artists

watch as the magazine and ammo bans both fall

robot7247 ago

This post sorts people into to camps -

1: That's awesome info!


2: That's dangerous and should be illegal!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

i wonder which side clammy is on lol

robot7247 ago

Well done clammy. Add this one for inspiration on what can be done with a little motivation and simple tools -


Also, recall the original Liberator and its reason for being -

It was originally intended as an insurgency weapon to be mass dropped behind enemy lines to resistance fighters in occupied territory. A resistance fighter was to recover the gun, sneak up on an Axis occupier, kill or incapacitate him, and retrieve his weapons.


Other forums of note -

www.weaponsguild.com (excellent forum, Mark Serbu is a regular poster there)

www.homegunsmith.com (spurts of activity but pages & pages of completed projects)

http://www.hi-vel.com/Catalog_Index/catalog_index.html (fun stuff everyone should know about if you have a flare gun)

I'll think of more...

clamhurt_legbeard ago

lovely links

ill check them all out

1moar ago

Fucking A man, fucking A.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

damn straight

stack em deep

im gonna give some to family as christmas gifts

1moar ago

I'm pretty adoptable. Just sayin lol.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


buy your own fucking ender 3

its two hundo

Karbuster ago

Love my gad damn pew pews

Nice write up clammy!

I might be tempted to do an 80% and a printed gun, never been into ak's though

clamhurt_legbeard ago

fuck yes

i recently finished an ar

cannot recommend 80 percent arms enough

easy jig 2

the one that does ar 9 10 and 15

clamhurt_legbeard ago

you are correct sir

i need an 8 inch 762x39

clamhurt_legbeard ago


no serial number required

just dont make an sbr or sbs etc and they give zero shits for personal use

clamhurt_legbeard ago

casting brass


ill need to look into that

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/DIYGUNS submission by @Nadeshda.

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beefartist ago

For motivation watch a few videos of afghans scraping together 1911's and ak's on the dirty floor of a poopnmud hut with rusty screwdrivers

clamhurt_legbeard ago

the rivets on my ak were hammered by hand

and i did work barefoot on the garage floor for some parts

guns simply take patience

beefartist ago

I also hate shoes and like guns

clamhurt_legbeard ago

lol yesss

Rotteuxx ago


Now give me shop drawings :)

Also, you should do a write up on making brass casings from scratch.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

i have them if you actually want them

the entire technical manual is online

i have many many documents on the ak

i love the ak

Rotteuxx ago

I accept all donations of educational material which can help me learn & develop new manufacturing skills.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

im talking real engineering data

the words are all russian

but you understand the symbols and scribbles on the diagrams just fine

Nadeshda ago

@rotteuxx something we were talking about earlier... check it out!

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/guns submission by @Nadeshda.

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Nadeshda ago

Love it, love it love it!!! ❤️

Laffey ago

Needs a guide on how to make a four winds that starts like, "since you need this guide, start by putting on your water wings so you don't drown in your soup."

con77 ago

God bless America!

clamhurt_legbeard ago


thedirtypuma ago

Great read as always. Cool topic. I want onePNG.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

pdf available online for free

amusing side note

phillip luty was asked for ways to make it a semi auto closed bolt gun so itd be legal in the us

he was pretty annoyed at that but he did provide instructions lol