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TheBuddha ago

The Nugget. Didn't click, by the way. I'm very familiar with this rifle already. Some of them aren't bad, but they were banged together by Russian peasant women.

I avoid almost all online firearm discussions. People are, shall we say, a bit more opinionated than I care to deal with, with this subject.

Nadeshda ago

I hear you Sir and I agree it' tough sometimes to have good conversations here. You are exception to that rule though. Have a beautiful day!

TheBuddha ago

LOL You're on today's to-do list!

I'm using a pretty fancy to-do list software app that I kinda sorta edited to make suit my purposes. You're on it! "email nadeshda" is the most recent item on the list.

I just haven't gotten there yet. ;-)

I did my guitar practice and completed 1.5 hours of PT (in 45 minute chunks). I'll probably only do three hours worth of PT today. It's largely up to me, but they're suggesting I take it easy for a few days, 'cause I have some radiant knee pain and they don't want to aggravate that further.

Did I tell ya that I took three steps?!? I did, too! I'm pretty damned proud of that. They were extremely difficult, but I did it. That's like weeks and weeks ahead of schedule!

Ol' Buddha's gonna buck the odds and make a complete recovery. I can tell! I can even lift my leg up to put it into the bed. I normally (since the injury) either lift it with my hands, get assistance to lift it, or loop the right leg under the left leg and lift with that. However, I'm now able to lift it up on its own power and sort of throw it at the bed. It's awkward, but I'm pretty damned pleased with it.

Nadeshda ago

Wow oh wow!!! You took 3 steps? That is awesome news!!! Best day ever! I am so proud of you Sir! You are such an inspiration to me! You have to know though that somedays you plum make me feel terrible, but only because I get depressed that I can't seem to get around to do everything I want to do. :/

Oh you, your news makes my heart glad!

I just logged in to see @Rotteuxx Book binding project, not sure if you saw it, pretty cool.

Forgive me as I have been having really weird days lately. I think the weather, environment and stuff just driving away at my mood and temperament.

Anyway let me not get stuck here, even though I could speak to you for hours... I gotta stay focused or I am going to do my head in; I have been having horrible thoughts like plum disappearing from Voat and everything online and going completely dark as I constantly seem to let people down including myself and I am pretty sick of it... :(

Egh... this too will pass... I am not too worried as I have this annoying habit of bouncing back, anyways have a beautiful day Sir!

TheBuddha ago

I shall, at some point today, send you an email. Vamoose! I shall see you there.