Crensch ago

So, nothing specific?

Just a Jew-tier "everything"?

Crensch ago

Which part do you think is false, illiterate nigger?

21834466? ago

I member, we were all Shizy and Srayzie for a day, it was horrible btw... lol

21833863? ago

Ah that ol chestnut I member :) Lol you guys had me as mightyyetgentle at one point here. Darngit why didn’t I save that css, I need a copy! :)

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Crensch & Srayzie damaged Voat. Crensch & Srayzie divided Voat. I also formed the opinion that the controllers of Voat are on their side. Voat was taken over. It's dying. This was their plan all along. Listen to their tone when describing Voats users. They think everyone is mentally ill, low IQ, etc., etc.. They speak just like TPTB. I find that very interesting. Site owner goes MIA. Old Goats deleted their accounts. Can't create new subs. New users can only comment once in 24 hours. I think we all got our answer.

21833696? ago

It’s a weird one, I think secretly they are all embarrassed that that they gave so much energy to someone who ended up being sooo flaky that they are either ignoring the drama or fighting fires to save face, the ones still here.

Yes, Srayzie was in communications with Putts and the whole Q thing definitely wore him out. Honestly, chat comments indicate that he would be happy for all of that movement to just move along.

The drama is tiring that’s for sure and who knows what lawsuits and legal shenanigans hang in the background. @thewebofslime indicated that serious discussions were held to make things more amicable, whatever that means. I am still trying to find out who doxxed him?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

The drama is tiring that’s for sure

@Crensch is the one who started stirring it up again and in a big way this time.

21839282? ago

To be fair many have been stirring the pot about it. Some more serious then others and Crensch is certainly always up for a good fight/debate and this just fuels the shitposters efforts. I mean if character assassination ad hominem attacks were jelly beans we would literally be swimming in an ocean of them right now with the way some of these “debates” have been going, right?

Pm me who your other more well known name is, I know you but possibly under another name?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I had a user name here years ago but cannot get into it. I think it was Passerby or something like that. I don't remember because I drink and do a lot of drugs(not really but I'll use this excuse)

21839465? ago

You have been hanging with @thebuddha I see... ;) excuses, excuses... pfft... ;)

VoatContainmentGuard ago


21839871? ago

VoatContainmentGuard ago

dahell this mean?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Am I a bum or snek?

21843122? ago

Hanzel is that you?

SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago

Sends snatch pics to power users to create power clique on Voat.

Prove this happened. Because it didn't. If ANYONE got snatch pics, it's @ESOTERICshade, who is nothing but a COINTEL shill.

Leaves reviews of sex shops online

(((Conflating))) reviews of sex shops online to porn posted in a non-porn sub.

Roflmao the hypocrisy

The Jewism.

Crensch ago

@Nadesh @BrennKommando y'all don't have to switch sides, but what a pathetic line of argument for y'all to agree with.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago

She sent tit pics to ONE user that very obviously liked and wanted them: @ESOTERICshade.

And she was doxxed off here and attacked by all of you because trigglypuff just didnt like her.

Well, that's the best answer she gave in chat anyway. "She went after me" is horseshit.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

You're trying to protect the honor of a skank.

Crensch ago

And you're lying about her, username-created-specifically-to-attack-me.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I base my opinion on her posts and uploads.

Crensch ago

You're a username created specifically to attack me.

ESOTERICshade ago

She sent tit pics to ONE user that very obviously liked and wanted them: @ESOTERICshade.

Considering that you are the person always whining about people not proving their claims, don't you think you should prove that? She described herself as an internet sex freak in her own words. Are you fucking dense?

21833299? ago

Okay so why did she send tit pics to @Esotericshade and which type of bloke would not want tit pics? Clearly there is more to it. What I don’t understand is why you felt the need to destroy him shortly after?

I guess you didn’t like him either. Did he directly go after you? I remember you pinging me to that thread, I read your findings and thought to myself there is certainly more to this and is likely a personal vendetta, which later was proved as ES had personal info on Srayzie and she got scared right?

I remember Triggly asking kevdude to reign Srayzie in but she dropped that pm and boom gloves came off. That’s the history I remember, how far off am I @trigglypuff ?

ESOTERICshade ago

which later was proved as ES had personal info on Srayzie and she got scared right?

Thats part of it. She was so convinced that Qanon was real, she thought that it should be obvious to everybody that Qanon was in fact real.

Since I was the Anti Q she thought I might be some sort of federal agent or something. Or thought I had bad intentions. She is totally Q brainwashed.

She thought if she could false flag me by sending her pics to the mods that the mods would take up her fight and ask putt to site wide ban me. It almost worked as far as I can tell.

21834022? ago

Wow, the brainwashing is real. Who did she say Q was? He must be the ultimate tittilator it seems. ;) I want to see the pictures you saw, totally confidential of course. It’s intriguing to me and has caused such a ruckus, it’s like I must see... lol

I have no interest in another womans boobs, but these boobies have caused such a show I would be lying if I said I wasn’t intrigued, lol.

Q hey? What a demanding god to serve, dismiss all that disagree with you, blackmail if need be and your personal conduct requires no amending just research little pretties and show me what you got! Help build the sentient AI that will control future generations! Mhuhahahaaa...

Sorry went off on a tangent there, lol. Yeah that sentiment of trying to destroy someone who doesn’t agree with you is pretty immature. I am just often taken back by the sheer hypocrisy of it all.

Thank you for explaining the finer details of things here. I was never sure on that darn near permanent sticky trying to destroy you was really all about. I am glad you are still around to at least preserve more information relating this debacle.

ESOTERICshade ago

Yup. Some niggas is trippin around here :)

21834481? ago

Can I have some sweet music maestro to enjoy the day? ;)

ESOTERICshade ago

The Weight | Featuring Robbie Robertson and Ringo Starr| Playing For Change |

ESOTERICshade ago

Listen to the Music | Playing For Change

ESOTERICshade ago

Playing for change. Otis redding.

21836694? ago

:) left my home in Georgia... I like this song too...

ESOTERICshade ago

All Along The Watchtower | Playing For Change | Song Around The World

Tomorrow we might have to get boogie foot flat down on some old rock n roll.

21838768? ago

Oooh that was good. Busy realigning wooden bed slates with a drill. Darn those silly screws. You see I never built it the first time and some screws are stripped, bugger what an annoyance. Clearly the previous person used to much torque? I think that’s what happens right when screws bury themselves so deep and slip.

Anyway liking the sweet tunes. You have quite an ear for music. :)

We can rock and roll tomorrow. For sure :)

ESOTERICshade ago

All Along The Watchtower | Playing For Change | Song Around The World

Multi national artists

ESOTERICshade ago

This is one of their better ones in my opinion. At least I like it :) I absolutely love the fact that they travel to all these different countries and blend all these musicians into a single song. I think its really neat.

Gimme Shelter | Playing For Change | Song Around The World

21838898? ago

That’s really cool and novel! I can totally see why you like it! :)

ESOTERICshade ago

Walking Blues featuring Keb' Mo' | Playing For Change | Song Around The World

ESOTERICshade ago

I like this organization because they find so many rookie musicians from all over the world and then mix it into a full song. I think its pretty cool.

21838908? ago

It is cool! Thanks dude!

ESOTERICshade ago

We might have to get @thebuddha hooked up with these people and let him be a clip in one of these videos :)

21839035? ago

That would be cool!

ESOTERICshade ago

That would be cool!

From what I understand @thebuddha is a pretty fair musician. Ya never know. Anything is possible. Wouldn't that be a stone cold groove for buddha to have a clip in a video like that? It would be a gas man :)

ESOTERICshade ago

I'll see what I can find :)

ESOTERICshade ago

She sent tit pics to ONE user that very obviously liked and wanted them: @ESOTERICshade.

You are so full of shit. She described herself as as internet sex freak in her own words. You know its true. You have gone full blown psychotic and started making up whatever you can think of. When I went to bed last night you were posting insults. When I wake up this morning you are still at it. Doesn't look like you even went to bed.

I'm pretty sure you are having a psychotic break. Damn dude. Give it a rest.

Crensch ago

Are you trying to say she sent tit pics to you without you asking? You already admitted to having them.

Kek. Why didn't anyone else get tit pics besides from that (((totally not ESOTERICshade))) username?

ESOTERICshade ago

Kek. Why didn't anyone else get tit pics besides from that (((totally not ESOTERICshade))) username?

Thats easy to answer. The reason the pictures didn't go Voat wide, to her husband and children, because she sent them herself to her known safe spaces. You, vindicator, and Kevdude. She wanted to get me banned because I am the anti-Q. She figgered if she sent her pics to you three that I would get banned and the pictures would be contained.

Kevdude figured out her ploy and blew the whistle on her. If it was somebody that was mad at her sending the pictures the pictures would have traveled far and wide.

You really aren't very smart, ya know?

Crensch ago

Thats easy to answer. The reason the pictures didn't go Voat wide, to her husband and children, because she sent them herself to her known safe spaces. You, vindicator, and Kevdude. She wanted to get me banned because I am the anti-Q. She figgered if she sent her pics to you three that I would get banned and the pictures would be contained.

Did she ever push for you to get banned?

So you admit you have other tit pics besides the ones sent? We all know you have them. You're the only one. And you asked for them.

Kevdude figured out her ploy and blew the whistle on her. If it was somebody that was mad at her sending the pictures the pictures would have traveled far and wide.

Kevdude didn't do shit for months, moron. "Blew the whistle" - is that your leftist talking point you need to post here?

He deleted his account, too, because he lost his cool and his narrative and reputation were about to drop to historic lows - not that he really had a reputation after I dropped the fact that he was working with a reddit shadow-cabal to steer voat.

ESOTERICshade ago

Did she ever push for you to get banned?

Her plan was to enrage her white knights and have them do her dirty work. It backfired on her like a cartoon cannon.

So you admit you have other tit pics besides the ones sent?

You are making shit up again. I didn't admit anything and its none of your business. I'm not telling you a goddamn thing you crazy fucker.

He deleted his account, too, because he lost his cool and his narrative and reputation were about to drop to historic lows

I think he deleted his account because he is disappointed in what people like you have turned Voat into. As soon as you realized that putt had stepped out the door and you would face no consequences for your actions you went totally mod psycho, and against everything Voat has always stood for. The real crensch showed its ugly self.

not that he really had a reputation after I dropped the fact that he was working with a reddit shadow-cabal to steer voat.

I saw all that shit and its just another case of you twisting other people's words and intentions.

to steer voat.

Ironic that you say that. YOU are the one currently trying not only to steer voat, but to destroy everything it stood for.

Good things are almost always steered by a few good people. Kevdude DID steer Voat in many good directions. Kevdude was a cornerstone of this platform for a long time and he did a damn fine job.

You crensch on the other hand, are a spastic destroyer of what people like @atko, @puttitout, and @kevdude built.

Now shut the fuck up and go to bed you spastic sperg.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Ironic that you say that. YOU are the one currently trying not only to steer voat, but to destroy everything it stood for.

I would like to hear @Atko opinion on this.

Crensch ago

You are making shit up again. I didn't admit anything and its none of your business. I'm not telling you a goddamn thing you crazy fucker.

Right. You have tit pics. You're the only one she admitted to sending them to, and you've never once denied it. You just defend yourself from having SENT them to us.

Don't worry, that's a matter of record.

ESOTERICshade ago

Right. You have tit pics. You're the only one she admitted to sending them to, and you've never once denied it.

Not only did I NOT deny it, I admitted it.

You just defend yourself from having SENT them to us.

10-4 good buddy. You are coming in loud and clear.

Don't worry, that's a matter of record.

I think you should show us the record of me sending those pics. The record that does not exist. Matter of fact I bet putt checked all this shit out and knows that she did it herself.

Crensch ago

I think you should show us the record of me sending those pics. The record that does not exist. Matter of fact I bet putt checked all this shit out and knows that she did it herself.

Given that you're the only one admitting to having tit pics prior to the incident, and that you're a subversive liar that tried many times to get her to stop researching and posting Q stuff, you had the means and the motive, while literally nobody else did.

Not only did I NOT deny it, I admitted it.

Yep. Only one with means and motive before the incident.

ESOTERICshade ago

If Putt ever decides to step in and identify the sender of those pics, I"m gonna laugh my ass off about it.

Crensch ago

If Putt ever decides to step in and identify the sender of those pics, I"m gonna laugh my ass off about it.

He'll never out you, because if he did, he'd lose his section 230 immunity.

Rotteuxx ago

"She went after me" is horseshit.

Refresh my memory here but didn't @Srayzie go after her by posting a pm & claiming she was threatening her or some shit ? Before @Trigglypuff dug up the war hatchet ?

Crensch ago

Kek. No. Triggly and most of you faggots went nuts over srayzie's post about SBBH attacking GA, but Triggly went nuts over

This just reeks of someone trying to circumnavigate PV's opposition to pre-emptively banning users.

Zyklon was attacking srayzie and in full swing. Triggly smelled blood.


Rotteuxx ago

You sure about that ?

Because that first post you linked with @trigglypuff's comment is 3 hours older than this one where @Srayzie posted Trigg's PMs.

Crensch ago

Oh, gee, another link there. Who'da thunk it.

This sub seems to be very precious about comments. The constant drama is starting to get irritating. @zyklon_b got banned for making 1990 comments. I’m glad that you addressed the tone policing.

(((History))) huh !

She could have shut her whore mouth instead of being the cock holster for kevdude's PV at that time, too.

Rotteuxx ago

Oh sweet little @Crensch, no need to redirect the subject matter to ignore the fact that you just lied and I proved you wrong.

@Srayzie went after @Trigglypuff first. The link you just replied with shows that Triggs bared no ill will towards your titty rack up until she declared war on her.

You're really not helping yourself here.

Crensch ago

Oh sweet little @Crensch, no need to redirect the subject matter to ignore the fact that you just lied and I proved you wrong.

I posed links to triggly losing her shit.

@Srayzie went after @Trigglypuff first. The link you just replied with shows that Triggs bared no ill will towards your titty rack up until she declared war on her.

No, it shows triggly SAYING that, but very clearly warning srayzie of what was to come.

You're really not helping yourself here.

I'm so glad you're giving me the impetus to continue. I have SO much to share with the world.

Rotteuxx ago

I posed links to triggly losing her shit.

Still ignoring the fact that you lied and I proved you wrong.

No, it shows triggly SAYING that, but very clearly warning srayzie of what was to come.

So she warned her of what her actions would amount to... i fail to see the issue here.

You still lied and I proved you wrong.

Crensch ago

Still ignoring the fact that you lied and I proved you wrong.

I didn't, and you didn't. One link was to an entire week before the drop.

So she warned her of what her actions would amount to... i fail to see the issue here.

Oh, did you miss it? Do I need to explain it again?

You still lied and I proved you wrong.

Let's see how well this goes for you.

Rotteuxx ago

[–] Crensch -2 points (+0|-2) 34 minutes ago

Kek. No. Triggly and most of you faggots went nuts over srayzie's post about SBBH attacking GA, but Triggly went nuts over

The posts you linked show @Trigglypuff is being civil towards @Srayzie while the later is sperging out wild accusations.

You claimed she went nuts, you fail to show that in your links.

You lied.

Oh, did you miss it? Do I need to explain it again?

Citations required.

Crensch ago

What was that sub you and triggly plastered with srayzie's pics, that she did not post here herself?

Rotteuxx ago

You lied.

I caught you.

Deal with it.

Redirection denied.

Crensch ago

Did I, or did I not, provide you with evidence that trigglypuff was attacking srayzie before the 24th?

Did I, or did I not, provide you with evidence that trigglypuff was taking part in handling srayzie before the 24th?


Check your pings.

Rotteuxx ago

Did I, or did I not, provide you with evidence that trigglypuff was attacking srayzie before the 24th?

No you haven't.

A css troll in SBBH is not an attack, you're desperately grasping at straws & trying to twist the meaning of words to suit your narrative.

Did I, or did I not, provide you with evidence that trigglypuff was taking part in handling srayzie before the 24th?

No you haven't, you've shown @trigglypuff being very civil despite @Srayzie sperging out repeatedly at her.

Cite @Trigglypuff sperging out, with links and text analysis describing the conversations & hidden meanings.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SBBHTantrums submission by @Crensch.

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SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SBBHTantrums submission by @Crensch.

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Crensch ago

A css troll in SBBH is not an attack

"Hey, let's "Troll" that woman over there having her kids threatened with rape and murder by a druggie pedophile we all know and love!"


Keep at it, I'm sure the narrative will pan out for you.

Rotteuxx ago

Ouch, you're down to that type is pitiful reply huh ?!

Come on Crenschypoo, you're supposed to be way better than that.

Rotteuxx ago

Maybe it's the lack of coffee but what I'm reading here is "we're running a false flag op in our sub and would appreciate everyone's cooperation".

As a mod of /v/shitsrayziesays, I appreciate you posting your research on this subject matter in unrelated subs to help spread the truth about subversive titties.

I sure hope @puttitout can find the time someday to fix the bug keeping me out of my sub :/

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Did Putt get his tiddy pics too? Looks like

21833399? ago

Cynabuns built their subverse css too right @clamhurt_legbeard what was that all about, didn’t you help?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

It appears that the ClamHurtLegBeard account is a Crensch alt.

21833601? ago

Your kidding me... not clammy? Noooooo

clamhurt_legbeard ago

oh fuck

clambam a crunch alt

this is egregious

what sub are we asking about

21836660? ago

Did you work on GA Css or am I getting confuddy duddled?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

ya i did some minor css tweaks

mostly it was cynabuns tho

srayzie was pretty useless with css and found it easier to just give me the d than follow my insteuctions

21837216? ago

She was a tranny??? Gave you the d??? Wut?

Lol, kidding but thanks, I have always been curious about that. Cynabuns did an excellent job and I miss her being around... did you get a copy of CSS, I would love to use it as draft outline for other subs one day.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

The one they use right now?

Go to and copypaste

21837251? ago

Thanks :)

21833188? ago

Big Time, no coffee required Sir. Certainly a lets look good while we iron out our crinkly creases in the background. Real *slight of hand maneuvers going on here.

Look, look how I am doing the right thing for you support me in fighting the filth yet secretly fuels the fire. Very jewish.

That would have been the perfect sub for this, pity it got booted. We still can’t create subs can we?

There are more bugs I wonder if @trigglypuff noticed the cliche where nemesisprime looked like virge, I captured that, not sure if it’s worth reporting to Voatdev or just peoples messing with the css.

21832431? ago

I know right! Like in wha?? It perplexes the mind... I know I may not be the sharpest tool in the box but that is what I think we call an oxymoron right?

BrennKommando ago

"Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi" - What is allowed for Jupiter is not permissible for cattle!

21833356? ago

Like the law and taxes are only really for the poor!