Crensch & Srayzie damaged Voat. Crensch & Srayzie divided Voat. I also formed the opinion that the controllers of Voat are on their side. Voat was taken over. It's dying. This was their plan all along. Listen to their tone when describing Voats users. They think everyone is mentally ill, low IQ, etc., etc.. They speak just like TPTB. I find that very interesting. Site owner goes MIA. Old Goats deleted their accounts. Can't create new subs. New users can only comment once in 24 hours. I think we all got our answer.
It’s a weird one, I think secretly they are all embarrassed that that they gave so much energy to someone who ended up being sooo flaky that they are either ignoring the drama or fighting fires to save face, the ones still here.
Yes, Srayzie was in communications with Putts and the whole Q thing definitely wore him out. Honestly, chat comments indicate that he would be happy for all of that movement to just move along.
The drama is tiring that’s for sure and who knows what lawsuits and legal shenanigans hang in the background. @thewebofslime indicated that serious discussions were held to make things more amicable, whatever that means. I am still trying to find out who doxxed him?
To be fair many have been stirring the pot about it. Some more serious then others and Crensch is certainly always up for a good fight/debate and this just fuels the shitposters efforts. I mean if character assassination ad hominem attacks were jelly beans we would literally be swimming in an ocean of them right now with the way some of these “debates” have been going, right?
Pm me who your other more well known name is, I know you but possibly under another name?
I had a user name here years ago but cannot get into it. I think it was Passerby or something like that. I don't remember because I drink and do a lot of drugs(not really but I'll use this excuse)
Posted automatically (#80730) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@VoatContainmentGuard: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)
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VoatContainmentGuard ago
Crensch & Srayzie damaged Voat. Crensch & Srayzie divided Voat. I also formed the opinion that the controllers of Voat are on their side. Voat was taken over. It's dying. This was their plan all along. Listen to their tone when describing Voats users. They think everyone is mentally ill, low IQ, etc., etc.. They speak just like TPTB. I find that very interesting. Site owner goes MIA. Old Goats deleted their accounts. Can't create new subs. New users can only comment once in 24 hours. I think we all got our answer.
21833696? ago
It’s a weird one, I think secretly they are all embarrassed that that they gave so much energy to someone who ended up being sooo flaky that they are either ignoring the drama or fighting fires to save face, the ones still here.
Yes, Srayzie was in communications with Putts and the whole Q thing definitely wore him out. Honestly, chat comments indicate that he would be happy for all of that movement to just move along.
The drama is tiring that’s for sure and who knows what lawsuits and legal shenanigans hang in the background. @thewebofslime indicated that serious discussions were held to make things more amicable, whatever that means. I am still trying to find out who doxxed him?
VoatContainmentGuard ago
@Crensch is the one who started stirring it up again and in a big way this time.
21839282? ago
To be fair many have been stirring the pot about it. Some more serious then others and Crensch is certainly always up for a good fight/debate and this just fuels the shitposters efforts. I mean if character assassination ad hominem attacks were jelly beans we would literally be swimming in an ocean of them right now with the way some of these “debates” have been going, right?
Pm me who your other more well known name is, I know you but possibly under another name?
VoatContainmentGuard ago
I had a user name here years ago but cannot get into it. I think it was Passerby or something like that. I don't remember because I drink and do a lot of drugs(not really but I'll use this excuse)
21839465? ago
You have been hanging with @thebuddha I see... ;) excuses, excuses... pfft... ;)
VoatContainmentGuard ago
21839871? ago
No You!JPG
VoatContainmentGuard ago
dahell this mean?
21840601? ago
It’s easy to explain...JPG
VoatContainmentGuard ago
Am I a bum or snek?
21843122? ago
Hanzel is that you?
SearchVoatBot ago
This comment was linked from this v/SBBHTantrums comment by @Crensch.
Posted automatically (#80730) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@VoatContainmentGuard: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)