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Rotteuxx ago

[–] Rotteuxx 4 points (+6|-2) 6 months ago



Holy fuck, 6 months on and you're still butthurt, whining like a little bitch through tantrum posts and juvenile insults like "half-breed soyboys that have a feminine penis, or something".

Sad... and boring, this is a shit tier post of warmed up nothingness.

Props to @theoldones being the first one to comment, KeK !

heygeorge ago

Lol, meanwhile Crensch cucked himself to a married woman over grainy titty pictures that shook him to his core. Anyone who didn’t virtue signal hard enough got put on the naughty list. Lol that’s incel level. @trigglypuff @gabara

Rotteuxx ago

Sadly I believe Crenschypoo suffers from terminal incelitis.

Advanced symptoms include :

  • Angrily projecting one's own weaknesses.

  • Throwing online tantrums that nobody gives a shit about.

  • Reverting to childish name calling.

  • Idolizing the only woman who's ever gotten close to you through smut pics distributed on a massive scale.

heygeorge ago

only woman who's ever gotten close to you through smut pics distributed on a massive scale.

The extended distribution of the smutty pics is what really makes it funny! I just realized I directly responded to @crensch by accident, which goes against my personal policy of attempting to fill a cup which is already full.

I think he was trying to prove he is not a deflector by doubling down on deflection, then acting like there is something ‘started’ by posting an observation.

Crensch ago

The extended distribution of the smutty pics is what really makes it funny!

The ones that aren't her? Yep! It's funny all right.

I think he was trying to prove he is not a deflector by doubling down on deflection, then acting like there is something ‘started’ by posting an observation.

You mean how you talked about how it was suspicious that I started this, when depending on where you draw the lines, either you or @trigglypuff started it?

Top kek.

heygeorge ago

Srayzie sent you Kev and vindicator smutty pics of someone else? Lol the beta depths just sunk even lower @rotteuxx @trigglypuff @gabara

And it seems that by calling out a qtard trait (inability to take personal responsibility) it’s somehow my and trigs’ fault that crunchie is sperging. Fucking lol it doesn’t get much more stupid, even on Voat.

The extended distribution of the smutty pics is what really makes it funny!

The ones that aren't her? Yep! It's funny all right.

I think he was trying to prove he is not a deflector by doubling down on deflection, then acting like there is something ‘started’ by posting an observation.

You mean how you talked about how it was suspicious that I started this, when depending on where you draw the lines, either you or @trigglypuff started it?

Top kek.

Crensch ago

Srayzie sent you Kev and vindicator smutty pics of someone else?

No. You stated "extended distribution". Guess what wasn't extended distribution?

And it seems that by calling out a qtard trait (inability to take personal responsibility) it’s somehow my and trigs’ fault that crunchie is sperging. Fucking lol it doesn’t get much more stupid, even on Voat.

You mean in this comment where you still have a hard-on for me?

Nice gaslighting, but the record is there for all to see.