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Rotteuxx ago

[–] Rotteuxx 4 points (+6|-2) 6 months ago



Holy fuck, 6 months on and you're still butthurt, whining like a little bitch through tantrum posts and juvenile insults like "half-breed soyboys that have a feminine penis, or something".

Sad... and boring, this is a shit tier post of warmed up nothingness.

Props to @theoldones being the first one to comment, KeK !

heygeorge ago

Lol, meanwhile Crensch cucked himself to a married woman over grainy titty pictures that shook him to his core. Anyone who didn’t virtue signal hard enough got put on the naughty list. Lol that’s incel level. @trigglypuff @gabara

Crensch ago

Meanwhile @kevude, after admitting to getting a PM sent to both @vindicator and me, stating something along the lines of "Look what your mod has been up to" with links to the pics claims he never looked at them and deleted it right away!

Such a STOIC man! Not even looking at links sent to him about what his mod has been up to! That's not suspicious or anything, I'm sure.


heygeorge ago

So you are saying that srayzie sent you, vindicator, and kev the same tit pics in the same PM.

Further, by continuing to deflect, you are continuing to verify my posit yesterday: Lack of personal responsibility.

Interesting that you’re stirring the pot today, while @vindicator is putting in work to elucidate the suicided banker’s ties to Epstein. Curious.

[–] Crensch 48 seconds ago (edited 29 seconds ago)

Meanwhile @kevude, after admitting to getting a PM sent to both @vindicator and me, stating something along the lines of "Look what your mod has been up to" with links to the pics claims he never looked at them and deleted it right away!

Such a STOIC man! Not even looking at links sent to him about what his mod has been up to! That's not suspicious or anything, I'm sure.


SearchVoatBot ago

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Vindicator ago

Srayzie did not send the pics. They were sent by an account mocking the username of one of srayzie's friends.

I knew the pics were out there in the hands of ES for a couple of months prior to them being used, though, because in the process of warning female pizzagaters whom I noticed him grooming that I thought he was dangerous because a number of accounts he'd groomed previously had suddenly self-deleted, she begged me not to give him too much hell because she had already given him what he wanted.

For the record, none of the pics posted by the Gangs of Voat were even close to the pics sent to us three, which were neither grainy nor unattractive. That evening, srayzie was having panic attacks because she was in the public eye as the head of Voat's Q subverse and was worried the pics would be posted and Q would find out and be disappointed. I urged her to hold her head high, tell how ES had lured her in with a tale about also being a recovering alcoholic who got jilted and was feeling suicidal and needed cheering up. I wanted her to let everyone know ES had them before he could use them to bring her down. But she didn't believe Voat would have her back. Back then, I thought you guys would have. But she didn't buy it, so @Crensch @Kevdude and I gave her our word of honor we would not confront ES about it and we would let her decide when and how, if ever, to make the situation public.

Turned out Kev not only had no honor, he thought it would be fun to leak the news to Zyklon_b who had threatened her kids. Kev was having so much fun fucking srayzie up he even claimed that evil piece of shit was victimized by her. One of the most disgusting things I've ever seen anyone do to someone who trusted them. Especially given the fact that ES wouldn't have even had the opportunity to do it except for Kev, because I would have banned him. We documented ES using socks to vote brigade and silence many users in PG long before the pic incident, but Kev would not allow me to ban him from the subverse. He promised a "Voat Immune Response" if I did, and tried to get me involved in a bullshit trolling operation involving CSS fuckery.

Of course, when I called Kev out for his lies about srayzie's pics, he or his minions created a fake account in my name on Paol to smear me, and when I posted about that in ProtectVoat, he pulled the Reddit-mod moves he always bitches about in a sissy attempt discredit it. This was a great service, because it made it completely clear to me, Crensch and a number of others -- several of whom promptly resigned from the PV mod team -- just how corrupt Kev is, as well as those who protect him.

One thing I have not be able to figure out is why Kev -- knowing everything he knew about srayzie and obviously thinking she was a POS who should be subjected to extreme forms of punishment -- made her a mod of ProtectVoat? Haven't been able to figure that out.

ESOTERICshade ago

For the record, none of the pics posted by the Gangs of Voat were even close to the pics sent to us three, which were neither grainy nor unattractive.

Funny how the pics she sent me were NOT THE SAME pics she sent you, @crensch, and @kevdude, innit? Wonder how that happened? She tripped herself bad when the fucked up that false flag.

Vindicator ago

How exactly would you know? This was the first time I've ever given any description of the pics I received.

ESOTERICshade ago

How exactly would you know?

It was so easy a kindergarten child could figure it out.

  1. I knew I didn't send them.
  2. She set it up with a "poor me i'm afraid ESO will release my pics" two days before she did it.
  3. The verbal description of the pics you three guys got didn't come close to matching the pics she sent me, anyway.

She did it because I was busy exposing Q as a psyop and she hated it. Maybe she relapsed and got back on drugs and alcohol. I couldn't tell you exactly why she did it, but she did. I ask her by email why she did it and she wouldn't deny it.

Either she did it herself, or somebody else she plays sex games with did it. I'm betting on her. One thing is for sure, I didn't do it.

Vindicator ago

No one gave a "verbal description" of the pics we received.

She set it up with a "poor me i'm afraid ESO will release my pics" two days before she did it.

Oh? Where did this happen? Link, please. You're lying.

She did it because I was busy exposing Q as a psyop and she hated it.

Try again. When those pics were sent, you had long since been exposed in v/pizzagate as a shill targeting multiple users and involving them in activity designed to get them site-banned by Putt for violating the Voat TOS. You were lurking around in v/GreatAwakening defending it against QRV and NeonRevolt. You weren't "busy exposing Q" at all.

ESOTERICshade ago

No one gave a "verbal description" of the pics we received.


Oh? Where did this happen? Link, please. You're lying.

Two days before she sent the pics she messaged yall saying "i'm afraid ESO might release my pics." Deny it. Go ahead.

targeting multiple users and involving them in activity designed to get them site-banned by Putt for violating the Voat TOS.

You have a vivid imagination.

You were lurking around in v/GreatAwakening defending it against QRV and NeonRevolt.

Yes I decided to help her defend her sub. Guess that means you are just full of shit when you keep saying I hated her.

You weren't "busy exposing Q" at all.

Been doing it since day one, EXCEPT, when the QRV invasion happened. I decided to put down my Death To Q Sword for a few days and help her out. You ascribe a lot of motives to people's actions for which you have no evidence.

Since you are always barking for "evidence" from people, you should bring your own, or stop making claims. YOU and crensch got played by her. Yall bought her bullshit but the rest of Voat didn't.

Between believing her bullshit and believing Qanon is a super secret intel agent that is wrong more a broken clock, been a rough year for you pal.

Crensch ago

Funny how the pics she sent me were NOT THE SAME pics she sent you, @crensch, and @kevdude, innit? Wonder how that happened? She tripped herself bad when the fucked up that false flag.

And how would you know that, exactly?

ESOTERICshade ago

And how would you know that, exactly?

From a simple verbal description of the pictures. She simply fucked up and couldn't remember what she had, and had not shown me, because she has sent so many pictures to so many people in her life, she got confused and couldn't remember. She herself freely admitted to doing that on the internet on a regular basis, ya know...

Crensch ago

From a simple verbal description of the pictures.

You mean kevdude's "flappy Jew tits" comment?

Kek. He showed you, didn't he?

ESOTERICshade ago

He showed you, didn't he?

No he didn't have to. He has more integrity than that. It a LOT easier for me to know that the pictures were different, and that she did that shit herself, than you would ever imagine.

Crensch ago

No he didn't have to. He has more integrity than that.

Man, that is some dick sucking if I ever saw it.

@Vindicator, so many of these usernames seem like they are required to keep kev's name squeaky clean. So many jump in when I kick that particular hornet's nest. Vouching for him as such a good dude.


Vindicator ago

ES vouching for you is like having Zyklon among your friends. Sort of like calling Herpes a "cold sore".

ESOTERICshade ago

so many of these usernames seem like they are required to keep kev's name squeaky clean.

As usual it is a lot more simple than you make it. Most of Voat trusts Kev and hates you. Its not complicated.

Crensch ago

Kek. More of voat's active users voted to put their trust in me than even you could muster counting your sock puppets in PG and every sbbh troll combined.

Guess I should post that BA stuff again for all to see.

Crensch ago

So you are saying that srayzie sent you, vindicator, and kev the same tit pics in the same PM.

Vin and I confirmed it was the same to each of us. Kev claimed to have deleted it right away.

Further, by continuing to deflect, you are continuing to verify my posit yesterday: Lack of personal responsibility.

Like that of your buddies @zyklon_b, @Trigglypuff, @Rotteuxx, and @kevdude?

Interesting that you’re stirring the pot today, while @vindicator is putting in work to elucidate the suicided banker’s ties to Epstein. Curious.

I think it's curious that I didn't start this.

If you're talking about today, @Trigglypuff did 9.7 hours ago.

In the past two days? You did. Same link.