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sirRantsalot ago

Every good story needs aliens. Bring on the aliens!

SeanBox ago

Beatle stole an alien. That’s why they’re chasing him

SearchVoatBot ago

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sirRantsalot ago

That darned Beatle. He's voats very own snidely whiplash.

SeanBox ago

I heard he plans to tie the alien to some train tracks if he can shake the cops.

sirRantsalot ago

That dastardly villian!

AlienEskimo ago

It's ok, Uncle Valis is 68% silicone, he flattens real easy like Odo from Star Trek Deep Space Nine, except it only works when he has to take a dump - that's why his race is called shapeshitters

sirRantsalot ago

I had entirely forgotten about odo. Is he the guy from the "taken" movies?

AlienEskimo ago

I don't think so, but he was the priest in the original MASH movie

sirRantsalot ago

Oh wow! I enjoyed mash a lot as a kid. I've always wanted to make a gin still

AlienEskimo ago

I liked it to, and admired the Hawkeye role until I found out Alan Alda was a pretentious dick IRL

sirRantsalot ago

That's sad to learn.