Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

I wrote that post epic style. @heygeorge will be hosting an annual discussion about it...one of those rare occasions when I'm open to taking interviews.

heygeorge ago

If I think of it I will host another of my ongoing series, BGTKAV, and you will be the esteemed guest. I doubt, however, it will turn into an annual tradition.

15892722? ago

Everyone has a crush on @expershitposter. Duh.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


good shit

anybody who bans is a penis squasher

heygeorge ago

on the internet they pose a real threat


clamhurt_legbeard ago

by your powers combined

i am captain faggot

heygeorge ago

expie and tit have made peace so now we shall dine together on people far more gullible than us or @tits_out_fortheboys

@zyklon_b @freshmeat peace is possible.

zyklon_b ago

@freshmeat fucks kids tho

freshmeat ago

You are more obsessed with me than this tranny who follows me all over youtube

zyklon_b ago

who the tranny and send me link

heygeorge ago

@freshmeat, Beats is still waiting for that tranny link. You know he’s into it.

zyklon_b ago

@freshmeat did 1990

heygeorge ago

I suppose that’s going to be a larger rift to overcome than some assclown banning people.

zyklon_b ago

its bad

Inaminit ago

Pictures or it didn't happen...

ExpertShitposter ago

11 months ?

thats some violent thread necro

do share how you came across this?

heygeorge ago

I saw a post by him in /new and didn’t remember seeing him fag up the place for a bit. Was not too far back in submissions

ExpertShitposter ago

i re read it and my reply.

what a faggot.

heygeorge ago

Your reply was very sensible.

ExpertShitposter ago

That was back in the day when i still treated unreasonable people as someone who can be eventually reasoned with. Now days is know i will always be dealing with endless streams of such people so i don't waste time.

Instead i provoke a reaction by yelling "i will kill you with a gun" or something similar.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

This could've been us but you went out of your way to piss me off that one time...BUT it happened 11 months ago so who honestly gives a shit anymore, besides maybe OP.

You like to shitpost and I like to bust balls and that doesn't always mesh well together. Big whoop, I'm over it.

Have a happy new year.

ExpertShitposter ago

OP doesn't care, we just have a thing where we deliberately pull an ancient thread and laugh about it.

If you wanna redpill to death and bust some old boomer balls at the same time, i would recommend v/QRV

Example of my current work: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2948925

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

Fucking lol. That one guy who commented just to say he's blocking the sub

How could you say all those mean words about muh jews?! Heavens to betsy my eyes can't take itttt

Some cucks are just too easy to fuck with

ExpertShitposter ago

Yeah, you can make serious posts, or just talk some basic shit for fun, the result is always the same. Absolute rage. SHILL SHILL SHILL!!!! LE CNN SHILL IS TRYING TO DIVIDE US DEOMKRATS KKK!!!!

Example from a month ago: https://i.imgtc.com/T7YKzOo.png

So far i've been just fucking with them, but eventually i will dump all of my /pol/ info graphics in there for some serous work.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

I gave them a dose of some Christian antisemitism


ExpertShitposter ago

To hate Jews is to hate Trump's family.

This is the only thought their expired brains are capable of. Literally NPC, not better than leftist fecal matter.

Gradually I began to hate them.