15916452? ago

The annuaki or nefilm were born without foreskin. They screwed around with genes to create man, to be their slaves. Jews wanted to trick people into thinking they were so called gods, the so called lie: the chosen people. What a farce. There are no chosen people. We are all slaves. Parents should get a boot in the ass for vaccinating their babies. It retards them.

15895094? ago

that would reduce the population of the US by about 80 percent.

15895153? ago

No, only the old people.

15894350? ago

Execute all the parents of kids with earrings while you're at it. That would also be our president you fucking shill. While you are at it you can join the biggest Jew hating group in the USA founded by democrats (KKK).

15894381? ago

Well your president is a jew so i'm ok with killing him.

But why are you equating a tiny hole in an earlobe to having vital body parts cut off. Are you saying a severed arm by dangerous machinery is the same as a severed toe?

Wow, boomers are really dumb.

15894496? ago

Like I said. SHILL. Easy to recognize.

15894647? ago

You didn't say that dumbass. See how dumb you are? Go to sleep.

15894850? ago

I'll go to sleep with my beautiful wife then wake up and go to my office with my 126 employees while you attempt to jerk your little pee pee in your momma's basement. I feel bad for you. Really.....

15894983? ago

"LE i have hot wif, and milion moneiz, hahaha epik"

You, my boomer friend, have reached a new low. Capped for my cringe collection.

15895162? ago

You just don't get it. I wasn't making a joke when I said "I feel bad for you". I truly mean it. I pray that one day you will have a meaningful life and you will be able to think for yourself and spell words correctly. Poor soul, I pity you.

15895711? ago

I said "I feel bad for you". I truly mean it.

I don't think about you at all. And if you spend time praying, pray that all your failing organ surgeries go well you old fart.

15894184? ago

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15894140? ago

It is a barbaric procedure that we don't even perform on enemy combatants. Cutting off skin from a sensitive part of an infant's body with no anesthesia because "oh it's OK, he won't remember it". Penn&Teller showed clips of the process in a Bullshit episode and it makes me wonder how these doctors aren't executed on the spot.

15895679? ago

CHECK : Metzitzah B'peh

A pure pedophilia blood sacrifice act inflicted upon little helpless baby by jews .

15894519? ago

Anesthesia is used in hospitals

15894058? ago

OP is probably mexican. Civilized nations circumsize their boys. It looks better, its safer, sex feels better. Ever seen anybody draw or graffiti an uncircumsized penis? Probably not, because it looks silly.

15894319? ago

Hello Jew.

15894529? ago

Hello mexican. Approximately 3/4 of the world is circumsized, leaving mostly Mexico and south American nations that dont circumsize with a few south African countries.

15894625? ago

Approximately 3/4 of the world is circumsized

Jews, Muslims, Goyim

15894661? ago

Yeah and the remaining 1/4 are Mexicans.

15894730? ago

You want to be like the Jews and the Muslims?

15894208? ago

Civilized nations circumsize their boys.

Lying JIDF operator detected. There is 0 circumcision outside of US and Israel. Enjoy having a mutilated dick.

15894540? ago

Wrong turd. Research. Uncircumsized men are the minority in the world.

15894701? ago

Thats literally what i said. Poster above claimed "all civilized nations do it". That would imply all of US, EU, and most Asia and Oceania have mostly cut.

15894292? ago

Bahaha! I will, because it will actually look like a penis and not a disgusting slug.

15894342? ago

  • Natural = disgusting.
  • Sliced by blade = beautiful.

LOL at the COPE!!!!

You should also cut off your wifes nipples, lips, and pussy lips. Because cut and modified = beautiful!

LoL, you topped this thread today.

15894644? ago

Great! Research shows circumcision increases pleasure because the glans is exposed, instead of being covered by the less sensitive foreskin. Removing nipples and clits takes away all stimulation! Only a fuggin retard like yourself would make that comparison. May as well join the ranks of the fat smelly purple haired SJWs because they make stupid arguments like that all the time.

15895016? ago

Research shows

Like that research that claimed that coke is more healthy than water?

Fell for the jew meme.

15894044? ago

Sub blocked. You people are fucking idiots.

15894120? ago


15893816? ago

Posts like this embarrass the intelligence of any thinking person. It’s only attributed to the Jews because the demand given from God, our creator, was given for good. Circumcision is necessary for avoiding many problems, especially those occurring during that time. You have exposed your low I.Q. Trust and believe in God, or die, eternally.

15894393? ago

This is utterly ridiculous. The Messiah would be born through the line of Abraham. Circumcision was a physical mark of participation in that Covenant, nothing more. The Covenant has been fulfilled, there is no sense in continuing the practice. The Bible affirms this.

If you maintain even the most basic hygiene levels you'll never have any problems. Do you not wash?

15894202? ago

I have no "skin" in the game but "Circumcision is necessary for avoiding many problems," is just plain misinformation. Perhaps we should preemptively remove all tonsils and all appendixes according to your logic. Very flawed, very sad. Are you for abortion too? Cause thats quite preemptive too.

15893887? ago

Circumcision is necessary for avoiding many problems

Fell for the jew meme option then?

And since you speak of God, did God tell you to mutilate your sons genitalia because he is incompetent at making a functioning human?

15893773? ago

I sometimes think, maybe God made a mistake when he made man in his image. He then inspired man to circumcise to fix the error that he made.

The other mistake he made was putting the testicles on the outside of the body. Makes no sense. Unless they're there so women can have a shot at defending themselves against a bigger and stronger being.

15898260? ago

1 is to protect the penis head, clothes weren’t developed until way beyond comprehension, plus it’s nice! It makes it sensitive so blowjobs and sex is more enjoyable

2 is temperature regulationa

15895652? ago

Testicles on the outside is the best thing ever ... pocket billiard all the time .

15894399? ago

Point 1 is impossible. Unless God is fallible. If God is fallible, then existence is meaningless.

Point 2 is very likely true.

15894512? ago

Consider the complexity of earth and its inhabitants. You think God didn't make a mistake here and there? People being born with diseases and deformities? Little glitches in the system here and there, but overall an amazing and awe inspiring creation.

15916497? ago

Source is perfect. We were all pure energy. Then Enki came down and screwed us all up, by forcing us into a body prison, and creating adam in the gods image. There are no gods: plural. It was the nefilm who made us a slave race to mine their gold. They knew how to reduce gold to white powder "Manna". They wanted the powder, not the gold. The white powder has anti gravitational properties. You can read all about it in the true translations of the Sumerian clay tablets. The Jesuits hide all this from us.

15919868? ago

I don't know, I can't get behind the whole new ageism thing. To me, it seems like a movement created by the cabal to stray people from the teachings of Jesus.

15895023? ago

That's a rather different issue - fundamental design flaw vs genetic deterioration over time in a fallen world. The first would be devastating if it were possible. It would mean everything is up for grabs, and nothing is certain. The second is the manifestation of a corruption that began at a specific point in time, and has no intentionality on God's part.

15895283? ago

Are you saying that people in the beginning of time were born without deformities or diseases? Because I highly doubt that. Although I agree that we are weakened slightly every time we we procreate.

15895224? ago

Adam was created with useless nipples you twit

15895291? ago

Adam had gynychomastia.

15894332? ago

I appreciate your comments.

15893769? ago

Why don’t you add vaccinations to the header?

15893763? ago

Talking about low IQ have read what you are posting?

15893832? ago

Read your own sentence you illiterate faggot.

15893725? ago

Kill yourself OP

15893838? ago

Fuck of JIDF.

15893661? ago

My parents didn't have me circumcised. It was standard procedure at the hospital at the time. They're dead anyway.

Who appointed you judge and jury anyway?

15893843? ago


15894344? ago

This is the definition of using God's name in vain.

15894396? ago

I meant machine God. The Omnissiah.

FUCK your false fleshy god.

15894590? ago

Did the Omnissiah correctly identify those who call themselves Jews but are really the synagogue of Satan?


Oh. My God did.

15894630? ago

Jesus was liteally a jew. Samefur dispray.

15894652? ago

Jesus was not a Khazarian Jew.

15894668? ago

All jews must be killed or locked into Israel.

15894690? ago

Let me ask you again, bot.

FUCK your false fleshy god.

Did YOUR god call out those who say they are Jews?

15894713? ago

No. He performed genetic testing and vaporized all who had more than 10% jewish DNA.

15894763? ago

So why are there still Jews around? Some gawd.

15895063? ago

We fight in distant galaxies. No time for earth. Yet.

15895099? ago


15895227? ago

Here is a picture


I die a lot in combat, but i always get a replacement body.

15893649? ago

This is a great example of the stupidity of anti-Semites. I hope everyone sees this.

15893848? ago

Right into my cringe compilation.

15893587? ago

And anybody that bought a movie ticket going to pedophile filmmakers jailed for life.

15893897? ago


15893751? ago

How are fucktards as mentally damaged as you able to type sentences?

15894819? ago

I'm fucking trolling the OP.

15895172? ago

Not how it’s done, Woody Allen lover

15895687? ago

Pretty sure his squeeze in that one film... what's her name. Diane Keaton is a sick fuck too I'm thinking. Baby Boom (1987) she puts a thermometer in a baby's ass on camera. Another weird ass movie I haven't seen, The Good Mother (1988). Pervy ass movie cover.

15896312? ago

puts a thermometer in a baby's ass on camera

Isn’t that just how they took infant temps in the 80’s? I mean it seems off now but that was SOP.

15896441? ago

Yes, but penetrative acts are never shown, the camera always drifts up or they're covered. There's other odd scenes like the baby walking up below the newspaper in the crotch of the boyfriend.

15895650? ago

Fuck Woody Allen.

15896282? ago

Sure thing, Hamilton soundtrack owner

15893557? ago

no one's going to discuss this cause it's obviously retarded. especially not when you try and act like a big authoritative boy and just say "Discuss." like we're bound by your command. you probably got pushed around a lot in highschool, didn't you?

15893964? ago

No, he got circumcised. But they actually cut his dick off. They couldn't tell the difference. Now he is a sky screaming NPC.

15893570? ago

100 typical retard no argument reply from qrv. I edited the post now for your liking.