Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Are those the srayzie pics ive heard about?

Tallest_Skil ago

It’s not that IsaacJan, the autistic jewish retard who admits to having multiple sockpuppets, isn’t reading; it’s that he can’t read. Moreover, it’s that he’s so pants-shittingly terrified of–not me, but rather what I represent–that he refuses to so much as state a single thing he himself believes, much less prove any of his claims. Leftists such as him have reached the point where they realize that even their “most tame” ideological precepts are completely indefensible in any setting where opposition to them is allowed to exist, and therefore they can’t even risk STATING what they believe, due to the backlash that the lies will inevitably receive.

He will prove me correct in every reply from now until the day he dies.

IsaacJan ago

Text document demonstration:

Isn’t that just sad folks

IsaacJan ago

Suck that kike shills dick, faggot, yeah. You love it when he cries about his depression, don’t you, you dirty slut? It’s fucking hot watching him switch between alts to impotently vote manipulate conversations.

You know it turns me the fuck on when he deletes his shill posts after 4 downvotes and reposts it. I fucking LOVE that he has a copy/paste shilling text document open 24/7 because he can’t defend himself or hold real conversations.

I know you disturbing little retards love it too. Hey, GAYEST_SHILL, @tallest_skil you faggot, come prove me right every day of your miserable life. Tell me more about how you’re suicidally depressed, call me a jew, project at me baby, your fans need you.