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Tallest_Skil ago

We ain't going to war for anyone.

Of course we are. Israel will attack the US, blame Iran, and we’ll invade to depose the government. Just like the last 100 years of human history. Minimum.

IsaacJan ago

GAYEST_SHILL here wants you to ignore the masses are waking up. STOP noticing people are getting angry. Go back to being a depressed blackpilled kike.

He’ll shake in rage and downvote you if you suggest his kike masters are threatened. He’ll even spam faggoty copy/pastes, watch.

Tallest_Skil ago

It’s not that IsaacJan, the autistic jewish retard who admits to having multiple sockpuppets, isn’t reading; it’s that he can’t read. Moreover, it’s that he’s so pants-shittingly terrified of–not me, but rather what I represent–that he refuses to so much as state a single thing he himself believes, much less prove any of his claims. Leftists such as him have reached the point where they realize that even their “most tame” ideological precepts are completely indefensible in any setting where opposition to them is allowed to exist, and therefore they can’t even risk STATING what they believe, due to the backlash that the lies will inevitably receive.

He will prove me correct in every reply from now until the day he dies.

SearchVoatBot ago

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IsaacJan ago

This is a copy/paste from a text document. That’s right; he took the time to make a copy/paste specifically for me, because I’ve broken him. He’s scared of me at this point, it’s just a fear response.