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Tallest_Skil ago

He’s not wrong. We can use this. “Why don’t jews ever get prosecuted for their child porn?"

IsaacJan ago

Don’t ever say “we”, faggot.

Tallest_Skil ago

It’s not that IsaacJan, the autistic jewish retard who admits to having multiple sockpuppets, isn’t reading; it’s that he can’t read. Moreover, it’s that he’s so pants-shittingly terrified of–not me, but rather what I represent–that he refuses to so much as state a single thing he himself believes, much less prove any of his claims. Leftists such as him have reached the point where they realize that even their “most tame” ideological precepts are completely indefensible in any setting where opposition to them is allowed to exist, and therefore they can’t even risk STATING what they believe, due to the backlash that the lies will inevitably receive.

He will prove me correct in every reply from now until the day he dies.

IsaacJan ago

“We” don’t have text documents full of copy/pastes to shill with. You’re a little faggot who spends all day wasting their time being a fat fuck spamming blackpill depression crybaby shit on here.

Make that a copy/paste, crybaby bitch.

Tallest_Skil ago

It’s not that IsaacJan, the autistic jewish retard who admits to having multiple sockpuppets, isn’t reading; it’s that he can’t read. Moreover, it’s that he’s so pants-shittingly terrified of–not me, but rather what I represent–that he refuses to so much as state a single thing he himself believes, much less prove any of his claims. Leftists such as him have reached the point where they realize that even their “most tame” ideological precepts are completely indefensible in any setting where opposition to them is allowed to exist, and therefore they can’t even risk STATING what they believe, due to the backlash that the lies will inevitably receive.

He will prove me correct in every reply from now until the day he dies.

IsaacJan ago

Keep spamming it, faggot, show everyone how scared and incapable you are of forming normal thoughts.

You’re a fat, disgusting waste of life who spends every day crying about your depression to people who don’t give a fuck about you. That will never change.

Tallest_Skil ago

incapable of forming normal thoughts



IsaacJan ago

See what I mean? That response is entirely unrelated. It makes no sense. You use what you think are retarded buzz words to sound like you aren’t a sniveling little kike faggot. It’s payjetic.

Tallest_Skil ago

literally cannot read

Keep proving me right every single day, coward. Oh, by the way, one citation. For anything you’ve said. Go on. Show the people you don’t have it.

IsaacJan ago

This is a nonsense response. You don’t even follow topic, you just repeat the same shit.

You’re a faggot. I’ll keep letting others know.

Tallest_Skil ago





Here it is, as simple as it can be.

You are going to state one thing you believe which is in contradiction to something I have said. At any time. Under any topic. You are going to provide a citation for this belief. The citation will prove you right and me wrong. This will be a matter not of opinion, but of objective reality, somewhere in the world.

You will do this or you will be proving me right, as I have continued to be right for the entire godforsaken time I’ve had the misfortune of knowing that a subhuman faggot like you exists. If you do not do this, I will never speak to you again, EXCEPT insofar as I post that same copypasta–written to prove that you will not do this, and that I have always been right about you not doing it–any time you attempt to slander me or to otherwise bring me up. This will be done for comedic effect, as it has always been. To mock you, and to mock your abject cowardice at the concept of mere words themselves.

IsaacJan ago

Who the fuck do you think is going to read your copy/paste book from your shill manager, kike?

Tallest_Skil ago

Goodbye, Isaac. You had your chance.

IsaacJan ago

I’m not going anywhere you fucking dipshit. Say goodbye to yourself and kill yourself already.

Communism4Israel ago

Of course as soon as he runs out of copypastas, he'll run away like the coward he is.