Justice-Formidious ago

There is a difference in "racist" shitposts and submitting FACTS. Why would we NOT want to be associated with those who post FACTS? Posting REAL HISTORY DOES NOT DIVIDE THE MOVEMENT.

KnownBand0 ago

Dear ContainmentGuard: You've been here ONE MONTH ? You're like the person who buys a ticket halfway through the movie, and then professes to know all. BEWARE FALSE PROPHETS.

KnownBand0 ago

Hasbara is a form of propaganda aimed at an international audience, primarily, but not exclusively, in western countries. It is meant to influence the conversation in a way that positively portrays Israeli political moves and policies, including actions undertaken by Israel in the past.Nov 13, 2011 Taylor Caldwell > Quotes > Quotable Quote

Taylor Caldwell

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

― Taylor Caldwell, A Pillar of Iron

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I'm not the one is an admitted zionist. Crensch is.

KnownBand0 ago

the jews have a saying about the Zionists:

"They are us; but they do not come from us"

KnownBand0 ago

Racism and hatred is TAUGHT. Indoctrination. Wether it's in school, armed forces or at the family dinner table. Is there room in the future for jew haters and Zionists ? Man ruins everything he touches.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Too bad I was traveling yesterday and missed this.

This is some funny shit right here.

You qcumbers claim to be researchers and shit. How is it that you didn’t figure out you let a first order, top level, racist take over your sub? Oh that’s right, you didn’t figure out your previous owner was a dirty adulterous whore either.

To use one of your own phrases -

these people are stupid

Skirmish ago

The Greater Good, Period. America will always need protecting.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

It matters WHOM is doing the protecting.

Tallest_Skil ago

Holy fucking christ, kill yourself you ungodly retarded Q-LARPer. You’re a race traitor, a traitor to the United States, and you’re too stupid to be called human.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

At least I'm not as dumb as Crensch. He's a mod there! AND he got fooled by a thot.

buildingbetter ago

So I see I have been dragged into this as well so I will state my position on all this. I have been so busy that I didn't even notice that there was a v/GA. I stopped going over to QRV because of all the drama. I do believe in free speech, however with good leadership comes sacrifices. That would even include holding back their opinions as they are leading when the population you represent is very diversified in their positions. You cannot lead people with two different points of view when you are vocal about your preference of one side. Folks, we are in the thick of this war right now and we DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR DRAMA! Right now we need an even keeled leader to get us through to the end. I have been focusing on the mission and just noticing all the drama. Because there is so much controversy I would say it is time for someone else to step up to the plate and keep us all focused instead of fighting. Does any of us want to lose this war due to this nonsense? All of this needs to be resolved quickly and quietly. We need the sub owner to keep the place clean of shills while maintaining free speech. The enemy will use anything they can against us. Who can step up and make sure there is no more drama? The goal we have been given by Q is to unite and yet here I see nothing but division. UNITED WE ARE STRONG DIVIDED WE FALL. Stay focused on the mission Patriots, I hope this is resolved real soon. Heaven help the people Q identifies as creating problems. We know he LURKS here.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

GA will die with Crensch & Srayz at the helm, but, we're trying to stop that from happening. We want the community to survive.

Vampyregod ago

I can tell you that @srayz has not sent me one, count 'em, not one single inappropriate photo.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Then she thinks you are a cuck. Just read her vile comments to other users and understand what she really thinks about you.

Vampyregod ago

She's been around quite some time. Valuable information shared by her. Why are we suddenly concerned about her vile comments?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Valuable info shared?? haha She gets it from REAL researchers on Twitter.

Vampyregod ago

And then aggregates it. Isnt that what this place is for?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

It seemed to me that you are trying to act like she's some big researcher when she isn't.

Vampyregod ago

No, more like a reporter of research, which might be just as important.

VoatContainmentGuard ago


sguevar ago

I saw. Just pinging you so you are aware of the answer I am giving here.

Take care.

sguevar ago

First off this pm you sent me is relevant to this discussion as an outside ping to what you want to accomplish:


So here is my reply to this post and the pm you provided to me:

1- I am not about to fall into convenience to support this post from a probable alt that is looking to spread some type of (((fellow))) voater rhetoric here. 2- antisemitism is a loaded word created by the (((jews in the letter))) to avoid being criticised and play the victim card. Not interested in using it nor reading much of someone that uses it. 3- Racism is a similar type of loaded word that is often used by niggers to play the victim card also when they are called out on their nigger tier behavior. Let me clarify one thing here: I do like black people, I don't like niggers. Why do I make the difference between them? Because one group is still full of useful idiots of the democratic plantation. The other isn't. 4- As a True Christian, I do not support the satanic state of Israel that bears the star of remphan as it's insignia. I do not believe the (((jews in the letter))) are the chosen people of God. I believe the Jews in the Spirit are the chosen people of God and those are anyone that accepts and confess Jesus Christ as their savior and the Son of God. (Romans 2:28-29 - KJV) 5- I don't think u/Crensch should step out of his position as owner because of his beliefs on niggers and the (((jews in the letter))) - I personally agree with him on the holocaust being nothing more than a hoax. I do think he needs to step off because of his power moderation behavior. His justification of the end justifies the means and falling into convenience and hurting the integrity of the site because of his own "war" that it is now openly asking for upvote brigading. 6- Whatever u/Srayz has done with her personal pictures it is not of my interest. However that doesn't takes away the fact that she was to my eyes and still think she would be a good moderator/owner and content curator. Nevertheless I do find it disappointing that as u/Crensch she fell into convenience as well as all of her supporters to engage in the same type of behavior of the group that we both despised. So in that regard I prefer staying out of this shit. 7- I personally believe that only dialogue can fix this problem but until these users understand that (u/Crensch, u/Srayz and their supporters) I have no further interest in pursuing any discussion whatsoever with what is going on until they fix what I have enunciated here: https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/3299539/19408239

And finally but not least:

I don't know who you are and you don't seem to be trust worthy either because of your little time here that makes me think you are the alt of someone else and because of the rhetoric you have decided to pursue here. If you don't like the community of Voat to be critic on nigger like behavior and (((jews in the letter))) you are more than welcome to leave.

Do not come here applying guilty by association rhetoric because then in that regard you will then try to purge the same beliefs out of Voat entirely or look to separate the v/GreatAwakening community from Voat completely.

So I downvoted this post.

There you go, you got my Contribution to your post.


freeredcaz ago

I got pinged in. No idea what this is all about and don't give a shit. Enjoy your squabbles. I got a life.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Thank you for your post.

Rotteuxx ago


I keep telling folks I have a metric shit ton of free shovels to hand out.

Kikes can't help themselves, obviously !

fluhthreeex ago

What is this a qwunch self-post trying to make qwuench a more likeable sounding DOD sockpuppet? #DefundThePentagon #fluhthreeex2020

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I agree.@crensch's censorship of GA and his ban happy power mod attitude has no place on Voat.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

He's gotta go! and he can take his disgusting thot with him!

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Crensch is the one power modding.

KillerKap ago

And what do you call this bullshit halfassed attempted mutiny?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

No, its calling out an asshole and his thot for the greater good of the GA community.

hamman365 ago

Piss off - dont ping me with your beatle army bullshit

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I'm not part of Beatles Army. I have posted evidence that you should observe. The truth.

hamman365 ago

Piss off - dont fucking ping me with your bullshit.

QTipping ago

What about OP's post is bullshit?

Did Q say this:

They want you DIVIDED.




Is greatawakening a Q sub?

Is Crensch the owner of greatawakening and its defacto brand representative?

Is this not part of Crensch's posting history?




hamman365 ago

Piss off with your bullshit and your 2 day old account. Dont fucking include me in all of your bullshit.

Gothamgirl ago

He has been here years, you only 9 months 😂🤣😂

QTipping ago

and your 2 day old account.


Feel free to check the posting history of this account in GA. Questioning the mods gets you banned. I was banned for my activity in this thread. If I had used my main it would be banned. I have been an active part of greatawakening since the beginning. I don't think Crensch is a good look for the sub. Srayzie is back and she doesn't seem to have a problem dealing with the trolls. So why is Crensch still the owner? I think he won't give it back and she is scared to push because he can just kick her off the mod team and ban her.

Ps4Freedom ago

It's actually an op. With a game plan Crensch posted. It's always the opposite with these people and the same game. 8chan is being hit today and it looks just like these guys.

Trump speech where he mentions the lies online and ISIS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EI0m7rajgAI

I hope someone else has Crensch's post on the plan to control subs and mods...can't find it at the moment.

hamman365 ago

Piss off

QTipping ago

Great rebuttal.

hamman365 ago

Aint got time for your bullshit, so piss off

Maggotbait88 ago

Of all the reasons powermods would worm their way in, I didn't think it would be because of a thot. Disappointing!

VoatContainmentGuard ago

It is very surprising that men on Voat would be susceptible to a thot's head games.

Qtiepie ago

@lordbeatlejuicethe1 @Gothamgirl @Kevdude

You guys are ruining Voat. What is it you want? If you're some paid group, tell me the goal. You seemed to want to run me off but when I left, the drama continued. If I leave, will you leave me alone and stop threatening my kids?

@Crensch @Vindicator


Gothamgirl ago

Ruining voat? Why cause you have busted cheating on your husband? Voat isn't ruined, your name is..

You ,Crensch, and shizy, the pedo should gtfo then! we are not the only ones you ever fucked with, but we are the ones you can beat. To bad... if putt wants me to leave I am sure he will message and delete me.

Shizie ago

and shizy, the pedo

I work with victims of pedos and used to work with LE to put pedos behind bars. It's absolutely ridiculous that you call me of all people a pedo 🤣🤣🤣! What's really funny, is that it's coming from you, the doormat who married an actual pedo!


What kind of a sick fuck fantasizes about sticking something up a boys butt? A PEDOPHILE that's who! How sick are you to marry a pedo?!

Your "husband" is the one who called your kids niggers:


If you want to be mad about your nigger kids being called niggers, go blame him 🤣🖕🏿

Gothamgirl ago

No one believes you..

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

we know where they live and attend school

VoatContainmentGuard ago

YOU divided Voat. YOU & YOUR INCEL ARMY!! With your sleazy tactic of using sex to influence certain male members here. You ruined long-time friendships. You are cancer no matter where you go. You are evil. You should be ashamed of yourself. You have brought shame on your family. I feel sorry for your husband. Go get the mental help that you need and get some morals. Women do not act the way you do. It seems everything you touch, you have to ad degeneracy to it, just like your alt names "Clitorissa". Its disgusting and shows your true self. Leave this sacred place and never return because the trees here will whisper your name for eternity.

Gothamgirl ago

Interesting I thought Crensch, Srayzie being crazy for a year did that brigading people! Why did you not speak up before?

Rotteuxx ago

You never left CerealBrain.

Stop being so full of shit and playing victim when you've willfully taken part in the harrassment of other users.

QTipping ago

Hi Srayzie. You have been banned for shilling for dividers. I get that isn't fair, but you do it in great awakening to people so it is being done to you here.

I have been criticized in this thread for using an alt, but I don't want to be banned by crensch for criticizing him so I am hiding my main account. I have also seen a lot of down votes thrown in my direction. You use a bunch of alts because of that so I think it is ok for me to do it too.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

That psycho has so many alts she sometimes has a thread where they talk to one another

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I agree with this ban 100%. Had she been honest I would never want her banned here but she is shilling and pushing division by acting like the poor little damsel in distress.

Questionable_1 ago

Who let this reddit tier nigger in here. Fuck off back to reddit you can be PC all you want there.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Its not about being PC. I am all for free speech. Its about owners of a Q sub being morally bankrupt.

QTipping ago

You are not a member of the great awakening community. You are just here to shill for Crensch. Bye.

Vampyregod ago

If we are open to all, that should include racists. Remember, q said everything we have been taught about history is a lie.

KillerKap ago

Haha nice pivot! Kekks around.

VoatContainmentGuard ago


Vampyregod ago

True diversity means accepting the fact that we are different. Celebrating that fact. I should be able to rejoice in being white and have pride without being called a racist. Just like blacks should take pride in their race. If they did so collectively, and i mean true pride, not that angry white hate pride... maybe they wouldnt be so violent and ignorant. Maybe they wouldnt act like such niggers.

Vampyregod ago

No dividing us by opinions you dont agree with.

Ps4Freedom ago

Not trying to do that. I'm fighting to end the censorship and mind manipulation being carried out on GA. We all get a voice.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

There is no room in the Q movement for hate. Patriots have no color or religion! WWG1WGA

Vampyregod ago

Where can i get a copy of this rulebook you seem to have?

Vampyregod ago

And i guess jews, niggers, and muslims arent allowed in q because they all hate white people. They are racists.

QTipping ago

You are right. The only issue is that Crensch's posting history can be used to discredit and divide our movement. We don't want to silence him or censor his opinions, but we don't want him representing us. That is the point of this post.

Vampyregod ago

Discredit among who? The people that are already trying to discredit us? The left? Guess what, if you dont agree with mass muslim immigration, you are racist.

If you criticize a person that happens to be Jewish, that is antisemitism. Soon enough, to be white and speak will be considered a hate crime.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/realProtectVoat submission by @WhiteRonin.

Posted automatically (#51037) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@VoatContainmentGuard: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @WhiteRonin)

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/CircleOfWinners comment by @thelma.

Posted automatically (#51034) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@VoatContainmentGuard: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @thelma)

QTipping ago

His posting history can be used to discredit and divide our movement. I don't want to silence him but I don't want him representing us. That is the point here.

KillerKap ago

And here you are digging through posts and dividing the movement. Go back. Try again.

QTipping ago

I disagree in your censorship though.

No one is advocating censorship here. VCG is just saying that a figurehead should not be a contradiction of a movement's mission statement. I can't stand Jews as a whole. I am vocal about this. I think that would disqualify me from being a Q sub owner.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/BEATLESTROLLARMY submission by @WhiteRonin.

Posted automatically (#51021) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@VoatContainmentGuard: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @WhiteRonin)

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Why the anon post, faggot?

VoatContainmentGuard ago


SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/OldGoatsFamily submission by @WhiteRonin.

Posted automatically (#51020) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@VoatContainmentGuard: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @WhiteRonin)

QTipping ago

To bring something to your attention.

P33psh04h ago

Are you serious? This is some dumb shit. Who cares if someone hates niggers and kikes.

QTipping ago

A figurehead should not be a contradiction of a movement's mission statement. I can't stand Jews as a whole. I am vocal about this. I think that would disqualify me from being a Q sub owner. Crensch's posting history can be used to discredit and divide our movement. I don't want to silence him but I don't want him representing us. That is the point here.

Johnny_Ninja ago

I read it. While I don't disagree with your feelings about such things that are said on this platform, I don't accept the premise that I am "associated" with anyone on this board.

I'm just a person who reads and contributes as I see fit. I certainly don't have a personal or emotional attachment to this board, much less do I consider this board to "be the Q movement." Q will exist and POTUS will do his thing regardless of this board.

If you don't like what is said by some people, then argue with them, have an actual debate.

I don't care either way for reasons aforementioned.

barebrain ago

The placeholders of any group represent all of us.. While i know Satanism exists in all religions and all people I know n o people are better or worse overall than another. Racism is how we will and are represented because at the top of the chain that is his most out front energy. We get tarred with the same brush im afraid so i do not support his rascism by letting it stand. I also want no association because of it.

ZombiClown ago

No. We dont kick people out because their beliefs and posts dont conform to an ideology. Personally i am not a racist, yet realize some are and have learned there exists a higher standard to which we must hold ourselves,that is "we may not agree or respect everyones opinion , yet i defend their right to be wrong" We arent talking stupid tranny porn, or egregious cartoon CP, which by the way has been way down and is much appreciated and the credit goes to our mods. Sometimes people get lazy and wish to surround themselves with cushy ,predictable ,less challenging dialogue ,which is their right of course, but those thin skinned slackers DoNot get to limit the discussion because its Hard, distasteful. Obviously I cited two exemptions above,Well I guess you got me,right? Those types of postings are for the gratification of the Poster only, Yeah, those that post that also get aroused when you verbally punish them for it,its their way of getting you into their twisted basement with them. Its a sickening mental picture. If I am the only one willing to respond ,so be it. I forgive the past and know that Im not carrying resentment into the future as I will need my complete composure without stupid drama to deal with the big happenings to come. We all will. I 'll not give a religious sermon here but my Faith gives me clarity and strength and the ability to forgive. Godbless

QTipping ago

I don't think OP is saying that Crensch should be shunned by the Q community. I think he is suggesting that we need to be careful who our brand representatives are. Crensch does not represent Q.

ZombiClown ago

I dont agree , This looks like a brigade purge by SJW concernfags. Just sayin

QTipping ago

This is the only way to have the conversation. If I tried to have it in v/greatawakening under my main I would be banned immediately and my comments deleted.

ZombiClown ago

So you are in incognito using a different name, and think thats Ok?

QTipping ago

I got the idea watching Srayzie over the past month.

The fact that I need to resort to doing this to have a conversation about the new owner of our sub isn't troubling to you?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Crensch is power-modding your community and it is against everything Voat is. You have no free speech at GA. You are being lead by a racist, anti-semitic tyrant. Either you disavow or you are complicit. Q will see this. Its being posted all over Twitter.

KillerKap ago

Ok this glows a bit. You had something till the end with the "everyone on twitter will see". Rewind. Try again but is is too weird for my blood. Im the fuck out.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Q on twitter must see this and look into mods Srayz and Crensch.

bdmthrfkr ago

Fuck off JIDF.

ZombiClown ago

And you are consensous cracking, I dont agree with you, OK?

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Fuck off. Racism is a red herring. Everyone deserves to be treated based on merit - but stereo types are real and anyone who tries to say they aren’t are either delusional or a shill. So yeah, fuck you and the Jews and the niggers and the beaners and the towelheads and everyone else that is CLEARLY unwanted based on their general and OVERWHELMING statistical averages

Also, if anyone truly thinks that patriots are being racist by simply pointing out facts, then they’re missing the entire point.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

A frog shouldn't be put in charge of a butterfly community.

Ps4Freedom ago

You are brilliant! Everywhere I look today I see Angels! What a wonderfully blinding light... much love patriots!

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Thank you so much. I am doing what I feel is right and Godly. I am a patriot! WWG1WGA

Ps4Freedom ago


QTipping ago

Click on "view the rest of the comments" to read the OP.

Gothamgirl ago

More racist shit from Crensch


VoatContainmentGuard ago

@Srayz had to see this. How does this not offend her, because she is a non-white, right?

Gothamgirl ago

There is a possibility she is a black male, or at least playing one, on other sites.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Why on God's green flat Earth would a black male be posting as a jewish or Hispanic female?

Gothamgirl ago

VoatContainmentGuard ago

WOW. This is mind-blowing. Great research, GG. Did males at Voat get fooled by a black man?

Gothamgirl ago

Nice words from Crensch here.


VoatContainmentGuard ago

wow this is some of the most hateful shit I have ever read. /GreatAwakening is this who you align with?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Could someone with a Twitter account please link this to Q and followers on Twitter? Thank you

QTipping ago

@neonrevolt will no doubt blog about it at some point.


So who are you? How does GA know you? What is your main?

virge ago

So who are you? How does GA know you? What is your main?

WhiteRonin is a SBBH/ProtectVoat classic Israel shill.

Absolutely everything he says has an agenda to control Voat, and his long list of lies and history of subversion are obvious to anyone who observes his behavior for a while.

Only reason he gets away with this crap at all is because most people learned to ignore him. Unfortunately, this also means new people fall for it for a while.


roger that, thanks

sguevar ago


He is certainly not trust worthy

CheeseboogerHimself ago

You did a good job on that but I think you should've been moar brutal in your summation of him.

QTipping ago

You are replying to a user who is a known associate of the troll group. They pretend not to be. They delete their posting history to cover their tracks. Don' be fooled.


I appreciate the heads up from everyone. But in reality I don't "follow" anyone. I listen, redpill and pray. I don't "follow" none of you ...even Q's anonymous ass. I will make my own judgements based on My Life's experience as I am my own primary source.

Thanks again

QTipping ago

Not whiteronin. And it looks like you are shilling for Crensch by trying to attack the messengers with ad hominem.

sguevar ago

QTipping ago

What? Summon the downvote crew on to me?

Our movement is not supposed to be about namefags any way.

Look at the evidence provided.

Do you think someone who believes all Jews should be killed and blacks aren't human should be out in front of our community?

barebrain ago

As I stated just now. placeholders of any group represent all of us.. While i know Satanism exists in all religions and all people I know n o people are better or worse overall than another. Racism is how we will and are represented because at the top of the chain that is his most out front energy. We get tarred with the same brush im afraid so i do not support his rascism by letting it stand. I also want no association because of it.


I was believing Crensh was shouldering the responsibility of babysitting GA because he was stuck with it. I really didn't view him as "out front" to begin with but rather letting the old west play out while deleting porn shills like a mod should.

At least he gave the community a vote and a say before making a major change. And no i dont know the dude.

As far as Shizy, hell she is living with her own shame. With her admission to the fact posted everywhere if she can live with herself hell I sure can...now back to Q business...for fucksake all this drama...smh

QTipping ago

He banned some of my friends for doing nothing more that voicing criticism of the drama that srayzie was bringing to the sub by her association with the trolls and the infighting it created.

If it was just porn and gore and off topic submissions I would agree with you.

Vindicator ago

So this for you is about vengeance, not Q. Noted.

QTipping ago

Shilling for dividers. Bye.

thelma ago

It is what the voat Q community speaks for if they do not act. Yes?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Yes. Anyone in the Q community who sides with @Crensch is complicit in his racism and anti-semitism.

thelma ago

I think that they have had ample opportunity to address issues and did nothing.

So I have no confidence that issues will be resolved via the Q community itself now. I could be pleasantly surprised but I'm not holding my breath.

As I see it, they are "guilty" until they take appropriate action.

grace8 ago

Thelma, since Crensch took over ownership the amount of racist posts on v/ga has plummetted cause he kicked these shills out. Please take into consideration that Crensch is a whistle blower who has nearly destroyed the shill network on Voat. His desire is to try to make up for past bad acts. His actions have been very honorable to us on our sub. Read Crensch's posts about who these people are and see his efforts to destroy them. This is them trying to regain a foot hold. Their goal is to control all political subs on Reddit and Voat.

thelma ago

You should start a thread on this .. it will get lost here.

But I'll tell you I am not happy with Putt and the GA community in respect to the non-properly noticed / secret meetings that I believe have been occurring relating to the creation of modified rules for Voat.

I have generally ignored the Q community and GA subs .. they provide little in respect to what interests me and the little that they do requires me to go through the vast majority of posts/threads I am not interested in. So as far as Crensch banning people who like to say "nigger" and whatnot, I would not approve but, of course, I have not noticed. Nor am I willing to spend the time learning (only have so many hours in a day unfortunately).

If you are saying the Crensch is the "point" of GA then the recent secret meetings he most certainly would be culpable, yes ? And liberty interests are at stake which are infinity more important than keeping out nigger-haters from any sub (which I think is wrong anyway - free speech).

I heard you. I understand your viewpoint. Appreciate the post.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Well said and I agree. We know site ADMIN will ignore all of this.

GrizzlyDark ago

Loaded all comments for link to nQQds - was disappointed.

As far as all that other stuff - I see both sides so I guess I'm the fencefag. One hand, clearly a certain elite sect of Jews are horrible people. Most are not. Most are barely Jews. But then again, should they decide to become nefarious, they will likely be recruited into the group that really needs to be destroyed. Maybe by accepting them we can clog their funnel or possibly infiltrate. Or maybe its the other way around. But I'd say right now, best bet is to get as many people on board to deal with the problems at hand. If I have Legal Immigrants who went about becoming a citizen the proper way ready to help ICE fight back, to build the wall, etc.... We need a FUCK TON of people to deport 20M illegals, even if over an entire decade. 2M per year is 6,000 per day. That means ICE will need to be 10,000 strong including all the administration, back office, intelligence, etc. If each of 6,000 agents has all the resources they need, and their job is to deport ONE illegal per day... we may be down to only a few million illegals within a decade.

Came for the NQQDz, stayed for the debate, left still disappointed. Thanks guys

QTipping ago

No one is saying that stuff isn't true. Only that Q says all are welcome. So the person who owns the sub and is the face of it should not be divisive like this. What if a Jewish person or a black person wanted to subscribe? Q says they should be welcome. Why should we have a racist antisemite as our brand representative?

GrizzlyDark ago

I guess I see this place differently. People call each other names and talk shit all the time. Most have become desensitized and most simply carry on. IIRC there is a black dude that has a few thousand points racked up, Receives encouragement from most of the comments, gets called a nigger and told to go back home and fuck some goats in others. He simply doesn't respond, and most people just ignore those comments.

That's what I love here. No PC Bullshit. A guy TYPED his sentences LIKE this and I found it VERY ANNOYING. I scrolled down to see "I hate your faggot way of typing you piece of shit"...something like that. I laughed out loud and gave him his sole upvoat. Everyone else simply carried on. I like the thick skin aspect as that is one of many things missing from the world today and tbh - That's how my group of friends speaks to each other all the time.
Even if you can somehow meet in the middle and add to the sidebar a statement mentioning - "Everyone is entitled to their opinion here - According to Q everyone is an ally if they want to be - But understand there are people here with a different POV so don't be discouraged...You ARE welcome"

That or create yet another Q sub. I'm in the camp that agrees with what you're saying. Any ally is a good ally.

grace8 ago

Give it up. Actions speak louder than words. Crensch has made the sub better, safer and more on topic. Sorry you lost control of v/ga. We are FREEE from your bullshit.

QTipping ago

Sorry you lost control of v/ga. We are FREEE from your bullshit.

What do you mean by this? You don't have an answer for the topic so you build a straw man?

Anyone who points out the disconnect between what Crensch stands for and what the values of the Q community stand for is automatically labeled a "shill who wants to control ga"?

They want you DIVIDED.



That is Crensch.

KillerKap ago

It isnt working. Go shill somewhere else faggot

QTipping ago

For some. If this post woke up five people it was worth it. I am betting it was more than that.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I'm sure someone will post them here today.

bdmthrfkr ago

Hey newfag OP, niggers are subhuman (and science proves it) and kikes are the bane of Western society. Period.

Lurk moar faggot.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

This isn't about that. This is about a racist/anti-semite being owner of a Q sub. It's unacceptable.

bdmthrfkr ago

Please go find your safe space somewhere else. I might also point out, if I may, that you are so full of shit that your eyes are brown; please refer to Q post # 998.

MI KNOWS who the real enemy is even if you don't. pic related https://files.catbox.moe/v2q0mf.png

Ps4Freedom ago

You bumped your head if you think the GA sub isn't being run by exactly who you hate.

QTipping ago

I don't think OP is arguing that. I think what he is saying is that Q does not want that sort of divisiveness. So why is someone like crensch being put out in front?

I think flat earthers are retarded. But they have their beliefs. Why would it make sense for me to be placed in front of a flat earth community? It wouldn't.

I think censch is being embedded to make a hit piece easier. Easy way to discredit Q.

Gothamgirl ago

Well since @sraz / @srayzie admitted to being @Clitorissa her is an archive of her comments.


grace8 ago

What's it all about Gothamgirl? Why do you care about getting strayzi and Crensch so much. You are not a believer in Q. You have committed as many bad acts as anyone you name. But we shuld take advice from you? You are our savior? Please. Waste of time on your part.
v/GA is on track and doing well. Better thean when you and your cabal were allowed access! Good riddance! All subs should be moded the way Crensch is modding.

Gothamgirl ago

Actually I was a strong believer in Q before I encountered such racist hateful people who went straight for my kids...

I have no committed any bad acts.I Ionly started to stoop to there level of insanity and racism the last 7 weeks cause it's the only language they understand.

I don't have a cabal that's slander your comments are a waste of everyone's time, as you have no clue what even happened.

Shizie ago

Actually I was a strong believer in Q before I encountered such racist hateful people

You weren't too concerned with "racist" and "hateful" when you married a Nazi!


Oh, such fun!

Gothamgirl ago

Actually Pedo, I am not concerned about that. Why does @Crensch call my kids taco niggers? Does he feel the same about Srayzie cause her kids are actual Mexicants?

Oh such fun..

Shizie ago

Wow, you are seriously mental ill. Time to go back on the meds.

Gothamgirl ago

Never been on meds pedo @shizie

HollaKost ago

Isn't Shizy a pedo

Hahahaha, good one you lying cow. Keep protecting the real pedo



What a good mom you are picking cock over the safety of your son!

QTipping ago

Do you have an archive of where she admitted it?

And is it true she doxxed you before the trolls even went after her?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Thank you, Gothamgirl. She is always very nasty and it is a peek into who she is.

Gothamgirl ago

Can you believe she is a mod on pizzagate, after reading that?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

It's very bizarre. Maybe now that they are aware of her behavior they will take notice? I hope so because she has impulse control problems and could be manipulated by TPTB.

fuspezza ago

Fuck you @VoatContainmentGuard you and anybody you have beef with can call up everyone who has your back and meet up in a old warehouse. Lock all the doors and see if you can manage to Gas the whole area proving the Holocaust to be plausible.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

What do you think about an owner of a Q sub being so racist and anti-semitic?

fuspezza ago

I'm here aren't I, there is plenty of subs with this particular Subject and I know where the Subscriber/Unsubscribe button is

VoatContainmentGuard ago

WE SHOULD NOT BE DIVIDED BY RACE NOR RELIGION! Either you believe in Q or you don't.

KillerKap ago

Either you shut the fuck up get the fuck out. your bullshit takeover will never work.You idiots dont have the iq to carry out something like this.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I dont want to take over. I'm just trying to help the GA community. I want GA to survive. You have rats leading. Power modding rats.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Dafuq? Oh shit!! To the bunkers!!


Rotteuxx ago

@Crensch the Zionist defender will always fight for jewish udders !


CheeseboogerHimself ago

Crenschiepoo had to be the biggest larp ever committed on Voat. He larped as a Nazi who also hated non-whites all of this time and then came out as a Ben Shapiro-type of Zionist. Its truly bizarre, but I called it the first day I came here years ago. My first day here I called him out. He smoothed it over but I knew what he was.

Rotteuxx ago

Who else but a jew would want to hold on to the reins of a sub such as GA, securing the narrative at all costs.

Because after all, GA is all about presenting an select interpretation of drops to Qtards. In and of itself it's anti-Q as they're not inclusive to oeople who don't agree with the subs narrative.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

He did the same thing with Pizzagate. I remember back when all of the serious researchers said it was comprimised and they left. The jews move in quickly on shit like that and guard it just like they have with the "alt-right" movement.

Rotteuxx ago

I never hung out in PG really, but I'll take your word for it.

What I've been wondering is how many alts do they have that were/are SBBH as a cover so the shitposting community can be scapegoated for all their bullshit on here.

heygeorge ago

What I've been wondering is how many alts do they have that were/are SBBH as a cover

You got it. It has to be a bunch. Or they are all gabara and triggly

Rotteuxx ago

Tbh I always knew (had a feeling back in the days) it was an m.o. for groups on here, hence why I've always stood up for OG shitposters during any smear campaign against sbbh.

It's also why I'd often renounce modship when more than half the list was compromised of "who-the-fuck-are-you" faggots.

heygeorge ago

also why I'd often renounce modship when more than half the list was compromised of "who-the-fuck-are-you" faggots.

Ohhhhhh that makes sense. The mod list sure has a way of doing that. That’s partly why I wasn’t going to make everyone an ‘owner’ this time about. But that kind of sucks, because they can only hand out J’s. I wish M levels could make more M levels. If only I could somehow suggest this idea to admin. Oh wait, there is. Then I remember that I can’t think of another subverse that might find it useful.

Rotteuxx ago

That should have read "comprised" but compromised actually gave it a nice twist in line with the thoughts I had about certain users.

Sry you can't get Ms to make more equal babies, probably better off that way anyways.

heygeorge ago

Sry you can't get Ms to make more equal babies, probably better off that way anyways.

Maybe. Yet owners can beget owners, so why not mods beget mods? Lol!

CheeseboogerHimself ago

It woyuldn't surprise me, however, @Gabara did side with Crensch at one point against me.

Rotteuxx ago

Getting legit users on their side is a must for credibility & longevity... I have no clue exactly what went down between you and @gabara so I can't really comment on it, got links ?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Gab made a post about a week ago admitting that Crensch told SBBH to disown me( i dont have time to look for it sorry). I was a proud member and mod there up until that point. Back when Srayzie first came here, I went after her and pissed Crensch off. That's when I found out that she was connected deeply here to the big whigs

Rotteuxx ago

This post ?


Seems like @gabara was upfront & honest about his fagging out.

The real question is, why did @drstrangegov delete all his replies to @friendshipistragic ?

Searchvoat reveals all ! Muhahahaha !

heygeorge ago

why did @drstrangegov delete all his replies to @friendshipistragic ?

Because the Dr nuked his account.

friendshipistragic ago

Because he was caught jacking off ti v/mylittleponies and now he has to change his name.

heygeorge ago

Sheeeit you just gotta own that shit

Rotteuxx ago

Yep, that would definitely explain it !

Wasn't expecting that...

heygeorge ago

Yeah, he’s nuked again and now back for round 3. He’ll be sticking around. If nothing, we are fucking funny sometimes.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Yeah, that's it. Thank you.

He did admit to it, and I respect him for that. I still like @Gabara. I'm not even mad, and I told him that. My fee fees were a little hurt back then but I cried into my love sock and got better.

I dont know about the @drstrangegov situation. I've been out of the loop there for a long time. I still have a handful of good friends there and will always consider myself SBBH. Ima shit poster. It's just what I am.

gabara ago

I cried into my love sock and got better.

This is one of the reasons I like you. Sense of humour!

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Thanks for letting me know. I'll try & cheer him up! Maybe I could loan him muh luv sock? ah ah

gabara ago

We all have hard times. Even our friends.

gabara ago

I never turned on @CheeseboogerHimself

QTipping ago

Would you like to see @Crensch get demodded from greatawakening?

gabara ago

Why would I have an opinion on a subverse I dont visit

QTipping ago

You are posting in this topic.

The Q movement preaches inclusiveness. Do you think someone who hates all Jews and thinks black people aren't human should be the face of our community? It is a yes or no question. I know all the great awakening people who wee pinged here. I even added myself to the list to cover tracks. I was already banned from great awakening for making this post. Look at the comment history on this account and see if you can figure out which of my GA comments earned me the ban.

I do not know you. I am suspicious of your purpose here.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

What about CheeseboogersGhost or Cheesebooger? I dont remember which but i twas one of my accounts!! ah ah ah

grace8 ago

Alright, now I am worried about myself. Cause you are starting to sound funny to me. Lol!

heygeorge ago

Grace, you are always welcome to come shitpost with us! :D

QTipping ago

grace8 ago

Ignore ping. Its just shill crap drama.

QTipping ago

Ok you are just here to shill for the racists. We will apply your rules to you. Bye.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Why am I being pinged?

Gothamgirl ago

I was asked to ping you, cause you are in BeatlesTrollArmy.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Werent you the one who invited me?

Gothamgirl ago


The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

@TheBuddha. . . . Are you getting this shit?

TheBuddha ago

Nope. Don't want to, either.

Adarcer ago

So why was I pinged twice by a two-day old account. I dare you to go back and read my comments in context. And try to the find the racism. Instead of the blunt honest truth as I understand it. You don't like what I have to say fine. I understand my message is scary and I don't sugarcoat it.

My submissions and comments do not get many points, If I followed I would have had thousands of points in 9 months, but I am not a follower or a divider I am a voice of reason, and most of my comments are about science, bible, Ancient history, and organized satanism disguised as something else.

QTipping ago

Read the OP. You may have been pinged twice in error. Sorry for that.

Adarcer ago

As I said read my comments and submissions I think you will find you were in error.

QTipping ago

I will fight beside any believers of all skin colors as long as we share same qualities, same moral code, etc.

Crensch does not think those people are even human. Is it appropriate for him to be a figurehead of the sub like this?

Adarcer ago

That is his God given right to believe whatever he wants ! I am also not for Censorship in any way !

QTipping ago

That is his God given right to believe whatever he wants

Agreed. Do you also agree that a leader needs to represent the the community and the values of a community as spelled out in the mission statement? I respect the rights of pacifists to have their beliefs and many make excellent medics in time of war, but I wouldn't want a pacifist as a general.

I am also not for Censorship in any way



QTipping ago

Are you crensch?

Adarcer ago

No ! This is my only account.

QTipping ago

You post in GA. You were pinged because of that. Your input on who gets to be sub owner is important. Right now it is crensch. Srayzie may be back but crensch still has the keys. "For your protection". Q says not to be divided by race or religion. Crensch openly hates Jews and nonwhites. It's not a good look.

Sitnikoff ago

Not to be divided by race or religion

Crensch openly hates Jews & non-whites

You don't have to like everybody in a group to contribute fruitfully to it. You're the real divisive one, @QTipping.

QTipping ago

I am a Christian of Jewish descent and I support @Crensch in his crusade against kikery.

I agree with you. I think that makes all three of us ineligible to own a Q sub. The whole movement is based on inclusivity. The brand representative should be consistent with the "open to all" message that Q has put out there.

QTipping ago

You are not part of the greatawkwning community. Zero submissions.

You are here to shill for dividers. Bye.

Adarcer ago

My Input !? What is his job really to take crap from people like you, or is it to moderate a board without censorship. I it is the later, and he has done a pretty good job of it and does not allow his personal viewpoint to decide what gets removed.

You're not gonna take over GA the mods that are here are gonna stay, why because we will not allow some people with ulterior motives (glowfags, soros lackeys, etc) to take over. BTW I am an Intuitive and you give me weird vib's

QTipping ago

BTW I am an Intuitive

I hope it works out for you.

Adarcer ago

It is both a blessing and a curse ... So tell me what is your goal. Influence the message on a truth board just in time for 2020 ? Replace the Mods with controlled ones ? Remove all truth that can be qualified as racist ?

QTipping ago

what is your goal. I

Crensch's posting history can be used to discredit and divide our movement. We don't want to silence him or censor his opinions, but we don't want him representing us. That is the point of this post. https://searchvoat.co/?t=crensch&s=niggers&u=crensch&b=on&nsfw=on


Truth does not care about skin color, religion or race.

The sub owner should represent the values of the community.

Adarcer ago

I think your worrying about nothing ! He does not represent us ! Anything they try will fail ... they want to do a hit piece on an online persona let them try.

QTipping ago

I think your worrying about nothing !

I am worried about some of the users who were banned by him. Not all of them. But some.

con77 ago

Fuck Israel. Fuck izlam. Kill niggers


I see what you are doing!

con77 ago

14 words

bdmthrfkr ago


grace8 ago

Looks like their goal is to ping as many users as they can to try to get rid of Crensh. They are desperate. And they cant even sign their true username. This is junk mail by the people who used to harass the sub and cant anymore.

Has the racism, off topic bullshit posts decreased on v/GA since Crensch came on Board? YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are the peple pinging us bad people who are hired by those who want to keep us weak? YES-for more info read Crensch's posts exposing these people. He is a whistle blower who has significantly damaged the ProtectVoat disruptors who co-ordinate with Reddit control the record crap.

v/ga is doing better than ever. Crensch kicked out all the disruptors. A man is judged by his actions and Crensch is acting right after a shady past. I support him. Whistle blowers do tons of damage and he is killing it.

If Crensch turns on us and the sub doesn't do well, then we will start a new sub then. Strayzie trusted him to protect us and he is working hard to do just that.

So to the shills who pinged us--F off shills.

love_light_truth ago

I don't like getting involved with forum / board-mod drama, but yeah... nail on the head here:

So to the shills who pinged us--F off shills.

These kinds of 'pings' hurt my inbox ears. Sure it's annoying and grating in the initial moment of reception, but they're out of mind the next.

Ps4Freedom ago

So Crensch was on the ga sub too? Quite interesting.

Le_Squish ago

Dear, your sub is dying because of the drama. Look at the view counts from last month. More than half gone.

ScorchedEarthAnon ago

Well said!

Lonegunman65 ago

@VoatContsinmentGuard. What is you post supposed to mean?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Does the GA community side with a racist anti-semite as their leader? Q wants to know!

Neskuaxa ago

Why was I pinged exactly?

QTipping ago

To ask your opinion. Should an avowed racist and antisemite be in front of the Q movement?

Neskuaxa ago

Probably not. But I wouldn't consider GA the head of the Q movement by any means. There's plenty of Q followers outside of Voat, we're likely a subset of the movement.

QTipping ago

I wouldn't consider GA the head of the Q movement by any means.

You are right! Still though, there are hundreds of us there and it is an easy target for people looking to discredit our movement.



Neskuaxa ago

I don't disagree.

grace8 ago

Lookslike their goal is to ping as many users as they can to try to get rid of Q.

Has the racism, off topic bullshit posts decreased on v/GA since Crensch came on Board? YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are teh peple pinging us bad people who are hied by those who want to keep us weak? YES-for more info read Crensch's posts exposing these people. He is a whistle blower who has significantly damaged the Protect voat disruptors who co-ordinate with Reddit control the record crap.

v/ga is doing better than ever. Crensch kicked out all the disruptors. A man is judged by his actions and Crensch is acting right after a shady past. I support him.

If Crensch turns on us and the sub doesnt do well, then we will start a new sub.
Strayzie trusted him ot protect us and he is working hard to do just that.

So to the shills who pinged us--F off shills.

Neskuaxa ago

Thanks for the explanation. I lurk mostly on GA. I suppose my most recent intreraction with him warranted that I get pinged. Even though it was not hostile at all

QTipping ago


You are part of crensch's down vote crew. Are you hoping they will mod you if you suck up to them enough?

grace8 ago

I do not want to be a mod and would turn it down if offered. I have been offered on past Q subs and turned it down twice already.

QTipping ago

Lookslike their goal is to ping as many users as they can to try to get rid of Q.

Are you implying that Crensch is Q?

WhiteRonin ago

You responded to Srayzie.

grace8 ago

Typo. already corrected. No Crensch is not Q.

QTipping ago

Pretty big typo if you ask me.

Rotteuxx ago

Screencaped for longevity :


VoatContainmentGuard ago

Read OP

Shotinthedark ago

Wtf is this and why am I involved. Leave me out of whatever fucking drama you have going on you cocksucker!

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Why does the truth offend you so? You are being led by a tyrant and a thot. How sad is that?

Shotinthedark ago

I told you to leave me whatever nigger dicks sucking conspiracy you're into!

Stonenchizel ago

Since you have tagged Me in this post @VoatContainmentGuard I will give you one comment on why I believe that you are barking up tree with no branches.... Since this is actually the first time I've seen your tag name on the @GAsub and never before on any of My post in a comment or the fact that I have really never seen your tag at all on the @GAsub can only mean one of two things... @1 Neither you are one of the @Shills that is always commenting in another tag name and @Crensch banned you and you are now trying to cause trouble for something that we all enjoy on @voat.co and that is FREE SPEECH or you are someone trying to cause some kind of trouble for the @GAsub because it is obvious that you don't like @Crensch , so just work it out with him or leave Me out of it because I am not into destroying this sub for anyone. Especially since the fact that I don't even know who the hell you are,because you have made another tag name just to start some shit on the @GAsub maybe because you are a fucking Soros paid Shill - How the fuck am I to know the difference...? Wait a minute ... Don't answer that because I don't care what your answer is.... period

Peace Out !


VoatContainmentGuard ago

So you are a shill who is complicit with Crensch's views. Good to know.

Stonenchizel ago

Fuck Off Now Loser!

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Fuck off, racist, anti-semitic shill!

Stonenchizel ago

Hahhahaaha ...sure thing banned loser....

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

I’m withholding any judgement for now. I need to process more information. But I’ll give you this much...you have my attention.

grace8 ago

Read Crensch's posts on the people trying to take him out. He is a whistle blower. he has made the sub safer and better and kicked these assholes out. They were the ones posting most of the racist crap. They are the ones who destroyed QRV with porn. They are pissed cause they cant do the same to v/ga. They are control the record shills.

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

Agreed on all counts.

Rotteuxx ago

He made the sub a sad circlejerk free of dissenting opinions so a single narrative controlled by users who aren't Q can be maintained.

Nice try Srayzie.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

That's all I ask, sir. Thank you for looking at the evidence.

QTipping ago

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Adding now. Thank you.

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

Wow, doesn’t take long to process that information. Damn!

I have some people in my life I’m not crazy about either, but that looks like straight up hatred to me.

QTipping ago

Nope. When Srayzie put him in charge I looked into him. What you see is what it is.

Vibratron ago

Yes, I want to be divided from the dung heap of society......who doesn't

Gothamgirl ago

But your leader @Crensch attacks people for FREE SPEECH" every single day? Do you support that?

Vibratron ago

I have no leaders

Gothamgirl ago

They're the leaders/mods on Great awakening, you use their sub to post

Vibratron ago

They benefit from my presence, more than they benefit me.......they can boot me anytime

Gothamgirl ago

Say 1 thing they don't like, and they will do their best to make you miserable just a warning.

grace8 ago

Well I'll give it to you. At least you are posting under your true username. More than we can say for anyone else involved in this campaign to destroy a mod who has cleaned up v/ga and kicked all the shills out.

QTipping ago

.they can boot me anytime

They shouldn't have that right if you aren't spamming shit.

They benefit from my presence

Yes. And maybe the mod team will listen if you point out the hypocrisy of having a racist antisemite in charge of a movement that is inclusive in its mission statement.

I think Jews are the downfall of western society and I think blacks are subhuman. Because of this I don't think I would be a fit to mod a Q sub.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I think hypocrisy is disgusting. You dont lead a hen house when you are a wolf.

Vibratron ago

You don't suppress free speech in America......unless you are an Un-American coward either

QTipping ago

Should subscribers be banned for complaining about drama?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Then you should be offended at Crensch's power modding in the GA sub.

QTipping ago

Having someone like this out front is begging for a hit piece. Might be why he was made into a mod in the first place.

Vibratron ago

I don't give a shit about "mods" or these puny little message boards where people try to be "big" when they are nothing...... who else here has had retweets by Hannity, Coulter and James Woods......no one.........I do what I want when I want and I don't let whiners bother me