VicariousJambi ago

This doc, "One third of the Holocaust" goes over the reinhardt camps, whos supposed deaths make up for 1/3rd of the holocaust deaths. 1.5 Million people. It makes the trials look really fucking stupid as well. 1 witness for 1.5 million people, 25 mins for 1.5 million people. Some of the camp names don't even come up spelled properly. I could go on all day, just watch

everef ago


Crensch ago

Thank you

Crensch ago

@bob3333 Finally made LOTS of positive claims.

@Alwaysmakingprogress More on the Holocaust.

@shariablizzard Remember when you said "DAE le Hitler did nothing wrong??? I too have never read a book"?

Crensch ago

@SayTan - Have you figured it out yet? You were such a good goy - or a Jew - before.

@Alalzia - Have you taken a look at the available data since this?

@SecureYour Seats - Am I still being a fool?

@Psylent - Still talking about the eye witness testimony?

@kamtsa - Enjoy the read, kike. You wouldn't defend your holocaust, so I brought the fight to you. Again.

Psylent ago

Fucking hilarious...

You believe what you want - of course youtube and 4chan are just the pinnacle of research and truth.. watch out for the alien lizard people on the flat earth using their nanobot vaccines to control your mind... idiot.

Crensch ago

I guess you didn't see that my sources were impeccable. I use not a single 4chan or YouTube source.

Psylent ago

What you submitted in that thread 1.6yrs ago : What the Qtard shit links to img goat - and of course 8chan lol

Crensch ago

Oh, we're talking about back then? Kek.

Imgoat? Imgoat is a voat-friendly imagehost, faggot.

Yeah, I posted links to JewTube and had some cuckchan stuff in my old post, most likely.

My new one is absolutely unassailable. The Nuermburg Trials were a farce.

Psylent ago

All you have posted recently are opinions of people... opinion != evidence.. (Well aware of imgoat is - since I fucking used it to post the pic of your previous post)

Crensch ago

All you have posted recently are opinions of people... opinion != evidence.. (Well aware of imgoat is - since I fucking used it to post the pic of your previous post)

Your previous comment suggested you were admonishing me for using imgoat. You have communication issues.

Opinions? Sure, opinions of the judges, lawyers, politicians, tesimony, opinions of Jews, Non-Jews, soviets, Brits, official Allied records, historians... wait... one of those wasn't just opinions?

You're so out of your league you can't even function well enough to respond without making a fool of yourself. I highly recommend you tuck your chain in, like you did last time, and sulk off into your corner of ignorance.

Psylent ago

Like I said - keep living in your delusional little world.. no skin off my dick. Watch out for the lizard people in your travels.. lol Keep dribbling shit about something that happened decades ago, meanwhile zionists have total control over the media, internet, economic institutions and ergo governments... sad, pathetic, misguided ineffectual fool.

Crensch ago

Debunk even one claim there.

I hope sand gets in your eyes while you try to shut the world out. Nobody else will ever be convinced by seeing your ass sticking out of the sand, but I'm sure you'll feel virtuous having never questioned anything in your life.

Psylent ago

You re making the claim - you prove it. Thing is, it has been proven to be true - repeatedly, there is video evidence, literally tons of evidence and you ignore it all as conspiracy so it's pointless to engage with you on the matter because no matter how convincing or legitimate the evidence you will always deny it as some conspiracy / faked etc etc... just like the flat earthers and anti-vaxxers. A willfully ignorant moron - probably just excited to feel 'special' because you can pretend you know the 'truth' or some other bullshit.

I question everything - not in the habit of believing something because it suits a narrative, like you do.

Crensch ago

You re making the claim - you prove it.

I did.

Thing is, it has been proven to be true - repeatedly, there is video evidence, literally tons of evidence and you ignore it all as conspiracy

Literally none that you've presented. This is claim you're making - you prove it.

You've done nothing I've proved the Nuermberg Trials were false more thoroughly than nearly any other claim on this site as of right now.

You're a clown.

Psylent ago

You have proved nothing... you have just posted shit that amounts to "This person said this" ... that is it... Once again: there is video footage of the camps, documentation directly from the actual nazis - so much evidence it literally amounts to tons in weight alone...

Fucking conspiritards - if you had half a brain you would be dangerous.

Crensch ago

This comic perfectly illustrates how others see you.

Psylent ago

You really are lost in a fantasy world lol Funny shit. It's morons like you that have given the media so much ammunition against the 'alt-right' or 'right' in general. Too many fuckwits selectively picking which parts of what to believe based on nothing more than what you want to be true.

Crensch ago

You really are lost in a fantasy world lol Funny shit. It's morons like you that have given the media so much ammunition against the 'alt-right' or 'right' in general. Too many fuckwits selectively picking which parts of what to believe based on nothing more than what you want to be true.

How can I pick anything you've claimed without any evidence to support those claims?

Are you really this stupid, or did you just finally log in to this alt account in order to keep up appearances as if you're a legitimate user?

Crensch ago

documentation directly from the actual nazis

The ones that had their testicles crushed? Or the documentation that they don't show because there was none to support the idea?

You've presented nothing.

"This person said this" ...


Once again: there is video footage of the camps,

That I can debunk as well, just as soon as you present any.

Crensch ago

@Rainy-Day-Dream @xenoPsychologist @Hey_Sunshine

Thought you guys might enjoy.

xenoPsychologist ago
