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Crensch ago


Did you ever figure out that your lie of a holocaust is no longer convincing to people?

alalzia ago

Why you think those people need to be convinced ? i look at the available data and believe that it happened and others look at the same data and believe that it didn't . Sometimes people disagree and there is nothing wrong with it .

Crensch ago

i look at the available data and believe that it happened and others look at the same data and believe that it didn't

Nah, you ignored the available data in favor of the story you were indoctrinated into believing from (((school))).

Why you think those people need to be convinced ?

Because kikes like you run the school system.

Sometimes people disagree and there is nothing wrong with it .

Yeah, there is nothing wrong with it, when an entire parasitic race isn't using the lie to play an eternal victim card causing others of your race to support them.