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Crensch ago


Did you ever figure out that the holocaust was a lie? I bet you didn't. Try the easily-digestible redpills above.

SecureYourSeats ago

Don't be a fool.

Crensch ago

It's all there in OP. Try it. I think you'll figure out (if you're not a Jew, that is) that the holocaust is a fiction.

SecureYourSeats ago

Stop selling this nonsense, no one's buying.

Crensch ago

Oh, and I forgot this one I put together. But please, tell me how nobody's buying it some more!

SecureYourSeats ago

Take a hike.

Crensch ago

So you are a Jew. Good to know.

SecureYourSeats ago

What are you, one of allah's henchmen?

Crensch ago

Allah is too busy being fucked in the ass by pigs to be a leader, much less a god.

SecureYourSeats ago

Sure, just call me an honorary Jew

Crensch ago

SecureYourSeats ago

Would you quite harassing me. I would be honored to be a Jew unfortunately I am not so blessed.

Crensch ago

Would you quite harassing me.

Would you learn English, kike?

I would be honored to be a Jew unfortunately I am not so blessed.

Jews are the most vile, disgusting, subhuman parasites on the planet. If that's an upgrade for you, well, that's really saying something.

SecureYourSeats ago

I've asked you 3 times to quite harrasssssing me.

Crensch ago

Read the fucking words I wrote, faggot. THE HOLOCAUST WAS A LIE. THERE WERE NO DEATH CAMPS.

Jews are milking the victim-card narrative because they're subhuman parasitic JEWS.

SecureYourSeats ago

You're ridiculous. Now buzz off.

Crensch ago

Deserving of ridicule, am I? Will you be that nemesis for me? Will you ridicule me in a way that shows me that I'm wrong, and shames me for ever believing that the holocaust was a hoax?

Nah, you won't, because even a kike like you knows you're all just lying Jews.

Crensch ago

Except everyone that isn't either low IQ, or a kike. I bet it hurts your feelings a bit, Jew.

SecureYourSeats ago

I'm not a Jew though I would be honored to be one. You are a bigot.

Crensch ago

I'm not a Jew though I would be honored to be one.

I bet you would be. Disgusting degenerate.