Gothamgirl ago

Says the coal burning liberal, kike dyke 🤣😂

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Cheese got Crensch to out himself. That shit was genius, if you ask me. He still doesn't understand what happened and that makes it all more KeK. Where the fuck did Cheese go?? He needs to come back.

Crensch ago

We are a forgiving lot when it comes down to it.

You all proved that when you all rallied behind zyklon as he was pushing his pedophile threats constantly.

If cheese was my friend, I would have told him to get back in there and fix this shit or admit he's wrong.

I have no problems admitting Q is a psyop. I realize we are still at War. The problem is that the kind of people that one to convince me that Trump is a bad guy all seem to argue just like cheese.

Nobody has presented anything even remotely convincing. Just parroting the same bullshit as CNN. Orange man bad.

Nobody has shown me that any one of his moves caused any actual harm to America. Yet I have seen many of his moves cause harm to Israel and its people. I have seen his moves wake up people to the Jewish question.

Maybe if even one of you argue like I do, there might be something convincing presented.

But no, you all argue just like cheese.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

How bad can one be if everybody would rather side with a pedophile then you?

Crensch ago

Or maybe everyone else is just defending their own kind.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

So anyone who disagrees with you are pedophiles, shills, jews, niggers, low IQ, mentally ill, etc?

Crensch ago

None of you argue with any evidence. Every one of you to the man attacked a pedophiles victim. Most of you admit to being his friend. Still.

You claim that arguments consisting of nothing but claim after claim are equal to arguments consisting of claim and supporting evidence.

And right here, this comment of yours, is dishonest. I explain exactly why I think you are each of those things as I go. Attempting to summarize my position and the way you just did is something a Jew would do.

ESOTERICshade ago

You totally ignore the FACT that Trump supported red flag laws with his permission and blessing to "take the guns first and worry about due process later statement. That is not an unfounded "claim", its a damn fact.

You also ignore the fact that Trump just shredded our first amendment right of free speech with Executive Order against anti-semitism. That not a baseless claim, its a fact. You are just making an ass of yourself now.

Crensch ago

Go hug your meth head brother, you dishonest fuck.

ESOTERICshade ago

Go hug your meth head brother

Can't. I put his ass in jail where he belongs. Nice dodge on Trump's executive order and "take the guns first, worry about due process later" tho...Thats why you always lose. You make too many unfounded claims.

Crensch ago

You should try using some alts to attack me and then come save me on this username.

ESOTERICshade ago

then come save me

I don't save Zionist trash.

Crensch ago

No, you pretend to save pizzagate researchers and then you dox them and get them to leave the site.

ESOTERICshade ago

Another baseless claim for which you brought no evidence. Yawn...tired of toying with your tiny mind tonight. bye trash.

Crensch ago

Between the two of us on the only one that has brought any evidence, and I showed that you were dishonest from beginning to end.

If I had a brother, he wouldn't be a meth head.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

There's something wrong with your brain. Lay off the drugs.

Crensch ago

You mean like the blow that your brother won't lay off of?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

WTF are you talking about? You are making stuff up. This is really bizarre behavior. Get some help.

Crensch ago

You're the one that brought up drugs. I'm guessing you have someone in your life that is an addict. I'm guessing it's your brother.

Go ahead, tell me I'm wrong.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I don't have any brothers. I don't have any family that I am aware of on drugs. Are you projecting again?

Crensch ago

You just reminded me so much of esoteric. He brought up meth a while back and I hammered him over it until he admitted that his brother was a meth head. I was hoping lightning would strike twice.

ESOTERICshade ago

I hammered him over it until he admitted that his brother was a meth head. didn't hammer me into shit, corn hole. I was just rubbing in the fact that srayzie sent me a bunch of your private messages, along with a lot of other people's private messages.

Crensch ago

Nice gaslighting, but anyone can do a search for me hammering you on that.

This idea that you have my private messages is a new narrative that you didn't have previously. You think something you have is going to cause me to think twice or something

Go ahead and drop it. Nothing you could possibly have would in any way cause me problems.

ESOTERICshade ago

This idea that you have my private messages is a new narrative that you didn't have previously.

I mostly kept my mouth shut during that whole blow up. There is a LOT I never told anybody.

Nothing you could possibly have would in any way cause me problems.

Never said I was planning on doing anything with it. There is a LOT that I never said and that you don't know. I'm just rubbing it in your face for now because you are such an arrogant back stabbing trashy Zionist.

Crensch ago

From what I can tell all you're doing is bluffing about something you don't have. Just like any number of other faggots on this website.

ESOTERICshade ago

She showed you a lot of other people's private messages. If you think you are the only one you are gullible as hell.

Crensch ago

Have at it. No PM of mine to her was in any way compromising for me, even if she sent all of them to you.

ESOTERICshade ago

That wasn't my point. I just wanted you to feel the sting of knowing.

Crensch ago

What part of me knowing that you're bluffing do you not understand?

ESOTERICshade ago

How do you think I know she was sending you other people's private messages? Because it how she operates. And me and you are not the only ones. She sent LOTS of people other people's messages. I don't give a give if you believe it or not. No skin off my nose.

Crensch ago

Are you a little flustered there, meth boy?

ESOTERICshade ago

You wish.

Crensch ago

Luckily, it's easy for anyone to see that you edited your comment after mine.

That was a pretty big flub for someone that isn't flustered.

It's okay buddy, when the lists of paid shills come out, you still have the option of ending it yourself before they track you down.

ESOTERICshade ago

Luckily, it's easy for anyone to see that you edited your comment after mine.

Its called a typo manlet. I edit them regularly.

Crensch ago

Why not thank the person that alerted you to it?


Crensch ago

The sting of hearing another bluff from some toothless keyboard warrior?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Since we're throwing out accusations, do you have a trans step kid? @heygeorge

Crensch ago

Wars are won by winning battles. I wasn't commenting on the overall War. Your buddy lost his ass that day.

It's a scathing indictment of the intellectual capabilities of the lot of you that you welcome him back with open arms after that thorough thrashing.

Crensch ago

Any honest person would look at the arguments I presented and conclude that I won that argument hands down. That he failed at every possible level, and that it would be embarrassing to have written what he did.

You think your opinions on what Q is or is not somehow negate that fact or make me just as wrong as him. I can't even imagine being stupid enough to not see that I wrecked him so badly that any human with a sense of Shame would have tucked tail and never returned.

Crensch ago

So you can't address the actual subject of me Wrecking his shit and him being completely unable to support his position. You just have to attack me instead because you feel inadequate?

Remember that sub I may just for you guys to convince me that Q is a LARP? How embarrassing is it that not one of you came up with anything that supported the claim that Q is a LARP.

You do realize that the other subjects you're presenting here really have nothing to do with what happened, right? You do realize that his acting like a Jew on that one subject is all that I'm pointing out here, right? You do realize that you disagreeing with me on what Q is doesn't in any way make me wrong, in my responses to cheese, right?

Gothamgirl ago

You should wreck this douchebag skank in a book long post. I got your back on that. Go for it 😂🤣

Crensch ago

Your face is hideous. You would have the lowest rank on Hot or Not that anyone had ever seen. The algorithm to try and keep you from getting your feelings to hurt would fail.

Kat understands on some level that she is wrong. You had child porn on your phone and you protected a manlet that threatened to rape children.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Gothamgirl ago

Not really, I have no issue getting men ever to date me, whatsoever. Even had chicks hit on me. My feelings can't get hurt, cause I have none. I am cold as ice thanks to my encounters with you talking about my kids years ago..

Kat understands she's wrong? She dated him right after he wrote that! She feels remorse now, why? Cause she got dumped for stinking like fish. Fuck outta here.

Already explained the phone, can you explain why the Fatskat douche was inboxing child porn to other users here a few months ago?

Srayzie is Shizy I am not dumb, and she wrote asking for pedos to rape and murder my child. I did none of that to her.

Crensch ago

Not really, I have no issue getting men ever to date me, whatsoever.

You had to give one of them $36,000 worth of stuff for them to stick around. And they still left you. You're so desperate that you put a picture of your face out here to prove to us that you weren't ugly but you're so delusional that you think you aren't.

You're not fooling anybody when you try and Bluff and Bluster that you have no trouble getting men. Yes, with your wallet. You can find some desperate manlet that would tolerate you for your money.

Gothamgirl ago

No see Crensch your just spewing a bunch of nonsense. I actually have a whole collection of engagement rings.

I put assets in his name, vehicles because I am disabled and couldn't drive them. It was for insurance reasons, we were engaged (yes mistake confirmed) he didn't want to leave moron, he tried to come back a few times. He stalked me until I left Florida this year, and he didn't even live close to me. Once I am done, I am done. So get your story straight. I only dropped the lawsuit cause he did alot for me, more then any other man ever has, so I let it go.

No one ever dated me for money that's fucking absurd. I have treated guys the way I am treated and no better then that.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago

You dated a pedophile and you defend into this day. You had child porn on your phone and accused someone that did not have physical access to your phone of putting it on your phone.

Your story and your lies break down so easily. Anyone can connect these dots.

Gothamgirl ago

You are really dumb. I am not zyklon and don't care about any of what you think.

Crensch ago

You supported him. You stuck by him. You had CP on your phone and you didn't turn him in for it.

You're complicit.

Gothamgirl ago

Wrong again dumbass I went to the police, and nothing could be proven, not even the photo I saw could be found. I left my phone and memory card with police for over a week.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago

No, you didn't. You're a liar and a hysterically stupid bitch.

What you saw caused you to accuse someone of putting child porn on your phone when you had a pedophile living with you. It's not that hard to put two and two together. Of course you're going to lie and blessed her and say anything you can to make yourself look innocent at this point.

Nobody looking at this from the outside would believe you.

Gothamgirl ago

You are liar.

We were not ever living in the same state until Oct 2018 which was many months after this incident. Can you stop making things up as you go?

SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago

I don't believe you for a second. That's what happens when you lie over and over and over again. People stop believing you. All they can trust is you had child porn on your phone. If you don't want to lay the blame for that on zyklon, then guess who gets the blame for that?

Crensch ago

Srayzie is Shizy I am not dumb, and she wrote asking for pedos to rape and murder my child. I did none of that to her.

You really are very, very stupid. They are not the same person.

And you don't seem to get that you supporting him as he was talking about raping their children makes you a valid Target.

Gothamgirl ago

Fire away faggot

Crensch ago

Yea. I am totally threatened by you and your massive Internet ego. So much I feel of all things pity - and not for myself...

The dunning-kruger effect in action.

Crensch ago

I read through your "dismantling" you just posted in previous comment. Shows nothing but two fags arguing who is more right.

Except I was right. I went through his bullshit video that was supposed to support his position and it was nothing but kike tier bullshit. The links are all there to show that I am absolutely 100% correct. And all you see is that everything is equal. How Marxist of you.

Everything is equal, being right and wrong is just a matter of opinion, nobody can actually be right no matter how much evidence and logic they use. Somebody just spouting bullshit can be just as right.

Not really sure why I expected more from you.

Crensch ago

Given the fact that none of you support any of your claims with anything but more claims and mockery and consensus cracking oh, I have every reason to have an ego that looks massive to you.

If you took 5 minutes out of your fucking day to read my dismantling of him, you would understand. Well, if you have the requisite cognitive prowess to do so.

Compared to what you shitposting idiots do, what I do is downright miraculous.

Crensch ago

Did you somehow forget what I did to cheesebooger?

Gothamgirl ago

You didn't do a damn thing, Cheesebooger still post here regularly.

You are no more then a butthurt sancho, and a poser, if given the chance you would murder your so called friend Srayzie, and her brown kids, in a streetshitting minute. I bet you try to deny it, even though you wrote it 6 million tries.

Do you even have a stance at all, or do you just spew crap by the minute like pancake Gabara?

Crensch ago

It's not my fault that you and your ilk don't have a sense of Shame. I would feel so awful about myself had I written what he did that I would have never returned.

Just because every one of you acts like a fucking Jew doesn't mean that you weren't argued into a corner and then destroyed. You just came back the next day acting like nothing at all was wrong.

Gothamgirl ago

So why are you here then? Shizy was calling for pedos to rape and murder my kid, and that's someone from your crew.

I am not zyklon, I don't feel shame cause I didn't ask him to do those things, and I didn't support the things he said. Also I know him in real life, and he was joking, sick as it was, it's just words and nothing more. He wouldn't hurt a child in any way ever. I missed alot of it, I was driving for days, so your wrong about me just coming back.

Besides in the end it did contribute to ending our relationship and breaking up our family.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago

So why are you here then? Shizy was calling for pedos to rape and murder my kid, and that's someone from your crew.

Is this before or after months of the manlet that you stood by continually threatened to rape her child?

Gothamgirl ago

Why don't you say something to the Manlet, Faggot?

Crensch ago

Why not attack his support? He already knows he's a pathetic piece of shit and his life is nothing but a dumpster fire.

He doesn't engage directly and doesn't even speak English most of the time. It's not like you can appeal to the better nature of a fucking pedophile, but the people around him? You can hope they aren't the kind that would support a pedophile which makes them...


Gothamgirl ago

He is not a pedophile. Do you even understand English?

Your friend Shizy called for pedos to rape, and murder my kid. She has searched and commented about my kids pictures. You all have commented on my kids for YEARS... Your friend Shizy claimed to help victims of Pedophiles at her work place. Do you understand what's mostly likely happening there?

You just defended a few minutes ago, Fatskat who has admitted to inboxing child porn to another user here on Voat..You let that one get passed your nosey self, how?

AreWeSure your not the pedophile?

SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago

Your friend Shizy called for pedos to rape, and murder my kid.

After how many times of YOUR manlet saying the same about hers and srayzie's?

He is not a pedophile.

He is, and the fact that he posted about it for over a month, and somehow CP wound up on your phone is plenty to present to the court of public opinion on it.

Fatskat who has admitted to inboxing child porn to another user here on Voat..

I didn't see that, but you admitted to having CP on your phone.

Gothamgirl ago

After how many times of YOUR manlet saying the same about hers and srayzie's?

I don't know ass it was the first comment I saw in all this nonsense.

He is not a pedo

He is not a pedo

He is not a pedo

He is not a pedo

That's not evidence it's just words and hearsay.

You see everything Crensch, your like the eyewitness news on steroids..

SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago

Straight, healthy men don't post about raping a male child and killing them over and over again for a month. Pedophiles do.

Gothamgirl ago

Like I said before what I did see I didn't like, it took its toll on our relationship which ended on July 3rd. Seek help you are scorned badly over words, you're equivalent to a liberal now, Mr. Cantifa.

Crensch ago

You call yourself a pizzagate researcher but you stayed with a guy threatening to rape and murder a child. How do you even live with yourself?

Drstrangegoy ago

Her personal errors in judgement are nobodys business but her own. Maybe if the government would quit trying to kill the population with drugs we won't have a bunch of freaked out weirdos like GG running around. Blame yourself, fucker.

Crensch ago

Her personal errors in judgement are nobodys business but her own.

Except for the fact that she makes it everyone else's business when she defends her pedophile boyfriend, after accusing someone else of putting CP on her phone.

Blame yourself, fucker.

For what?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

You got laughed at. He left for other reasons and told me that before any of that shit went down.

Crensch ago

Was he right about this? No. He was wrong. Embarrassingly.

Rotteuxx ago

So solidly destroyed by retorts such as :

Is Q ZOG or is it a LARP? You can't have your cake and eat it, too. You have to pick one way or the other...

How does that defeat his position ? A larp can't possibly be a zog psyop, was that your point ?

Crensch ago

The argument that Q is a LARP is based on the idea that Q is some YouTuber trolling a bunch of people buy LARPing as a government Insider. That's exactly what the video he linked stated.

It cannot both be that and a ZOG psyop

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I know for a fact he was trolling the fuck out of you and made you look like an uptight fool and Nazi larper. Honestly, I don't have any skin in this but Its just my opinion based on my observations. He said you and Srayzie brought in a Zionist group to Voat and was brigading anyone who went outside of your narrative and it doesn't appear that he was wrong. You have united with the Trump Zionist front based on everything I have looked at. You also reddit power-mod the Great Awakening sub, as documented by many. Kevdude called you out along with other Protect Voat mods. Cheese is a good dude and you stabbed him in the back along with others. You made your decision and that's your business. You also took a shit on SBBH but @Gabara didn't seem to mind. He seems to favor you as does a couple other fellas from there. I know another one from there who talks with Srayzie regularly, by his own admissions. You & Srayzie divided old Goats and Voat. Nothing here has been the same since. Then Putt sided with you & Srayzie publicly and called you "builders" while calling anyone who goes against your narratives "destroyers". That was the day that many started thinking that Voat was taken over. That also seems to have been the case. Based on watching what Zyklon did, he was just a reaction to you and Srayzie and your shenanigans. @Rotteuxx @Trigglypuff @Gothamgirl

Crensch ago

He got his ass handed to him. Embarrassingly. He tried to support his position, and he did it in the most Jewish way possible.

Kev is a clown that worked with a Reddit Shadow cabal to set up his rules for this website. I proved that beyond the shadow of a doubt.

Putt was definitely onto something, since none of you have ever built anything on this website.

The lot of you threw your hats in with zyklon and attacked his victim as he continued to talk about raping her child over and over again.

There is no world in which the lot of you have the moral, ethical, intellectual, logical, or argumentative High Ground.

You are morally bankrupt, low IQ individuals that act as a herd. You are the quintessential example of the NPC meme.

Gothamgirl ago

You got some nerve, he did to her what you, shizy and 20 of your alts did to me for 2 years straight, you diluted dumbass.

I am still the winner 🤣

Crensch ago

Beyond that, you very publicly accused sray of putting child porn on your phone which suggests child porn was on your phone.

Nobody on your side ever wondered why child porn was on your phone in the first place. I wonder why that is.

Gothamgirl ago

I apologized for that mistake, it was a picture of 222 cult that came up under Google images during of a search of a missing Arkansas child, so not exactly on my phone. If she hadn't been playing mind games prior with the whole Flynnl1ve5 deal, and wasn't flirting with zyklon, just to hurt me, I would've not have thought she had something to do with it in the 1st place. Maybe she shouldn't stab people in the back so much?

Crensch ago

You freaked the fuck out about child porn on your phone. No amount of apology changes the fact that you saw a child porn on your phone. It rattled you enough to accuse some stranger that didn't know anything about you of putting it on there.

No amount of apologizing or explaining changes the fact that you accused someone of putting child porn on your phone. You had child porn on your phone.

Gothamgirl ago

Ok last time I am going to explain, it was an image of the 222 cult under Google images that turned up during a search for a missing child, so no it was never downloaded to my phone.

No amount of apologizing? Huh? I did only once, and she accepted.

I freaked the fuck out because she played games about FLYNNL1VE5 and then with zyklon, and was slamming a dead researcher who put alot of time into Pizzagate. More then you and her combined.

Who do people think you are?

Crensch ago

Jem was a terrible researcher and lied about a lot of things and then went to work with that admitted Mossad agent. You're a fucking clown.

I don't care how you explain it. Your words very specifically stated that there was child porn on your phone. Backpedal all you want, those words are there.

Gothamgirl ago

A mossad agent, that's 2 whole years ahead of Q, and fake news media. Gtfoh I can't take you serious George Webb is #1 in research this corruption, hands down. No one can touch his skills whatsoever...

As for Jenny all of us were mistaken and confused about many things. Including Srayzie, who found a new victim every week, to accuse of being someone named Sarah.

Crensch ago

A mossad agent, that's 2 whole years ahead of Q, and fake news media. Gtfoh I can't take you serious George Webb is #1 in research this corruption, hands down. No one can touch his skills whatsoever...


Is that why nobody has ever given a shit about you?

As for Jenny all of us were mistaken and confused about many things. Including Srayzie, who found a new victim every week, to accuse of being someone named Sarah.

Now you're shilling for the sarah bot? Kek.

I'd call you a clown, but I've never seen one as ugly as you.

Gothamgirl ago

Dude you look in the mirror I am sure of it.

Not shilling for no one named Sarah just stating what your psycho bimbo was doing to us all.

George Webb knows his shit, and you are supposedly pro Nazi but pushing kike loving Q cause you were infatuated with a Mexicant.

Do you really have room to judge?

Crensch ago

Yes, I look in the mirror and I don't vomit over what I see. If I saw what you saw in the mirror, I would.

Sarah was a nutcase if it was even human oh, and here you are defending it.

George Webb was Mossad. Here you are defending him like a good little disgusting Jew troll.

I have all the room to judge.

Gothamgirl ago

I didn't defend Sarah, stop making things up, psycho

I am not a Jew. I don't know that George Webb is Mossad, but I do know he follows meta data, and has for 3 years done an impeccable job distributing accurate information. Maybe he said that to protect his organs or something.

I don't care what you think of me, not many people here think much about you, and we don't even need to see your face. Your voice was faggy enough for everyone, to crack jokes for a lifetime, loser.

Crensch ago

you showed everyone exactly how ugly you are. And here's a hint, the only ones that don't like me are the ones that supported your pedophile boyfriend.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

He's like a cheap Teflon skillet that everything sticks to kek

Gothamgirl ago

True, wish he put this much effort and research into the Deepstate instead of us. Then again he is never right.

Crensch ago

You got some nerve, he did to her what you, shizy and 20 of your alts did to me for 2 years straight, you diluted dumbass.

You've never presented any evidence for this.

Gothamgirl ago

Srayzie was begging zyklon for my info way before we had a problem. Why?

Shizy intentionally let me know a year prior she googled my house, and did a walk through on a realtors site and saw my kids photos on the wall. Zyklon placed partial address information on separate posts, they used that information to garner everything they could on me. No one else cared enough to do what happened.

Crensch ago

Srayzie was begging zyklon for my info way before we had a problem. Why?

You make accusations like this over and over again without providing any proof whatsoever. You just say whatever you think makes you look good and provide absolutely no evidence of any of it.

Shizy intentionally let me know a year prior she googled my house, and did a walk through on a realtors site and saw my kids photos on the wall. Zyklon placed partial address information on separate posts, they used that information to garner everything they could on me. No one else cared enough to do what happened.

Still no evidence.

Not even a little.

You've been caught in lies so many times, yet somehow you think people will just believe you because you say so.

You are a liar. You are dishonest. You had child porn on your phone.

Gothamgirl ago

Not sure maybe I still have pictures of his inbox, but I most certainly do have messages confronting her about it.

There is a post on Voat that validates the address comment. You want proof you go find it. I owe you nothing. My time is precious. I could careless if you think those things about me, you're a nobody, with nothing better to do.

Crensch ago

If you want to convince anyone that you're not a dirty fucking liar like you always seem to be, evidence is required. You don't owe me anything, but you had no reason to believe that I but you had no reason to expect anyone to believe you. And if you honestly don't care about that, why are you even commenting?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

He got his ass handed to him. Embarrassingly

I disagree. I went through and read tons of that shit back then. He masterfully got you to out yourself. You came away looking like a nut, a Nazi larper, a power mod and a Zionist shill, not to mention, an incel who fell for a Mexican jewsih ladys tricks. She sucked you and others in with exotic pics. I looked at some of them. All that aside, Don't get me wrong as I think Cheese is also an unbearable asshole at times. The fucker is passionate and funny as hell. I will give him that.

Putt was definitely onto something, since none of you have ever built anything on this website.

Its his website and he is entitled to his opinions. He kind of lost a lot of support that day, in case you hadn't noticed.

You are morally bankrupt

According to Putt and a few other old Goats, everyone here is worthless, low IQ trash or mentally ill.

You are the quintessential example of the NPC meme.

I'm not an NPC. Not even close. I was red pilled before coming here but learned some things while here. You keep hurling insults that seem to be projection-like. I don't understand you and I don't want to, either. This place appears to be a total loss.

Crensch ago

I disagree. I went through and read tons of that shit back then. He masterfully got you to out yourself.

Sounds like somebody tooting his own horn. Nobody with a three-digit IQ would conclude that. He had no support for his position. The support he presented was anecdotal cultish mind games.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

He sent me this in a PM

SearchUoat ago

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Crensch ago

Somebody is either remembering revisionist history, or pushing it.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Cheesebooger was always a bitch. I remember the exact evening I made him cry by not agreeing with him.

I had poutine. It was beautiful.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

He was right about you too

clamhurt_legbeard ago

orly what did he say

Crensch ago

He was a Jew. He couldn't support his position. He couldn't even prove Q to be a LARP.

In fact, if someone were on the fence, his inability to do so would likely cause them to believe Q was not a LARP.

I like how you admitted that he was your mentor. You were taught by a Jew.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

No way Cheese is jewish. I think you are.

Crensch ago

If you have a 3 digit IQ and Take 5 minutes to look at my dismantling of his arguments, there is no way you could conclude that he wasn't at least arguing like a Jew.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

But you didn't dismantle anything. You solidified your alignment with the Zionist movement. You proudly pushed yourself deeper and deeper into the trap. He got you. Notice how bad you were hated after that and since?

Crensch ago

Except there's not a shred of evidence that I was hated any more after that than before.

You're trying to rewrite history to make cheese look better. I think you have a dog in this fight.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I really don't. Just observations. Its your arrogance that gets me to speak up.

Crensch ago

Being assertive seems like arrogance to somebody that is too stupid to understand how unqualified they are the comment on or analyze almost literally anyting I write.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

No. I'm sure it's arrogance. We're all too stupid, shills, worthless, destroyers, pedo's,... So what does it matter? I'm done talking with you.

Crensch ago

Given your posting history and where you're modding, I'm really the only reason you're around.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

The only reason I'm around is because of you? How so?

Crensch ago

I'm the reason your username was even created. You created it just to write that comment right there. Whatever else you've done, your origin is 100% because of me.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Shakes head.

Crensch ago

Deny it all you want. Your first comment was about me.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I lurked and couldn't get into my old account and created this one.

Crensch ago

Tell yourself whatever you need to tell yourself. Your username even suggests that you were trying to guard vote from something. I wonder what that something was? Maybe we can figure that out by looking at your first comment?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I work for the PIA

ESOTERICshade ago

He couldn't support his position. He couldn't even prove Q to be a LARP.

And you can't prove its NOT a Psyop. Qfullofshitanon is a self admitted source of disinformation.

Crensch ago

That's not how claims work, Jew. He made the claim, he needs to prove it.

ESOTERICshade ago

That's not how claims work, Jew. He made the claim, he needs to prove it.

Wrong. You Qberts claim that Q is working for a secret group of White Hats fighting evil along with Donald Trump. You can't prove it. Especially when Trump has hired criminals like Barr and a bunch of other Goldman Sachs bankers, and Q is a self admitted source of disinformation.

Crensch ago

At least you admit that you don't know how arguments work. You have no idea how the burden of proof works when someone makes a claim.

Thank you for confirming to me and to everyone that you are a complete and utter idiot.

Crensch ago

He really was. Seemed okay until I asked him to support his position. Nothing but pilpul after that.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

You support a zionist president and he wasn't having it. Don't lie. Then Zyklon destroyed what was left of yours and Srayzies reputation.

Crensch ago

I destroyed him with logos. It's something Jews do not and cannot comprehend. Whatever you may believe about me, I destroyed him with facts.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Wel, that's your opinion, I guess. I don't see it that way nor does most people I know here. He outted you masterfully based on what I witnessed. Have a good one.

Crensch ago

Most of the people you know are the other NPCs. It's not surprising that you would have a crowd that agrees with you that you think somehow legitimizes your position.

His actions and no way outed me, but show that he had absolutely no way to argue himself back into relevance except to attack me over and over again.

That's all he had to do to be welcomed back into your fold.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Truth. Zero substance, nothing but whines.

Ok dude but immature and terrible at debate or persuasion.