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Gothamgirl ago

You forgot to mention your buddy and co-mod of great Awakening Shizy/Srayzie is a pedo.

You defended a pedo 2-3 days ago.

"Kat understands on some level that she is wrong."

This where Kat aka general douche admits to sending another goat cp.

You fail to mention when my kids where threatened by zyklon, in the same manor, you, srayzie, and shizy joined in and took it much further. It's alright though when do it..

You people created an alt account using exes name, and stalked me for months. Posted pics of my house, face, bank statements, court records, how much I paid for my house, the address and on and on.

Crensch ago

You forgot to mention your buddy and co-mod of great Awakening Shizy/Srayzie is a pedo.

You mean when she responded almost word-for-word the threats she'd been getting for over a month from YOUR man?

Get out of here, Missing Link. Your brain is nothing but a malfunction of pre-historic genetic code, just like your face.

Gothamgirl ago

You want me to get out of here but you tagged me in this nonsense.

What is it going to take for you to stop? You are torturing everyone here but me. Cause IDGAF about this or you.

Would you like all of us to post titty pics ?

Crensch ago

You want me to get out of here but you tagged me in this nonsense.

You don't get to make the rules, child-porn-on-phone cavetroll.

Gothamgirl ago

Obviously neither do you, and your opinions and posts are very unpopular!

Crensch ago

You do realize I wasn't the one making threats at all, when Shizy made those threats towards me correct?

You sanctioned his actions by staying with him, you fat hog.

He doxxed you and you still stayed with him because your genes gave up before fire was invented.

Gothamgirl ago

I didn't sanction anything at all you diluted bastard. Do you see how sick you are? You're condoning shizy's actions, when I have not ever threatened anyone's children. The worst I did to her was call her lapdog.

I forgave him because I loved him, and I know him in real life, which is much different from internet trolling.

You can say and call me whatever you'd like, your words have no value.

Crensch ago

I didn't sanction anything at all you diluted bastard. Do you see how sick you are? You're condoning shizy's actions, when I have not ever threatened anyone's children. The worst I did to her was call her lapdog.

You did, because you stayed with him, Baba Yaga. Shizy was sick of him threatening her constantly and you did fuck-all about it and STAYED with him. Meaning YOU are linked to HIM. Meaning what?

That her responding in kind can and would include YOU and YOUR KIDS. How stupid do you have to be to not see that?

I forgave him because I loved him, and I know him in real life, which is much different from internet trolling.

You. Sanctioned. His. Pedophilic, homicidal, CANNIBALISTIC attacks on two womens' children.

You can say and call me whatever you'd like, your words have no value.

I'm sure it's difficult to see them past your caterpillar eyebrows, but I assure you, my words carry weight... though not nearly as much as your legs and neck. God damn those cheekbones and eyebrows look heavy.

Gothamgirl ago

So because I stayed in the relationship with him until a couple of weeks after your going to blame me for what he typed on the internet, that I missed most of?

Should I blame Shizy's spouse the same way?

Don't care what you think of me but do carry-on being childish. People will take notice, and will give up on you. I promise. Your being repulsive and Voat has an immune system, just wait a few days.

Did you notice everytime youake these type of posts Voat gets knocked offline for a few? I have.

Crensch ago

Did you notice everytime you make these type of posts Voat gets knocked offline for a few? I have.

@Puttitout even the MIssing Link above noticed this. When I drop something on SBBH Voat goes down.

Crensch ago

So because I stayed in the relationship with him until a couple of weeks after this took place, your going to blame me for what he typed on the internet, that I missed most of?

You didn't miss shit, you fat cow.

Should I blame Shizy's spouse the same way?

For retaliating ONCE after a month of harassment? You really are retarded.

Don't care what you think of me but do carry-on being childish. People will take notice, and will give up on you. I promise. Your being repulsive and Voat has an immune system, just wait a few days.

Voat's immune system was your husband's pedophile brigade, and @kevdude's moral authority/high ground.

Did you notice everytime you make these type of posts Voat gets knocked offline for a few? I have.


Gothamgirl ago

That's all I needed to see, keep shilling for kikes 😆

Crensch ago

Hey, @Rotteuxx, how old are Gothamgirls' kids?

Could @shizy have been a pedophile, too?

I'm guessing she couldn't have. Want to find out?

Gothamgirl ago

Shit if my face hurts you so bad maybe I should plaster it in all my responses 🤣

Crensch ago

It hurts everyone, moron. Humans look at that and wonder if you were thawed out and somehow managed to still be alive after 2 ice ages.

Gothamgirl ago

So how does your "friend" Skrayzie think and feel about you wanting to kill her brown kids for invading?

When you said it you weren't shitposting, you think you get a free pass but zyklon shouldn't. Your sicker then him, you were dead serious when said it for months.

Crensch ago

Do strangers avert their eyes when they see you and put their hands to their mouths? I bet they do.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Thats a good question. How does srayzie feel about you wanting to murder her children? You said you wanted to murder the subhuman children and in your world that also means srayzie's kids.

Crensch ago

You said you think that cave troll is pretty. Nice white knighting.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Answer my question. How does srayzie feel about you wanting to murder her children?

Crensch ago

Why do you want a child to grow up with a woman that dates pedophiles?

Also, the bitch didn't have a daughter. She admitted it multiple times. This is a fake daughter you're trying to get outraged over.

Gothamgirl ago

Don't project what happens to you, onto me. That's not what happens in my lifestyle at all 🤣😂

Gothamgirl ago

1 is a minor

Crensch ago

So a mother with a minor child stayed with a man threatening rape and murder on other children?

What kind of sick fuck are you?

And you don't expect a retaliation? You think @shizy is a sick fuck for saying it ONE time after her kids were threatened MANY times by your sick-fuck husband?

Gothamgirl ago

Yes I do think she's a sick fuck cause I had nothing to do with all that, until she made threats and dragged me into it.

He isn't a pedo or my husband no matter how much you wish it to be true.

Crensch ago

Yes I do think she's a sick fuck cause I had nothing to do with all that, until she made threats and dragged me into it.

You stupid cave troll. You're the sick fuck that let that go on when you have a minor daughter. A retaliation in kind from a mother getting threatened is not the same thing as what your pedophile husband was doing.

He isn't a pedo or my husband no matter how much you wish it to be true.

Keep defending him. No non-pedophile would threaten rape on kids multiple times a day for over a month, no matter how much you want it to be true.

Gothamgirl ago

You want to murder that girl and her children and you said it for months. Is that any better? I mean come on...

Crensch ago

So you admit zyklon really is a pedophile? A gay one, at that? (I mean, come on, what straight man could stomach you)

Gothamgirl ago

No I don't have a daughter, my only daughter died.

See the problem here Crensch you have no idea what is what, I will keep defending that truth which isn't necessary defending him.

Crensch ago

my only daughter died.

Smart move on her part. She might have grown up to both be and look like you.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago

Is that her suicide note or something?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

... and you talk about goats being evil and deranged.

Crensch ago

You want that child to grow up with a mother with CP on her phone, that marries literal pedophiles?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

You're lost. Either stop doing the drugs that make you this way or go see and doc and get on drugs to make you stop being this way.

Crensch ago

You Jews really don't like facts, do you?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Everybody is jews except you? oy vey

Crensch ago

Everyone that doesn't like facts is most likely a Jew.

Do you agree?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Nope. I've known many non-jews who don't like facts. What did you get for Christmas?

Crensch ago

Nope. I've known many non-jews who don't like facts.

Were the overemotional race-traitor women or soyboys?

What did you get for Christmas?

Motivated to create a work of art:

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Were the overemotional race-traitor women or soyboys?

Pretty much just your average variety of people who don't like facts.

Motivated to create a work of art:

You spent your Christmas doing that? Do you not have anything better to do then to try and protect the honor of a sex addict online?

Crensch ago

Pretty much just your average variety of people who don't like facts.

Those are subhumans and overemotional cunts and soyboys.

You spent your Christmas doing that? Do you not have anything better to do then to try and protect the honor of a sex addict online?

Well, when a group of people have nothing better to do than defend the honor of a literal pedophile, I tend to enjoy exposing them for what they are.

What kind of people defend pedophiles?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I don't know? Maybe the same kind of people who celebrate the death of someone's child? You're dragging the bottom, buddy. You're lookin ' kinda green

Crensch ago

If you think you're cleverly turning this around on me, Gothamgirl is a compulsive liar that has already admitted she didn't have any minor children.

Nice try with that narrative though, Moshe.

Your subverse of people houses some of the sickest fucks on this website, and you don't seem to care.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Gothamgirl is a compulsive liar that has already admitted she didn't have any minor children.

Neither does Srayzie so how then is Zyklon a pedo? Shizy is old.

Nice try with that narrative though, Moshe

You're trying to accuse me of something that you're doing. Moshe.

Your subverse of people houses some of the sickest fucks on this website, and you don't seem to care.

Which subverse is that exactly?

Crensch ago

Neither does Srayzie so how then is Zyklon a pedo? Shizy is old.

When did she ever claim that?

Which subverse is that exactly?


VoatContainmentGuard ago

I'm not part of SBBH.

Crensch ago

2 submissions there, and 1 to Beatlestrollarmy - a place made by the actual pedo, who is quintessentially SBBH.

3/8ths of your submissions, or 1/4th if you want to be pedantic. 92 of your comments out of 845. A little over 10%

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Means nothing. Most of your comments are in a pro-zionist sub. Shall I call you a traitorous kike slave?

Crensch ago

How does it feel to be part of a group that supports pedophiles?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

How does it feel defending a sex addict jewess?

Crensch ago

You're here defending a guy that thought about raping a child multiple times a day for over a month. You're also defending his woman that had CP on her phone. You're also defending a bunch of people that defended both of them.

Literal pedophiles versus an innocent woman that did nothing to any of you.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Your holier-than-thou bullshit is lame. You think you're right in any of this, reddit power mod? If you notice, I'm not included in anything SBBH does. My name isn't on any of their charts or in any of their stories.

Crensch ago

And yet here you are attacking me when I am revealing the truth about them.

It is obvious you are an ALT of theirs.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

You're just a victim, huh? Poor, poor you. It's you VS the whole world. None of us lowly Goats could even understand your plight. How you larp as a Nazi then have to side with a pro zionist group and get called out on it. You poor thing, you. Then you side with a non-white zionist and divide Voat for her. Not a very white nationalist thing to do, IMO. Its all very strange. Almost like... you are full of shit along with half of the people you fight with.

Crensch ago

You side with pedophiles.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

What is your endgame here? What needs to happen before you can move on or feel that justice has been served?

Crensch ago

Y'all tried that already, and you weren't ready to play ball.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

That's not what I asked. What do you want?

Crensch ago

I'm interested in what you have to offer.

I'm getting what I want already, whether you cut a deal or not.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I'm in no position to cut any deal, faggot. I asked you a simple goddamned question. Its like pulling teeth with you. What. The. Fuck. Do. You. Expect. In. Order. To. Be. Happy?

Crensch ago

Then find someone that is.

And you're also assuming I'm not exceedingly happy right now.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

No you're not. You have nuclear butt hurt. The worst case I've ever seen!

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Don't worry you sick fuck. I screen capped that before you could delete it.

@voatcontainmentguard @rotteux

Crensch ago

I'm not in the least bit ashamed about saying it. Why would I delete it? That little subhuman had a mother that dated pedophiles.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

You are the one that stated you wanted to murder children. How does that make you any better than Zyklon?

Crensch ago

Invaders. Biological weapons in my homeland. Do you not want to defend your Homeland? Would you allow a bunch of Muslim kids to live in your Homeland and grow up? What about Mexicans? Niggers?

They're going to outnumber white people if they aren't removed. R-selected subhumans, and you want to let them in. I know you guys were globalists, but thanks for the confirmation.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

According to you srayzie's kids are subhumans that need to be murdered. So why are you protecting a woman that married a subhuman with kids that need to be murdered. By your standards you should be giving Zyklon a medal.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Interesting. According to you srayzie married a subhuman and has subhuman children that you want to murder.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

I'm not in the least bit ashamed about saying it. Why would I delete it? That little subhuman had a mother that dated pedophiles.

Probably saved herself from a life of constant rape and abuse. She certainly wasn't going to find a good man with a mother that looks like that.

You truly are one the sickest mother fucker I have ever run across. I knew you were an evil sick bastard but to say that about a dead child...

Crensch ago

Are you saying you would prefer a child live a life growing up with a pedophile? I think that's far more sick and fucked in the head

Rotteuxx ago

Capped, logged & archived since last night :)

Rotteux ago

Doing gods work.

Crensch ago

Unpopular with the supporters of your pedophile husband.

Oh damn, how can I ever live with myself?

Gothamgirl ago

He is a shit poster and we never got married, it was a joke remember?

You have a real problem distinguishing reality.

It doesn't sound like your "living with" yourself is going to well, or bringing you any happiness. You seem tortured, and I think you need to get some fresh air, and maybe meet real people.