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heygeorge ago

To summarize:

  • If someone is sperging and you don’t care for it, you can block them.

  • If a mod banned you from a subverse for whatever reason, you can block yourself from seeing the posts you are not allowed to participate in.

  • These unequal ideas are presented as equivalent.

  • Triggly did not like that srayz shared a private conversation. This means she is an emotional woman.

  • You, Crensch, are no longer an iconoclast [n. A person who attacks cherished beliefs or institutions]

  • Some Qtards are good people.

Am I close? I think I’m close.

Crensch ago

If someone is sperging and you don’t care for it, you can block them.

That's what everyone keeps telling me!

If a mod banned you from a subverse for whatever reason, you can block yourself from seeing the posts you are not allowed to participate in.


These unequal ideas are presented as equivalent.

I wasn't going to go there, but you're right!

If the sperg is threatening and spamming and going too far, you can block them, but they can make alts, and ping you, and ping your buddies, and clutter up your posts, and stalk your comments, and ping his buddies to you, and doxx you or spread your self-doxxed photos around trying to REALLY doxx you, or pretending to, but it's OK because it's a joke.

If a subverse bans you, you can remove it from your experience and...??? what happens? Nothing.

You did yourself no favors bringing that up.

Triggly did not like that srayz shared a private conversation. This means she is an emotional woman.

Oh, her retaliation wasn't exactly like srayzie not letting go of when someone attacked her? Right. (((Chosen one))). Oh, wait, do I get to mock you for being cucked by her? Did she send you tit pics to try and hide the fact that she's an overemotional fronthole? Le white knight, heygeorge?

Srayzie made posts. Trigglypuff made a fucking subverse with a CSS altar to someone she was hypocritically attacking for... what?


Kek. <---



You, Crensch, are no longer an iconoclast [n. A person who attacks cherished beliefs or institutions]

That you think that shows that you still don't understand what I'm doing.

Some Qtards are good people.

Does this surprise you, or something? They've put up with the mockery like fucking champs, when YOU couldn't handle when an overemotional girl accidentally grouped all of SBBH together as possibly going to attack GA. You whined like a little bitch over that, yet look at what happened? Not only did you prove her right, but you took her mistake like an emotional woman.

How do you square that circle?

Am I close? I think I’m close.

I think you're close to something, but you don't even realize what it is, and the realization of it won't be fun. What you thought you were close to? Nope.

Crensch ago

Oh, and @Expertshitposter REEEEEEEEEEEEEEd, too. "Muh SBBH attack we must defend!" "SRAYZIE NO DEFEND IS EMOTIONAL GIRL"


Here you go, @heygeorge.

Why u guize taking innernetz so srsly?

And why are you such massive hypocrites?

ExpertShitposter ago

There's noting reeeee about that post. Its a calm and thruthful explanation of things to a retarded q boomer with one too many layers of tin foil on her head.

Rotteuxx ago

You are trying hard to make people look as emotionally deformed as you, and its becoming quite cringey as its obvious.

I read his convo with @Sguevar in this thread and imo anyone can tell that @Crensch is in an obsessive "me vs the world" mind set.

Sguevar is trying to come at it from a 3rd person point of view but Crensch keeps lobbing him into the only camp he recognizes besides his own. His replies are combative and no concessions are made in the spirit of reasonable dialogue with someone uninvolved in the axe grinding.

Aw well, waiting to find out how horrifyingly inconsistent I am and all that bad stuff. It's free !

ExpertShitposter ago

Watch him just simply attach a "reeeeeeeeeeeeee" to anything you say. Its easier than looking in the mirror.

CerealBrain ago

Nobody gives a fuck what you think. You suck Zyklon cock.