26035308? ago

There is no Qanon, eurofaggot. There is Q, and there are anons.

26033792? ago

Honestly, I know they are technically "constitutional" but I wish you guys could get rid of your monarchies. And class systems. The idea in this day and age that anyone is "better than you" by accident of birth is just so incredible to us Americans. It would be a start.

The citizens could surely hold up traditions, culture and history as well as they could, no? Most of them do not set the examples they are supposed to, and end up being as corrupt as any politician in the end, or have their poor behavior covered up simply because of who they were born to. It would go a long way to fostering some level of equality among people.

26027160? ago

In Europe, you need to fight this battle a little different.

This is not about guns, being armed, this about recognizing and understanding your power.

Understand your rights, and move from there.

The flagrant disregard of the elite for our power is not because we have none. It is because we lost sight of it.

The King William goes for the second time on holiday to Greece. Outrage ensues. He backtracks with the tail between his legs.

The elite know they overplayed their hand. All it needs is the right push.

  1. faux pas of the elite in plain view
  2. respression en wilful destruction in plain view
  3. pedophilia.

Q said, their symbolism will be their downfall.

What happens when it comes out that all this time we were ruled by a cabal of pedo's?

You think their security can keep them safe? You think they can still walk down the street?

Right know, the bog shots are deeply worried about a very tiny group of people throwing badnames at them. They feel threatened.

What happens, you think when certain things come out?

More and more I see the grip slipping.

Make aware, be kind, with your balls and backbone intact.

26026798? ago

You guys have the guns, guts and the constitution. If the US falls, then all of western civilization falls.

26026531? ago

If Europe weren’t so fucked, we wouldn’t have it this bad in the US in the first place. European rulers have been exporting Satanism around the world since at least the Renaissance. All those of our ancestors who fled to North America will get their revenge.

26026464? ago

We Americans may have "Q" but there are still 25 other letters in the Alphabet. And if you are from some countries you may have some letters that are shown backwards so you have the think mirror thing wrapped up already.

26025665? ago

We have the same problem in Canada Patriot. All we can do is get as many of our Fellow Countrymen as we can and fight digitally against them. and Protest against them in the Streets to wake as many more as we can. Eventually the stench of their corruption will reach even the most at sleep Normie. Q has made it quite clear , WE have to be the ones affecting change. Q will help as much as he can but ultimately , it's up to us to effect change.

Peace Y

26025359? ago

If America goes, so goes the world.

We’re not leaving Europe behind.

26025271? ago

It had to be USA. If USA (just a country) falls the world falls.

26025196? ago

I did read about Canadian Armed Forces refusing to take part in an "information operations' pandemic campaign"...(pushing propaganda and stopping civil disobedience)

So there is some hope there....article


26025131? ago

WWG1WG...ALL! Don't worry my Euro brother, it may START with America but it will end WORLD WIDE!

26024912? ago

Have you considered running for office? It's happening all over here now.

26024837? ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POlzReD-tKo, ---Dutch parlement involved in cps case keeping kids away from loving parents . Seems to be covering up for the many pedo's, involved in the dutch cps. But also from high power positions. This judge is a very brave woman. Came out 3 days ago.

26024739? ago

Same here in the land of the tiny hats.

God bless all of you!!!

26027570? ago

Fuck you.

26037196? ago

Fuck you too, fren! Love ya

26024695? ago

Q started it, but WE have each other.

Keep posting Truth despite the fake media.

Wake up enough people.


26024679? ago

Don't despair Anon. I too am European. I live in Spain, one of the most brainwashed and "pro-Covid" countries in Europe, if not the world. I have been aware of the New World Order and their evil for years now, and it has always depressed me greatly. But since discovering Q back in April, I have lived every day of my life since then with hope.

The EU is a cuckolded Zionist neo-liberal shithole, just like America is right now. But I cannot WAIT for the US presidential elections. I can't wait for Trump to get re-elected. I can't wait for liberals to cry their hearts out because orange man. I can't wait for these monsters to be truly exposed. I cannot wait for a world of peace and freedom.

And it is coming. There have been times where my faith in Q and "the plan" has faltered and waned, but now more than ever, these past few weeks, I really do well and truly believe. Once the spell over America is broken, Europe will follow. Personally, I hope we start with the banishment (or public beheadings) of the various royal families of Europe. Starting with the British, then swiftly moving on to the Spanish.

Patience and hope, friend.

26024580? ago

Op you sound like "oh woe is me! So sad! I hate my own country i wish i was murikan" . You should just go apply for citizenship there, and once you get the passport, you can turn around and piss on your own country and call yourself a patriot for it.

Alot like the reply from Q620 " your country so good and mine sux pls come save me" bs

26024557? ago

Europatriot here. I live in a country where 90% would vote democrat. Its hell on earth for a conservative. The men are feminist cucks and the women...oh boy dont get me started.

I cant vote for Trump but I play for you and for him every night. The world is watching you!

26024550? ago

wwg1wga WW. It has to start first in America. It will spread like wildfire after IMO anon. we must unite

26024386? ago

if this thing actually lights off after the election, many big dominoes will fall worldwide, especially in big govt and intelligence. the FVEYS scandal will be a good trigger for the UK to wake up and take action. Yeah, its going to come down to enough people having enough and taking some action. Wish you the best of luck!

26024173? ago

For whatever reason, and perhaps you could enlighten me more on this, it seems the USA is the main leader of the world. If we finally have a reckoning with the force of Trump government it will change the world. It will bring a validity and exposure to the pedo Satanist. Most important, it will stop our USA government from participating and running these horrible things. Make no mistake, we know Americans in the cabal made most of this able to function. After our country is better we can help expose the corruption around the world which is already part of the process. Most of us will certainly not be satisfied for the rest of the world to carry on with their pedo ways. I for one will continue to scream until every child is aware and safe. Truly Wwg1wga!

26024169? ago

YOU have the POWER! only when the people are awake do you have strength. America is an IDEA! There in it's self lies the POWER. The Power of America Is in the IDEA.

26024143? ago

USA first......when the corruption exposed...it will spread far and wide. WWG1WGA!!!!

26024137? ago

We will help Europe, and hopefully Europeans can help us with our minority problems too, then we will both help Australia.

For some reason it is easier to clean some one else's house than your own.

26024129? ago

The cabal existing is a national security threat to the US that needs to be eradicated.

Trump/Q will take out the Rockerfellers and Soros and give you a more even battle against whatever remaining local cabalists you're up against.

26024115? ago

If you want, I can come over to Europe and tell you a bunch of shit you want to hear that has no basis in reality. I could also drop Thousands of messages with strings of numbers, phrases, and pictures, creating so many millions of permutations to make possible connections that it is statistically impossible not to get hits, and you could ignore the thousands upon thousands of misses for each hit so you can believe in my secret fake messages. I’ll even give you a decoder ring so you can pretend extra hard to be a secret agent. If that makes you feel better.

You can say cool things like “over to target” and “eyes on” and pretend that you’ve read Sun Tzu and get everything wrong about the book. You could even give examples that directly contradict what the book says and never realize it, because you never fucking read it! It’s easy!

You guys can do all the work and come up with connections that may even be years apart and nonsensical, but it’ll keep you believing while absolutely no results are provided to justify your obsession, and your obsession will mean more to you than the truth does, your obsession, your determination to believe in all the bullshit I tell you, well actually supersede your concern for the country. You care more about me looking right than you will about actual results.

You can call me F, and it’ll be great.

26024055? ago

26023905? ago

The dutroux situation fucked me up. It’s all still going on and the jew owned media intentionally silenced anyone who spoke about it. The media will ramp up their fake white supremacy campaign and even more fake holocough, getting the UN/China/Israel to help with quarantine camps. This is honestly what they’re trying to do, a lot of leftists are subversive lying pedophiles that shout the loudest about white supremacy and covid, unbelievable but somehow true.

26023593? ago

All evil starts from the central bank fiat money printing system.

Trump has taken over the US one, and will destroy, and will back currency with gold, and then fund the gov via tariffs and so income tax will be gone, it's the only way to win!

Then the rest of the world will demand it

26024290? ago

Without destroying the FED everything is nothing. But - till now - the FEDs plan since the 1930s is running perfect. More debt, more wealth, more power, ... for them. And we are the losers. They destroy the US-Dollar by design. They are ready to start a "Federal" Crypto Currency what would be much worse than any Currency with some Cash in your pocket. Total Control. Same game by the FED and the ECB. Is there any prove that Trump has taken over the FED? I know some information and discussions about that but - honestly - can't see any prove. Till now in my eyes it's wishful thinking. Do you have some links, explanations, ... that shows Trump has taken over the FED? Please send it to me.

26029128? ago

Gist of the downloadable PDF of the CARES Act funding for ESF ( Exchange Stabilization Fund):

TREASURY will determine which markets/segments need capital (could be stocks, municipals, specific industries, even corporate debt—doesn’t appear there is a restriction)

TREASURY tells the Fed to print money and how much

All the FED does is print that much money

A third party (BLACKROCK) executes the trades that the TREASURY dictates.
This gets everything out of the hands of the FED except for the printing of money.

Treasury's Exchange Stabilization Fund and COVID-19

Excuse delay; having issues with submit

26025939? ago

Go to treasury.gov. The fed is now under the control of the Treasury. Who controls Treasury?

26027024? ago

In my understanding the whole case is depending on this opinion-article by Jim Bianco.


Do you follow his point of view?

26029244? ago

He's a bit doomsdayish. This gives the Fed oversight where previously there was none and puts the risk back on to the Fed. The first step in restructuring and a possible audit in the near future.

26026790? ago

Thank you. Visited treasury.gov and visited federalreserve.gov. Cannot find one document, one law, an executive order, press release or something else that shows me the FED is under Control of the Department of Treasury. No Congress, no Senat, no President decided anything, nothing is signed by anybody. How do you see the FED is under Control of the DoTreasury by visiting their Website? Am I blind?

26029124? ago

Gist of the downloadable PDF of the CARES Act funding for ESF ( Exchange Stabilization Fund):

TREASURY will determine which markets/segments need capital (could be stocks, municipals, specific industries, even corporate debt—doesn’t appear there is a restriction)

TREASURY tells the Fed to print money and how much

All the FED does is print that much money

A third party (BLACKROCK) executes the trades that the TREASURY dictates.
This gets everything out of the hands of the FED except for the printing of money.

Treasury's Exchange Stabilization Fund and COVID-19

26023509? ago

I'm with you OP. Maybe you're french (cohn bendit reference, what a piece of shit, this man makes me vomit) and don't forget the movement is WW.

26023458? ago

26023408? ago

The US wants the people to wake up, not to riot, but to protest openly.

It will take time to change but if Trump wins on Nov, the culture change from globalism to nationalism will be slow but sure.

26023315? ago

Well, you guys kinda did screw up when you willingly gave up your guns ... but i mean, i digress ... we're still rooting for you ... knife laws and all ....

26023246? ago

WRWY (we are with you) in spirit all the way. Freedom will come to the entire planet....you can be sure of it. It is in the Universe's and God's plan for ALL mankind. America First because we are lucky enough to have a President like Donald J Trump who loves America and he loves ALL people. All will be free eventually. You too friend. Hand in there and pray. God Bless you.

26023172? ago

Ours are starting to be openly treasonous as well. So the MI governor and the FBI stage a pretend kidnapping to try to head fake Americans. We are just wise to the bullshit and like you say, we have guns...so if it comes to it we can take out the trash. If what we think is coming actually happens, the rest of the world will also change. Like Q says, keep praying, and keep fighting back everywhere you can.

26023157? ago

We are also at the mercy of our government here in Canada. Only thing that keeps me going is that I "Trust The Plan". WWG1WGA

26023358? ago

Hahaha, canada, possibly the most doomed. You guys are in a lot of trouble because there's so few paying any attention to politics.

26023031? ago

We are all in this together.

26022962? ago

A word of advice. Don't depend on SSL to hide where you go or what you type on the internet from Europe. Don't depend on a paid VPN either unless you pay for the entire server and don't log anything.

Europe is far more "gone" than the U.S. and even if we clean up over here, I suspect the cunts over there will continue and simply by thinking wrong, you could end up on some list for re-education or whatever these sick cunts think up.

I doubt whatever happens here will stop it there. I feel bad for you guys.

26022946? ago

lol Its all a larp. Nothing is happening.

26022915? ago

We crack their barriers here in the States and you’ll see those cracks in Europe...when you do...pour in. Yellow vests aren’t done yet.

26022902? ago

You have Poland, Hungary, Romania, Russia: nations with good and strong nationalism. Free and happy after communism.

26022898? ago

The brainwashing is horrible in Western Europe. And if you say something against them you are a "nazi".

26022889? ago

Key word- America First. Then you are next to help. Q mentioned this. I forgot what post. I do understand why thou. We still have guns, somewhat boarder, and some internet left for cross comms. Have faith, we will be there for you. I believe this has to be in this order. Military anyway.

God bless.

26022868? ago

Europeans seem to care more about having “polite manners”. That what it looks like from an outsider. That guy from the BBC, Saville - it kills me anyone would watch that anymore.

26022816? ago

There's always 3d printed guns...still need ammunition...talk to the Ukrainians

26022864? ago

Boxes of go-powder at Home Depot $8 all day long as long as you're used to rolling your own smokes

26022756? ago

You have Trump! America First, then the rest of the world.

26022728? ago

Learn Agorism. Make Guns. Destroy the State.

26022648? ago

Rest assured that Q is fake and we will be right with you there shortly. We are all under the same (((control))). Whoever wins this election will only make a decade or two of difference at most.

26022635? ago

We are all experiencing the great awakening from the perspective of many nations. I'm in Canada. Fucked.

But this was in motion before Q ever posted. Many people researching trying to understand why everything was so disfunctional. Then pizzagate happened even before Q.

We where a growing force before any posting. He just gave some direction.

The pandemic we are all dealing with is psychopathy, a Contagious Pathological Ideology CPI. They have fully infected our governments and courts and are now trying to force their pathological culture on us all.

The more we have resisted acceptance of their morality and reality warping the harsher and more aggressive they have been. Covid is them humiliating us with lies to make us do what they dictate. They are openly attacking us and our families now.

This will ramp up until they start a civil war.

They are trying to intimidate us into standing down but they are exposing their insane treasonous behaviour to more people each time they react this way.

The only thing that stands in the way of the public learning their crimes is the msm and social media that they control. But that tool is very broken now and due for some government regulation.

Even the countries that where supposed to be used as migrants and invasion forces are waking up and challenging their own leaders. Everyone is figuring out that our greatest threat is our own psychopathic government.

All our armies are full of us little guys that think a country means something. They will revolt rather than turn on us. I fully expect many countries military to step up and arrest the government if this continues. The generals know they can't stop the tide. If they just arrested all the masons they would have 90% of the guilty captured by designating one group as the enemy. The other ten percent is the government.

26026037? ago

Agree. There were always those who marched to the beat of a different drum, not easily programmed.

26024210? ago

Like I said to the other guy, Canada is like our cousin. Love ya fam!

26022626? ago

No ANON left behind. Stay strong.

26022566? ago

Don’t think we’re so lucky. Nothing is done here either to hold anyone accountable and we know a lot of it.

26022550? ago

I couldn't agree more and i find it fascinating and annoying that everyone in my generation (millennials) are reverse- indoctrinated "America is NOT the greatest country in the world" well yeah when you don't clarify what exactly "great" means you get a lot of emotional brained stupid kids going, "Omg, i hate America, look at all our problems! Look how amazing Europe is! Why cant we be more like Denmark!" It's such black and white, shallow thinking. There are definitely many things to covet about Europe. But without distinguishing the what and why, my generation just sounds like a bunch of entitled, brainwashed babies. America is the greatest country in the world because of our freedom, plain and simple. Without our freedom, the rest of the world falls.

26024148? ago

Look how amazing Europe is! Why cant we be more like Denmark!

Because they are White. We have niggers, spics, gooks, etc.

26100739? ago

People generally envy Denmark because they think it's a socialist paradise.

26022878? ago

As an annon whos lived in au for 5 years and nz for 4 i can tell you most likely never tried living anywhere else. Mom use to say walk a mile in someones shoes. Certainly judging people without an long expireance to base it off of is ignorant and disingenuous. While the freedom here is much dif then in the united states, i have actually felt freer here by leaps and bounds hard to wxplain in 50 words. Less problems less people less struggle. Less police less crime. Bad govt exhist because we let others manage our affairs thats everywhere. Granted usa is the two becons of light in the old north church. But lets not forget how intertwined our world societies are how many families are mixed with parents from many countires. My friend here is s african and english his wife is french candian. We all share one goal eat healthy breath clean air drink clean water and provide a safe and happy home for the next genrations. I myslef have two amazing kiwi children as an american i couldnt provide the 1950’s life that they see around them anywhere but here. They arent without freedom at all granted soft communism is shit but isnt not so differnt in the usa imo. For example theres a bill of rights here too one clause usa doesnt have they have here is NO FORCED MEDICAL TREATMENT! No one has been wreakng mask here only on the odd week the store clearks had them on. Very few deaths cause healthy people dont get sick. Gmo isnt allowed here no nuclear waste no high wattage cell towers ect i could go on all day. But id imagine youll just say we arnt free. Ignorance sure is bliss.

26026232? ago

The "freedom" you feel has more to do with population density.

26030789? ago

Perhaps but i,lived free in alaska too one point. And other spots with low pop. I love me low pop density.

26023621? ago

hope it stays that way. looking at AU crackdown on rights, shocking..

26024039? ago

Au has been fucked for a while. I left they were mapping side streets with the army and running turrets hot in the city, also doing helo drops around with troops in civies. They also purshased sound weapons for,large crowds this all 5-6; years ago. Cops are dirty there and treat you like shit worse then usa. Courts are a joke and enforce nothjng its mayhem. Stay out of au at all costs imo.

26023548? ago

I completely forgot about oz & NZ, I used to be obsessed and want to move there (mostly NZ)

26022549? ago

The front lines is America but the war is good vs evil.

26022535? ago

The United States will be arming the insurrection against the Pedo EU..

Watch it happen.

26022518? ago

Lol faggot

26022503? ago

I want to eat out your ass

26022481? ago

Citizens of ALL countries need the right to keep & bear arms.

It's the only thing which prevented a total government takeover by Obama.

Start a grassroots campaign & demand it. Fight fight fight for your rights!

26022466? ago

We used to be in the same situation as you are now... Hell we are nearly back to it now. I encourage yall to get your hands on the Declaration of Independence as well as the Bill of Rights. Very carefully look at those two documents and start to educate eachother about the inner-workings of those documents. Learn about things like Allodial Title, sound money, limited government. Shit like that.... .... THEN KILL THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS AND DO IT.

26022336? ago

Canada is fully chucked too and we're upstairs neighbors so don't feel too bad lel

26024193? ago

Canada you're like our cousin. We love ya fam

26022871? ago

Are the French cucked?

26024049? ago

The French are a proud, patriotic and righteous people but as a consequence are largely subservient to the state.

26022200? ago

Beat their damn asses like we did to England

26022130? ago

Compare Magna Carta to EU

Magna Carta crossed the oceans. In all the lands where English is spoken, its principles are known and recognized.

But it never crossed the Channel.

26022561? ago

Magna Carta is like TPTB knew they fucked up bigly and been trying to reel it back in with a vengeance ever since

26022088? ago

Q is international. Truth is USA is key to unlock freedom worldwide. Our prayers are with you. We are one with you.

26023477? ago


26022040? ago

Where We ago One We Go All isn’t just in America.

SA > USA > Europe > China

God Wins!

26024251? ago

Hoping Australia is in there somewhere.

26025265? ago

Yes its going to spread here to Patriot!

Its happening ...

Riccardo Bosi Australia Queensland Election Corruption Prime Minister Lockdowns


26024056? ago

This. It would be self-defeating for white hats to clean house only in the US. It's a given that there must be allies working behind the scenes to clean house in Europe and the rest of the world too.

26024125? ago

Well, luckily for you they haven’t even cleaned any of the rooms in the house yet. If I were you I wouldn’t worry about white hats cleaning house. Don’t you worry. Not even close.

26024502? ago

It seems that way from the outside, however you may wish to research some of the techniques Giuliani used to weed out corruption in the NYPD and to take down the NYC mob. This is the same thing, but on a much larger scale. It's becoming more and more appararent that Trump's entire first term has essentially been a sophisticated sting operation, with corrupt career criminals like Rosenstein, Haspel and Wray flipped and deliberately placed into top-level positions, so that the white hats can monitor the activities of their unwitting subordinates and map out their criminal networks. This may seem incredible at first since we're talking about a country's government, but when you think about it, of course Giuliani and his fellow white hats are going to use the same evidence-gathering techniques on the DC Mafia as they practised and honed by taking down lower level criminal organizations from the 1970s onwards.

26022733? ago

Does God win before or after the niggers destroy America?

26022841? ago

I know black people who love god and country. They support DJT too.

26022879? ago

It doesn't change the fact that a majority of niggers are worthless.

26023406? ago

You are probly worth bout half uh turd

26023096? ago

As is a majority of non-niggers, who are also for god and country.

26023224? ago

except niggers belong in africa and not in white countries.

they can be for god and country in their own shitholes.

26022813? ago

^^^^Yeah we got some wannabe NAZIs in the US too. But they are few and very retarded

26022887? ago

How about THESE niggers? https://voat.co/v/QRV/4070109

I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding?

26023434? ago

Stop obsessing about black people. N.ext thing you know you will be sucking their anacondas

26023753? ago

You mean niggers?

26022727? ago

Isreal last for a specific reason.

26024789? ago

To me it appears that operations in Israel have already begun, weird shit going on.

Also Wexner's connections in Israel are starting to come out but the people are still drooling retards who love, are proud, and are trying to emulate - the stupid bitches on MSM may their souls burn in eternity.

I hope this isn't going to take too long because I'm already at a point where there's almost no love in me towards my people (ofcourse lots of love towards specific individuals), but my heart is already blackened when it comes to the normies, and the sense of community and loving your country that you MAGA guys have seems impossible to have...

And that's coming from a war vet.

Even after Q cleans up the whorehouse which is the Israeli govt - Israeli society will need some massive healing (preferably not from a new age female who "creates her own reality")

26025454? ago

You dont have to go this fight alone, god/the universe is with us. Stay strong.

26026221? ago

Thank you for the encouragement fren, I know I'm not alone and I appreciate the reminder, proud to be part of this.

Keeping sane doing lots of exercise and reading. Among our tasks is to stay sane, life affirming and benevolent, so that the world can flourish after the storm. Gotta work on that disposition for benevolence!!!

God bless you, justice will prevail!!

26023781? ago

The fear is real.

26022951? ago

Gas them all.

26025026? ago

Like ALL of them?...

Seems kinda irrational. I mean sure, there are many who deserve death but not all of them

26026364? ago

All jews. Every last one of them.

26022011? ago

I have been being silly all night because I'm bored.

But, Eurofriend, I understand your pain.

Why are they so desperate to stop populism? Because it will spread.

You might not have a Constitution which guarantees your rights, but when it comes down the hard truth all of you allow the elites to govern you because you give consent. The French government really couldn't control the yellow vests. Now imagine that it is yellow vest times 10.

You don't need the right to bear arms. Nobody needs to be shooting anybody. When the time arrives, you just go out in the streets. They can't stop you. They will have some cops, but many cops are going to be on your side.

Be patient. This shit is building and building and building. They can't stop it.

The focus is on Trump right now, but the same thing is happening all over the world.

26033013? ago

Watching the Davos conferences on Vimeo gives some good insight into how they think and how detached these people are from the everyday citizen. It's a thought process steeped in idealism without a lot of thought to actual practicality. Clearly and deeply out of touch.

26022581? ago

When the time arrives, you just go out in the streets. They can't stop you. They will have some cops, but many cops are going to be on your side.

Lol yeah, just get yourselves mutilated and killed like the last time you did the yellow vest protests!

26022668? ago

What? You had less of a chance of that than you do of dying of wuhan flu.

26022624? ago


26022738? ago

Is this your sheckel I found on the ground? I saw you kaviching so I figured its yours

26022660? ago


26022693? ago


26022699? ago


26021955? ago

When they are all exposed here, they will all be exposed THERE. And their option will be face public justice or remove themselves from this earth. We're all going to see how very few THEY are in number compared to how many there are of US. Billions of us vs thousands of THEM.

26023524? ago

This is the key. The cabal abides by contract law - informed consent. But they are cagey about hiding the terms of the contract so that we don't recognize it and ignore it. If we get a consensus to withdraw consent and object to their manipulation, they must stand down. Together humanity wins over the interference from predators on our planet.

26021925? ago

God bless Q, God bless president trump, God bless America and the Christian world.



Weapons, weapons, weapons

M-16's, and 45's

they helped your country stay alive

They got the guns but we got the trigger

That gun of mine makes me a whole lot bigger

Social dogma you think you're safe

I think I'm losing my mind

Deal with reality deal with facts

They're shooting at me

I'm gonna shoot back

Cause I like guns and guns like me

I like guns they made America free

I like guns and guns are the way

I like guns

Lost in a lost world

Without my weapon I'd rather be dead

People on the knees getting shot every hour

That's what Tony Little said

People everywhere you think you're safe

Their guns are all over the place

They'll take our toys

The government'll have them

The right to bear arms the right to be free

Cause I like guns and guns like me

I like guns they made America free

I like guns and guns are the way

I like guns

Weapons, weapons, weapons

People in the streets you think you're safe

They'll leave your brains all over the place

Time to grow up

Time to be a man

Steal every little weapon you can

Time to not let them oppress you

Time to force your life on them

Tell them the way cause you know it

Tell them the way it's your rights

I like guns and guns like me

I like guns they made America free

I like guns and guns are the way

I like guns

The right to bare arms

The right to bare arms

The right to bare arms

The right to bare arms

The right to bare arms

The right to bare arms

The right to bear arms

26022613? ago

Sadly, across the hall I have a younger sibling who had that on the first compilation they ever bought and now is "GuNS aRe SCaREEEEE"

26022356? ago

I have to think you like guns.

26021887? ago

Q IS worldwide


NOTHING can stop what is coming

26022560? ago

Well, foo, the fact Q is fake remains an onion in the ointment.

26023610? ago

Q wants you to FUCK YOURSELF

26022858? ago

The only onion and ointment you know gets stuffed in your ass

26024138? ago


He shoves onions and ointments up his ass? OK, sweetheart, how does that make your LARP real?

26025619? ago

^ VERY low IQ...

26022629? ago

Good one there, Biff

26021883? ago

So here's my question: why do you think it's ok for us to be doing? Why not for them? If they're so good, why can't we be as good? I mean if we want to be free, then let's all just get together and kill those who would enslave us.

I'm going to say something that might shock some people, but I believe in God. Not the Catholic god, but the God of the Bible. I don't see why this is so bad. Do you not believe in God? Since when is the Bible a moral guide? It's a book written by men, written a long time ago, that means a lot of things in a different time. Why should today's moral be backed by it?

I know what I'll do, I will pray to God for redemption. Pray the gays off the planet. That will free everyone of their perverted desires. Then we can all live in peace.

As for you, I'm going to pray for the rest of my life, that one day I'll get to see God face to face.

26022082? ago

Praying is key

26023615? ago

You also got to throw in some cursing