26025630? ago

I think there was a shill cleanup lately theres a lot less muh joo posts. I expected a thread full of them but happy to find none and instead just logical friendly discussion, like normal people... do.

26023758? ago

Fuck musly dogs! Muslims are sub human dog shit right up there with dumbass niggers!

26023726? ago

Europe willfully let this shit happen and pissed their countries away.

Reap what you've sown assholes.

Don't expect me to give a shit anymore.

26026071? ago

Wonder what the total global impact has been of "making" otherwise rational citizens terrified to be called a "bigot?" It blinds them from seeing the common sense consequences of policies/actions not only by their leaders but also by themselves in their daily lives.

26023696? ago

Sadly, this is true....and repeatedly demonstrated over and over.

Islam as a religion is righteous, unfortunately so many of the people who claim to be followers are not. Many of them...perhaps most, do not even know their own religion.

I regret to say it , but the same is true of many Christians and Jews. All people of "the Book".

26022891? ago

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26021964? ago

Ahhh, the religion of peace.

Are you going to try to divide people by their faith? I disagree with Evil behaviors. Such as dividing people by their skin color, or faith, or orientation, or gender. I agree with Good behaviors though.

Good Or Evil Behaviors?

I believe that most people of Muslim faith have Good, ethical, and lawful behaviors. But allegedly, a minority of people of Muslim faith have Evil, unethical, or unlawful behaviors. I believe the same for all other faiths or atheists.

26024814? ago

also, judging by the history of those ‘attacks’ it’s likely just another false flag operation to divert people’s attention over there

26021996? ago

Then why don't you top faith leaders denounce it openly and without restraint?

Yeah, sure....

26021952? ago

I will dispute you... This is what happens when you allow the middle east ANY NIGGERS AT ALL into western culture

26021773? ago

They are the "Religion of Peace". Follow their religious dogma with exact precision and there will be peace.

26021672? ago

Marie Antoinette- "Hold my cake."

26021614? ago

Nigger kills white teacher. in other news...water, wet.

26021474? ago

Wrong Frog was killed. Should have been Macron, since he is the faggot who imported these savages.

Even more offensive is the idea he would stand there and pretend like he didn't enjoy that this happened. Globalist swine, the whole lot of Globalists should be beheaded by the same savage Mozzies they imported.

26021329? ago

Middle East culture has been destroyed by Jews with the backing of the United States.


26021414? ago

That's globalism for you.

Trump America has bought peace to the middle east. if you want to keep it that way you arab heads need to stop beheading people.

26021067? ago

It has absolutely nothing to do with "culture" and everything to do with race you cucks

26021032? ago

Wait a minute, isn't that Charlie Hebdo deal the same excuse they tried to use for Benghazi?

26020926? ago

you are absolute right.

But all our politicians (I am in Europe) are still thinking it is a GREAT IDEA to mix our European culture with these people.

It must be a satanic agenda. I do not see any other "sense" in this.

26025262? ago

The sense is to divide the people so they maintain power. That and diluting nationalism so that we accept the EU as a new country.

26022846? ago

26020768? ago

considering France is full of sandniggers now that teacher made a bad move talking about the Charlie Hebdo comics in class to demonstrate freedom of expression.

26020984? ago

France has always been full of Spainards, Turks, Morrocans, and other people from Northern Africa, to say nothing of the Catalan Gypsies. The Gypsies are a way worse problem in Paris than Muslims, anyone will tell you this. Ask anyone who lives there or has been to France. For some reason, they refuse to do anything about it. I never even hear people talk about the scrourge of gypsies on this board, must be because of all the Americans.

26025361? ago

....but, Disney told us that gypsies are good and misunderstood, they even made a cartoon called Hunchback of Notre Dame ...

26020657? ago

Obama made sure he scattered cells all over the rural west, in concert with charities that were placed ahead of time to arrange housing, food, medical and jobs these refugees were established in states like Idaho. This state has generous gun laws. I pray to God they are being monitored by our militias. I have little faith our government is doing any oversight.

26022862? ago

I pray to God they are being monitored by our militias.

Militias aren't allowed to exist by the FBI / ATF. God doesn't seem to be able to overpower US ABCs.

26024326? ago

God can over power them but why should He? The West brought about its own down fall by literally thinking they were cleverer than God and disregarding all the rules He told us. Why should we expect help from him now?

26020646? ago

Is it just me or is diversity a death sentence?

26025543? ago

Exclusivity was working amazing before. If you want a taste of another culture... Make a vacation out of it! Tourism industry, money!! Fun all around... with "diversity" everything is bland,boring, and everybody is walking on eggshells.

26022712? ago

the head of the class

26021519? ago

Two wildly different cultures cannot cohabit a nation. Its just not possible, because you then have two nations inside one border. Liberals and Boomers think its possible, but they are retarded. Any time you have two nations one plot of land, war and genocide ALWAYS results. Its as natural as mixing Sodium and Water, there WILL be explosions, its simple fact.

Diversity is a recipe for strife, chaos, and civil war. But faggot boomers think they can sing koombyha hard enough to just make human's tribalism nature vanish. News flash ONLY boomer hippie faggots think that hugs solve problems. The rest of humanity, mozzies inlcuded, realize one very simple Truth: MIGHT makes RIGHT, and "I have the guns, I make the rules." This is the real way of the world, and how sober, sane people understand it.

26023523? ago

Two, different, non-violent cultures of equal intelligence could cohabit a nation. Both could benefit.

Understanding human's tribal nature is not a factor of age. If it was I would say boomers would be the harshest judges.

26032132? ago

No they cannot. TWo nations 1 land, always results in war. ALWAYS. It war or it genocide.

26024482? ago

This is correct. Niggers, muslims and jews are the problem.

26023760? ago

What? Boomers are the kings of preaching buh buh buh my friendly based nigger I know!

26021383? ago

Yes, a slow death

26020599? ago

Non-whites do not belong in white countries.

26023636? ago

Same sort of thing happened n Chechnya before Putin shut that shit down.

26022152? ago

True. And the teacher was telling the class that :


And.... the teacher was 100% correct.

Muslims ARE violent and INTOLERANT of FREE SPEECH!

26021163? ago


26020483? ago

The teacher wasn't killed by a student. Was beheaded on the street by an 18-year old Chechyna immigrant.


26022991? ago

If only they could've sent out a social worker instead, that poor, misunderstood helpless islamicist would still be with us.

Sure, there'd also be at least a dead social worker, but at least nobody would be calling them 'racist'

26034881? ago

I'm just trying to get the correct news out there so people aren't accused of muddying the waters or misinformation. The teacher was beheaded by a muslim, just not a student at that school.

26025352? ago

Yes, a social worker or a de-escalation technique as Biden advocates - shoot him in the leg

26020471? ago

I dispute you. All muslims are super nice. Every muslim I have ever known has given me money and pieces of gold and beat people up for me.

Once this muslim that I didn't know came up to me and was like, hey there. I was like 'hey there'. And we hung out.

We didn't talk about the beheading but if we had, he would have been pretty cool about it.

So there.

26020722? ago

Someone's up past their bedtime.

26020740? ago

Yeah, wife is at work tonight and I am bored AF

But it's all true.

26020462? ago

Unblurred pics on the Chan's. On the bright side, the teacher was wearing his Covid mask.

26025074? ago

Links plez?

26026620? ago


Complete with Covid mask

26021712? ago

The French have always had problems with the Arabs, but not as many as they do now. They were originally supposed to get rid of them after WWI, but when that didn't work out so well for them, they just continued to let them live here. That was fine until the Arab Spring happened. Then things got bad. Now, the French government is trying to keep control over what little remains of their former empire. You can thank the immigrant problem and the effects of mass Third World immigration into Europe for the deaths of the European Union. Nationalism is on the rise again, even in France. Now they're even sending in military to Syria to fight.

You don't really know what to say at this point other than, "Well, something needs to be done about all this".

Sarge, all I can suggest is that we need to completely purge France of all Arabs, Morrocans and all other people the government classifies as " Others ". The problem with this is that it's going to cause a lot of conflict, not to mention civil war. Then again, we're talking about a place that has nazis running around, so why are you hesitated?

Well, you can thank the migrant crisis that's going on right now and the country's history of assimilating other cultures for the fact that the French government has managed to keep control over its territory.

26023006? ago

"Convince" the arabs, etc that they must GTFO to protect them from all France's "White Supremacists?"

26020455? ago

William Henry Gates III will be arrested Monday, October 19th, 2020

26021003? ago

And how do you know this?

26020355? ago

They're animals, born of animals, with morals no better than that of hyenas. They should be put down, and deported. They teach only fear and hate. They defend their hateful god with more hate. Islam is a religion of insanity and hatred. They have nothing to offer but violence and fear. There is no peace in Islam. Absolutely - none.

26020349? ago

"the attack shouldn’t divide France because that’s what the extremists want..." - Macron.

Could this cuckold suck sand-nigger dick any harder?

Hitler would have had every sand-nigger's head on posts, before dawn

26020751? ago

Um you do know Hitler and the Arabs were allies right?

26024266? ago

"allies'...no. Not even remotely close.

Hitler convinced the sand niggers to not engage as he would "take out their enemies for them".

They are dumb as fuck, centuries of inbreeding will do that.

26021378? ago

By "Allies" you mean he used whatever niggers were conveniently already living in strategic locations. Nobody goes out of their way to recruit sand niggers because they like them

26021128? ago

Maybe he was too busy fighting the real (((enemy)))?

26020591? ago

I asked some local liberal about this and they explained it away by saying:

“It’s gotta get worse before it gets better.”

So all we have to do is just endure more of this shit and things will get better?

What a relief.

26020250? ago

but but muslims and jews are our friends

26025647? ago

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26020347? ago

Came in here looking for the Nazitard who would conflate Islam with all jews.

Hey Nazitard, hows it going? Burned any crosses lately?

26020856? ago

Blind much? Who do you think runs the Cabal aka Kabbal. Wake up.

26020878? ago

I'm part of the team who holds all baby rapists, child traffickers and pay-for-play deepstate dipshits accountable.

The team who only will put them in jail if they happen to be Jews hasn't formed a plan yet.

26022826? ago

I'm part of the team who holds all baby rapists, child traffickers and pay-for-play deepstate dipshits accountable.

lol imagine being this delusional

26020378? ago

Burning crosses is awesome white culture. Jews, niggers, muslims and beaners are beasts of the field and should remain in the barn, not in our house.

26020446? ago

Burning crosses is awesome white culture

It's democrat culture, democrat.

I think you wandered a little too far from your last KKK rally.

Oh look, a montage of Trump disavowing you over and over. https://youtu.be/SlOH_iKxPus

Nazis get the rope too.

26020519? ago

all zionist flat head scum are cancer right along with your pet brown skins.

26020545? ago

I have faith Trump and Q will keep your vile bigotry in check.

26022835? ago

Yes, Trump does hate white people, doesn't he?

26024105? ago

Not all white people.

Just you and your fellow Nazis.

26024108? ago

Yes, them especially, but he does seem to hate all white people, doesn't he?

26024121? ago

Not because you're white, because you're a democrat consensus cracker here to contaminate Trump-loving conservatives with your bullshit democrat KKK drivel.

At least, that's why I hate you and think you need to get the rope along with the rest of your cabal overlords, but I'm willing to allow a jury of your peers to clear you.

26024144? ago

That's not true at all. Donald Trump hates white people.

26024147? ago

Your delusions have no bearing on reality.

26024152? ago

Kind of like those delusions about arrests and military tribunals?

26024161? ago

If they're not reality, telling me they are not reality gains you nothing, unless what I think matters to you.

That's the difference between you and I. What I think consumes you.

But I don't give a shit what you think.

26024182? ago

Of course you don't. You hate white people. That's why you cote Trump.

26024208? ago

I'll call you the 5th-grader democrat apologist.

26024227? ago

I'll call you the pro-white-genocide republicuck.

26024247? ago

How does it feel to have no political power?

Do you get a sense of how badly you'll be losing in November?

26024273? ago

Yes, white people are suffering. It is a terrible feeling. One day that feeling will visit itself upon you jews.

26024301? ago

I don't recall voting a delusional demoKKKrat as a spokesperson for my ethnicity.

26024331? ago

No, you voted for an anti-white republicuck, didn't you?

26024337? ago

The irony is you Nazifaggots who hate Trump have done fuck-all to prevent the Kalgeri plan while Trump has been dismantling every aspect of it.

26024475? ago

Trump has destroyed white America, and has made his intentions to continue to do so clear.

26024532? ago

Ok Nazifaggot.

26024543? ago

ok loxist

26020861? ago


26020212? ago

Gun free zone?

26020200? ago

Maybe that’s why the jews are so comfortable mocking Christ but very hesitant mocking the sand niggers’ prophets.

They don’t want to get their heads chopped off.

26020038? ago

Retarded Christ cuck catholic sheeple allowed this to happen

26020889? ago

Ssatanic church from it's conception.

26020027? ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=9lGUZyjXQbI :

Teen kills teacher in front of Paris school in horrific attack - YouTube

Yes, I know invidio.us has shutdown

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