25985916? ago

He's still facing charges in Wisconsin...they're only not filing charges because the gun was purchased in a different state.

25985410? ago

He still has the murder charges.

25984034? ago

Don't know if they held him in jail till the mob cooled down or wanted to screw him over but released fearing a law suit.

25982909? ago

Kind of hard to convict someone without proper evidence

25981934? ago

Not US peep, so : is this a win ? Does this mean Kyle boii is free ?

25981880? ago

Child defending himself against adults with child sexual predator counts on their rap sheets. This is a no shit type of decision.

25981497? ago

If they charge him all hell will probably break loose.

25981472? ago

The point of this declaration by Lake County is to provide counter to the narrative that Kyle transported a firearm across state line. Patriots, this is how the it is. Provide leverage establishing the narrative. This narrative is righteous, too many people expect righteous justice based on what has been spoon fed them. When you expect people to think your way, don't be surprise when it doesn't

25981216? ago

read closer - lake county isn't charging him. Kenosha still has him in their sites for homicide, assault, yada yada yada. I got excited, too, but took a closer look.

25981007? ago

Kyle Rittenhouse

I disagree. I suggest to ignore this call for violence.

Is someone trying to manipulate and deceive you into violence? This is your reminder about those two related sticky discussions about ignoring calls for violence:

A call for Equal Justice Under Law is not to confuse with a call for violence

Q4737 at https://www.qanon.pub/#4737

Who Is Kyle Rittenhouse?

For those not familiar with Kyle Rittenhouse's behavior. He is:

Is Rittenhouse a "useful idiot"? Was he fooled into using violence? Will you be fooled into violence?

What is the Democractic Party’s Strategy?

One of the Democractic Party’s alleged primary strategy is to manipulate you into behaving with actions such as murder/violence/riots.

This is a speculation, what the Democratic Party's Antifa & BLM want the most is push your buttons to first get a reaction from you. Then second call you violent. After that tries to lie others into fearing you as someone with violent behaviors. Finally, the Democratic Party lie others into believing that they are the solution to resolve your violent behaviors. Which the Democratic Party covertly started in the first place ;)

If you don't react to their button pushing, if you don't murder, don't answer their calls for violence, and don't get pull into their riots, then THEY LOOSE. AND YOU WIN. It's that simple.

In other words, the Democratic Party's strategy depends on your reactions. They are DEPENDENT on you. If you react with violence then they win, if you don't react with violence then YOU WIN :)

Your Vote Matters


25980991? ago

The police report literally describes someone defending themselves from multiple attackers, and somehow this is against the law?

25980711? ago

Mah niggah Kyle

25980591? ago

Mostly peaceful but firey protest headed your way in a Uhaul

25980561? ago

Thank You God for his great attorney.

25980446? ago

I don't think this means what we think it means....

25980418? ago


25980268? ago

About time. How about some charges for the jackass who tried to kill him on video?

25980189? ago

Thank God!

25979923? ago

What about the bicep jew? When does the bicep jew get it?

25979862? ago

Now give him a medal of freedom.

25979810? ago


25979506? ago

Now go sue the fucking MSM for slander!

25979489? ago

I smell a hefty lawsuit coming

25979473? ago

When he gets out, that young man will have a target on his back. He had better have some security, and be able to keep arming himself. I trust his judgement, but he's gonna need some help.

25979408? ago

What kind of a bullshit story is this , of course he won't be charged for a firearm offense in a state the firearm was never in.

25979388? ago

Illinois isn't pressing charges. Wisconsin still might.

25979226? ago

Saint Rittenhouse

Has anyone seen kyle....seen Kyle .. seen kyle

25979280? ago

in the ocean perhaps?

see kelp

with your pronunciation i mean, because, you have an extra 'n' three times

25979224? ago

How did Kyle's bullet enter Joseph's back and take out his lung and liver if Joseph was lunging for Kyle's gun? They find the guy that fired the first shot? It wasn't Kyle.

25979735? ago

Yes, that doesn't make sense. The witness saw Rosenbum facing Kyle and grabbing at the gun. The witness (reporter) heard 3 shots in rapid succession. One hit Rosenbum's dick, one hit the left hand, one grazed the left thigh, one grazed the head.

If the left hand was near the left thigh that would account for one of the shots fired hitting the left hand and grazing the left thigh.

Then you'd have the dick and head shots being the other two shots. The shot in the back - makes no sense at all when the witness saw Rosenbum coming at Kyle the entire time, not turning his back on Kyle.

25979119? ago

Justice is too slow. You can watch the fkn video of the thing in 20 min. Done... wtf

25978923? ago

This is just Illinois not filing charges. Wisconsin charges still in tact. They found that Rittenhouse did not have the gun in IL.

25978806? ago

Perhaps they REALIZE charges WOULD be filed against THEM (treason) if they did.

25978750? ago

DONT BE FOOLED HES STILL ON THE HOOK down voted for lies about the incident. Rosenbaum was unarmed, ritte house didn't handle his gun well, etc....FUCK THIS SOURCE...KIKED

25979469? ago

So A nothingbringer! Thanks... found the comment where I move along.

25979260? ago

was untouched

also untrue, that skateboard hit him, either head or neck

25983757? ago

compared to 3 shot with an assault rifle while being chased by a pack of nigger jews that counts as relatively unscathed.

25997262? ago

oh, well, use relatively then in the original, says captain pedantic :)

25978808? ago

How can they say he didn’t handle the gun well? I mean i guess he missed the one pedos head.

25979406? ago

He got the pedo in the dick, best shooter ever!

25979128? ago

as soon as they said that I stopped taking the article seriously as anything besides kike damage control.

25978642? ago

I hope he gets to keep the spent casings as a memento

25978636? ago

Now Illinois charges remaining

25978555? ago

Too many idiots in here don’t understand that he is still being charged in Illinois.

25978700? ago


25978660? ago

For real? What "crime" did he commit in Illinois?

25978534? ago

Holy fuck dude killed three jews on camera and is going to walk free? Did reality just split!

25978531? ago

Fuck yes!

25978524? ago

Great news, now take Biden and the MSM to court for calling you a terriost and white supremacist.

25978406? ago

Are they saying the legal system is actually using common sense? Keanu : Whoa!

25978812? ago

Sorry, but this is just in Illinois

25978355? ago

Yet the McCloskys are being destroyed for "brandishing" weapons on their private property. These are all Patriots.

25982403? ago

Doubt theyre getting destroyed. They're both lawyers aren't they?

25978858? ago

Shit, glad we don't have that law in AZ. Guy tried to carjack me and I 'brandished' my weapon. He chose wisely and got the hell outta dodge. Brandishing and the sweet sound of racking a shotgun are two of the ways we have to keep these morons at bay. No blood, no paperwork.

25980813? ago

"Threats" are rarely the end of it.

25979619? ago

What are the laws in AZ exactly? Is there a good place I can reference them?

25979936? ago

Arizona Revised Statutes, Title 13, Chapter 4


Know your local laws so you can stay out of jail.

25980265? ago

AZ gov is pozzed as fuck. I'd advise against anyone clicking through from here. Better to copy/paste the link text into a new tab.

25978337? ago

Hold up here... Lake County is in Illinois. Kyle's actions of concern are in Kenosha Wisconsin. Tell me how exactly the Illinois procecuter can even imagine prosecuting a crime that didn't even happen it's jurisdiction. Something needs to be done about Illinois unconstitutional desires. The fact that they they won't leads to the fact they contimplated doing so. That is a constitutional problem.

25981459? ago

Exactly the point EVERYONE should be talking about but aren't.

The point of this declaration by Lake County is to provide counter to the narrative that Kyle transported a firearm across state line. Patriots, this is how the it is. Provide leverage establishing the narrative. This narrative is righteous, too many people expect righteous justice based on what has been spoon fed them. When you expect people to think your way, don't be surprise when it doesn't. Real court isn't what you've been programmed from Judge Wopner et al.

25979602? ago

First two paragraphs of the article:

"Lake County prosecutors said that the gun Kyle Rittenhouse used in the Kenosha shooting was bought, stored and used in Wisconsin. No charges will be filed against him in Lake County.

Rittenhouse, 17, of Antioch, is facing charges in Wisconsin of first-degree intentional homicide, two counts of first-degree recklessly endangering safety, first-degree reckless homicide, attempted first-degree intentional homicide and possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18."

25979732? ago

I'm talking about the hearsay from other sources,, tom dick and libtard harry..

25978930? ago

they were looking into him having possession of the gun in IL which could have had charges, but he bought and stored the gun in WI.

25978904? ago

Because that's the home of Beetlejuice Lori Littlefield and ShitCago. They are as dirty as any state in the US. Mayor Daly would be an improvement.

Now Wisconsin - y'all are being stupid. Lin Wood is going to clean out your coffers for the rest of the 21st century. Don't be stupid. Let the boy go. He cleaned up the trash, that's all.

25979155? ago

Both wisconsin and Illinois are broke as a joke.

The police are militarized to better collect money.

The courts are bought in both states by Soros.

The laws are written in heavy jewish influence to damage the white man in the name of crime control.

The laws are written to also spread criminals.

The joke is over in my book, they ain't fooling me any more.

25978547? ago

I think that's the entire point of this article -- the Illinois state attorney in Lake County Illinois is saying no crimes were committed there.

25978595? ago

They want Illinois to charge him for thinking about something while in Illinois.

25978560? ago

The fact that Illinois State prosecutor even thought about it and that it's a story is an issue in its self.

25978572? ago

IIRC there was something early on about the gun being obtained improperly. Admittedly my memory is a bit hazy on that.

25978746? ago

I believe that was all hearsay from the public class.

25978308? ago

Get him to a rally stage with Trump ASAP and watch the libtard commie heads explode all over DC.

25988745? ago

This is Illinois. Wisconsin still wants his ass.

25981062? ago


25979835? ago

he still face murder charges, this is a gun charge

25978841? ago

They've still got him in jail! All the videos show he was defending himself! If he loses, we all lose. Just like with the Mcclosky case... yeah, they weren't very good with weapons, but they were on their own property and were being attacked. This is what the DS wants to discourage. [They] don't want us defending ourselves when [they] act like cowards and attack. DS is asshoe

25983163? ago

All it showed me is to keep my face covered, don't turn myself in, and kill all, starting with the camera ( phone) holders

25984042? ago

Cameras are their weapons.. it's why they attack anyone not them filming.

25984226? ago

Take them out first, steal and destroy the evidence after

25980969? ago

Judged by 12 rather than carried by 6, until im carried by 6

25984082? ago

damn dude you are badass as fuck bro

25986073? ago

I don't need a fan club, faggot.

25978840? ago

Lol the jews and our kike mods will not be pleased with this news.

25980607? ago

Oyyyyy vey the vaklempt on this mashugganuh im feeling so hutzpahd!!!

25979629? ago

Your downvote proves younright

25978353? ago

THAT is the way to keep the MSM from covering it up - by triggering them that way

25978512? ago

That’s a great point!!!

25979785? ago

He's still being extradited to Wisconsin, this isn't over by a long shot. Read the whole article

25979828? ago

Can wait for his first forced oral rape! MAGA

25980868? ago

You communists are seriously depraved. It’s always with the cocks with you Weimar faggots.

So edgy.

25978283? ago

But that couple defending their home, no shots fired, they have to stand trial??

25978299? ago

They're probably deathly afraid of Lin Wood

25978241? ago


He was clearly in violation of bag limits - 2 per day or 5 in the freezer.

Oh well..........

25978544? ago

No bag limit on invasive pests!

25978471? ago

Eww thats nasty meat. Dont eat that.

25978218? ago

PRAISE GOD. Don't tell me that's not divine intervention, he was absolutely 100% defending himself and was on the verge of being assassinated for self-defense.

25984097? ago

lmao kill yourself immediately faggot

25979422? ago

This story means nothing. It's not a win or lose in any way.

25978352? ago

In wisconsin not Illinois. Illinois trying to get some money that's all.