25917084? ago

Filthy fucking kikes. Ask them if they believe that Jesus is the Messiah?

25917155? ago

Filthy fucking kikes.

Do not be afraid, I will not try to divide you by your orientation. How about you, are you going to try to divide other people by their orientation? I disagree with Evil behaviors. Such as dividing people by their skin color, or faith, or orientation, or gender. I agree with Good behaviors though.

One Of Many Gay Patriots Is Brandon Straka :)

• He supports Trump

• 217,000+ subscribers with Brandon's WalkAway Campaign channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDb4InP9mRZR9oogD1b2dOQ/videos

• Video by Mark Levin Fox News March 3, 2019 with Walk Away Founder Brandon Straka https://www.bitchute.com/video/BssInd94TiiD/

• "The #WalkAway Campaign is a true grassroots movement, founded by former liberal, Brandon Straka, dedicated to providing a place to share #WalkAway testimonials and personal journeys to freedom. It is inspiring, exciting, heart-wrenching, and extraordinary to watch and read the stories of the individuals who no longer accept the current ideology of the Democratic Party, what it has become, and are now bravely sharing their stories with the world." A LBGT and straight safe & friendly community.

• Twitter at https://twitter.com/RealWalkAway

• Website 1 at https://www.walkawayfoundation.org

• Website 2 at https://www.walkawaycampaign.com

• Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/RealWalkAway/

• Wikipedia article at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WalkAway_campaign

• Support WalkAway at http://give.classy.org/walkaway



They want you DIVIDED.






UNITED or Divided?

I suggest to ignore calls for division. Because by remaining united you are STRONGER. Thanks you for being you ♥. Including, but not limited to united Atheists, Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Whites, and all other flavors. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(

With infinite love ♥


25917988? ago

I noticed you skipped the " Ask them if they believe that Jesus is the Messiah?" part of the question.

So, do you kike? Do you believe that Jesus is the Messiah?

25918475? ago

So, do you kike?

Do not be afraid, I will not try to divide you by your orientation. How about you, are you going to try to divide other people by their orientation? I disagree with Evil behaviors. Such as dividing people by their skin color, or faith, or orientation, or gender. I agree with Good behaviors though.

One Of Many Gay Patriots Is Brandon Straka :)

• He supports Trump

• 217,000+ subscribers with Brandon's WalkAway Campaign channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDb4InP9mRZR9oogD1b2dOQ/videos

• Video by Mark Levin Fox News March 3, 2019 with Walk Away Founder Brandon Straka https://www.bitchute.com/video/BssInd94TiiD/

• "The #WalkAway Campaign is a true grassroots movement, founded by former liberal, Brandon Straka, dedicated to providing a place to share #WalkAway testimonials and personal journeys to freedom. It is inspiring, exciting, heart-wrenching, and extraordinary to watch and read the stories of the individuals who no longer accept the current ideology of the Democratic Party, what it has become, and are now bravely sharing their stories with the world." A LBGT and straight safe & friendly community.

• Twitter at https://twitter.com/RealWalkAway

• Website 1 at https://www.walkawayfoundation.org

• Website 2 at https://www.walkawaycampaign.com

• Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/RealWalkAway/

• Wikipedia article at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WalkAway_campaign

• Support WalkAway at http://give.classy.org/walkaway



They want you DIVIDED.






UNITED or Divided?

I suggest to ignore calls for division. Because by remaining united you are STRONGER. Thanks you for being you ♥. Including, but not limited to united Atheists, Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Whites, and all other flavors. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(

With infinite love ♥


25917071? ago

More dancing israelis?? FUCKING TERRORIST PEDOPHILES. all jews should be expelled from white nations and all their assets seized.

25917167? ago

More dancing israelis?? FUCKING TERRORIST PEDOPHILES. all jews should be expelled from white nations and all their assets seized.

Are you going to try to divide people by their faith? I disagree with Evil behaviors. Such as dividing people by their skin color, or faith, or orientation, or gender. I agree with Good behaviors though.

Trump Is The First Jewish President

Video 6 minutes at https://invidio.us/watch?v=-ue8qAHj69g


The First Jewish President. That's how some Jews see Donald Trump. People on the Left, not so much. Here's my take.


"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left." Video 1Video 2

WebsiteTwitterFacebookInstagramAll Videos


25917171? ago

Kyle Rittenhouse is a HERO

25918442? ago

Kyle Rittenhouse

I disagree. I suggest to ignore this call for violence.

Is someone trying to manipulate and deceive you into violence? This is your reminder about those two related sticky discussions about ignoring calls for violence:

A call for Equal Justice Under Law is not to confuse with a call for violence

Q4737 at https://www.qanon.pub/#4737

Who Is Kyle Rittenhouse?

For those not familiar with Kyle Rittenhouse's behavior. He is:

Is Rittenhouse a "useful idiot"? Was he fooled into using violence? Will you be fooled into violence?

What is the Democractic Party’s Strategy?

One of the Democractic Party’s alleged primary strategy is to manipulate you into behaving with actions such as murder/violence/riots.

This is a speculation, what the Democratic Party's Antifa & BLM want the most is push your buttons to first get a reaction from you. Then second call you violent. After that tries to lie others into fearing you as someone with violent behaviors. Finally, the Democratic Party lie others into believing that they are the solution to resolve your violent behaviors. Which the Democratic Party covertly started in the first place ;)

If you don't react to their button pushing, if you don't murder, don't answer their calls for violence, and don't get pull into their riots, then THEY LOOSE. AND YOU WIN. It's that simple.

In other words, the Democratic Party's strategy depends on your reactions. They are DEPENDENT on you. If you react with violence then they win, if you don't react with violence then YOU WIN :)

Your Vote Matters


25921266? ago

He defended himself against jewish terrorists.

25917039? ago


25917092? ago

When We Goyim 1 We Goyim All

25917940? ago

^^^ The goyim shill!