25843287? ago

It’s also great for Trump as this will show the real picture not the MSM narrative of the insane left.

25842908? ago

Kyle Rittenhouse

I disagree. I suggest to ignore this call for violence.

Is someone trying to manipulate and deceive you into violence? This is your reminder about those two related sticky discussions about ignoring calls for violence:

A call for Equal Justice Under Law is not to confuse with a call for violence

Q4737 at https://www.qanon.pub/#4737

Who Is Kyle Rittenhouse?

For those not familiar with Kyle Rittenhouse's behavior. He is:

Is Rittenhouse a "useful idiot"? Was he fooled into using violence? Will you be fooled into violence?

Your Vote Matters


25854759? ago

Nice try, threeskin

25849087? ago

And you murdered your cover :)

25843362? ago

fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag

25843151? ago

He's innocent until proven guilty. Charges don't mean a fucking thing. Fuck you.

25845006? ago

Charges are not good news.

25842841? ago

Kyle be gettin' some of that BLM money that ActBlue funneled to Joe?

25842446? ago

Lucian is a deepstate cleaner. He got JonBenet Ramsey's family out of trouble for their involvement in the death of their 6 year old daughter.

25842859? ago

Maybe he wants to make things right?

25842877? ago

Protecting pedophiles is a hard habit to break.

25842921? ago

Yes but as a nation we're doing it, are you sure he knew?

I know nothing about the dude, other than he's a good attorney. Not necessary a virtuous one.

25842946? ago

There is no, 'yes but'. Pedophiles, their associates, and their support networks do not survive what is coming no matter how hard they try to pretend to be us.

25842955? ago

I understand. Where is your proof LW is a pedo? He's a lawyer who did the job he was hired for.

25842959? ago

I didn't claim he was a pedo.

25842970? ago

It's likely many of us are "associates" of pedo colleagues, neighbors, etc.

Do better.

25842977? ago

How many of us are support network members?

Shill better.

25843009? ago

Again, where is the proof that he knew? Also, if he did know, he would have been breaking the law if he broke atty-clt privilege.

Maybe it's like AG Barr, wanting to make things right after what he was forced to comply with the first time.

Regardless, many of us are glad someone's standing up for these poor kids being vilified by the media.

25843020? ago


25843034? ago

It's all one big psy-op with the same recycled players over and over. Morgan Freeman is Jimi Hendrix (even with the same woman), Megyn Kelly is Nicole Brown Simpson. It goes on and on.

Nothing we see is real.

25842295? ago

Lin Wood ROCKS!

25842412? ago

Does he rock because he obfuscated and protected the Ramseys who were indicted by a Colorado Grand Jury for child abuse that lead to the death of JonBenet Ramsey? WTF I love pedo protectors now.

25843306? ago


25841873? ago

1) Dumbfucks donate money to Antifa.
2) Antifa money goes to Biden.
3) Biden pays victim of Antifa.


25841711? ago

In the grand scheme of things, the Republicans should be absolutely embarrassed for every election they have ever lost or ever lose in the future to Democrats. They are without a doubt the greatest collection of stupid fucks I have ever seen and by far their own worst enemy. Just sit back and let them hang themselves. They do it every time given enough rope. It is the path to victory in any election vs a Dem. (Take note, Mr. President.)

25842851? ago

In the grand scheme of things, this is an UP versus DOWN fight, not left versus right. R's are only 85% dirty v. 100% of Dems. It's always been a scam.

25841670? ago

Lin wood, track record. These people are stupid.

25842422? ago

Lucians greatest achievement is getting the Ramsey family out of hot water for their involvement in the death of their daughter 6 year old JonBenet Ramsey.

25841667? ago

take all their money like Nick Sandman!!!! Let's start a class action fund

25843720? ago

Where my reparations at yo

25841660? ago

https://dontvis.it/https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/oct/1/kyle-rittenhouse-suing-joe-biden-campaign-lin-wood/ :

2020-10-01 | Kyle Rittenhouse suing Joe Biden, campaign, Lin Wood says - Washington Times

'Lin Wood, the attorney for Kyle Rittenhouse, confirmed the lawsuit plans to Fox News.“He falsely accused a 17-year old boy & prejudiced Kyle’s legal rights,” Mr. '

'Joseph R. Biden’s presidential campaign is facing a libel lawsuit over an ad that labels Kenosha shooting suspect a White nationalist. '

'Wood also wrote in several tweets about the ad, which paints his client as a White supremacist. '

'Rittenhouse. '

'Rittenhouse is a White supremacist and his attorneys have maintained that their client was defending himself when he shot three left-wing rioters who came after him. '

This has been an automated message.

25843760? ago

What in the ever fuck is a “White Nationalist”? How is it somehow the same as a white supremacist? I understand white. So how does Nationalist equate to Supremacist using their logic?

25841624? ago

Kyle is one of the greatest American heroes of all time. How is the jew who pulled a gun on Kyle while dressed as a medic still walking free?