25780296? ago

QRV is one of many sites, and a good source for hints and news.

Thanks for the hard work keeping all of this running.

25778092? ago

Please trying to post but voat says i dont have enough ccp???



If you read the comments that camp ground is having a Veterans weekend in Oct. This was a freedom of speech attack on a vetern. This took place at a campground in a very liberal college town

25777612? ago

Canary died years ago. Its "thanks FBI now"

25777209? ago

In other news. Trump/Q nominate a globalist cunt for scotus and gave 500 billion to these ppl https://files.catbox.moe/d695mp.mp4 Enjoy

25779450? ago

SCOTUS apparently all jews and catholics - I can understand appointing another woman to replace RBG - although the best person should be appointed whether or not he wears a skirt - you would think he could find a suitable episcopalian or whatever.

25779469? ago

No, he's a traitor and so is Q. Their agenda is white genocide pure and simple.

25776484? ago

Thanks! It makes a difference!

25775607? ago

Except for the shill mods. You're new here, aren't you? How adorable.

25777036? ago

Well I've been here since pizzagate. You?

25772060? ago

Agreed. It's also a target for those who reject our ideals and who strive to break us down by whatever means. The truth of it is that we all have a different experience base to source our decisions from. It makes sense that even within an organization with common goals among its members that there will be differences in approach. We also know that in Unity there's strength. They can't divide us and they can't break our resolve. The President will prevail, and in short order after the election, things will rapidly improve for All of Us.

This place is an excellent training ground for discernment and recognition of even the most subtle of psy-ops and gaslightinng. So a big thank you to the shills because our internal programs are figuring out your deviations almost before you do.

25779354? ago

Unity? Dream on. Armed truce is about the best you'll get.

25771873? ago

I salute @puttitout

He may not always like us, and yeah sometimes we’re hard to like, but he’s always been true to his ideals and values.


25778552? ago


25771184? ago

Voat still does not let me create posts because I need to get approval from likes or some crap like that, so ima stick wit theDonald.win

25779396? ago

The 10 point rule bugged the shit out of me. Post "Trump for Ever" on a random selection of boards and you'll soon get you points. Don't leave us now you're here.

25774497? ago

It's a good thing that rule is in place. It weeds out about 90% of trolls who can't act nice for even a week to get their points. Otherwise this place would be clogged to shit with tranny porn and the like.

25771083? ago

I was blocked by VOAT for six months! My contribution points were stuck at 90 for months. Finally, they released the stricture and now I have 18K!

I have suspected VOAT ever since.

25779459? ago

How were you blocked? 10 CCP are all you need to get full access.

25771076? ago

I agree, Voat is the first place I go to for news. All of you provide a wide range of ideas, perspectives, and sauce.

25770794? ago

Agreed. Been here two years and only somewhat regret it.

QRV is its own special kind of trauma based mind control.

25770739? ago

I'm sure that putt will really appreciate this post the next time he logs into the site a few months from now.

25770250? ago

So true, I’d be lost and alone without you goats.

25770123? ago

Alright, I'll second that

25770156? ago

Inside the QAnon cult as its contagion spreads to Scotland https://wearethene.ws/notable/143597

25770043? ago

I hate your fucking guts.


25771950? ago

I hate your freemason looking ass too!

25782241? ago


from looking glass

to looking ass

25770008? ago

WORST thing that ever happened at Voat.

25778565? ago

Nothing can stop what is coming.

25781200? ago

What's coming? Trump gonna suck more jew and nigger dick?

25771414? ago

Yeah, not the mossad shills or the reddit trannies huh

25777806? ago

Q is mossad.

25778577? ago

Said the (((nazi)))

Benightedly ignorant.

25782239? ago


25781195? ago

Your heeby jewish tricks are laughable here. Jew.

25769957? ago

You Qtards suck but I'm glad you found a space where you can gather and speak freely.

25771426? ago

👆Takes pleasure and pride in walking into people's homes and shitting on their living room carpets.


25782232? ago

kek, my cat did just that today!

25785869? ago


25770261? ago

We appreciate your honesty and sense of fairness

25770202? ago

God forbid someone leave the echo chamber

25772635? ago

echo chambers are all, right just don't live in them

25769781? ago

It's great.

Except attaching Kyle Rittenhouse as a criminal???

25776656? ago

Too many shills

25774516? ago


25774278? ago

Except attaching Kyle Rittenhouse as a criminal???

I disagree. According to the U.S. Laws Rittenhouse IS a criminal

Who Is Kyle Rittenhouse?

For those not familiar with Kyle Rittenhouse's behavior. He is:

Is Rittenhouse a "useful idiot"? Was he fooled into using violence? Will you be fooled into violence?

Is someone trying to manipulate and deceive you into violence?

This is your reminder about those two related sticky discussions about ignoring calls for violence:

A call for Equal Justice Under Law is not to confuse with a call for violence

Q4737 at https://www.qanon.pub/#4737

Your Vote Matters


25778656? ago

Get lost, bignose

25776892? ago

i note your appraisal of Kyle Rittenhouse does not even mention the CONCEPT of self defence

which would be inconvenient for you to have to explain why Rittenhouse's circumstances dont meet that threshhold

so now we have to answer, Cui Bono ? Who benefits from fostering the idea of making Americans defenseless in their own communities

25779299? ago

He has not been convicted as far as I am aware, so not a criminal yet, unless he has previous form.

25775803? ago

Kike mod

25774825? ago

Never fight back

I wonder if the founding fathers would have tarred and feathered you for your cowardice?

25771977? ago

You're gonna love when I start talking loudly about JonBenet.

25773976? ago

Her dad had a video in his office: "How to Train a Sex Slave with a Stun Gun". Odd, considering JonBenet had stun gun marks on her neck and body.

25774189? ago

It'll all come out. Timing is everything.

25769849? ago

True but that was dealt with

25773180? ago

wild imagination you have

25769885? ago

no it wasn't lol the mods are Jews, comped, and when shit gets real, this place will be censored just like the rest.

25771893? ago

It won’t get censored. We will not....not only are we already fighting hordes of reddit faggots, we’ve got owners that will not have that shit here. Now if he sells to Jews or Changs...get ready to move.

25771972? ago

lol @ acting like voat is immune to the censors that be.

Theyll just cut the hosting.

Block the domain.

Not allow dns to resolve

The censorship doesn't have to come from voat itsself. But we will not be allowed here one way or the other.

Qrv has already been comped and has Jew moderators. Things are censored here and you never know it even existed .

25772032? ago

There is no move to do that. If I’m wrong...show me.

Fear monger and concernfag all you want. Just like we will shake off censors, we’ll shake you off.

We aren’t without our own recourse.

25772145? ago

Fucking lol @ you acting like you're anyone or have anything to do with voats operation.

Youre obviously a boomer with no idea how the internet fucking works. Free speech is under attack because your generation never gave a fuck about anything besides appeasing muh niggers and the NFL.

Just lol thinking this website that barely functions will withstand the host cutting off the servers.

25772183? ago

Laugh all you like. Angel investors...investorS. You’re welcome. But you are out of step, aren’t you?


25772204? ago

Cool larp bullshit faggot

You're literally a nobody

25772220? ago

It makes me happy to hear you say that. Means you’re unable to cookie scrape. My shit is designed as it should be. Thanks for the check m8.

25772243? ago

fucking braindead boomer, lol this isn't csi or whatever faggot jew show you watch.

"Cookie scrape"

You're a fucking braindead nobody lol

25772452? ago

Cat got your tongue?

25772485? ago

Go cookie scrape a niggers asshole you braindead cuck.

25772601? ago

I’d much rather visit you. Be seeing you.

25772274? ago

I’ve really gotten under your skin. I love it!

Tell me, megamind, why is your Boolean set to on for WebRTC traffic? I never understand why you all don’t understand the basic functions of your browsers.

25772527? ago

Braindead nobody.

25772613? ago

I’d much rather visit you. Be seeing you...x2

25772776? ago

Cool story faggot its time for your meds

25770846? ago

If you're se scared about it, jump ship now fucker

25771058? ago

lol @ acting like you can only frequent one forum in your spare time.

Some people are so just.....simple.

25770535? ago


You people would blame jews if you stubbed your toe.

25771261? ago

Delouse yourself you filthy hook nose

25772101? ago

Libs blame straight white men for everything, how are you no better than them when you whine about jews when literally anything bad happens?

25773808? ago

Cuz it’s actually jews

25770009? ago

Bookmark and learn to navigate 8kun now. Also be aware of gab and discord to find Q chatter if these go down.

25770490? ago

The same mods of QRV are running Qresearch dumbfuck. They came over FROM Qresearch

25770906? ago

That’s why I threw out a couple more sources for direction if that goes down too.

25771146? ago

Alright alright...just be aware. Mod team @ QRV = mod team at Qresearch.

Same kikes.

25769853? ago

Was it? Did QRV explain?

25771928? ago

I was one of the anons that made and inquiry and it was removed within 15 mins. Mods are human too and can have their buttons pushed. We don’t get down like the majority’s of the more extreme voat goats, but that doesn’t mean we don’t belong here. Most of y’all didn’t belong anywhere else, so it’ll be pretty hypocritical of you to say the same for us. We are misfits amongst misfits. At least according to the normies and bots. We actually do think...some of us. Many of us agree with several points goats make.

25769958? ago

Blah blah blah jew shit blah blah blah

25771288? ago

Blah blah blah the holocaust never happened blah blah blah jews are so against labour they think it’s a death sentence blah blah delousing our clothes is killing us goy

25769776? ago

Thanks to all patriots that post in this sub. I am not religious but I love my country. Of course there are many Christians that support Trump. But there are Hindus for Trump, Backs for Trump, Hispanics for Trump, the list goes on. There are even Atheists for Trump. That is America, different people respecting each other who stand for the constitution. Republicans are the new big tent party.

25774039? ago

Yup. Patriots all.

Regardless of one’s personal beliefs, it is important to recognize that a ‘religious’ principle is the keystone upon which our lawful liberty is upheld. “...all men are created equal...” can only be true as a ‘spiritual’ reality.

“...endowed by their Creator...” is not a shell game where an arbitrary god promises 70 virgins here, selects a chosen people there, etc. Despite the atomization of Christian sects, only Jesus proclaimed “God is no respecter of persons” and taught of God as a “Father” and therefore “all men are brethren.”

The Constitution protects against an establishment of theocracy because it depends on Christian philosophy - the Creator as Father, thus all men are brothers.

If as in Nietzsche’s “God is Dead” world (Jordan Peterson explains this quote in context) a Secular God rushes in to replace a transcendent Divine Being. Thus the anti-God, radical Left’s obsession with “Equity” and assumption of all godlike privileges. Jordan Peterson points out Nietzsche predicted the rivers of blood on the streets under Communism.

25771397? ago

America was founded by and for white people.

25773993? ago

divided we'll win

25774830? ago


25792732? ago

Division is their strength yes, it is a factual statement. They are telling you what they want to your face.

25772604? ago

but its got to be the right type of white....cant have Italian or eastern European and any one from a slavic nation might have some jew blood. and every one know the English blood lines are fouled up and not pure...we cant trust the Germanic ones because of the Jew problem . we all no that Swedish people have embraced Islamic people so we cant have them … sarcasm...so much bullshit in your Statment America is for the tough mongrels that are willing to do what it takes to succeed.

25775511? ago

Hush, jew faggot.

25775875? ago

truth hurts....racial identitarism is a dead end that rots the souls of those who emrace it

25781370? ago

Tell that to the jews who want to kill all white people and are using non whites to do it.

25770845? ago

That's Trump's whole point. Americans for Trump.

25774235? ago

This is bigger than America, this is worldwide in case you haven't noticed. It's just that America is the last free country. Once she goes down, the cabal will have it all.

25769899? ago

Should islam have a place in America? Have you read the Quran / Koran, would you be shocked to discover the religion of islamism was founded by a camel jacking terrorist pedophile? What about the death cult drug runners who claim to be Christian with smuggler gangs South of the Border should they be given cards and allowed vote or what of the Dual Citizens, should these people vote?

25778544? ago

Yes, but we should also focus on raising the birth rate for Americans instead of watering our country down with immigration.

25770804? ago

OMG you fell for the whole all Islam is bad psyop.

I’m embarrassed for you.

25771405? ago

it's more that islam is raping its way through Europe.

25769968? ago

Yeah agreed. Haven't seen any sunni for Trump signs. Those people hate us