25725316? ago

Apologize for what? Disagreeing with most of us. But I disagree with most of you on things and I don’t intend to apologize. On the other hand I’m not leveraging my opinion in everybody’s face. But I probably would if I could

25725194? ago

Fuck off OP. This isn’t and will not be reddit. Apologize for being a double niggerfaggot. Or nah?

25724338? ago

mods are kike rats.

25722913? ago


there is such a thing, and murder is not the same.

murder is cold blooded or against the defenseless.

people attacking you don't count.

25720671? ago

I think that Sticky was a calculated move to spur exactly what occurred , intense Public scrutiny and Debate, People have to SEE for themselves what is actually going on in their Country before they will accept the Mass Arrests that are about to come.

Peace Y

25722619? ago

The sticky was not wrong either. You could see a very heavy astroturfing, followed by a fake screenshot that totally dismissed the context.

25720309? ago

At least QRV > v/GreatAwakening.

I believe everyone is banned on GA by default now because there was too much truth being disseminated.

25720072? ago

St. Constantine is the Channel... Vid title is "The Kyle Rittebhouse Case - The Truth in 11 Minutes" before it's taken down.

25719628? ago

No, the dumb fuck mods won’t issue an apology for their cuckiness.

25719488? ago

The guardian called him "a 17 year old agitator". Such lying partisan hacks.

That weekly paper used to be reputable. Honestly. It changed to a magazine last year, and is now just garbage leftie propaganda.

25719466? ago

When you think logically, you realize that mod team is always the first and only target of shills. Shills can shill effectively only when they have the mods in control.

This is the reason that almost every single Q / Trump communities' mod team are filled by (((filthy shills))). They are always very obvious to spot, their patterns including:

  • defend Israel's
  • Gatekeeping info on jews
  • condemn using rightful force
  • promote marxist garbage whenever they have the chance (pro mix race pro immigration)
  • discourage you to spread truth ("delete your twitter acct" etc)
  • attempt to shape narrative rather than moding. etc etc etc

25719288? ago

The mods explanation is that they are Hebrews and think our laws don't apply to Hebrews like the three little bitches that kid blew away.

25720163? ago

There is nothing they fear more than whites defending themselves.

They want you to sit idle as you trust some ominous plan.

25719206? ago

Jews never apologize or admit wrongdoing, they always double down.

25718988? ago

Any kind of apology or explanation about that disgusting sticky blaming the 19 you put out or..... what?

You want an explanation? Sure. I do it for the lulz. Triggering you is an added bonus. Kyle was setup by Freemasons and is now defended by Pedo apologist Lin Wood. I purposefully derailed QRV to kill the psyops momentum and if needed I'll do it again. I live in your head rent free, this forum is a dead man walking, and nothing gives me greater satisfaction than your tears.

25720291? ago

It is so very clear that there are groups looking to use Kyle to achieve their goals.

Their goal of whites defending themselves against jewish Antifa pedos.

Go back to trusting the (kalergi-) plan, goyim!

and is now defended by Pedo apologist Lin Wood.

Who cares of his lawyers opinions, that only shows that couldn't find anything bad to say about kyle. Weak.

25719364? ago

What a pathetic existence. It's impressive you haven't killed yourself yet.

25719424? ago

I wouldn't dare do your job for you.

25718856? ago


kikes never apologize to the goy

25718728? ago

Obviously, the mods are compromised here.

25719652? ago

NOTE: The mods of QRV are the mods of 8kun Qresearch. They are also the ones usually baking over there and gatekeeping the notables.

This is why Qresearch has essentially turned from a research board into a watered down news aggregator.


25720054? ago

"Patriots are in control" Q

25720176? ago

Patriots for israel or china.

25718611? ago

the mods infiltrated this sub and allow it to be astro-turfed instead of digging into research...

25727078? ago

Kyle Rittenhouse defended by Tucker Carlson tonight.

I disagree. I suggest to ignore this call for violence.

Is someone trying to manipulate and deceive you into violence? This is your reminder about those two related sticky discussions about ignoring calls for violence:

A call for Equal Justice Under Law is not to confuse with a call for violence

Q4737 at https://www.qanon.pub/#4737

Who Is Kyle Rittenhouse?

For those not familiar with Kyle Rittenhouse's behavior. He is:

Is Rittenhouse a "useful idiot"? Was he fooled into using violence? Will you be fooled into violence?

Your Vote Matters


25730535? ago

gas yourself you fucking capslock kike.

your race is a stain upon the world, that will be bleached out of existance with the righteous fury which you and your kind have wrought on yourselves.

25725493? ago

Why do we need QRV at this point? VOAT top page filled with our content anyways

25718929? ago

I'll continue to trigger you at my leisure. The faux outrage is lulzy.

25720702? ago

Mods are faggots and jewish.

25720755? ago

Admins and shills are mudslimes, so I guess it balances out.

25720773? ago

Admins are shills and jewish

25720129? ago

Ok nigger

25719292? ago

um okay? enjoy trying to trigger me i guess? lol

25718204? ago

FOX will claim copyright on this video.

25718128? ago

Jews never sin don't you know? They are justified in lying, stealing, raping, killing children and eating them. Fuck the mods they don't run us!

25719142? ago

Exactly, they're expecting the jews to not only understand that what they did was wrong but openly admit it too?

25718124? ago

Yes, we need more drama queen around here.

25718117? ago

Tucker Carlson is a white supremacist. News at 11.

25718050? ago

The mods are a bunch of Chinabots.

Are you new here?

25718028? ago

STICKIES!!!!! lol

Beg your judicial oligarchy to save him.

25718019? ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=_e-fPbAVo3w :

Tucker Carlson Breaks Down New Detailed Video Of Kyle Rittenhouse Shootings In Kenosha, Wisconsin - YouTube

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