25727116? ago

The Kyle Rittenhouse Case - The Truth in 11 Minutes

I disagree. I suggest to ignore this call for violence.

Is someone trying to manipulate and deceive you into violence? This is your reminder about those two related sticky discussions about ignoring calls for violence at:

A call for Equal Justice Under Law is not to confuse with a call for violence

Q4737 at https://www.qanon.pub/#4737

Who Is Kyle Rittenhouse?

For those not familiar with Kyle Rittenhouse's behavior. He is:

Is Rittenhouse a "useful idiot"? Was he fooled into using violence? Will you be fooled into violence?

Your Vote Matters


25719483? ago

I hope Rittenhouse gets the biggest legal payout ever -- he was screwed by the BAD GUYS -- all of whom were going to kill him. This is TOTAL BS !

25717903? ago

What I keep hearing from the media: "vigilante justice".

No, Kyle was there to protect citizens and city, not enact justice. In the process of protecting he was attacked multiple times with lethal force and defended himself. That's not "vigilante".

The term "taking the law into your own hands" ...well, the law IS in our hands. In the absence of official law enforcement to maintain order, what's left is the citizenry. Militias aren't vigilantes. They're legal forces who do not take on the role of judge and jury.

I'm glad President Trump was clear - and we all know WHY - that he didn't want us to engage with the Satanist Cabal's proxy armies and put them down, because it's completely within the right of Americans to do so in defense of our own country.

25717824? ago

Justice is fake. Stfu. This nigger is still in jail. Even though everyone else knows he only defended himself. The fact they want you to die at hands of pedophile kikes rioting antifa, why isn’t that fucking kike placed on charges for clearly having a weapon when he’s a felon. Justice isn’t real. Is you want it. It will take force to achieve. Trump q all that nonsense will not show you justice. Just tease you like a whore dancing for dollars. No justice with Hollywood in whitehouse and in control sorry Kyle. Death penalty for you

25717813? ago

The prosecutor and judge will hang for war crimes.

25721698? ago

Is that idle talk, or strength of will?

Will, not force, wins the day.

25721822? ago

Death doesn't care about talk, strength, will, force, winning, or losing. Death just is and Death always wins.

Now, I am become Death, Destroyer of Worlds.

25717149? ago

He needs to sue that presley chimp as soon as this is over, for starters

25717016? ago

I heard Pam Bondi say he should not have been there with a rifle. To that I want to tell her, FUCK YOU PAM!

The 2nd Amendment is ours given to us by God to defend ourselves in situations just like this, the truth is if the Police and the Mayor had done their jobs their would have been no need for any of this, you stupid cunt.

25727102? ago

The Kyle Rittenhouse Case - The Truth in 11 Minutes

I disagree. I suggest to ignore this call for violence.

Is someone trying to manipulate and deceive you into violence? This is your reminder about those two related sticky discussions about ignoring calls for violence:

A call for Equal Justice Under Law is not to confuse with a call for violence

Q4737 at https://www.qanon.pub/#4737

Who Is Kyle Rittenhouse?

For those not familiar with Kyle Rittenhouse's behavior. He is:

Is Rittenhouse a "useful idiot"? Was he fooled into using violence? Will you be fooled into violence?

Your Vote Matters


25720882? ago

When the sexoffender rioter initially chased after him ... that says all you need to know about guilt of what happened thereafter

25720351? ago

The 2nd Amendment is our right given to us by God to defend ourselves

But "the plan" is already there to protect you. Just enjoy the movie.

Q said "patriots are in control". This must apply to the mods too!

25721306? ago


When asked if the Jews felt any threat from the 'silent majority,' he laughed at the idea, saying:

"There is no such thing as the silent majority because we control their cry and hue. The only thing that exists is an unthinking majority and unthinking they will remain, as long as their escape from our rigorous service is the opiate of our entertainment industry . By controlling industry, we have become the task masters and the people the slaves . When the pressure of daily toil builds to an explosive degree, we have provided the safety valve of momentary pleasure. The television and movie industries furnish the necessary temporary distraction. These programs are carefully designed to appeal to the sensuous emotions , never to the logical thinking mind . Because of this, the people are programmed to respond according to our dictates, not according to reason. Silent they never are; thinking they will remain." - Harold Rosenthal

25719147? ago

Pan is a jew so of course she would be offended by whites defending themselves.

25722144? ago

Lol, I had no Idea, every fucking time!

25716822? ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=AbIQGLyz_O8 :

The Kyle Rittenhouse Case - The Truth in 11 Minutes - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

25716913? ago

As of September 1st 2020, invidio.us has closed down...

25716955? ago

Choose one of the instances listed and click the Go -> link. It will automatically redirect to the video.

25716810? ago

Is it a textbook example of self defense?

25719119? ago

Yes. Also a textbook example of a responsible man standing up for his community. Some 17 year olds are 30; some 30 year olds are 17.

25718940? ago

Indeed it was....the part he is going to jail for is the endangering of others with what he did.....face it and if you don't like it then vote.....he is going to jail. Doubt it will be for murder. I know I didn't see that.

However his actions if allowed will set precedent for future cases should they arise. Establishment can NOT allow that. Last thing we as society needs is 17yo with guns and attitudes walking streets and killing someone when they get afraid.

His mother and father should have been the ones this involved...not him. His parents willingly allowed him into harms way. That to me is kike level shit!

25720395? ago

and killing someone when they get afraid.

Like someone kicking you on the ground as you run away and someone else pointing a gun at you when you were already fleeing.

But you are right, the last thing they want is whites defending themselves.

25720693? ago

Whites defending themselves? That kid went looking for a fight....in the navy we called those people insurgents.

You are a scared bitch to even justify this kid doing what he did when you haven't done it yourself, or you condone it.

25721911? ago

What did you call it in the Navy when a bunch of pathetic Iranians captured a bunch of pathetic cucks and made spectacles of them as little bitches that didn't have the fight in them that Rittenhouse did? Talk about scared bitches. I'd tell you to suck Rittenhouses cock but you probably couldn't lift it. Fucking faggot and I don't mean that as a compliment.

25722860? ago

Yes that's it... disgrace the memory of something to pervert it into your own recollection of events to suit your narrative.

Then use sexuality like a jew or a nigger because it is all you care about....way to go.

25720764? ago

What did they call it in the navy when someone gives two warning shots, visibly runs away, gets chased, kicked on the ground and shots at the chasing pedophile pointing a gun at him?

25720891? ago

Did he know that was a pedo? Did you when you first found out?

In the military we were only allowed to fire upon targets when they shot AT us and we could verify it.

He also wasn't kicked to the ground. He tripped according to the person that was filming. No one hit him as you can clearly see.

After he went down he was attacked, and yes he did defend himself.....at that point sure I say he did right.

However he shouldn't have been there. Shitty boomers and terrible parents ushered him into that situation, and now...that child will pay for it.

As a parent myself I would fall on the sword for my child, and never allow them to be in this situation.

Obviously you don't understand that.

25721000? ago

we were only allowed to fire upon targets when they shot AT us

And when they kicked you as you were on the ground, fleeing until you fell?

I recall seeing a few years ago a video from a military helicopter firing at people who didn't shot first. It was deemed collateral murdee. It was released on wikileaks.


And you tell me it's not allowed to attack someone who violently kicks and points a gun at you while fleeing?

Would a police office be allowed to shoot in this scenario? I think they are allowed to shot if they simply believe you may grab a gun from your car, let alone after violently chasing you with a gun.

25721143? ago

He wasn't a cop, he isnt military. He is a 17yo kid that is never going to have a life now.....because of the thrill, and you working means by which to justify it will only make it happen again.

Meanwhile here you are on here playing the advocate jew, and not even thinking of doing so yourself.

Way to be an American

25721205? ago

I'm european. I wish my country had a second amendment.

Hasn't kyle shown more constraint than a professional cop? Like that guy who recently shot a black 17 times in his back after he went to grab something from his car.

Which one should we expect to show more contraint, cops or civilians?

25721909? ago

We Americans only managed to escape kikery for 24 years, 1788-1812, and we spent a third of it at war. It took another 100 years to achieve financial control, and then only 20 (1932) to achieve federal control. In the 60s, they started the American genocide program, and 50 years later they are beginning the "slaughter" phase of our genocide.

You Euros haven't had a single moment of respite since Napoleon. Must be maddening.

There is no solution without psychotic appetites for slaying demons. Euros are elves, but we've all got an orc inside us.

25722093? ago

There is no solution without psychotic appetites for slaying demons. Euros are elves, but we've all got an orc inside us.

The orcs in europe died in ~1945. Raped, firebombed and occupied.

25724077? ago

Family traits don't vanish so easily... and the whitest people of all still haven't gotten their shot at facing the demon tribe.

The whitest people of all had a young kid develop modern military tactics hundreds of years ago. He was king's blood, but still. War has expanded into the sky and mind, but on the ground we still use his tactics.

I don't expect the swedes to take much more of this migrant shit, even if they are the slowest to anger. Guess we'll see.

25721437? ago

No....he went there looking for a thrill....like a cop

25721530? ago

I didn't know you could read a persons mind.

25721635? ago

17yo and he didn't have visions of glory and admiration by doing what he did, by being there....in a separate state from which is milita was, and they were not called nor asked to be there.

Lol you got a lot to learn, and it won't be fun.....how about you go out and walk with an AR and defend some shit in Kentucky.....that verdict came down, and I am sure they need help.

You won't because you know there is consequences and you are nor undeveloped.

I hope.

25721679? ago

The glory in giving two warning shots, running away and shooting in someone's arm only after he chased you until you fell?

25721720? ago

He is going to be in jail for a long time......end of it.

25721796? ago

There have been riots for blacks on drugs resisting arrest or assholes grabbing a gun from a car.

I'm very apathic to almost anything, but I'd riot for kyle. I'd burn a whole town down for him and the right to self defense.

And if necessary, you along with it.

25722831? ago

No.....no you wouldn't.

Your content behind anon within a site that can foster your distain and self hatred. Otherwise you would be out doing something

25723293? ago

You think BLM rioters and Antifa didn't tweet on twitter prior to burning down cities?

25723386? ago

Who cares that they did? Why must it be so childish with the if this than that, and so on?

Are you such a petulant person that you need these comparisons for your day to day?

I dont care that they did...if it is the case that you or an authority who can assign punishment can prove it.....then logical conclusions are that perhaps face to face with human interaction is the best going forward?

25723424? ago

Are you having a stroke?

25723998? ago

You didn't answer me at all....instead you made the reddit comment as expected.

Attack the person, not the message.

Go on out into the world and be a man.....they need you in Kentucky to defend some properties.

25724056? ago

Your question was how I can make arguments in the form "if x then y". It's like asking "how can you 1+1 = 2"?

Sorry that you are a dumb nigger who doesn't understand formal reasoning.

25724111? ago

I see....your incapable of being part of something meaningful sooooooo here you are. Praising the actions, and defending of a soon to be felon.... however you wouldn't do the same, because you only crave entertainment as you are content being a consumer and not a creator.......

Got it.

See you when you comment back I am sure. Wouldn't want the sun to shine on you as you do something meaningful to your ideals.

25724174? ago

Your argument that me and others posting on voat means we wouldn't do stuff in real life is simply flawed. Brenton Tarrant posted on 8chan. Antifa posts on Reddit and Twitter.

I already told you that I'm apathic to almost anything. Except this one particular case.

We shall see what happens if they sentence him.

25724308? ago

So you're saying you agree that you're content with being entertained as i said?

25724311? ago

No I'm not.

25719507? ago

2 million bail for 17 year old kid with a long track record of community service? while these CRIMINALS and CHILD PEDOS get off scot-free ?!

25721506? ago

Dude have you not understood the situation?

Antifa is a US shadow government operation. The cops and the criminals are ONE. The apparent divide is superficial at best.

This is a shift from a subverted government to a fully controlled one. Trump is interfering a little bit but he can't get any real progress without addressing the JQ.

25727026? ago


25720720? ago

Gives a fuck about everything else....care about him and him alone for what he did.....

Were you there?

I was. 2 blocks from it when it went down. Next day people crying and mourning their friends, significant others....by a blood stain on the pavement.

All they had left was a mark of their death, and someone is going to pay for that.....society demands it plain and simple.

25720865? ago

At least we know your a rioter now, so your credibility is established

25720937? ago

Thats it assign a label other than a person so you can easily justify murder and dismiss anything with humanity.

I am not a rioter. I am an actual Patriot. Did my term for USA military and protected her interests. Most of it on a submarine.

Currently have a profession in which I save lives and keep yours functioning.

Try again, but fail better

25720964? ago

Thanks for your service ... i just don’t understand why your defending the four people who attacked him as the good guys.

25721124? ago

I am not defending them and it was three. He killed 2 and fucked one up.

How is it that when you dont support murder you support lawlessness?

He went looking to kill someone plain and simple....all of those in the Ya'llqutea did that day. That is the problem here.

He nor anyone else had a reason to be there. No one asked them, no one advocated save those that needed to be entertained.

Hell they were members of another states militia, and the shops could have defended their own property, but they left it to others because of liability and being a pussy

25721668? ago

You don't support self-defense and you don't condemn the violence of the riots. We've already heard these talking points, shill.

After shooting Rosenbaum, Kyle immediately moved to turn himself in. Nobody made the THREE others attack him. THEY were looking to kill someone. But you condemn Kyle instead.

Go die for Israel, you mucosal cunt.

25721703? ago

go do what he did.

Be about it and stop talking about it bitch.....lets see you doing what he did.

25721203? ago

Why were you there ?

25721419? ago

Working doing DOT inspections and 92.2 annuals.