25718316? ago

Lmao, the 40th police commissioner of NY is on the team. The "ceo" and "vceo" are libel and litigation lawyers that worked for big corps. This whole thing smells fishy to me.

25715278? ago

Here is the link to Kyle's defense fund. This young man deserves the best.

25714486? ago

When all this is over I hope he is welcomed to society with a big fat check to compensate his time and service to the community.

25713059? ago

Great video. I'd like to see charges brought against Gaige and the "amateur porn star" for attempted murder and unlawful possession of a firearm. Need to go on offensive and start charging those who are instigating these crimes.

Isn't it telling that those chasing Kyle have criminal backgrounds (one for crimes against children!) and the one firing the first shot "gang member" and "amateur porn actor"? These lowlifes are the left's base. Yet, they are trying to make a 17 year old lifeguard out to be a "white supremacist", terrorist murderer.

25719829? ago

A Hispanic shot 3 Jews. White supremacy.

25712524? ago

Free Kyle Rittenhouse.

We aren’t violent but if you attack us we WILL defend. That’s all Kyle did, Godspeed young warrior.

25727136? ago

Free Kyle Rittenhouse.

We aren’t violent but if you attack us we WILL defend. That’s all Kyle did, Godspeed young warrior.

I disagree. I suggest to ignore this call for violence.

Is someone trying to manipulate and deceive you into violence? This is your reminder about those two related sticky discussions about ignoring calls for violence:

A call for Equal Justice Under Law is not to confuse with a call for violence

Q4737 at https://www.qanon.pub/#4737

Who Is Kyle Rittenhouse?

For those not familiar with Kyle Rittenhouse's behavior. He is:

Is Rittenhouse a "useful idiot"? Was he fooled into using violence? Will you be fooled into violence?

Your Vote Matters


25727764? ago

Do you own a gun?

25712228? ago

It was ludicrous to arrest him in the first place.

It proves the jewish corruption of the court.

The jewish terrorist that attacked him attempted to murder him and lived they there self defense hasn't even been arrested. He attempted murder and it was premeditated because he chased the minor for blocks.

It doesn't even enter their head to enforce crimes against jewish terrorists.

25713083? ago


25711770? ago

Good video. Hopefully it changes some minds at least. Some were irrevocably lost before it began.