25592405? ago

Nazis are also part of the Cabals plan to rule the world. Don’t think that their any different. The same way that BLM, Antifa, KKK were all started by the Dems. Nazis are one in the same.

25592118? ago

BULLSHIT OP, you are either a fool or a liar. Search the Q drops for “Nazi“. It is very clear from Q’s use of Nazi and Antifa that he conflates the two.

25592461? ago

Yes he does because they are the same. They were both started to deliver the same result, the destruction of Democracy and the spreading of evil communism through out the world so they (Cabal) could have global control.

25591043? ago

Thank you, I don't understand why q wants to keep saying the nazis where evil, (maybe compromised?) but nazis were just nationalists, Germans who wanted Germany back for Germans but the world believes they are the epitome of evil, the product of massive propaganda smear campaigns that are still being ran to this day

25591079? ago

There's something deeper at play in the cryptic nature of Q's posts.

Remember, most things in Q posts are posed in the form of a question.

And some of it is misdirection/bait for the enemy.

The drops seem to be getting more direct though.

25590605? ago

This is confusing. What is the link btween the two.

25590648? ago

This post caused a lot of confusion:


That is a fake meme.


Theory here:


Guess who DID defund the police?


25590179? ago

They are nazitards. Wake up already.

25590127? ago

Based then, based now.

Fuck fascism, fuck nazis, fuck white supremacy.

25597446? ago

Define facism.