25590666? ago

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25569994? ago

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25557883? ago

Q is pointing out that the Dems are following the same game plan that the Nazis did.

But like the Nazis, the Dems are being used by the Joos to initiate their agenda.

25556146? ago

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25554965? ago

I see Q doing nothing more than spewing more cryptic bullshit that isn’t helping bring back my dead business, hold coup plotters accountable, taking bad guys off the street, and has enabled the left to basically declare open season on law abiding, tax paying citizens while they rake in cash from spurious places.

Change my mind.

25556158? ago

That's because you're still holding on to the past, where we're going, you won't need your business.

25556622? ago

Can you explain further?

25553414? ago

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25553197? ago

Trump and Q are geniuses at starting the conversation

Lol...throw a firebomb out there and force people to respond

25553079? ago

Hitler did worse than simply defund police. He installed a state police force with authority above the normal police, just like the democrats are trying to do.

25553410? ago


25553813? ago

Those links to Barry's speech say he wanted a new national police force (SS).

Many of us at the time pointed out that he was trying to create a federal police force that would override local police.

25556147? ago


25552857? ago

I see what Q is doing...he's making a case for treason against PeeBo Obama.

25552661? ago

Calling out the kikes?

25552713? ago

Setting the stage...

My guess is those fake memes were probably astroturfed by said kikes. To deflect comparisons to bolsheviks in Russia and Germany.

Hence the thorough USA Today piece. With the holocaust lie pushed in it.

Do you believe Q would unknowingly share something so easily debunked?

As people learn that Hitler didn't really defund police, next logical step is what else did Hitler NOT do, right?

25554461? ago

Wow, this is a compelling statement "next logical step is what else did Hitler NOT do, right?"

Wow, wow, wow... that would be an incredible understanding of the human psyche to alarming levels..

25553544? ago

Q inferred Merkel was Hitler's daughter. Merkel's daughter is implementing the Kalgeri plan.

Q tied Naziism directly to ANTIFA and Soros.

Sometimes a BTFO is simply a BTFO.

25557840? ago

Merkel is more likely a niece.

25553850? ago

Merkel was born in 1954, allegedly.

Q simply asked about her bloodline.

George Soros was 24 years old in 1954.

Hitler had assumedly been dead for 9 years.

Antifa and NatSoc were polar opposites.

Soros was not a Nazi, is and always was, first and foremost a jew.

Nice try though.

25553975? ago

Even Soros said he worked for Nazis, his interview is on Youtube.

I'd say nice try, but it wasn't.

25557847? ago

Most top Nazis were crypto-Jews, including Hitler.

25554022? ago

"worked for"

Common knowledge.

He was not a Nazi. He was a jew, doing jew things, ie- taking things that did not belong to him.

No code of honor or moral compass.

25554168? ago

Like his bosses, the Nazis.

And he had so much success at it, he's still doing the same thing today.

Hitler got police fired so his brownshirts could cause chaos unhindered, just like democrats (aka Nazis) and ANTIFA (aka brownshirts, SA) are doing today.

Q said it. It's the truth.

25554220? ago

The jew media usa today article at the top of this thread says that Hitler did not defund the police.

Democrats are not Nazis, you fucking retard.

Bolsheviks. Marxists. Communists.

Not Nazis.

25554276? ago

The jew media usa today article at the top of this thread says that Hitler did not defund the police.

Why did you disparage it as the "jew media" if you trust it? The only thing that is pretty much guaranteed today is that the MSM lies.

Democrats are not Nazis

Yes they are. You fucking Nazibots looooooove to quote history, don't you? Love to pretend you're quite the historians, don't you? 1964 civil rights act, filibustered by KKK Robert Byrd who was what political party?

What party started the KKK? What party opposed civil rights for minorities? Which party was formed and centered around keeping blacks as slaves?

That history is US history, actually relevant to today. Add that to your historical copypasta, Nazitard.

25554327? ago

Lmao, I feel like I'm driving the shortbus...

So the KKK and NatSoc are the same thing?

The point was that EVEN USA Today, had already truthfully stated Hitler didn't defund the police, which is why Q shared that fake meme.

25554400? ago

So the KKK and NatSoc are the same thing?

BRAVO, give this man a cigar. YES, they are the EXACT thing.

NutSacs exist as a psyop of the democrat party. They are on Soros payroll. They're here to conflate Q with Naziism so that newcomers think we all suck Hitler dick and are repelled.

That is FACT.

They also enjoy letting their inner 60s-era democrat out. Like BLM marching down the street spewing off against Israel.

EVEN USA Today, had already truthfully stated Hitler didn't defund the police

Are you here to tell me how reliable and trustworthy the MSM is? LMAO

USA Today said it, it must be true ... LMAO

25554441? ago

BRAVO, give this man a cigar. YES, they are the EXACT thing.

Holy shit.

I don't even know how to respond to this nonsense.

25552718? ago

Ok, now I'm wet. Keep going.

25553824? ago


Wait til Q says there weren't 6,000,000 jews living in Germany.

25552632? ago

Very clever bait and then switch so they end up spreading information of the transition from a free state to a police state. Q is a judo expert. Using the opponents force against them.

25557707? ago

What was Q doing when he said 2 years ago that Mark Zuckerberg will step down and leave the country? Why couldn't he predict the banning of Tik Tok but threatened Twitter for years?


Mark Zuckerberg to Exit FaceBook

MZ to step down as Chairman.

MZ out of US.


Good luck.


4 Apr 2018

25552611? ago

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