25544224? ago

P is Payseur

25541439? ago

i was reading were some group sent camels to the pope to be absolved of murdering.

literally paying off God.

yeah, whatever guys.

25540358? ago

There’s a nigger Pope now? Great. Just what I need.

25538588? ago

I'm wondering if this is why the Navy stopped all Catholic services...

25539271? ago


25539623? ago


25538151? ago

If you were going to lecture us on end times prophecy, perhaps you should get the name of the book right.

Revelation. No “S” at the end.

25537830? ago

In this thread, different forms of Semites arguing about the Jew-Christ.

Positive Christianity -> Universal Order and Cosmology

25537785? ago

how about it's the jews. the catholic church is only bad because it has been taken over by jews. it always goes back to jews

25537589? ago

capitalist rome and pope long before most but after the jews

25537540? ago

Can I just have a hamburger instead?

25537373? ago

Much like our nation ...the evil infiltration was to destroy the true church of Christ from within.

Otherwise they would ignore it like all the other wanna bes

25537030? ago

All the deluded and butthurt catholics/christians in this thread make this worth the time 🤣🤣

25536878? ago

Last pope in the saddle (15th century prophecy). Pope seems OUT OF TOUCH these days. Focusing on "love everybody" be a DOORMAT message, which is CLEARLY NOT in the Bible.

25536748? ago

The Money laundering is also a money laundering scam

Vatican raided. Money laundering. Shady real estate transactions.

A senior Vatican source said he believed the operation, which the statement said had been authorized by Vatican prosecutors, had to do with real estate transactions.

Last year, a former head of the Vatican bank and an Italian lawyer went on trial to face charges of money laundering and embezzlement through real estate deals. It is still in progress.

For decades, the bank, officially known as the Institute for Works of Religion, or IOR, was embroiled in numerous financial scandals as Italians with no right to have accounts opened them with the complicity of corrupt insiders.

Hundreds of accounts have been closed at the IOR




25536700? ago

Lucifer got screwed in that deal.

25536185? ago

Thank you for that. Never did get that post. The Pope serves Lucifer. Got it!

25536066? ago

So. Christian in general is good. Catholic is bad? Is there any good religion out there? Buddhism?

25536792? ago

Christianity is not bad. But it has been perverted beyond recognition. You must read and seek truth to be able to find the right way. It is not difficult but requires the desire.

Yahweh is the way.

25536542? ago

Both catholic and christianity BAD

25536598? ago

Both of you are stupid. Facts.QAnon does not attack Catholic faith, it doesnt not attack any faith, it attacks evil and corruption.

25536884? ago

Beliefs impact life choices that lead to corruption or to good. Beliefs matter.

25536899? ago

Ye, and Catholic faith isn't the one you should attack.

25536956? ago

All religion is man's vain attempt at reaching God on man's own terms.

Peter was not the first pope nor was he the "rock" spoken of. I don't care how twisted your perception of your religion may be but reality doesn't budge.

25535923? ago

If you guys are Christians and Jesus says love your enemies. Why can't you love Lucifer and want that being to be saved? I don't understand I would want Lucifer to be saved and return to his glory.

But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,

Matthew 5:44

I think if we could save Lucifer. then none of this will ever happen again.

25539286? ago

Why can't you love Lucifer and want that being to be saved?

Because he doesn't wish to be saved. He wishes to be God.

25539393? ago

Does he though? I mean think about it. What if instead of being obedient to something he wants to be on even level. I mean. Wouldn't that be better? I don't want to be obedient because someone tells me to be like a certain way. But I may eventually want to be the way that person asked me to be. Not because they said to be that way though, but because I came to the conclusion myself.

Does GOD look up to people or down on them? Does the devil look down on people or up to them? which is which? Who is GOd of this world? is this realm powered by the fallen?

Is jesus God outside of this construct?

If so. Then we have to ask the question. Why can't we save Lucifer? This would be his creation.

Since Jesus speaks of an outside GOD

Or rather an Unknowable GOD which is cool You can met that GOD but boy you won't know it.

25536614? ago

If fuckwits actually understood the scriptures, there wouldn't be denominations (divisions) in christianity.

They'd also understand that satan was never a fucking angel and that most of their doctrine is outright bullshit or a matter of misapplied truth.

Spoiler: Satan is redeemed in the fullness of time. ALL of creation is but don't you dare tell any christcuck that! They'll come trying to beat you over the head with their pet verses 🤣🤣

25536745? ago

Yes makes sense if there is no path for redemption. Then there wouldn't actually be a loving God. I never understood people that believe hell would be a place that tortures you endlessly. Without a way for redemption.

Without a path out.

IT would be the self that keeps the self in the prison. No one else would dare do it. Because a Loving God. Would have you saved. I swear much of Christianity really speaks on the human psyche. and psychology of the mind. Perhaps even evolution of the human mind. And the departure from God, was the ability to think. That is why the fruit of Knowledge was the sin. It kind just means we departed from our natural governing instincts, awareness. But that may be for another discussion.

25536914? ago

The false doctrine of eternal torment is a concoction of man. It's used to make converts by way of fear, coercion, etc. It's a means of psychological control utilized by pulpit merchandisers.

It's is a lie and completely contradicts the very nature of God.

25536448? ago

Love doesn't make them not your enemy.

25536476? ago

<< Proverbs 23 | Proverbs 24 | Proverbs 25 >>

17 Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when they stumble, do not let your heart rejoice,

yet I see so much of this . even I have been guilty of it.

25536650? ago

Welcome to the realization mankind sins.

25535461? ago

Do I remember correctly that the Black Pope died, on like a year or two delta of Q saying the Pope will have a bad May? Is that true, was he replaced?

25536297? ago

Look at his pictures. He had a bad may. Pope was sad and defeated. Trump was all smiles.

25535308? ago

What's the name of the Vatican's near-infrared telescope in Arizona again???

25535760? ago

Ha ha good reminder. I do believe it is call Lucifer.

25535544? ago

At its inception, the system was called Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Spectroscopic Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research (LUCIFER).

25535040? ago

Soooooo if your god acknowledges that people have been fooled, are they accountable?

25536653? ago

God is in control and sovereign, therefore He is ultimately responsible for all of this...

...but He's going to punish us and hold us accountable for everything.

25537001? ago


What kind of being what punish a finite creature for infinity? Doing that just once to one thing would be worse than all the evils mankind has ever done, combined. Yet this evil god of theirs has done it billions of times over?

25546407? ago

It's really sad how people don't have the time or will to sit down and actually do some critical thinking... I guess that's why evil wins so many battles on this planet.

You are never judged for something that is out of your control - only for your choices. An example: someone slaps you and you can choose to A) turn the other cheek, or B) punch them in the face with your fist, or C) take out a gun and shoot them in the face.

Surely... even someone without a brain and possessing only a brain stem can understand that there is a difference between just these three choices, so why would you believe that God also would not react differently depending on which choice you make. Just remember one thing - no one is forced to go to hell. In His mercy, God created hell as a place where evil can run to - to hide from Him. He doesn't punish you - you punish yourself based on the actions and reactions you chose in this life. It is those choices which define who you are and shape what you will do for the rest of eternity. Don't blame God for your stupid choices - especially the ones you knew to be stupid in the first place. If you didn't know... well he'll take that into account wont he?

As for all the attacks on the Catholic Church on here... well, what can I say. I guess just how everyone is attacking Q and Trump all the time, I guess the Church is right on target.

Oh... and one other thing. We are not finite - if we live forever that makes us infinite doesn't it? So if you got that BASIC fact wrong... maybe you should really sit down and think about if what you are thinking actually makes logical sense; because, from where I sit, the shit you keep spewing doesn't even stick to the wall.

25548575? ago

No scriptural reference for any of this, pulled right out of your ass!

For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one [point], he is guilty of all.

Your god sends people who lied to their parents about hiding the peas under their plate to the same damnation he does baby cannibals... THERE is some critical thinking for you to process.

25534950? ago

Satan created Jesus Christ. Christianity is merely an extension of the Satanic plan for global domination under a (((one))) world government.

25534863? ago

Did you guys know the vactican owns the jews?

25536017? ago

How? Could you explain?

25534930? ago

You mean the Jews own the vatican.

25534563? ago


25534532? ago

Look at the hats I see alot of Greek.

25534316? ago

I'm the anti-lucifer.

They killed me once so they thought.

Never Forget, Never Forgive.

One simply doesn't kill the son of the Creator and expect to walk away.

War is what they want, we won't let it get that far.

My temper isn't even, and I'm bringing down their diseased motherfucking temple down on their dicks.

25536276? ago

do you plan on doing this before,

or after the election?

trying to pace myself, it's getting hard to sleep/concentrate...

25534991? ago

So how come I can't find a decent brand of olive oil locally?

25535701? ago

You don't know good Olive Oil.

25535251? ago

Have you checked whole foods?

25534438? ago

Jesus sounds more demoralized than he used to

25534176? ago

The Jesuits and Vatican were infiltrated by TALMUDIC/QABBALISTIC JEWS.


25534117? ago

And they HAVE BEEN since the beginning. Read up on "Constantine" - the Last Roman Emperor --> First Pope.

The Vatican IS the Roman Empire complete with Pagan rituals... come out of her my people! (Most Catholics are deceived by the "leadership" and are NOT evil themselves.)

25536475? ago

Vatican: mother of harlots.

Harlots: denominations of christianity.

Nominal Christianity is no different, so I have to snicker when christcucks criticize catholicism.

25538113? ago

" I have to snicker when christcucks criticize catholicism."

But, they're so earnest, how can you laugh?

The anti-religious are so deadly serious in their hatred of religion, "other" people's religion, it makes you wonder what they are so afraid of.

Actually, it's not hard to guess, is it.

25547826? ago

You see, I'm anti-religious but not anti-Christ. One is a constant salving of the conscience, a cesspool of taking on a form of godliness but denying the power thereof.

The other is a God that exists but that so few know anything about.

Indoctrination. Self-righteousness. Delusions. Half-truths and tales of imagination. This is religion and it will cost you.

25547691? ago

Being ernest and sincere doesn't mean shit to God.

25537443? ago

Then you are uneducated and ignorant to history

25547704? ago

Either I am or you are...and my money is on you.

25549895? ago

Fair enough

25537295? ago

Okay Lucifer.

25547717? ago

Ok, fantasynigger. Fiction is fun, eh?

25549211? ago

Why are you a cuck?

Step outside (of your 3x3 cubicle), look up and tell me how the weather is in Tel Aviv.

25534110? ago

The Jesuits took over. They were never Christian. Their 'zeal' was to cover up for this fact. They are Kabbalists.

25535371? ago

You guys ever get into Mystery Babylon series by Bill Cooper "The Hour of the Time?" He traces this stuff back to the Babylonians and Egyptians. Why do they have an Obelisk in front of the vatican? That's an Egyptian satanic symbol, not a Jewish one.

25545359? ago

It was put there by the romans. that spot was the center of a colosseum where many Christians died. They put it there as a sign of their conquest of egypt (it is from Egypt). The Christians left them as a reminder of the martyrs and placed a cross on top as a sign of Christ's conquering of evil.

25542863? ago

Thank you. I spent much of the day listening to the first nine episodes of 'The Hour of the Time'. WOW! Fantastic information. Cooper is brilliant.

25536934? ago

That series is fantastic, should be required listening. Also the Fuel Project guy on youtube is pretty good too, in their "Know Your Enemy" series explains a lot about church history and why things are the way they are. Short answer: pagans. They moved the holy day to Sunday to honor the sun, Christmas on Dec. 25 to rebrand a pagan holiday, Easter eggs & rabbits with the sexual connotations and Semiramis references, etc.

It's surprising how so much shit can be traced all the way back to Nimrod and Babylon.

Also why was the only Bible translation for 1000 years the Latin Vulgate? Basically lust for power. They didn't want the unwashed proles knowing what God's word really said, they wanted to control the information because information is power. Same reason the inquisition happened and the Jesuits came about: lust for power and obsession with regaining power lost as a result of the Reformation.

25535687? ago

I believe I have seen at least parts of it.

Once you trace it back to Satan/Lucifer you can't trace it any further back. So then the question becomes finding in how many different places and different times it has popped up, and where it has moved from one location to another. It is always amusing people that find these different cultures, practices, beliefs, symbols, and they can't put their finger on how it could appear in all these different places, separated by hundreds of miles, and decades and centuries in terms of chronology.

25536435? ago

Same with swastika.

25536673? ago

I bet chimps draw swastikas

25536926? ago

It predates recorded history and is part of most every people's history.

Jews banned it.

25537350? ago

Well that's another way of saying that even chimps do it. It's literally like an impulse to draw it from hardware in a tool using brain not some fucking stargate magical hieroglyphic bullshit

25538061? ago

All these common symbols, the pentagram and hexagram for example, are 2D REPRESENTATIONS OF 4D SHAPES.

25535002? ago

Are they the ones who manufacture those Magic 8 Balls?

25534051? ago

At least there is Michelangelo's painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. I hope that will be saved come judgement day!

25536667? ago

No. It violates the second commandment. It's all coming down.

25534228? ago

Beauty is fleeting.

25536695? ago

True but a hot bitch at 20 is going to look better at 60 than an average cunt will look at 60 in most cases. The question is: how much fade do you prefer?

25533855? ago

Vatican = synagogue of satan.

25535075? ago

Read the Bible:

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

25533848? ago

The aliens whom brought these serpent religions to Earth are the same controlling the "jews".

In SG-1, which MJ12 says is a DIRECT response to the black hats perpetrating 9/11 attacks, they show in the first two episodes of season 1, what is happening.

These things brought the Egyptian serpent worshipping religion to Earth with all their fake gods, it is Mystery Babylon.

Well if we listen to the early Donald Marshall interviews on YT, we can hear him talking about these "Vril type 2" and how once mature, they take over a host. The serpent thing, a few feet long, but tiny in stature, enters the victim through their spine.

A battle ensues between the serpent and the host where the Parasite is attempting to take FULL CONTROL of the host.

A mature serpent (vril) typically wins this battle and becomes literally one with the victim. The husk of the larger serpent can be removed as it is now dead. The Vril takes control of the human now, FULLY. They even can access some of the past memories of the now dead victim, to aid them in camouflage.

So literally, Body Snatchers IRL.

You think this is bullshit?

Why did the Nazi's have a "Vril Society" where they worshipped these things secretly?

How did they begin their Secret Space Program?



25536651? ago

Give me some places to dig on the best info regarding your post? I'm interested in learning but my perspective is it would be nephilim.

25543596? ago

Matthew 13

25537125? ago

Watch SG-1, season 1, episode 1

25534515? ago

Chief among these was the infiltration of the major governments of the world, including the United Nations, by an alien race. This alien race was a predator race with extremely sophisticated technologies that enabled them to integrate with the human species. That is to say, they could pose as humanoids, but they were truly a blend of human and android

25534155? ago

No ETs.

Interdimensional entities? Yes.

Has a skeleton or corpse of a 'vril snake' or vril anything ever been found? No. Even the bodies in the Roswell crash were Japanese zeppelin pilots, who were former Yakuza (explains their small size and having only 4 fingers). Their masks melted onto their faces, giving them a bizarre big eyed appearance.

25534958? ago

Not interdimensional, intercushional. They hide in your couch.

25538410? ago

Aha! THAT explains everything.

Thank you!

25536378? ago

They'll also hide in certain types of recliners, futons and bean bag chairs if a suitable couch isn't available.

25535648? ago

Thanks for your insight.

25534452? ago

MJ12 says they recovered EBE-1 and the interviews have been released. Learned a ton about consciousness.

It was the Zetas and they were flying around due to the Nukes being blown up.

The USA was trying to down one of the Nazi Flying Bell's but instead accidentally downed a Zeta craft that day in 1947.

Talking about the skeletons... I mean have the skeletons of Nephilim or these large humans, 11ft tall ++ been found (and acknowledged "officially") ?

25534596? ago

I only believe in interdimensional entities. The reason for that is because I have literally had ideas or images pop into my head (at least a handful of times) that I do not believe could have possibly originated within me (dark or violent or sadistic).

For ETs I would need to see actual proof. Bodies. The giants, yeah, that is interesting. Dinosaur fossils too.

25536734? ago

Why would alien origin be likelier than your mammal heritage and human imagination?

25533882? ago

You’re a dizzy masonic bitch. Fuck on with your nonsense psycho babble

25536615? ago

Maybe he is, but he makes more sense than the natso zombies here.

25533989? ago

You just sad that you're an ignorant faggot. Go back to watching Miley Cyrus you little shit.

25533716? ago

Tell me the Bible verse that says Lucifer is Satan. I'll wait.

25534027? ago

its Mystery fucking babalon.

Satan and lucifer is cosplaying aliens.


Occams razor, bitch.

25535035? ago

I love haiku.

25533764? ago

Pretty sure it says that Satan masquerades as an angel of light. #closeenough

25543215? ago

Satan was Christ.

25536754? ago

Angel of light=messenger of truth.

So, he masquerades as Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer and the pastor down the street. Sounds legit.

Has nothing to do with satan ever being an angel. He never was. He was created on the 6th day as a beast of the field.....but christian fantasy can be fun.

25533988? ago

Satan masquerades as the Jew

25535045? ago

Really? You still think this is all about the group you love to hate. Think bigger. Much bigger. The choice to know is yours.

25536293? ago

so you mean it's about satan?

he would be 'bigger',

since he is (((their)))boss...

25536373? ago

I coulda swore I read something different. My apologies. I agree, 'Satan' masquerades as the jew.

25538480? ago

^^ Weak mentality, easily led.

25538706? ago

Now that's pretty funny!!! Hahaha... I'm telling my friends and family that one. HAHAHA

25535491? ago

I choose to know, how do I find out?

25536313? ago

It's been a decades long journey of asking questions and doing research. I don't have an easy answer for you. It's a journey you have to choose. Use critical thinking and if you really do want to know you will find the answers. Sorry, I can't give you a better answer at the moment. Where your shades... They Live is a movie from 1988. Check it out.

25533794? ago

Not the same. Don't vase conclusions on half-truths just because they allow you to hang onto your beliefs. Let's try again. Tell me the Bible verse that says Lucifer is Satan.

25533829? ago

Rather than play games. Just state your purpose.

25533866? ago

"Tell me the Bible verse that says Lucifer is Satan." Not sure how that could be any clearer.

25535083? ago

What's the difference between lucy and sam? Honest question. I'm not the person you were talking to.

25535606? ago

Lucifer means "light bringer". Its also referred to as the morning star, which, ironically, is also how Jesus is referred to at least once. Satan means "the adversary". Lucifer is now commonly used as another name for Satan, which isn't necessarily true.

25536772? ago

No, lucifer is another name for nebuchadnezzar

25533827? ago

It's all memes and tropes in the end. If the majority of Luciferians treat them as the same thing or same type of thing, then they are effectively the same thing. So it's their beliefs, not mine.

25533914? ago

Okay, but Christians treat them as the same thing, not necessarily Luciferians. Luciferians follow more along with Gnostic Christians in believing Lucifer is good, not that Lucifer is Satan. They are considered two different entities. Luciferians are not Satanists, and even Satanists don't define Satan based on the biblical definition.

25534011? ago

Lucifer is the bringer of light. Light is treated to mean knowledge of good and evil. Which brings us to the serpent of eden.

25535576? ago

Exposing good vs evil is hardly the same thing as being evil.

25536357? ago

Some of the old pharoahs had reptilian skin and elongated heads, large brain cavities, with blue eyes and red hair. This is acknowledged by mainstream. They dismissed it as a "family, genetic mutation."

Some things are literal and we choose to reinterpret them as metaphor because we lack the background to understand.

Edit: just to be clear, physical evidence of talking snakes are in museums today.

25533664? ago

The Vatican has used Collective Labor to run the Shadow Government. It started the day Pope Pius XI sponsored Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler to Centralize Unions. Union Leadership is elevated from the most violent and (((loyal))) Unionist who became Secret Police with National Security protection.

25533628? ago

No, the Vatican's main purpose is to be the visible head of Christ's church. Satan has convinced weak minded people to curse the Church, and we're seeing the fruits of that cursing with the current hierarchy. It is only through a return to Catholic principles and teachings, through repentance and penance for our sins, by the grace of God that we will get through this.

Doing Satan's work of condemning the church that Jesus built is just foolish.

25536828? ago

Fuck you. Fuck your religion. Fuck your fake Christ. You and your ilk are greatly responsible for the evils in the world today.

The Catholic Church is not the bride of Christ and I can't fucking wait for the day when He crushes you cultist fucks (christianity also) under His heel.

25536875? ago

Sorry I just see your opinion and wishes there, I don't see any facts.

25536974? ago

I'm not your secretary and I'm not speaking to convince. I'm speaking matter-of-factly.

If you want proof, go find it.

25536986? ago

The proof you claim exists, doesn't, which is why you can't provide any.

25536998? ago

Read about the fall of Babylon the Great in Revelation. If you can't realize the connection, that's your problem.

25537013? ago

The way you argue reminds me of something...

The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying. Gradually I began to hate them.

25537088? ago

The issue is your perception of truth and how hard you cleve to it. You can be very sincere while being completely mistaken.

All men have been in wrongness, guy. Only a few are given the grace from above to see that and shed their delusion. You're obviously not one of those.

Present your logic and personal truth until you're blue in the face for all I care.

Better to be the liar than the one deceived by the lie.

25537097? ago

Better to be the liar than the one deceived by the lie.

All that to say you're a jew? Why bother?

25537174? ago

Once again, you're wrong. Have you made a career of making baseless assumptions? Seems like it.

Fuck you and the Jews. You're no less a dog than any of them are, just vastly less intelligent.

25537206? ago

Ah yes. "A dog" because I disagree with you, the jews, and the mohamedans that lying is a noble and virtuous thing.

How silly of me. I'll take your considerations into account.

25547740? ago

Ad hominem and drama. Jesus, I bet your family really loves you behind your back. See? I can play that game, too.

25548040? ago

You blaspheme using Jesus's name because you know He is God.

But it's funny how:

  1. I call him out for saying that being a liar is better than being duped by liars.
  2. He calls me a dog.
  3. I laugh at his insinuation.
  4. You accuse ME of adhomming HIM.


25548126? ago

I would only blaspheme Christ if I took part in the affront that is religion in His name.

Don't sit there and whine about being called out when YOU started this shit by calling me a fucking Jew, which was your only recourse because you don't have the intelligence required for sensible debate.

Welcome to the fruit of your labors, nigger

25548166? ago

I would only blaspheme Christ if I took part in the affront that is religion in His name.

That's not true, and a really silly argument.

Don't sit there and whine about being called out when YOU started this shit by calling me a fucking Jew, which was your only recourse because you don't have the intelligence required for sensible debate.

What sensible debate can one have with a person who admitted that it's better to lie than to be duped? How can I have a conversation with you when you, like the jews taught (not just themselves but also the mohamedans) that being a liar is being more virtuous than telling the truth and being deceived? How can I trust you at all?

So of course I call you a jew, but it wasn't for no reason. It was because you've made it impossible to have an intelligent, intellectual discussion with you because you made it clear you have no problem with lying.

A great man once said:

Welcome to the fruit of your labors, bigger.

I echo that sentiment to you.

25548269? ago

The problem here is that you claim that I'm wrong, not on the basis of facts, but opinion and years of indoctrination at the hands of fools.

The proof that I provide to back my statements is documented. If you wish to have a debate over the truths and falsehoods concerning the Biblical God, then what better source do we have than the Scriptures?

I've dealt with morons like you for years and, at this point, you're fodder to me. It's always the same shit on a different day with you people.

Even if I provided you with ample proof, you'd still deny it and and rest comfortably in your chosen delusion.

For you, trying to debate God with someone who has been on both sides of the fence is a fool's errand.

25548562? ago

The problem here is that you claim that I'm wrong, not on the basis of facts, but opinion and years of indoctrination at the hands of fools.

False. I was a far edgier atheist than you'll ever be. It was the basis of facts and logic and argumentation that caused me to believe in God, and, in particular, the Catholic Church.

The proof that I provide to back my statements is documented.

What statements, and where again?

If you wish to have a debate over the truths and falsehoods concerning the Biblical God, then what better source do we have than the Scriptures?

Depends on what we're proving, to whom, and why?

I've dealt with morons like you for years and, at this point, you're fodder to me. It's always the same shit on a different day with you people.

Fair enough. Where can I read your rebuttals of the Kalam Cosmological Argument, the Argument from Contingency, the Ontological Argument, the Argument from Morality, the Teleological Argument from Fine Tuning, and your case against the Resurrection of Jesus Christ?

Should be easy.

Even if I provided you with ample proof, you'd still deny it and and rest comfortably in your chosen delusion.

The good ol' "I don't have any proof but if I posted it you wouldn't believe anyway". Convincing.

For you, trying to debate God with someone who has been on both sides of the fence is a fool's errand.

It probably is a fool's errand, because I have no idea what you're trying to say here.

25535856? ago

I'm with you brother, these people have absolutely zero idea what the Catholic Church actually teaches nor have they read a history of Catholicism besides Jack Chick tracts. The sheer ignorance is astonishing. They get all their information from fringe UFO/Lizard Jew/Muh Jesuits websites instead of reading actual primary sources.

Don't waste your time in arguing with these people, they have no interest in learning the truth about the Catholic faith and why God became Man and founded a Church which the gates of Hell shall never prevail against.

25535924? ago

We have a duty to preach the Gospel. Do I expect them to repent and change immediately? No. But someone has to try, and given where I was, I don't mind being that person.

But when it gets to the point that they refuse to hear, I will leave, and knock the dust from my boots, praying that they are saved.

25535980? ago

Indeed. I hope so as well. It's amazing to me that after all their objections have been debunked ad nauseam they still cling to them. It's their willful ignorance which blinds them, a spiritual pride, because they don't want to actually read what the Catholic Church actually teaches in her perennial tradition, or read the saints, maybe because they don't know where to look, but also because they are guided by demons who will do everything to prevent them from reading the actual truth of the matters. I just don't see how anyone can reasonably claim the Catholic Church is wrong, when it was the only Church that actually existed for 1100 years until eastern orthodoxy came along. And if they did any type bit of research outside of wack-job fringe garbage Protestant websites, they would see that the Church always had mass, confession, devotions, saints, etc. It's not like it's even hard to research, they just believe what they want to hear instead of actually looking for the truth.

25536015? ago

We all are flawed. All we can do is pray for their souls that God gives them the grace to see the errors of their way and seek the Way, the Truth, and the Light.

God bless, brother.

25534038? ago

holy fuck fail shill.

Afraid of the truth.


25533909? ago

The Catholic Church teaches false doctrines and sacrifices Jesus again and again and again. Not all Catholics are lost but all Catholic Churches are cucked.

25534185? ago

The Catholic Church teaches no false doctrines, and I challenge you to name a single one.

Jesus created the Eucharist for our benefit. As proven by the numerous times the Eucharist has turned into the Heart of Jesus.

You're just wrong.

25539347? ago

What's the name of the Vatican's near-infrared telescope in Arizona again???

Was it LUCIFER??

25539395? ago

Is the Vatican infiltrated by Satanists? Of course. The Vatican is the crown jewel of Christ's Church, so of course Satan would do everything he can to undermine it and destroy it. He would do everything in his power to pervert it and invert it, to mock God. So if you're trying to point out that the Catholic Church, a Church made up of men, is constantly at war with satan, and sometimes has bad people in powers of authority doing bad things? We're just going to agree.

But if you're going to say that the Catholic Church teaches some doctrine that is false? You're going to have to show it to me.

The Church is at war. You can either curse it and do the work of satan, you can love it and defend it as God asks, or you can be indifferent to it. The choice is yours.

25539437? ago

Is the Vatican infiltrated by Satanists? Of course.

well then

25534661? ago

That's corruption to hail back to human sacrifice and cannibalism. Back to the jewish trinity of Baal, Minerva, and Moloch.

Jesus was saying, eat of the earth (bread and knowledge) to take into you the ways of God.

25535905? ago

Read John 6 again, Christ makes it very clear it is His actual body and His actual blood. Nowhere in scripture does Christ say the eucharist (communion) is a symbol or nice thing to do. He says you cannot enter the kingdom of Heaven unless you eat His flesh and drink His blood. Protestants don't have this because they don't have a priesthood to confect it.

Outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation, abandon the heresy of Protestantism while you still have time and go to a traditional Catholic Church.

25537993? ago

This guy gets it. Jesus did not back away from these statements. He doubled down, Trump does the same!

25536684? ago

Yes, what I said.

You need to step away from the evil. It has you. You will not believe it because it is so.

25536965? ago

I'm sorry? What "evil" are you talking about.

25537070? ago

The corruption of ther catholic church and its teachings.

Jesus was to be the last, first born sacrifice to the Jews and their trinity of gods. With this was the end of human sacrifice and cannibalism. Especially of first born.

To which you reply, continuing evil with cannibalism is totally what jesus is about. See, it's all just a big cannibal club. Wait, that's what the satanic globalists do. But I'm sure that's just a coincidence. Just like the fact they control the catholic church and have for hundreds of years. Jesuits are only part of it. See inquisitions.

No my friend, your teachings have been corrupted. As has your faith. That's why so many are calling you out. It's not them. It's you.

25537614? ago

The corruption of the catholic church and its teachings.

Well it's teachings haven't changed in 2000 years, so I'm not sure what you're referring to.

Jesus was to be the last, first born sacrifice to the Jews and their trinity of gods. With this was the end of human sacrifice and cannibalism. Especially of first born.

The Jews didn't even know the Trinity existed until Christ revealed it. Yes, Christ's sacrifice is eternal, but the Jews never sacrificed humans, so I don't know what on earth you're talking about.

To which you reply, continuing evil with cannibalism is totally what jesus is about. See, it's all just a big cannibal club.

If you know much about sacrificial rites, the host is consumed. This is why we can continually consume the body and blood of Christ, because the mass is an eternal sacrifice. It is the unbloody re-enactment of Calvary. The Church has always taught this since the beginning. I don't expect Prots to understand this because they have wholeheartedly rejected the idea of sacrificial rites, but the Church never did. What you believe, if you can even call it Protestant, is less than 500 years old. Christians never believed what you hold to.

Wait, that's what the satanic globalists do. But I'm sure that's just a coincidence. Just like the fact they control the catholic church and have for hundreds of years. Jesuits are only part of it. See inquisitions and Rothschild loan.

Sacrificial rites is as old as the first pagans, it's nothing new. Sacrifice in itself isn't bad, so I'm not sure why you're equating it to evil. It's the intention and object of the sacrifice which makes it bad, such as offering sacrifice to Baal or Moloch.

Contrary to what you might think, Christ (Who is God) founded the Church and is in full control of it. The Catholic Church will exist until the end of time. Your heresy will die out, just like Protestantism.

All your anecdotal assertions are meaningless when you examine the lives of the saints and the actual teachings of the faith. You keep saying the Catholic Church is corrupted but provide zero evidence as to how it is corrupted. When I speak of the Catholic Church, I am speaking of the Mystical Body of Christ, which is incapable of being destroyed or corrupted, what you're speaking about is the institutional hierarchy of the Church on earth, which is something entirely different. When you fail to make distinctions you fail to see the importance of the reality of divine revelation and truth. You fail to separate the sin from objective truth. They are two different things, two totally different realities. God cannot neither deceive nor be deceived, so please, since you're are so confident that I am wrong, tell me what the true religion is hmmmm? What religion has Almighty God revealed to man so that he can be saved from His sins and go to Heaven to be with God? It sure as Hell isn't Protestantism. Ya'll can't even agree on anything. So which is it? Buddhism? Islam? Judaism? Muh Odin Worship? Muh Baal Worship?

What you're doing here is only hurting you, not me. Attacking the Catholic Church is simply the work of Satan. Do you think the saints are fake or something? Do you think it's impossible to be perfect? Do you think Christ was lying when He said "The Gates of Hell shall never prevail against the Church?" Are you saying God is a liar? Because that's what it sounds like to me.

No my friend, your teachings have been corrupted. As has your faith. That's why so many are calling you out. It's not them. It's you.

Truth is not determined by how many people feel something is true, or a majority of votes. It's determined by God and objective reality. Why don't you read about what the early Church fathers, the successors of the apostles actually taught and wrote.

25548534? ago

My favorite part of his comment was this:

No my friend, your teachings have been corrupted. As has your faith. That's why so many are calling you out. It's not them. It's you.

That's exactly what mohamedans say. Satan really is a one string banjo...

25538033? ago

Who are you? let's be friends! Love it! Preach! I'm with you brother/sister!

25539615? ago

DeusVultSaecula is my user account

25534682? ago

Just not true. That's what the jews who ran away from Jesus when He made it clear it was His body and His blood. That's why it's even explained in scriptures.

Your tradition of man holds no sway here.

25536663? ago


25533681? ago

Sorry the Catholic church is a cult. Research it. I am not weak minded.

25534281? ago

Sorry the Catholic church is a cult.

No, that's just dumb.

Research it.

I did.

I am not weak minded.

Of course you are.

worship of Mary,

Mary isn't worshiped, so you're already lying.


Now you're just calling all the Christians before 1600 heretics, which makes you look really weak minded.


Jesus created rituals. You're now saying you know better than Jesus. That's funny.


You're making a dogmatic proclamation against dogma? Do you know what "irony" is?

cannot have a personal relationship with God

Now you're just lying again.

must go through a sinful priest,

Everyone sins. Some more than others. Some priests have ceased sinning, though. as have some laity, as you're called to do.


It's in the Bible. Well, it's in the part of the Bible that your tradition (lol) didn't decide to excise because it completely undermines all of the claims of Luther. Funny how Luther was fine quoting from those books until he didn't have any more answers and decided to rip them out. Good thing the Holy Spirit prevented him from ripping out James to decisively make a mockery of the entire thing.

worship of saints who were ordinary people by the way,

I don't know what "ordinary people" means. Some people can do miracles. Some people did miracles. They were people like you, and you could theoretically preform miracles were you holy enough and God decided to perform miracles through you. But really this is just another hilariously silly lack of understanding of Catholicism.

canonization of normal people,

You're going to have to explain the problem with this Biblical notion.

suspect miracles by ordinary people,

Some miracles are lies, true. Some are true. This has nothing to do with anything.

selling indulgences,

Which was a banned practice after it was abused by bad priests, so good on you for actually coming up with a problem 1600 years ago. Are you going to forgive as Jesus commanded or hold a grudge?

placing a pope a little lower than God

The Pope is the visible head of the Church. He's the arbiter of disputes, as passed on from Peter, which is codified in the Bible that you use which was handed down to you by the Tradition of the Catholic Church. You're sitting on God's lap to slap him here. It's juvenile.

all cult practices.

The only cult practices are the ones performed by heretics who claim to have the true religion, yet have completely proven their philosophy of "Sola Scriptura" false by having thousands of different denominations, none of which agree with each other on things, completely proving that they don't hold to "one, holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church", which is part of the Nicene creed that they repeat at their services. It's really silly.

If you're curious, look up the work of the exorcist Fr. Ripperger. When you have that in your "religion", I'll listen. Until then, you're just showing your ignorance.

25534706? ago

OMG you have drunk the kool-aid and will die by the kool-aid, sorry.

25534827? ago

First, please don't blaspheme. Second, your lack of arguments belie your ignorance. If you'd like to have a conversation, we can. But you're going to have to address all of the counterarguments to your "points" in order for me to take you seriously.

25535185? ago

Sanctimony will not help you either.

Proverbs 23:9

Do not speak to a fool, for he will despise the wisdom of your words.

25535229? ago

You've just insulted me, and made it clear you despise me, so by your own verse I'm the one being despised for the wisdom of my words.

jews always project.

25535249? ago

Pray for the Lord Jesus Christ to reveal Himself to you. He will if you ask. Just try it. He is just waiting to be asked.

25535286? ago

He already has.

Pray for wisdom of the Holy Spirit. Pray for discernment that you might drop your hatred of Christ's Church and be united in the body of Christ on Earth.

25533907? ago

Yep! And addressing priests as fathers contradicts Matthew 23:9:

“And call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven.”

25534293? ago

This is the problem with protestants. They don't understand what they're reading.

Let me ask you, do you call the man who inseminated your mother to create you "father"?

25534389? ago

LOL at how ignorant this comment is.

25539060? ago

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25534406? ago

When jews have no argument, they attack the man.

Repent and accept Jesus. Your lies and attacks have no weight here.

25534445? ago

Love how you assumed I even had a denomination, btw. Protestant is also capitalized, Moshe. Didn’t they teach you that in Tel Aviv??!

25534529? ago

Not having a denomination means you're not inside the body of Christ, means you're not following Christ's rules, means you're a heretic. Not sure how you think this is helping your case.

I don't capitalize "protestant" for the same reason I don't capitalize "jew". Heretics don't deserve the respect. Is it childish? Yeah. Does it make me laugh? Yeah.

25538515? ago

And where does it say that in the bible??

(Yeah, I won't be waiting for that scripture passage.)

25538768? ago

Denominations are man-made.

Christ is fully man and fully God, so in a sense you're correct. However Christ left a Church, and in that sense He did leave a "denomination". However Catholicism isn't a "denomination", that's a protestant term. So you're just all over the place. Sorry.

(Yeah, I won't be waiting for that scripture passage either because it doesn't exist.)

25538855? ago


Your comment, using the term "denomination", btw. So who's really all over the place?

25538872? ago

I was using your language. Notice how in the comment I replied to, you said:

Love how you assumed I even had a denomination, btw. Protestant is also capitalized, Moshe. Didn’t they teach you that in Tel Aviv??!

I was trying to meet you half way, but your nonsense is tedious. Good luck.

25538903? ago

Using my language, but it doesn't exist somehow?

Get a grip. It's really hard when you're so constrained by tradition that someone else dictated for you, rather than finding truth of god yourself, isn't it? I know how hard it sucks when others have so much fun with their own faith and their own relationship with the Father!

25538918? ago

It's not hard to be constrained by God's Tradition. It's weird that you'd even think that.

And protestants in their 30k+ denominations making things up because they don't understand what they're reading doesn't look like fun to me. But being wrong is never fun, so I have no idea why anyone would think being a protestant is fun.

May God lead you to the Way, the Truth, and the Light.

25538969? ago

God's tradition did not come through man. Anybody trying to tell you that is lying to you. I've read the bible and I've been to catholic masses my entire life. You don't even know the history of your own pagan tradition or why you worship on a Sunday. Try to remove the filter out of your eye and do some research for yourself. You wouldn't be sitting there pointing fingers once you understand the truth of the ROMAN cult of catholicism.

25538997? ago

God's tradition did not come through man.

God's Tradition came through God. Through the Church that He left. Just like the Tradition found in the Old Testament. So it comes FROM God THROUGH man. Very simple concept, really.

I've read the bible and I've been to catholic masses my entire life.

That's nice.

You don't even know the history of your own pagan tradition or why you worship on a Sunday.


Try to remove the filter out of your eye and do some research for yourself.


You wouldn't be sitting there pointing fingers once you understand the truth of the ROMAN cult of catholicism.

Do, still here.

25539015? ago

cool story, bro

25538808? ago

However Catholicism isn't a "denomination", that's a protestant term. So you're just all over the place. Sorry.

Never said it was! You're the one trying to label others in the comments. Sad, really.

25538862? ago

Your nonsense is boring.

Good luck.

25538873? ago

So is your delusional thinking.

Good luck making sainthood!

25538878? ago

Thank you. I hope I make it.

You too.

25534688? ago

There is only One True Church. So, which denomination would that ONE church be? I belong to Christ, so how am I a heretic because I don't follow Man's law about how I should be a proper Christian? Please elaborate on this topic, I genuinely am curious.

25534805? ago

There is only one, true, holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. That's what Christians believe. We believe that because it's what the Apostles left us. The Catholic Church has Apostolic succession. That is, the bishops, priests, cardinals, the Pope, etc., all trace their lineage back to the Apostles.

Just like the jews of the day despised Christ and His disciples for the doctrine they were preaching, so to do people of today hate Christ's Church and His priests. You're a heretic because like those jews, you refuse to accept the authority of the one, true, holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. You believe, like they did, that you can read scriptures and come to your own conclusions on what is right and what is wrong.

The Bible is too complicated for that, that's why Jesus Christ didn't leave a Bible. He left a Church. He left a Church with the authority to interpret His word and His will through prayer, fasting, and penance.

How should you be a proper Christian? By joining the Catholic Church. By praying every day for at least 15 minutes, and more like 30 (see: "The Ways of Mental Prayer" as a primer). By following the Traditions that Christ left us, and accepting the sacraments for your spiritual growth, most importantly being (assuming you're baptized and confirmed, and thus inside the body of Christ): Confession and the Eucharist. Use those sacraments along with your prayers to come closer to God, and worry not about the world. God has sovereignty over the world, and it will do what He wants. You have sovereignty over your choices and yourself. You can choose to work with God for His glory, or you can fight Him. The choice is yours. I hope you join me on the journey towards sainthood.

25535148? ago

Ok, sorry now that I asked. The Roman Catholic Church is completely and utterly corrupted, I could and would never be part of that. I refuse to worship any other than God and Jesus. Jesus told us to pray to our Father, NOT to Mary, not to any saint, not to anyone else.

Jesus did not need to leave us a Bible, He used the Law that every other Jew had access to at that time. They were just lazy and let the priests tell them what the Law said which was what Jesus was combating. He simply told the people what the Law really said. So, yes, the ones in charge had issues with that, and wanted Him gone. The Bible is not at all complicated, at least not for me. I read the KJV and it is perfect.

God is my Father. I do NOT need some yahoo to tell me how long I must pray each day to be a good Christian. I talk to my Father throughout the day, every day. Christ only left us ONE tradition, which is to remember Him when we break bread. Not each Sunday morning (and Sunday is not the Sabbath, btw.) and not on special random days. He never told us to celebrate and remember His birth, or His death. Frankly, by celebrating those days as well as other loved one's birthdays, you are following pagan and heathen rituals which the Lord God despises. If you doubt me on that, find me the part of the Scripture that tells us to celebrate Easter, Christmas, or a birthday....

You are correct, though, I do refuse to accept the authority of the RCC. I do, however, accept the authority of God, and do my best to be worthy of Him knowing I fall short. I'm done for now, but please do find me that passage I asked about ^^ I would be thrilled to know I can participate in the pagan rituals with my family without displeasing God my Father.

25535203? ago

I'll find you a line in your tradition that says that when you find me a line in the Bible that says that you can only do things in the Bible.

You're very lost. Pray for the Holy Spirit to give you the wisdom to know God's will.

25535314? ago

You really don't know what my "tradition" is, now do you? The Bible tells us every thing we need to know. EVERY thing.
I knew you couldn't find a thing that tells us to follow the pagan ways, because the Lord specifically told us not to do that.

I am not lost at all, I am in the hands of my Father.
I suspect that you don't have a clue what the Bible actually says.

25535383? ago

What Bible? By what tradition did you come to your Bible?

I do know what your "tradition" is. It's one made up by men over a thousand years after Christ, which you ignore in order to attack Catholicism. I'm mocking you by using the term to get you to see the presuppositions you're making that cause your argument to fail.

But I know you don't follow the Bible, because no where in the Bible does it talk about "Sola Scriptura", whereas "Tradition" is all throughout it.

For more information, I recommend the book "Not by Scripture Alone: A Catholic Critique of the Protestant Doctrine of Sola Scriptura".

Good luck.

25534418? ago

Ok rabbi!

25533519? ago

How about that snake hall. Finding pic

25538288? ago

FROM BABYLON TO AMERICA, THE PROPHECY MOVIE by School for Prophets - Attila Kakarott


25538128? ago

According to reddit's /r/reptiliandude it was done to show the involvement of the Naigaje (4-legged reptilians) in religious affairs. Given how he's supposedly pro-Jesus and the Vatican is very corrupt, it didn't work...

25535078? ago

The catholic church has long been infiltrated by crypto jews aka jesuits. Catholicism has at times done some good throughout history but it began as a 4th century corruption of white Adamic christianity and was never true to the teachings of Christ to begin with..

Five Jews Arrested for Painting Swastikas on Israel consulate


Jewish man accused of spray-painting swastikas on own home


Jewish Man Caught Spray Painting Swastikas & Making “anti-Semitic” Threatening Phone Calls


Police arrest two youths for painting swastikas in Old City of Jerusalem


Jewish suspects arrested over swastika graffiti on synagogues


Israel arrests Jewish teen over anti-Semitic threats in US


Man's Apple watch proves he lied about anti-Semitic stabbing in West Bloomfield


25537987? ago

Wow, you sure know your Jew and Catholic shit.

Keep the world posted on your "knowledge", and mankind just might have a chance. Without you, we're all sunk.

25536454? ago

If the Catholic Church failed then Jesus is not God. Do your research and read the Fathers of the Church and see the very Catholic beliefs of the Church prior to the 4th century.

25540890? ago

Yes. The Church we know today has been inflitrated MOSTLY since Vatican II by Marxists, and Freemasons....

25537286? ago

Jesus most certainly is God, but there is nothing even remotely 'Christian' about the catholic church. Not then, not now. Not one, damned thing. It's all Babylonian folklore re-packaged to deceive the willfully ignorant, leading straight to the great deceiver, Satan. If you're taking the mass, you're eating/drinking damnation to yourself. GTFO. While you still can.

25537977? ago

The thing that gets me about the Catholic mass is they pretend like they process the very body of Christ by withholding the bread and the wine offered by Jesus from non-Catholics.

They will not give non catholics communion. Did Christ not die for everyone? Do they think Christ would deny me communion or any other believer in HIM?

25549001? ago

1 Corinthians 11:29

For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body, eats and drinks judgment on himself.

This verse explicitly instructs us to not give the body of Christ the just anyone. Accordingly, only those who understand and believe should receive.

As to wether the bread becomes the body of Christ there is this verse: John 6:53-57

Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.

As to wether Christ died for all there is Mark 14:24.

He said to them, “This is my blood of the covenant, which will be shed for many.

Many. Not all.

25538236? ago

Right, but Catholics do their own thing without regard to what Jesus would think, and whether or not it’s found in the New Testament at all. I’m not one of those protestants that thinks the Catholics will burn in hell, any Catholic that gave his life to Christ, no matter how dumb he is ablut everything else, will still go to heaven. I think it’s a waste of everyone’s time for Catholics and protestants to fight about the differences instead of uniting against sickness and pedophiles. But that’s neither here nor there. But let’s not pretend Catholics don’t just make up their own bullshit. They do. 100%.

25537529? ago

I can't do the research for you, you chose the date of the 4th century, now go read the Fathers of the Church and do like you do your Q research, figure out which Church today matches most the one from year 1 to your 4th century date. No time to read and research? https://youtu.be/elINGUpOcTo?t=18

25538019? ago

No Church of men matches the Love of Christ. They are all flawed everyone of them with flawed people who do not even follow the law of Christ that is to love their brother or sister in Christ, all the Churches and all men are more interested in proving they are the best brother and denying the others.

How can they deny their brother or sister that they have seen and deny Jesus the Christ they have not seen?

25538184? ago

All are welcome to be in the Church https://www.churchfathers.org/apostolic-succession

25537978? ago

I have read the early church fathers. Not one subscribes to the Roman church's claims to authority to place their traditions over God's scripture. Not one subscribes to any Roman Pontiff's claim to primacy. I could continue for a long time with the "not one" statements. The only thing Rome did is take Roman Paganism and paste the name "Christian" on it. I was raised Roman Catholic. Not one of the people i know from those years considers the RCC to be anything other than a sick perversion pushed on innocent children. It is high mockery of the Creator. And the current Pope is revealing to the world in his recent Pachamama idol worship services the truth that the Roman church does now and always has worshiped the god of this world.

25538211? ago

Well, you don’t remember that part of the Bible where Jesus says that you can talk to a guy in a booth and be absolved of your sins? You don’t remember that? It was in a book in the New Testament called “Letter to Important Booth Guy.” Written by Paul.

25551180? ago

I think i got that mixed up with the "letter to the pray to a cracker Disciples."

25539679? ago

It's right there in the gospel of John, come on man.


"Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained."

[John 20:23]

25551692? ago

I don't consider early Popes and discredited heretics to be church fathers.

When you walk into "St. Peter's Square" you are immediately presented with the sight of an enormous obelisk. The obelisk is a Pagan representation of the phallus of the Pagan god Baal. Jesus identifies Baal as Satan in Matt.12 [26-27]. The obelisk is used as a territorial marker of sorts. You are shown clearly who is worshiped there.

Worship what you will. The Lord has warned clearly before time what workers of iniquity will hear from him on that day:

Luke.13 [27-28] " Then shall ye begin to say, We have eaten and drunk in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our streets.

But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity.

There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out."

Go find your destiny. It is your decision to make.

25551752? ago

You pick your date for when the Church gets corrupt at 4th century - then all before that date are Church Fathers

who will tell you what books are in the Bible and what the verses mean.

25551880? ago

The Apostle John picks the date:

1John.2 [19] They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.

Those of any era who depart from the simple, direct, and repeated instructions of Christ are Antichrist.

As the Apostle Paul tells us: 2Cor.3 [12] "Seeing then that we have such hope, we use great plainness of speech:"

25552232? ago

Which came first? The Bible or the Church? You know the answer. The Church established by Jesus put the Bible together and told you on a date certain what books belong and also what the meaning is, the correct interpretation. You now are choosing a different date to get yourself out of the box you built for yourself? You now choose the date of the apostles, when there was only an Old Testament, no New Testament Bible? How did people receive the full Gospel when there was only the Old Testament books?

Now you need to find the Church with the same teachings going all the way back to Apostles, pre-New Testament books being written. What will you choose? Your choices are - go to wikipedia and choose a belief system for yourself that you think had the CORRECT interpretations and CORRECT teachings and continuously exists from that time of the Apostles until the present since YOU believe you are right in your interpretations and the Church is wrong. (you can find other beliefs that the Church rejected listed here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_heresies_in_the_Catholic_Church ). I think you won't be able to find any other Church with continuity back to the time of the Apostles other than the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church was established by Jesus and faithfully passes down all that Jesus taught and is protected His Church from error.

(Acts 8:27-39)

27 So he arose and went. And behold, a man of Ethiopia, a eunuch of great authority under Candace the queen of the Ethiopians, who had charge of all her treasury, and had come to Jerusalem to worship, 28 was returning.

And sitting in his chariot, he was reading Isaiah the prophet. 29 Then the Spirit said to Philip, “Go near and overtake this chariot.”

30 So Philip ran to him, and heard him

reading the prophet Isaiah, and said, “Do you understand what you are reading?”

31 And he said, “How can I, unless someone guides me?” And he asked Philip to come up and sit with him. 32 The place in the Scripture which he read was this:

“He was led as a sheep to the slaughter;

And as a lamb before its shearer is silent,

So He opened not His mouth.

33 In His humiliation His justice was taken away,

And who will declare His generation?

For His life is taken from the earth.”

34 So the eunuch answered Philip and said, “I ask you, of whom does the prophet say this, of himself or of some other man?” 35 Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning at this Scripture, preached Jesus to him. 36 Now as they went down the road, they came to some water. And the eunuch said, “See, here is water. What hinders me from being baptized?”

37 [a]Then Philip said, “If you believe with all your heart, you may.”

25566013? ago

Which came first? The Bible or the Church?>

I will allow Jesus to give you his answer: John.5 [39] "Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me....

[46] For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me."

Have you never read Psalm 2? Isaiah 53? Psalm 22? or the hundreds of others

Are you not aware that Jesus's doctrines and preaching are contained in the Old Testament?

Turn the other cheek? Isa.50

[6] I gave my back to the smiters, and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair: I hid not my face from shame and spitting.

Love your enemy? Prov.25

[21] If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he be thirsty, give him water to drink:

The greatest Commandment? That is combining Deut.6 [5] "And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might."


[18] "Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself"

I could continue, but do you not get the message from the Lord? The scriptures came first. They testify of Christ and the new covenant.

You now are choosing a different date to get yourself out of the box you built for yourself? You now choose the date of the apostles, when there was only an Old Testament.>

The "box" i built for myself? The Apostles and Propheets ARE the Church Fathers. The Prophets prepared the way, and the Apostles preached the good news.

Now you need to find the Church with the same teachings going all the way back to Apostles, pre-New Testament books being written. What will you choose?

It will certainly not be the "church" that nailed Christ to the cross. The "church" that mocked and scourged him. Certainly not the "Church" that slaughtered countless millions for their belief in Christ. Certainly not the "Church" that claims the right to change his message at will, perverting it beyond recognition. And certainly not the "Church" of Sodomites and Pedophiles that continue their work of destroying children and in the process destroying the faith in Christ of millions.
I will end with the words of John the Apostle. He sums it up for anyone who is interested:


[13] "Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come."

You were warned 2,000 years ago.

Worship what you will, and find your destiny.

25566088? ago

You're lost. The Church put together the Bible and preserves the meaning. The Church passed on the full Gospel before there was the New Testament Bible. The Church didn't stop existing after it put together the Bible. The Church also didn't give you authority to use its Bible as a recipe book to string together a quote here, there, mix together and come up with new beliefs. You chose the 4th century as the date of corruption. You know that the Church teaches all Truth up to your designated date. Look up what the Church taught and you'll see it is the same Catholic Church. If you now back away from any date and choose the date of the Apostles, then it is in you interests to find out which Church can trace its existence back to the Apostles who were given all authority by Jesus to teach. No others have that authority unless they can trace back to the Apostles.

25566113? ago

God be the witness.

25566408? ago

Jehovah's Witnesses like to put together verses like a recipe too but come to a completely different bunch of beliefs. The different Protestant denominations take verses and put them together their own way too. Who is right when there are as many religions as there are people under that method of each man to his own interpretation? It's very important to know. Jesus meant for us to have the full deposit of faith in His Church and gave His Church protection to be the light of the world to the end of time. What Church can trace back to Jesus and the Apostles and has identity with it, same beliefs and practices and worship? Find that Church. Do the research. Then let that Church teach you as it was given the mission to teach all nations

25571347? ago

With respect, you desperately need to read what it says. It is totally true that deceivers exist such as JW and LDS and on and on. As per my earlier quote of the Apostle John, many existed while he was alive that came from the Jerusalem Church, but were deceivers, not of them.

HOWEVER, as the Apostle Paul tells us, the scriptures are given, "with great plainness of speech." It is not difficult to spot.

You ask "Who is right when there are as many religions as there are people under that method of each man to his own interpretation?"

Peter answers your question: 2Pet.1

[20] "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation."

you say:

It's very important to know. Jesus meant for us to have the full deposit of faith in His Church and gave His Church protection to be the light of the world to the end of time.

There is much to say about that topic. But if you have eyes and ears and the ability to read, you surely cannot think that to be the "Roman" church. A prime example of that recently is the "Pope" of that church recently participating in Pagan Worship ceremonies to the Pachamama idol inside a prominent church in Rome. Do you seriously consider that act to be a product of "His church" "the light of the world" ??? You cannot seriously answer yes to that question.

I will finish by repeating that you desperately need to read what Jesus and the Apostles say on these topics. You caution me to "do the research." I will assure you I have done the research. - decades of it. And if you accuse me of taking scripture out of place or context, I encourage you to do the research. Please read every quotation i provided in context, by reading the paragraphs before and after the quotation. I provided the chapter and verse for your convenience. And if you really do the research, you will find Jesus and the Apostles anticipated and answered SPECIFICALLY all of these issues. Do the research. Your eternal destiny depends on it.

25572929? ago

You need to do the research. You were not given authority from God to create your own religion. That I'm certain of.. Indeed you acknowledge the Bible is not for your private interpretation. You are the one that asserted 4th century. Therefore all before 4th century is your source for what the Christians believe. What teachings were rejected as heretical and who made that decision? What Church spoke with finality? Then you run from that and say the time of the Apostles (pre-New Testament). What did that Church practice, how did they worship, what were the sacraments? The Apostles had the full deposit of faith pre-New Testament being put together by that same Church and now you need to see what faith was passed on from that time to the present. That same Church authoritatively told you what books are in the

Bible and that same Church preserves the correct interpretation. There is no point in history when Jesus took the authority away from His Church.

25577894? ago

Then follow the spirit that is in you and continue to worship Pagan devils with your "Pope" on the landmark claimed by the Obelisk of Baal - Satan.

Only you will answer for your actions.

Jesus spoke of you 2000 years ago in Mark 8 Mark.8

[18] Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not?

And Jesus created his church and clearly defined what is his church and what is devil worship.

Go find your destiny.

I am done with your mockery of God.

25578072? ago

You have no authority to teach and no authority to preach. Go to the successor of the apostles who can guide you in fullness of the Truth and to His Church.
Christ founded the Church and entrusted His authority to His apostles, the first bishops. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, the Magisterium (the teaching authority entrusted to the apostles and their successors) has the duty to preserve, teach, defend, and hand on the deposit of faith. Moreover, the Holy Spirit protects the Church from error in its teaching authority. The Church gave you what books are in its Bible. The Church tells you how to interpret the Bible.

I have a copy of the Constitution of the USA, I declare that I can interpret it for myself. Based on my interpretation you owe me federal taxes so I can be your government. Pay up.

25590741? ago


[13] "Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth:"


[15] "These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee."

You are free to despise the clear, direct commands of God in the direct authority of his apostles.

Christ warned you 2,000 years ago.

God be the Judge.

25590811? ago

Can people take the US Constitution and read it for themselves and be their own government and throw out the Founding Fathers of this country due to the corruption we see today and start the true USA all over again?

If not in the case of a human document then no way can you over throw the Church Jesus established with the Church's book. You have no authority.

25590918? ago


[6] And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.


[13] Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

Notice how God anticipated you. I don't need to speak a word of myself . He answers all your objections directly and in context.

You truly have what Jesus said are eyes but don't see, and ears but don't hear

25591056? ago

Matthew Chapter 4, note that the devil is quoting Scripture to Jesus. Putting quotes together and throwing them at someone doesn't work. You have no authority to do that.

Jesus established His Church, the only Church that can trace back to the Apostles is the Catholic Church. Only the Church and those the Church authorizes to teach can tell you what the Church's Bible means. Remember Phillip teaching the Ethiopian when the Ethiopian read Scriptures and needed a teacher. Phillip was appointed by Apostles

25535064? ago

The catholic church has long been infiltrated by crypto jews aka jesuits. Catholicism has at times done some good throughout history but it began as a 4th century corruption of white Adamic christianity and was never true to the teachings of Christ to begin with.

Five Jews Arrested for Painting Swastikas on Israel consulate


Jewish man accused of spray-painting swastikas on own home


Jewish Man Caught Spray Painting Swastikas & Making “anti-Semitic” Threatening Phone Calls


Police arrest two youths for painting swastikas in Old City of Jerusalem


Jewish suspects arrested over swastika graffiti on synagogues


Israel arrests Jewish teen over anti-Semitic threats in US


Man's Apple watch proves he lied about anti-Semitic stabbing in West Bloomfield


25534745? ago

You have to take the photo with a wide fov to get this picture. The appearance of a snake is an artifact of the camera setup, not inherent in the buildings design.

25536590? ago

While true, you're taken is dishonest.

Bisecting and mirroring jesus there also gives you a goat head and a demon.

What a coincidence.

25537738? ago

So if you photo shop an image of Jesus you can make him look satanic. Got it.

25536577? ago

Look up know your enemy by thefuelproject on YouTube. It's intentional and there's so much more about everything in the Vatican architecture that decries Satan is who they serve. You can look through the playlist and go straight to that chapter but understanding symbology through out history is more helpful to understanding all modern declarations of satanists in broad daylight that the average person completely misses.

25536481? ago

Have a look from the outside.

Particularly since they installed kinda solar plates on it.

https:// www.google.com/maps/@41.8996866,12.453965,81a,35y,30.04h,57.04t/data=!3m1!1e3

25537767? ago

Ok. So... It's an auditorium.

25536114? ago

Mkay so make the Taj Mahal look like a snake then with just the right camera angle. Show me.

25534931? ago

Stop talking sense, this is QRV.

25533880? ago

Referenced by Q:


Godfather III (Fight against the Vatican)


25538250? ago

Oh cool. More information that does absolutely nothing for anyone. Thanks, Q. I’m looking forward to the future date when someone will take some random letters and numbers from this bull crap and match it to some other bull crap that has nothing to do with any bull crap and turn it into some kind of bull crap. It’ll be great. It’ll be in year eight of zero arrests and everyone still trusting some plan.

25543354? ago

I feel ya.

25539224? ago

You poor whittle thing, bless your heart 😪😥