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25533628? ago

No, the Vatican's main purpose is to be the visible head of Christ's church. Satan has convinced weak minded people to curse the Church, and we're seeing the fruits of that cursing with the current hierarchy. It is only through a return to Catholic principles and teachings, through repentance and penance for our sins, by the grace of God that we will get through this.

Doing Satan's work of condemning the church that Jesus built is just foolish.

25533681? ago

Sorry the Catholic church is a cult. Research it. I am not weak minded.

25533907? ago

Yep! And addressing priests as fathers contradicts Matthew 23:9:

“And call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven.”

25534293? ago

This is the problem with protestants. They don't understand what they're reading.

Let me ask you, do you call the man who inseminated your mother to create you "father"?

25534389? ago

LOL at how ignorant this comment is.

25534406? ago

When jews have no argument, they attack the man.

Repent and accept Jesus. Your lies and attacks have no weight here.

25534445? ago

Love how you assumed I even had a denomination, btw. Protestant is also capitalized, Moshe. Didn’t they teach you that in Tel Aviv??!

25534529? ago

Not having a denomination means you're not inside the body of Christ, means you're not following Christ's rules, means you're a heretic. Not sure how you think this is helping your case.

I don't capitalize "protestant" for the same reason I don't capitalize "jew". Heretics don't deserve the respect. Is it childish? Yeah. Does it make me laugh? Yeah.

25538515? ago

And where does it say that in the bible??

(Yeah, I won't be waiting for that scripture passage.)

25538768? ago

Denominations are man-made.

Christ is fully man and fully God, so in a sense you're correct. However Christ left a Church, and in that sense He did leave a "denomination". However Catholicism isn't a "denomination", that's a protestant term. So you're just all over the place. Sorry.

(Yeah, I won't be waiting for that scripture passage either because it doesn't exist.)

25538855? ago

Your comment, using the term "denomination", btw. So who's really all over the place?

25538872? ago

I was using your language. Notice how in the comment I replied to, you said:

Love how you assumed I even had a denomination, btw. Protestant is also capitalized, Moshe. Didn’t they teach you that in Tel Aviv??!

I was trying to meet you half way, but your nonsense is tedious. Good luck.

25538903? ago

Using my language, but it doesn't exist somehow?

Get a grip. It's really hard when you're so constrained by tradition that someone else dictated for you, rather than finding truth of god yourself, isn't it? I know how hard it sucks when others have so much fun with their own faith and their own relationship with the Father!

25538918? ago

It's not hard to be constrained by God's Tradition. It's weird that you'd even think that.

And protestants in their 30k+ denominations making things up because they don't understand what they're reading doesn't look like fun to me. But being wrong is never fun, so I have no idea why anyone would think being a protestant is fun.

May God lead you to the Way, the Truth, and the Light.

25538969? ago

God's tradition did not come through man. Anybody trying to tell you that is lying to you. I've read the bible and I've been to catholic masses my entire life. You don't even know the history of your own pagan tradition or why you worship on a Sunday. Try to remove the filter out of your eye and do some research for yourself. You wouldn't be sitting there pointing fingers once you understand the truth of the ROMAN cult of catholicism.

25538997? ago

God's tradition did not come through man.

God's Tradition came through God. Through the Church that He left. Just like the Tradition found in the Old Testament. So it comes FROM God THROUGH man. Very simple concept, really.

I've read the bible and I've been to catholic masses my entire life.

That's nice.

You don't even know the history of your own pagan tradition or why you worship on a Sunday.


Try to remove the filter out of your eye and do some research for yourself.


You wouldn't be sitting there pointing fingers once you understand the truth of the ROMAN cult of catholicism.

Do, still here.

25539015? ago

cool story, bro

25538808? ago

However Catholicism isn't a "denomination", that's a protestant term. So you're just all over the place. Sorry.

Never said it was! You're the one trying to label others in the comments. Sad, really.

25538862? ago

Your nonsense is boring.

Good luck.

25538873? ago

So is your delusional thinking.

Good luck making sainthood!

25538878? ago

Thank you. I hope I make it.

You too.

25534688? ago

There is only One True Church. So, which denomination would that ONE church be? I belong to Christ, so how am I a heretic because I don't follow Man's law about how I should be a proper Christian? Please elaborate on this topic, I genuinely am curious.

25534805? ago

There is only one, true, holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. That's what Christians believe. We believe that because it's what the Apostles left us. The Catholic Church has Apostolic succession. That is, the bishops, priests, cardinals, the Pope, etc., all trace their lineage back to the Apostles.

Just like the jews of the day despised Christ and His disciples for the doctrine they were preaching, so to do people of today hate Christ's Church and His priests. You're a heretic because like those jews, you refuse to accept the authority of the one, true, holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. You believe, like they did, that you can read scriptures and come to your own conclusions on what is right and what is wrong.

The Bible is too complicated for that, that's why Jesus Christ didn't leave a Bible. He left a Church. He left a Church with the authority to interpret His word and His will through prayer, fasting, and penance.

How should you be a proper Christian? By joining the Catholic Church. By praying every day for at least 15 minutes, and more like 30 (see: "The Ways of Mental Prayer" as a primer). By following the Traditions that Christ left us, and accepting the sacraments for your spiritual growth, most importantly being (assuming you're baptized and confirmed, and thus inside the body of Christ): Confession and the Eucharist. Use those sacraments along with your prayers to come closer to God, and worry not about the world. God has sovereignty over the world, and it will do what He wants. You have sovereignty over your choices and yourself. You can choose to work with God for His glory, or you can fight Him. The choice is yours. I hope you join me on the journey towards sainthood.

25535148? ago

Ok, sorry now that I asked. The Roman Catholic Church is completely and utterly corrupted, I could and would never be part of that. I refuse to worship any other than God and Jesus. Jesus told us to pray to our Father, NOT to Mary, not to any saint, not to anyone else.

Jesus did not need to leave us a Bible, He used the Law that every other Jew had access to at that time. They were just lazy and let the priests tell them what the Law said which was what Jesus was combating. He simply told the people what the Law really said. So, yes, the ones in charge had issues with that, and wanted Him gone. The Bible is not at all complicated, at least not for me. I read the KJV and it is perfect.

God is my Father. I do NOT need some yahoo to tell me how long I must pray each day to be a good Christian. I talk to my Father throughout the day, every day. Christ only left us ONE tradition, which is to remember Him when we break bread. Not each Sunday morning (and Sunday is not the Sabbath, btw.) and not on special random days. He never told us to celebrate and remember His birth, or His death. Frankly, by celebrating those days as well as other loved one's birthdays, you are following pagan and heathen rituals which the Lord God despises. If you doubt me on that, find me the part of the Scripture that tells us to celebrate Easter, Christmas, or a birthday....

You are correct, though, I do refuse to accept the authority of the RCC. I do, however, accept the authority of God, and do my best to be worthy of Him knowing I fall short. I'm done for now, but please do find me that passage I asked about ^^ I would be thrilled to know I can participate in the pagan rituals with my family without displeasing God my Father.

25535203? ago

I'll find you a line in your tradition that says that when you find me a line in the Bible that says that you can only do things in the Bible.

You're very lost. Pray for the Holy Spirit to give you the wisdom to know God's will.

25535314? ago

You really don't know what my "tradition" is, now do you? The Bible tells us every thing we need to know. EVERY thing.
I knew you couldn't find a thing that tells us to follow the pagan ways, because the Lord specifically told us not to do that.

I am not lost at all, I am in the hands of my Father.
I suspect that you don't have a clue what the Bible actually says.

25535383? ago

What Bible? By what tradition did you come to your Bible?

I do know what your "tradition" is. It's one made up by men over a thousand years after Christ, which you ignore in order to attack Catholicism. I'm mocking you by using the term to get you to see the presuppositions you're making that cause your argument to fail.

But I know you don't follow the Bible, because no where in the Bible does it talk about "Sola Scriptura", whereas "Tradition" is all throughout it.

For more information, I recommend the book "Not by Scripture Alone: A Catholic Critique of the Protestant Doctrine of Sola Scriptura".

Good luck.