25497625? ago






25487256? ago

Anyone else remember the Epstein lottery wins?


25479719? ago

High quality dig

25478926? ago

Just to clarify that I have the thumbnail version of this correct...

-There's an old site presumably put up by/for Epstein's foundation.

-in true myspace/Facebook style, there is a list of members of the site with pictures of the members

-in an image search, one of the members was identified

-this member runs some shady business (is a literal snake oil salesman) and apparently lives in or near Parkland, FL (where the school shooting took place)

-this man has kids, two of which were students and also present at the school when the shooting happened

-a month or two after the shooting, they travel to Israel for a vacation

-upon further digging on one of the kids' twitter, there is a mention of a school shooting excercise and gunman a month before the shooting

To summarize, these people were both close to the shooting, had connections to Epstein, and had possible foreknowledge of the shooting.

Is that about the size of it?


25497976? ago

Yes that is correct, but it's actually only half of the story so far. Rick Dietsch's son co-founded the advocacy group "Never Again MSD" with fellow Parkland "survivor" Cameron Kasky whose father Jeff was involved with the scandal ridden "One World Adoption" that adopted children without any documentation and he is also a founding member of the Florida Adoption Council. The Florida Adoption Council connects the Kasky's to infamous child trafficker Laura Silsby (who is in turn connected to James Alefantis) through the equally shady Heart to Heart Adoptions which sports a pedophile logo and is a member of the Florida Adoption Council. Andy and Melissa Moore essentially stole a child named Ja'Meka through Heart to Heart Adoptions even though her father still had custody rights, and Andy Moore was a manager at PersonalShopper.com, where Laura Silsby was CEO.

This means that Jeffrey Epstein, James Alefantis, and Laura Silsby all connect through the same mass shooting event.

25479748? ago

Rough idea, yeah you got it.

Stinks of Clown ops

25478286? ago

I knew there was a reason I didn't block QRV. This is some good shit.

25477726? ago

This Rik Deitsch guy's business Nutra Pharma looks like he sells snake oil shit at farm shops if you check out their FB page.

Weird thing is, Nutra Pharma owns the following companies:

Portage BioMed LLC

Infectech Corp

ReceptoPharm, Inc.

Bio Therapeutics, Inc

Designer Diagnostics

Nothing is right with any of these companies. All looks like bullshit. I think Infectech is in British Virgin Islands

25498151? ago

Isn't the Virgin Islands where Richard Bransons island is?

25477541? ago

This is what it's all about you spend.months here and.once and a while you find gold. Awesome.

25477391? ago

another rabbit hole. Love this board !

25477185? ago

lol, a literal snake oil salesman.

25560009? ago

the Book. Link of PDF https://voat.co/v/QRV/4016990

25479731? ago

Lol'd at that, too. I love/hate this timeline.

25477041? ago

That's the Q Research I m looking for here. GJ !

25477027? ago

oh look another kike involvement, this will be the straw that tips the public into full awareness of the false flags that...oh wait, no, no it wont...sigh

25476935? ago

This could be a big piece. Good research OP. We all know that Epstein has ties to 9/11 including paying for flight school for one of his handlers at the same time that the saudis were there.

Remember on 9/11 there was only one flight allowed to fly? It was carrying snake anti venom out of San Diego, I can’t find much more information on it but Nutra Pharma appears to be out of San Diego. Is it possible this Rik feller was on that plane?


25478210? ago

This article was also on the Business Insider website. I still think that the taipan snake venom was in whatever virus the people in Wuhan got and we were supposed to get but didn't (thank you Q team).

25502012? ago

The helicopter in downtown LA (?) seems related.

25557834? ago

25557846? ago

these fools linking to Pao and Huffman's reddit? https://voat.co/v/movies/4015893/25552846

25563528? ago


was just thinking that about, well, everything; but specifically, the water supply.

"hey guys we're going to clean up the water for you!"

sounds great in theory, and at first.

then, like anything "collective", it gets weaponized.

then Hanx tells us the truth! "SOMEbody's poisoned, the WATER hole!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45wY8mxG7Rc

love that the URL starts with "45" :)

yep, distilling my own water at my own expense. tell me again why i need a collective water supply?

a collective anything?

even a "collective soul" would be bad; we'd all be going to hell!

25476762? ago

Father God, Please BLESS all our Autist, Anons and Patriots. They are so Appreciated and Loved by us.

25497446? ago


Rik Deitsch was a member of the Epstein Foundation.

He is a Cobra Venom medicament seller, kinda shady, not approved by the FDA.

His son Ryan, talked about a school shooter a MONTH before the Parkland shooting.

His daughter Samantha and son Ryan, were on the school during the shooting.

His other son, Matt, came to visit the family in Parkland during the shooting.

Then, they went to start both, "March For Our Lives" and "Never Again MSD."

A month later, the went to Israel to have a vacation.

25476671? ago

It just never stops! Hang some witches already!

25476431? ago

Thanks for the post. Super Autist level research!

25476063? ago

That's some good autism right there.

25475657? ago

Odd, lots of CIA and kikes involved in Parkland....

25475440? ago

Actually legit.... holy shit.

Parkland a complete kikery (but now with evidence)

25475485? ago

Yes, looks like plenty to dig up in all those links. Like the old days again. Kinda.

25475432? ago

lol what a waste of time

25476545? ago

You (((glow)))

25475702? ago

Thanks for the heads-up rabbi. I'll be sure to ignore it now.