20162517? ago

I wonder if the lottery is just another money laundering scheme from top to bottom just like the art/collectibles world.

20155037? ago

sand hook parents win lottery in ct

20151667? ago

I'm pretty sure it's rigged. When the state puts out the numbers for the past year (winnings, production costs, advertising, etc) there seems to be a pattern. If the money in the account starts to get low, then there is no winner. The jackpot for the state games (not PB, MM, of L4L) will keep going up, for weeks if not months. Then once the account gets a decent balance, holy cow, someone WINS!

20151641? ago

Not sure whether to feel sorry for or angry at the people I sell lottery tickets to. These poor slobs seem to think that someday they WILL win, and win big! And they are always SOOOO close, just one number off! One regular seems to think that if he comes close to the winning number, but doesn't win, then he has LOST all that money. The mindset of these people just blows me away some days...

20151594? ago

34,244,884,553,238,134 to 1

20150772? ago

Not only that - I found an article about the Zorro Trust winning - and there was a "glitch" with the lottery that day. It wasn't pulled at the time planned - and wasn't televised as usual.


20149914? ago

Everything is rigged. Wake up people!

20149052? ago

Of course it's rigged! Just like all sports are. Boycott it all.

20146407? ago

The tip off to a shady situation is the ability to hide the identity of the winner in the Ok lottery. Don't think any other state allows that.

20146151? ago

Has any state that has the lottery ever really

Paid for schools or parks from the money made from Lotto? Nope never!

20183301? ago

Georgia has lottery funded preschool programs.

20148767? ago

I believe the state of Georga uses its lottery money only for university scholarships. the profits from the lottery are not a part of the general fund and did not exist till they started to do lottery. I am going by memory on this so I might have the state wrong

20145498? ago

Seem like the lottery is really used by elites and powerful people to make sales, or pay off people. I’ll still dream thou but won’t play.

20145480? ago

Lightning does sometimes strike twice:)


20150880? ago

Damn, how much does God have to hate you to get struck by lightning. Twice.

20156115? ago

Just in case you didn't get the message the first time:)

20148639? ago

lol hardcore!

What are the chances of that? Or was it a space laser? o.0 Who knows!

20148708? ago

Probably a million times a million to one:)

20144968? ago

I have never bought a lottery ticket.

20144916? ago

Another bullshit headline by QRV fakers. QRV is becoming the voat source for fake news and leddit tier gossip. Shame on you

20153573? ago

Your idea fascinates me, I'd like to look into it, do you have any documents proving your theory?

20146165? ago

How about some facts to rebut instead of that empty spew?

20144340? ago

Poke holes in the balls that you don't want to stick to the vacuum tube and wait for them to get knocked away if they do?

20145625? ago

Use a pressure sensor to trigger when to let a ball up and calibrate it so balls with holes poked in them keep vacuum below the threshold

20144308? ago

Eh its not just the lottery that is rigged.....the whole system is rigged.

20144273? ago

A Dr. in Michigan hit three times. A couple in Iowa hit three times. It happens. There have been numerous people who have won large jackpots more than once. They are not connected to any one of importance. https://www.lottoexposed.com/let-some-of-us-win-the-lottery-once-in-a-while/

Your post is so .. Conspiracy Theoretically way off target.

20144674? ago

Just that simple? You need to take another red pill. Just because they are not “connected” to anyone of importance that YOU are awarded does not mean it did not happen,. Perhaps, MI and Iowa are in on a scam of their own. Would that be too hard to think could happen with all the honest politicians/officials in office? Take the door on the left for Wonderland. There are no coincidences.

20144708? ago

There is a Game being played upon the citizenry of humanity all across the world. A systematic game of deception.


20144237? ago

It's money laundering

20143865? ago

The "lottery" was first introduced in America by the Italian mafia of NYC , then it was called "numbers" and those who wanted to play were known as "running numbers".

It was a scam then, it's a scam now. They "give away" tens or hundreds of millions ...has anyone done the math to find out where the money would have to come from in order to make this a profitable venture ? If the "jackpot was $1M you have to sell 5 HUNDRED THOUSAND TICKETS. That doesn't include the costs of running the "operations"

Once you start breaking down how many people it employs, a rough baseline salary for them..you realize that this is,was, and will always be a multi-state scam that people enjoy because they are so deluded into thinking that they "have a chance to win" that they simply don't care.

20143767? ago

30 second video proving the lottery is rigged


20145701? ago

Look up when on the aniversary of 9-11 the fucking pick 3 in New York came up 9-1-1.

You can't make that shit up.

20143649? ago

It's just a poor tax.

20143623? ago

They were using AI to predict lottery numbers, horse races and tons of other online sports booking... which is also a likely nexus for money laundering. - WoS

20144986? ago

I'm a data scientist, you cannot predict a completely random game. Unless the game isn't truly random.

20143769? ago

Or, more simply, it was rigged.

20143565? ago

Being that he was into finance, it's quite possible he took a fee to cash in the tickets. Some people do this to avoid friend's and family bugging them for money

20143807? ago

Some people do this to avoid friend's and family bugging them for money

That's pretty smart, actually.

20143556? ago

Makes me wonder if there's some kind of quid quo pro between the lottery commission is JE. Maybe a little tit for tat?

20146121? ago

Or little tit(s) for tat.

20143538? ago

So old school, these days a book deal is so much cleaner and easier.

20145929? ago

A book deal? I think that may have even been replaced by the crowd sourced GoFundMe-type payments. Better to get the little people paying off your people than paying for it yourself! Cunts.

20148399? ago

"invented a new crypto" -- that one hasn't hit the headlines yet!

20143686? ago

seldom never do book deals amount to $100 million +

20369942? ago

How much did Michael get for it's book? $100 million, just bought that nice $15 million house in a flood zone... Dig a bit and you might be surprised at how much "authors" get.

20143459? ago

I never play the lottery. I knew it was a scam.

20143063? ago

The "lottery" is a communistic tool of oppression. Of course the "winners" are NOT random, they are being paid off for something or other.

The concept of the lottery is subversive. By hooking people on the idea that they could get rich, it absolves them of actually trying. i.e. a person says to themselves, I should be rich and I'm gonna do something about it.

The lottery satisfies their brain itch as now they've "done something about it" (playing the lottery) and no longer have to actually do something about it, like getting a better job.

20147938? ago

Nail, meet head. (((They))) used a "lottery" system to determine which invaders could gain citizenship. Yeah, definitely not abused! :(

20143573? ago

Something like 1/4-1/3 of Americans have winning the lottery for their retirement plan. 60% of Millennials think this is a good idea.


20144837? ago

Yup. It's a psychological trick to placate the masses.

Also why there are so many game shows. It satisfies the same desire to gain riches, without actually doing anything.

20143855? ago

Ugh. People really are cattle.

20142700? ago

When I was in Illinois, a man won the lottery. He turned it in, and waited until they verified the ticket. The lottery said the ticket did not have the winning numbers then announced someone else won it. The whole scam was broken only because the guy had taken the ticket to the newspaper first, and they had photographic evidence the ticket was indeed the winner. I never played the lottery since.

20144159? ago

All lotteries are a poor tax.

The odds of winning are outlandish. You've got better odds of being struck by lightning sitting in a faraday cage inside a house... inside a warehouse... inside an enclosed stadium.

20156885? ago

So you saying it's still possible to win? LMAO

20150806? ago

My old man called it “a tax on people who are bad at math”. Hah!

20148521? ago

yeah thats kind of true though. My ex husband had 2 family members struck by lightening and lived both of those 2 won the lottery years apart.

20148835? ago

Divine intervention? A sentient galaxy going "oh shit my bad, that cosmic ray was fired 8 billion years ago. We'll just shift some cosmic probability your way on your lucky picks."

20144421? ago

Underground. For good measure.

20143876? ago

Just curious, but I'd like to read more on this story - any info to share?

20143751? ago

Bill Richardon the former Governor of New Mexico 2003-2011 happened to be a name in the Epistein logs. Could the lottery have been a blackmail payment from Bill? Maybe money laundering?

20145165? ago

The lottery was in Oklahoma - 2006 and 2008... both won by "Trusts".

20150443? ago

It was a multistate Powerball type lottery, if I remember correctly.

20150610? ago

Interesting. I also found a story that describes a "glitch" with the lottery that day - it wasn't pulled as scheduled and wasn't televised as usual. Here is a newspaper article from that time:


20145496? ago

Oh, i thought one was New Mexico... my bad homie. But still how the fuck do you win two?

20145603? ago

I'm with you on that! I've heard of people winning the Lottery more than once - but certainly not those amounts. And the fact that these were "Trusts" - not even individual real people is so weird.

20144775? ago

Nice linkage.

20143547? ago

I've heard LOTS of lotteries are rigged. ie- there are no winners, only preselected people to receive monetary prizes.

20144616? ago

I used to work for a company who did gaming and lottery systems. Skimming and "accounting features" are integral to the sales process.

20147789? ago

when i use to hunt for interesting (open) db’s... lottery databases were common and winning numbers were usually predetermined 7-14 days in advance...

20142250? ago

Most likely the same concept used by whitey bulger.

20142248? ago

((((Warning the truth has been determined to be Anti-Semitic)))))

20145547? ago

We take truth over facts. - Uncle J.

20153520? ago

That guy makes my head hurt.

20144589? ago

What do you think the lottery money went to Epstein in payment for? And for whom?

20146076? ago

Blackmail payoff for when Richardson visited Orgy Island and Epstein took some videos for posterity.

20149604? ago

I think this has already been pointed out once, but Bill Richardson is the ex-governor of New Mexico. The lottery wins were in Oklahoma.

20143978? ago

Nice list of expulsions. Do you know where I can find a list of Jewish gangsters? American and Russian especially. Most American jewish gangsters changed their names to not be named.

20147903? ago

look into porn owners

20144715? ago

Check out the Kosher Nostra and the Kosher Tax.

20144669? ago

Jewish gangsters

Sorry, no.

Apart from the House of Windsor almost certainly being Jews and the Bush family being our greatest domestic terrorists and secret Jews named Scherff.